define('OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_INTERVAL', 30); // given in minutes
define('OSTATUS_DEFAULT_POLL_TIMEFRAME', 1440); // given in minutes
function check_conversations($override = false) {
- $last = get_config('system','ostatus_last_poll');
+ $last = get_config('system','ostatus_last_poll');
- $poll_interval = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_interval'));
- if(! $poll_interval)
+ $poll_interval = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_interval'));
+ if(! $poll_interval)
// Don't poll if the interval is set negative
if (($poll_interval < 0) AND !$override)
- $poll_timeframe = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_timeframe'));
- if (!$poll_timeframe)
+ $poll_timeframe = intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_timeframe'));
+ if (!$poll_timeframe)
- if ($last AND !$override) {
- $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60);
- if ($next > time()) {
- logger('poll interval not reached');
- return;
- }
- }
+ if ($last AND !$override) {
+ $next = $last + ($poll_interval * 60);
+ if ($next > time()) {
+ logger('poll interval not reached');
+ return;
+ }
+ }
- logger('cron_start');
+ logger('cron_start');
- $start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($poll_timeframe * 60));
- $conversations = q("SELECT `oid`, `url` FROM `term` WHERE `type` = 7 AND `term` > '%s' GROUP BY `url` ORDER BY `term` DESC",
- dbesc($start));
+ $start = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() - ($poll_timeframe * 60));
+ $conversations = q("SELECT `oid`, `url`, `uid` FROM `term` WHERE `type` = 7 AND `term` > '%s' GROUP BY `url`, `uid` ORDER BY `term` DESC",
+ dbesc($start));
- foreach ($conversations AS $conversation) {
- $id = $conversation['oid'];
- $url = $conversation['url'];
- complete_conversation($id, $url);
- }
+ foreach ($conversations AS $conversation) {
+ ostatus_completion($conversation['url'], $conversation['uid']);
+ }
- logger('cron_end');
+ logger('cron_end');
- set_config('system','ostatus_last_poll', time());
+ set_config('system','ostatus_last_poll', time());
-function complete_conversation($itemid, $conversation_url, $only_add_conversation = false) {
- global $a;
+function ostatus_completion($conversation_url, $uid, $item = array()) {
+ $item_stored = -3;
$conversation_url = ostatus_convert_href($conversation_url);
if (intval(get_config('system','ostatus_poll_interval')) == -2)
$a->last_ostatus_conversation_url = $conversation_url;
- $messages = q("SELECT `uid`, `parent`, `created`, `received`, `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($itemid));
- if (!$messages)
- return;
- $message = $messages[0];
- // Store conversation url if not done before
- $conversation = q("SELECT `url` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `oid` = %d AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d",
- intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION));
- if (!$conversation) {
- $r = q("INSERT INTO `term` (`uid`, `oid`, `otype`, `type`, `term`, `url`, `created`, `received`, `guid`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
- intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION),
- dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($conversation_url), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($message["received"]), dbesc($message["guid"]));
- logger('Storing conversation url '.$conversation_url.' for id '.$itemid);
- }
- if ($only_add_conversation)
- return;
// Get the parent
- $parents = q("SELECT `id`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($message["uid"]), intval($message["parent"]));
- if (!$parents)
- return;
- $parent = $parents[0];
- require_once('include/html2bbcode.php');
- require_once('include/items.php');
+ $parents = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN
+ (SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN
+ (SELECT `oid` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d AND `url` = '%s'))",
+ intval($uid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION), dbesc($conversation_url));
+ if ($parents)
+ $parent = $parents[0];
+ elseif (count($item) > 0) {
+ $parent = $item;
+ $parent["type"] = "remote";
+ $parent["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST;
+ $parent["visible"] = 1;
+ } else {
+ // Preset the parent
+ $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `self` AND `uid`=%d", $uid);
