--- /dev/null
+// Copyright (C) 2009 - 2010 Mathias Fröhlich <Mathias.Froehlich@web.de>
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+# include <config.h>
+#include "hla.hxx"
+#include <simgear/compiler.h>
+#include <string>
+#include <map>
+#include <string>
+#include <stack>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/SGMath.hxx>
+#include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx>
+#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
+#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
+#include <simgear/xml/easyxml.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLA13Federate.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLAArrayDataElement.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLADataElement.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLADataType.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLALocation.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLAObjectClass.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLAObjectInstance.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLAPropertyDataElement.hxx>
+#include <simgear/hla/HLAVariantDataElement.hxx>
+#include <AIModel/AIMultiplayer.hxx>
+#include <AIModel/AIManager.hxx>
+#include <FDM/flightProperties.hxx>
+#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+// FIXME rename HLAMP
+// FIXME make classes here private ...
+namespace sg = simgear;
+enum HLAVersion {
+ RTI13,
+ RTI1516,
+ RTI1516E
+class FGHLA::XMLConfigReader : public XMLVisitor {
+ XMLConfigReader() :
+ _rtiVersion(RTI13)
+ { }
+ const std::string& getFederateObjectModel() const
+ { return _federateObjectModel; }
+ HLAVersion getRTIVersion() const
+ { return _rtiVersion; }
+ const std::vector<std::string>& getRTIArguments() const
+ { return _rtiArguments; }
+ struct DataElement {
+ std::string _type;
+ std::string _name;
+ std::string _inProperty;
+ std::string _outProperty;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<DataElement> DataElementList;
+ struct ModelConfig {
+ std::string _type;
+ DataElementList _dataElementList;
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> > _modelMap;
+ };
+ struct SimTimeConfig {
+ std::string _type;
+ DataElementList _dataElementList;
+ };
+ struct PositionConfig {
+ std::string _type;
+ DataElementList _dataElementList;
+ };
+ struct MPPropertiesConfig {
+ std::string _name;
+ };
+ struct ObjectClassConfig {
+ std::string _name;
+ std::string _type;
+ ModelConfig _modelConfig;
+ SimTimeConfig _simTimeConfig;
+ PositionConfig _positionConfig;
+ MPPropertiesConfig _mpPropertiesConfig;
+ DataElementList _dataElementList;
+ };
+ typedef std::list<ObjectClassConfig> ObjectClassConfigList;
+ const ObjectClassConfigList& getObjectClassConfigList() const
+ { return _objectClassConfigList; }
+ virtual void startXML()
+ {
+ _modeStack.push(TopLevelMode);
+ }
+ virtual void endXML()
+ {
+ _modeStack.pop();
+ }
+ virtual void startElement(const char* name, const XMLAttributes& atts)
+ {
+ if (strcmp(name, "hlaConfiguration") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(TopLevelMode))
+ throw sg_exception("hlaConfiguration tag not at top level");
+ _modeStack.push(HLAConfigurationMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "rti") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(HLAConfigurationMode))
+ throw sg_exception("rti tag not at top level");
+ std::string rtiVersion = getAttribute("version", atts);
+ if (rtiVersion == "RTI13")
+ _rtiVersion = RTI13;
+ else if (rtiVersion == "RTI1516")
+ _rtiVersion = RTI1516;
+ else if (rtiVersion == "RTI1516E")
+ _rtiVersion = RTI1516E;
+ else
+ throw sg_exception("invalid version attribute in rti tag");
+ _modeStack.push(RTIMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "argument") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(RTIMode))
+ throw sg_exception("argument tag not inside an rti tag");
+ _modeStack.push(RTIArgumentMode);
+ _rtiArguments.push_back(std::string());
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "objects") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(HLAConfigurationMode))
+ throw sg_exception("objects tag not at top level");
+ _modeStack.push(ObjectsMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "objectClass") == 0) {
+ // Currently this is flat and only allows one class to be configured
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectsMode))
+ throw sg_exception("objects tag not inside an objects tag");
+ if (!_objectClassConfigList.empty())
