aircraftfile >> cbar;
cout << "Aircraft Chord: " << cbar << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_IXX") {
- aircraftfile >> Ixx;
- cout << "Aircraft Ixx: " << Ixx << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> baseIxx;
+ cout << "Aircraft Base Ixx: " << baseIxx << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_IYY") {
- aircraftfile >> Iyy;
- cout << "Aircraft Iyy: " << Iyy << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> baseIyy;
+ cout << "Aircraft Base Iyy: " << baseIyy << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_IZZ") {
- aircraftfile >> Izz;
- cout << "Aircraft Izz: " << Izz << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> baseIzz;
+ cout << "Aircraft Base Izz: " << baseIzz << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_IXZ") {
- aircraftfile >> Ixz;
- cout << "Aircraft Ixz: " << Ixz << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> baseIxz;
+ cout << "Aircraft Base Ixz: " << baseIxz << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_EMPTYWT") {
aircraftfile >> EmptyWeight;
EmptyMass = EmptyWeight / GRAVITY;
cout << "Aircraft Empty Weight: " << EmptyWeight << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_CGLOC") {
- aircraftfile >> Xcg >> Ycg >> Zcg;
- cout << "Aircraft C.G.: " << Xcg << " " << Ycg << " " << Zcg << endl;
+ aircraftfile >> baseXcg >> baseYcg >> baseZcg;
+ cout << "Aircraft Base C.G.: " << baseXcg << " " << baseYcg << " " << baseZcg << endl;
} else if (holding_string == "AC_EYEPTLOC") {
aircraftfile >> Xep >> Yep >> Zep;
cout << "Pilot Eyepoint: " << Xep << " " << Yep << " " << Zep << endl;
void FGAircraft::MassChange()
+ float Xt, Xw, Yt, Yw, Zt, Zw, Tw;
+ float IXXt, IYYt, IZZt, IXZt;
// For each engine, cycle through the tanks and draw an equal amount of
Weight += Tank[t]->GetContents();
Mass = Weight / GRAVITY;
+ // Calculate new CG here.
+ Xt = Yt = Zt = 0;
+ Xw = Yw = Zw = 0;
+ for (int t=0; t<numTanks; t++) {
+ Xt += Tank[t]->GetX()*Tank[t]->GetContents();
+ Yt += Tank[t]->GetY()*Tank[t]->GetContents();
+ Zt += Tank[t]->GetZ()*Tank[t]->GetContents();
+ Tw += Tank[t]->GetContents();
+ }
+ Xcg = (Xt + EmptyWeight*baseXcg) / (Tw + EmptyWeight);
+ Ycg = (Yt + EmptyWeight*baseYcg) / (Tw + EmptyWeight);
+ Zcg = (Zt + EmptyWeight*baseZcg) / (Tw + EmptyWeight);
+ // Calculate new moments of inertia here
+ IXXt = IYYt = IZZt = IXZt = 0.0;
+ for (int t=0; t<numTanks; t++) {
+ IXXt += ((Tank[t]->GetX()-Xcg)/12.0)*((Tank[t]->GetX() - Xcg)/12.0)*Tank[t]->GetContents()/GRAVITY;
+ IYYt += ((Tank[t]->GetY()-Ycg)/12.0)*((Tank[t]->GetY() - Ycg)/12.0)*Tank[t]->GetContents()/GRAVITY;
+ IZZt += ((Tank[t]->GetZ()-Zcg)/12.0)*((Tank[t]->GetZ() - Zcg)/12.0)*Tank[t]->GetContents()/GRAVITY;
+ IXZt += ((Tank[t]->GetX()-Xcg)/12.0)*((Tank[t]->GetZ() - Zcg)/12.0)*Tank[t]->GetContents()/GRAVITY;
+ }
+ Ixx = baseIxx + IXXt;
+ Iyy = baseIyy + IYYt;
+ Izz = baseIzz + IZZt;
+ Ixz = baseIxz + IXZt;
float Moments[3];
float Forces[3];
string AircraftName;
- float Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz, EmptyMass, Mass;
+ float baseIxx, baseIyy, baseIzz, baseIxz, EmptyMass, Mass;
+ float Ixx, Iyy, Izz, Ixz;
+ float baseXcg, baseYcg, baseZcg;
float Xcg, Ycg, Zcg;
float Xep, Yep, Zep;
float rho, qbar, Vt;
cout << "Udot,";
cout << "Vdot,";
cout << "Wdot,";
+ cout << "P,";
+ cout << "Q,";
+ cout << "R,";
+ cout << "PDot,";
+ cout << "QDot,";
+ cout << "RDot,";
cout << "Fx,";
cout << "Fy,";
cout << "Fz,";
cout << Rotation->Getphi() << ",";
cout << Rotation->Gettht() << ",";
cout << Rotation->Getpsi() << ",";
- cout << Atmosphere->Getrho() << ",";
+ cout << Atmosphere->GetDensity() << ",";
cout << State->GetVt() << ",";
cout << Translation->GetU() << ",";
cout << Translation->GetV() << ",";
cout << Translation->GetUdot() << ",";
cout << Translation->GetVdot() << ",";
cout << Translation->GetWdot() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetP() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetQ() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetR() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetPdot() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetQdot() << ",";
+ cout << Rotation->GetRdot() << ",";
cout << Aircraft->GetFx() << ",";
cout << Aircraft->GetFy() << ",";
cout << Aircraft->GetFz() << ",";
datafile << "Udot,";
datafile << "Vdot,";
datafile << "Wdot,";
+ datafile << "P,";
+ datafile << "Q,";
+ datafile << "R,";
+ datafile << "PDot,";
+ datafile << "QDot,";
+ datafile << "RDot,";
datafile << "Fx,";
datafile << "Fy,";
datafile << "Fz,";
datafile << Rotation->Getphi() << ",";
datafile << Rotation->Gettht() << ",";
datafile << Rotation->Getpsi() << ",";
- datafile << Atmosphere->Getrho() << ",";
+ datafile << Atmosphere->GetDensity() << ",";
datafile << State->GetVt() << ",";
datafile << Translation->GetU() << ",";
datafile << Translation->GetV() << ",";
datafile << Translation->GetUdot() << ",";
datafile << Translation->GetVdot() << ",";
datafile << Translation->GetWdot() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetP() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetQ() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetR() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetPdot() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetQdot() << ",";
+ datafile << Rotation->GetRdot() << ",";
datafile << Aircraft->GetFx() << ",";
datafile << Aircraft->GetFy() << ",";
datafile << Aircraft->GetFz() << ",";
bool GetSelected(void) {return Selected;}
float GetPctFull(void) {return PctFull;}
float GetContents(void) {return Contents;}
+ float inline GetX(void) {return X;}
+ float inline GetY(void) {return Y;}
+ float inline GetZ(void) {return Z;}
enum TankType {ttUNKNOWN, ttFUEL, ttOXIDIZER};