+ if (!$r)
+ return(-1);
+ $parent = array();
+ $parent["id"] = 0;
+ $parent["parent"] = 0;
+ $parent["uri"] = "";
+ $parent["contact-id"] = $r[0]["id"];
+ $parent["type"] = "remote";
+ $parent["verb"] = ACTIVITY_POST;
+ $parent["visible"] = 1;
+ }
$conv = str_replace("/conversation/", "/api/statusnet/conversation/", $conversation_url).".as";
$pageno = 1;
$items = array();
- logger('fetching conversation url '.$conv.' for id '.$itemid.' and parent '.$parent["id"]);
+ logger('fetching conversation url '.$conv.' for user '.$uid);
do {
- $conv_as = fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno);
+ $conv_arr = z_fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno);
+ // If it is a non-ssl site and there is an error, then try ssl or vice versa
+ if (!$conv_arr["success"] AND (substr($conv, 0, 7) == "http://")) {
+ $conv = str_replace("http://", "https://", $conv);
+ $conv_as = fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno);
+ } elseif (!$conv_arr["success"] AND (substr($conv, 0, 8) == "https://")) {
+ $conv = str_replace("https://", "http://", $conv);
+ $conv_as = fetch_url($conv."?page=".$pageno);
+ } else
+ $conv_as = $conv_arr["body"];
$conv_as = str_replace(',"statusnet:notice_info":', ',"statusnet_notice_info":', $conv_as);
$conv_as = json_decode($conv_as);
} while (true);
- if (!sizeof($items))
- return;
+ logger('fetching conversation done. Found '.count($items).' items');
+ if (!sizeof($items)) {
+ if (count($item) > 0) {
+ $item_stored = item_store($item, true);
+ logger("Conversation ".$conversation_url." couldn't be fetched. Item uri ".$item["uri"]." stored: ".$item_stored, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if ($item_stored)
+ complete_conversation($item_id, $conversation_url, true);
+ return($item_stored);
+ } else
+ return(-2);
+ }
$items = array_reverse($items);
foreach ($items as $single_conv) {
+ // Test - remove before flight
+ //$tempfile = tempnam(get_temppath(), "conversation");
+ //file_put_contents($tempfile, json_encode($single_conv));
if (isset($single_conv->object->id))
$single_conv->id = $single_conv->object->id;
- //logger("Got id ".$single_conv->id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$plink = ostatus_convert_href($single_conv->id);
if (isset($single_conv->object->url))
$plink = ostatus_convert_href($single_conv->object->url);
- //logger("Got url ".$plink, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if (@!$single_conv->id)
+ logger("Got id ".$single_conv->id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ($first_id == "") {
$first_id = $single_conv->id;
- $new_parents = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1",
- intval($message["uid"]), dbesc($first_id),
- if ($new_parents) {
- // It can happen that OStatus servers have incomplete threads.
- // Then keep the current parent
- if ($parent["id"] == $parent["parent"]) {
- $parent = $new_parents[0];
- if ($parent["id"] != $message["parent"])
- logger('Fetch new parent id '.$parent["id"].' - Old parent: '.$message["parent"]);
+ // The first post of the conversation isn't our first post. There are three options:
+ // 1. Our conversation hasn't the "real" thread starter
+ // 2. This first post is a post inside our thread
+ // 3. This first post is a post inside another thread
+ if (($first_id != $parent["uri"]) AND ($parent["uri"] != "")) {
+ $new_parents = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `id` IN
+ (SELECT `parent` FROM `item`
+ WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s')) LIMIT 1",
+ intval($uid), dbesc($first_id), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN));
+ if ($new_parents) {
+ if ($new_parents[0]["parent"] == $parent["parent"]) {
+ // Option 2: This post is already present inside our thread - but not as thread starter
+ logger("Option 2: uri present in our thread: ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $first_id = $parent["uri"];
+ } else {
+ // Option 3: Not so good. We have mixed parents. We have to see how to clean this up.
+ // For now just take the new parent.
+ $parent = $new_parents[0];
+ $first_id = $parent["uri"];
+ logger("Option 3: mixed parents for uri ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ }
} else {
- $first_id = $parent["uri"];
- //logger('Keep parent for '.$itemid.' - Old parent: '.$message["parent"]);
+ // Option 1: We hadn't got the real thread starter
+ // We have to clean up our existing messages.