+ throw sg_exception("currently only one objectClass is allowed");
+ // if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectsMode) && !isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode))
+ // throw sg_exception("objects tag not inside an objects or objectClass tag");
+ ObjectClassConfig objectClassConfig;
+ objectClassConfig._type = getAttribute("type", atts);
+ objectClassConfig._name = getAttribute("name", atts);
+ _objectClassConfigList.push_back(objectClassConfig);
+ _modeStack.push(ObjectClassMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "model") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode))
+ throw sg_exception("position tag not inside an objectClass tag");
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._modelConfig._type = getAttribute("type", atts);
+ _modeStack.push(ModelMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "key") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ModelMode))
+ throw sg_exception("key tag not inside an model tag");
+ std::pair<std::string,std::string> p;
+ p.first = getAttribute("external", atts);
+ p.second = getAttribute("modelPath", atts);
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._modelConfig._modelMap.push_back(p);
+ _modeStack.push(KeyMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "simTime") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode))
+ throw sg_exception("simTime tag not inside an objectClass tag");
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._simTimeConfig._type = getAttribute("type", atts);
+ _modeStack.push(SimTimeMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "position") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode))
+ throw sg_exception("position tag not inside an objectClass tag");
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._positionConfig._type = getAttribute("type", atts);
+ _modeStack.push(PositionMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "mpProperties") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode))
+ throw sg_exception("mpProperties tag not inside an objectClass tag");
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._mpPropertiesConfig._name = getAttribute("name", atts);
+ _modeStack.push(MPPropertiesMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "dataElement") == 0) {
+ DataElement dataElement;
+ dataElement._type = getAttribute("type", atts);
+ dataElement._name = getAttribute("name", atts);
+ if (isModeStackTop(ModelMode)) {
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._modelConfig._dataElementList.push_back(dataElement);
+ } else if (isModeStackTop(SimTimeMode)) {
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._simTimeConfig._dataElementList.push_back(dataElement);
+ } else if (isModeStackTop(PositionMode)) {
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._positionConfig._dataElementList.push_back(dataElement);
+ } else if (isModeStackTop(ObjectClassMode)) {
+ std::string io = getAttribute("io", atts);
+ dataElement._inProperty = getAttribute("in", atts);
+ if (dataElement._inProperty.empty())
+ dataElement._inProperty = io;
+ dataElement._outProperty = getAttribute("out", atts);
+ if (dataElement._outProperty.empty())
+ dataElement._outProperty = io;
+ _objectClassConfigList.back()._dataElementList.push_back(dataElement);
+ } else {
+ throw sg_exception("dataElement tag not inside a position, model or objectClass tag");
+ }
+ _modeStack.push(DataElementMode);
+ }
+ else if (strcmp(name, "federateObjectModel") == 0) {
+ if (!isModeStackTop(HLAConfigurationMode))
+ throw sg_exception("federateObjectModel tag not at top level");
+ _federateObjectModel = getAttribute("name", atts);
+ _modeStack.push(FederateObjectModelMode);
+ }
+ else {
+ throw sg_exception(std::string("Unknown tag ") + name);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void data(const char * s, int length)
+ {
+ if (isModeStackTop(RTIArgumentMode)) {
+ _rtiArguments.back().append(s, length);
+ }
+ }
+ virtual void endElement(const char* name)
+ {
+ _modeStack.pop();
+ }
+ std::string getAttribute(const char* name, const XMLAttributes& atts)
+ {
+ int index = atts.findAttribute(name);
+ if (index < 0 || atts.size() <= index)
+ return std::string();
+ return std::string(atts.getValue(index));
+ }
+ std::string getAttribute(const std::string& name, const XMLAttributes& atts)
+ {
+ int index = atts.findAttribute(name.c_str());
+ if (index < 0 || atts.size() <= index)
+ return std::string();
+ return std::string(atts.getValue(index));
+ }
+ // poor peoples xml validation ...