+ $parent["id"] = 0;
+ $parent["uri"] = $first_id;
+ logger("Option 1: we have a new parent: ".$first_id, LOGGER_DEBUG);
- } else {
+ } elseif ($parent["uri"] == "") {
$parent["id"] = 0;
$parent["uri"] = $first_id;
- if (isset($single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id))
+ if (isset($single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id)) {
$parent_uri = $single_conv->context->inReplyTo->id;
- else
- $parent_uri = $parent["uri"];
- $message_exists = q("SELECT `id`, `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `plink` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1",
- intval($message["uid"]), dbesc($plink),
- if (!$message_exists)
- $message_exists = q("SELECT `id`, `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1",
- intval($message["uid"]), dbesc($single_conv->id),
+ $parent_exists = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1",
+ intval($uid), dbesc($parent_uri), dbesc(NETWORK_OSTATUS), dbesc(NETWORK_DFRN));
+ if (!$parent_exists) {
+ logger("Parent ".$parent_uri." wasn't found here", LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ $parent_uri = $parent["uri"];
+ }
+ } else
+ $parent_uri = $parent["uri"];
+ $message_exists = q("SELECT `id`, `parent`, `uri` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `uri` = '%s' AND `network` IN ('%s','%s') LIMIT 1",
+ intval($uid), dbesc($single_conv->id),
if ($message_exists) {
+ logger("Message ".$single_conv->id." already existed on the system", LOGGER_DEBUG);
if ($parent["id"] != 0) {
$existing_message = $message_exists[0];
// We improved the way we fetch OStatus messages, this shouldn't happen very often now
+ // To-Do: we have to change the shadow copies as well. This way here is really ugly.
if ($existing_message["parent"] != $parent["id"]) {
logger('updating id '.$existing_message["id"].' with parent '.$existing_message["parent"].' to parent '.$parent["id"].' uri '.$parent["uri"].' thread '.$parent_uri, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ // The item we are having on the system is the one that we wanted to store via the item array
+ if (isset($item["uri"]) AND ($item["uri"] == $existing_message["uri"])) {
+ $item = array();
+ $item_stored = 0;
+ }
$actor = $single_conv->actor->url;
$contact = q("SELECT `id` FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `nurl` = '%s' AND `network` != '%s'",
- $message["uid"], normalise_link($actor), NETWORK_STATUSNET);
+ $uid, normalise_link($actor), NETWORK_STATUSNET);
if (count($contact)) {
logger("Found contact for url ".$actor, LOGGER_DEBUG);
$arr["network"] = NETWORK_OSTATUS;
$arr["uri"] = $single_conv->id;
$arr["plink"] = $plink;
- $arr["uid"] = $message["uid"];
+ $arr["uid"] = $uid;
$arr["contact-id"] = $contact_id;
- if ($parent["id"] != 0)
- $arr["parent"] = $parent["id"];
- $arr["parent-uri"] = $parent["uri"];
- $arr["thr-parent"] = $parent_uri;
+ $arr["parent-uri"] = $parent_uri;
$arr["created"] = $single_conv->published;
$arr["edited"] = $single_conv->published;
- $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->displayName;
- //$arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->preferredUsername;
+ $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->displayName;
if ($arr["owner-name"] == '')
- $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->portablecontacts_net->displayName;
- if ($arr["owner-name"] == '')
- $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->displayName;
- if ($arr["owner-name"] == '')
- $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->portablecontacts_net->preferredUsername;
+ $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->displayName;
if ($arr["owner-name"] == '')
- $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->preferredUsername;
+ $arr["owner-name"] = $single_conv->actor->portablecontacts_net->displayName;
$arr["owner-link"] = $actor;
$arr["owner-avatar"] = $single_conv->actor->image->url;
- //$arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->displayName;
- //$arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->actor->contact->preferredUsername;
$arr["author-name"] = $arr["owner-name"];
$arr["author-link"] = $actor;
$arr["author-avatar"] = $single_conv->actor->image->url;
$arr["app"] = "OStatus";
+ $arr["app"] .= "*";
+ $arr["object"] = json_encode($single_conv);
$arr["verb"] = $parent["verb"];
$arr["visible"] = $parent["visible"];
$arr["location"] = $single_conv->location->displayName;
$arr["coord"] = trim($single_conv->location->lat." ".$single_conv->location->lon);
+ // Is it a reshared item?
+ if (isset($item->verb) AND ($item->verb == "share") AND isset($item->object)) {
+ if (is_array($item->object))
+ $item->object = $item->object[0];
+ logger("Found reshared item ".$single_conv->object->id);
+ // $single_conv->object->context->conversation;
+ $plink = ostatus_convert_href($single_conv->object->url);
+ $arr["uri"] = $single_conv->object->id;
+ $arr["plink"] = $plink;
+ $arr["created"] = $single_conv->object->published;
+ $arr["edited"] = $single_conv->object->published;
+ $arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->object->actor->displayName;
+ if ($arr["owner-name"] == '')
+ $arr["author-name"] = $single_conv->object->actor->contact->displayName;
+ $arr["author-link"] = $single_conv->object->actor->url;
+ $arr["author-avatar"] = $single_conv->object->actor->image->url;
+ $arr["body"] = add_page_info_to_body(html2bbcode($single_conv->object->content));
+ $arr["app"] = $single_conv->object->provider->displayName."#";
+ //$arr["verb"] = $single_conv->object->verb;
+ $arr["location"] = $single_conv->object->location->displayName;
+ $arr["coord"] = trim($single_conv->object->location->lat." ".$single_conv->object->location->lon);
+ }
if ($arr["location"] == "")
if ($arr["coord"] == "")
+ // Copy fields from given item array
+ if (isset($item["uri"]) AND ($item["uri"] == $arr["uri"])) {
+ $copy_fields = array("owner-name", "owner-link", "owner-avatar", "author-name", "author-link", "author-avatar",
+ "gravity", "body", "object-type", "verb", "created", "edited", "coord", "tag",
+ "attach", "app", "type", "location", "contact-id");
+ foreach ($copy_fields AS $field)
+ if (isset($item[$field]))
+ $arr[$field] = $item[$field];
+ $arr["app"] .= "+";
+ }
$newitem = item_store($arr);
+ if (!$newitem) {
+ logger("Item wasn't stored ".print_r($arr, true), LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ continue;
+ }
- logger('Stored new item '.$plink.' for parent '.$arr["parent"].' under id '.$newitem, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if (isset($item["uri"]) AND ($item["uri"] == $arr["uri"])) {
+ $item = array();
+ $item_stored = $newitem;
+ }
+ logger('Stored new item '.$plink.' for parent '.$arr["parent-uri"].' under id '.$newitem, LOGGER_DEBUG);
// Add the conversation entry (but don't fetch the whole conversation)
complete_conversation($newitem, $conversation_url, true);
// If the newly created item is the top item then change the parent settings of the thread
// This shouldn't happen anymore. This is supposed to be absolote.
- if ($newitem AND ($arr["uri"] == $first_id)) {
+ if ($arr["uri"] == $first_id) {
logger('setting new parent to id '.$newitem);
$new_parents = q("SELECT `id`, `uri`, `contact-id`, `type`, `verb`, `visible` FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1",
- intval($message["uid"]), intval($newitem));
+ intval($uid), intval($newitem));
if ($new_parents)
$parent = $new_parents[0];
+// Test
+/* if ((count($item) > 0) AND ($item_stored <= 0)) {
+ $item_stored = item_store($item, true);
+ logger("In the conversation ".$conversation_url." the item uri ".$item["uri"]." wasn't found: ".$item_stored, LOGGER_DEBUG);
+ if ($item_stored)
+ complete_conversation($item_id, $conversation_url, true);
+ } */
+ return($item_stored);
+function complete_conversation($itemid, $conversation_url, $only_add_conversation = false) {
+ global $a;
+ $conversation_url = ostatus_convert_href($conversation_url);
+ $messages = q("SELECT `uid`, `parent`, `created`, `received`, `guid` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($itemid));
+ if (!$messages)
+ return;
+ $message = $messages[0];
+ // Store conversation url if not done before
+ $conversation = q("SELECT `url` FROM `term` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `oid` = %d AND `otype` = %d AND `type` = %d",
+ intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION));
+ if (!$conversation) {
+ $r = q("INSERT INTO `term` (`uid`, `oid`, `otype`, `type`, `term`, `url`, `created`, `received`, `guid`) VALUES (%d, %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')",
+ intval($message["uid"]), intval($itemid), intval(TERM_OBJ_POST), intval(TERM_CONVERSATION),
+ dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($conversation_url), dbesc($message["created"]), dbesc($message["received"]), dbesc($message["guid"]));
+ logger('Storing conversation url '.$conversation_url.' for id '.$itemid);
+ }