+ enum Mode {
+ TopLevelMode,
+ HLAConfigurationMode,
+ RTIMode,
+ RTIArgumentMode,
+ ObjectsMode,
+ ObjectClassMode,
+ ModelMode,
+ KeyMode,
+ SimTimeMode,
+ PositionMode,
+ MPPropertiesMode,
+ DataElementMode,
+ FederateObjectModelMode
+ };
+ bool isModeStackTop(Mode mode)
+ {
+ if (_modeStack.empty())
+ return false;
+ return _modeStack.top() == mode;
+ }
+ std::stack<Mode> _modeStack;
+ std::string _federateObjectModel;
+ HLAVersion _rtiVersion;
+ std::vector<std::string> _rtiArguments;
+ ObjectClassConfigList _objectClassConfigList;
+class AbstractSimTime : public SGReferenced {
+ virtual ~AbstractSimTime() {}
+ virtual double getTimeStamp() const = 0;
+ virtual void setTimeStamp(double) = 0;
+class SimTimeFactory : public SGReferenced {
+ virtual ~SimTimeFactory() {}
+ virtual AbstractSimTime* createSimTime(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap&) const = 0;
+// A SimTime implementation that works with the simulation
+// time in an attribute. Used when we cannot do real time management.
+class AttributeSimTime : public AbstractSimTime {
+ virtual double getTimeStamp() const
+ { return _simTime; }
+ virtual void setTimeStamp(double simTime)
+ { _simTime = simTime; }
+ sg::HLADataElement* getDataElement()
+ { return _simTime.getDataElement(); }
+ simgear::HLADoubleData _simTime;
+class AttributeSimTimeFactory : public SimTimeFactory {
+ virtual AttributeSimTime* createSimTime(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap& attributePathElementMap) const
+ {
+ AttributeSimTime* attributeSimTime = new AttributeSimTime;
+ attributePathElementMap[_simTimeIndexPathPair.first][_simTimeIndexPathPair.second] = attributeSimTime->getDataElement();
+ return attributeSimTime;
+ }
+ void setSimTimeIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _simTimeIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _simTimeIndexPathPair;
+// A SimTime implementation that works with the simulation
+// time in two attributes like the avation sim net fom works
+class MSecAttributeSimTime : public AbstractSimTime {
+ virtual double getTimeStamp() const
+ {
+ return _secSimTime + 1e-3*_msecSimTime;
+ }
+ virtual void setTimeStamp(double simTime)
+ {
+ double sec = floor(simTime);
+ _secSimTime = sec;
+ _msecSimTime = 1e3*(simTime - sec);
+ }
+ sg::HLADataElement* getSecDataElement()
+ { return _secSimTime.getDataElement(); }
+ sg::HLADataElement* getMSecDataElement()
+ { return _msecSimTime.getDataElement(); }
+ simgear::HLADoubleData _secSimTime;
+ simgear::HLADoubleData _msecSimTime;
+class MSecAttributeSimTimeFactory : public SimTimeFactory {
+ virtual MSecAttributeSimTime* createSimTime(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap& attributePathElementMap) const
+ {
+ MSecAttributeSimTime* attributeSimTime = new MSecAttributeSimTime;
+ attributePathElementMap[_secIndexPathPair.first][_secIndexPathPair.second] = attributeSimTime->getSecDataElement();
+ attributePathElementMap[_msecIndexPathPair.first][_msecIndexPathPair.second] = attributeSimTime->getMSecDataElement();
+ return attributeSimTime;
+ }
+ void setSecIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _secIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ void setMSecIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _msecIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _secIndexPathPair;
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _msecIndexPathPair;
+class AbstractModel : public SGReferenced {
+ virtual ~AbstractModel() {}
+ virtual std::string getModelPath() const = 0;
+ virtual void setModelPath(const std::string&) = 0;
+class ModelFactory : public SGReferenced {
+ virtual ~ModelFactory() {}
+ virtual AbstractModel* createModel(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap&, bool) const = 0;
+class AttributeModel : public AbstractModel {
+ virtual std::string getModelPath() const
+ { return _modelPath; }
+ virtual void setModelPath(const std::string& modelPath)
+ { _modelPath = modelPath; }
+ sg::HLADataElement* getDataElement()
+ { return _modelPath.getDataElement(); }
+ simgear::HLAStringData _modelPath;
+class AttributeModelFactory : public ModelFactory {
+ virtual AttributeModel* createModel(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap& attributePathElementMap, bool outgoing) const
+ {
+ AttributeModel* attributeModel = new AttributeModel;
+ attributePathElementMap[_modelIndexPathPair.first][_modelIndexPathPair.second] = attributeModel->getDataElement();
+ if (outgoing)
+ attributeModel->setModelPath(fgGetString("/sim/model/path", "default"));
+ return attributeModel;
+ }
+ void setModelIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _modelIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _modelIndexPathPair;
+class AttributeMapModelFactory : public ModelFactory {
+ class Model : public AbstractModel {
+ public:
+ Model(const AttributeMapModelFactory* mapModelFactory) :
+ _mapModelFactory(mapModelFactory)
+ { }
+ virtual std::string getModelPath() const
+ {
+ if (_modelPath.getValue().empty())
+ return _modelPath.getValue();
+ return _mapModelFactory->mapToFlightgear(_modelPath);
+ }
+ virtual void setModelPath(const std::string& modelPath)
+ { _modelPath = _mapModelFactory->mapToExternal(modelPath); }
+ sg::HLADataElement* getDataElement()
+ { return _modelPath.getDataElement(); }
+ private:
+ simgear::HLAStringData _modelPath;
+ SGSharedPtr<const AttributeMapModelFactory> _mapModelFactory;
+ };
+ virtual AbstractModel* createModel(sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap& attributePathElementMap, bool outgoing) const
+ {
+ Model* attributeModel = new Model(this);
+ attributePathElementMap[_modelIndexPathPair.first][_modelIndexPathPair.second] = attributeModel->getDataElement();
+ if (outgoing)
+ attributeModel->setModelPath(fgGetString("/sim/model/path", "default"));
+ return attributeModel;
+ }
+ void setModelIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _modelIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ std::string mapToFlightgear(const std::string& externalModel) const
+ {
+ std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator i;
+ i = _externalToModelPathMap.find(externalModel);
+ if (i != _externalToModelPathMap.end())
+ return i->second;
+ return "default";
+ }
+ std::string mapToExternal(const std::string& modelPath) const
+ {
+ std::map<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator i;
+ i = _modelPathToExternalMap.find(modelPath);
+ if (i != _modelPathToExternalMap.end())
+ return i->second;
+ return _externalDefault;
+ }
+ void setExternalDefault(const std::string& externalDefault)
+ { _externalDefault = externalDefault; }
+ void addExternalModelPathPair(const std::string& external, const std::string& modelPath)
+ {
+ _externalToModelPathMap[external] = modelPath;
+ _modelPathToExternalMap[modelPath] = external;
+ }
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _modelIndexPathPair;
+ std::map<std::string,std::string> _externalToModelPathMap;
+ std::map<std::string,std::string> _modelPathToExternalMap;
+ std::string _externalDefault;
+// Factory class that is used to create an apternative data element for the multiplayer property attribute
+class MPPropertyVariantDataElementFactory : public sg::HLAVariantArrayDataElement::AlternativeDataElementFactory {
+ MPPropertyVariantDataElementFactory(sg::HLAPropertyReferenceSet* propertyReferenceSet) :
+ _propertyReferenceSet(propertyReferenceSet)
+ { }
+ virtual sg::HLADataElement* createElement(const sg::HLAVariantDataElement& variantDataElement, unsigned index)
+ {
+ const sg::HLAVariantDataType* dataType = variantDataElement.getDataType();
+ if (!dataType)
+ return 0;
+ const sg::HLAEnumeratedDataType* enumDataType = dataType->getEnumeratedDataType();
+ if (!enumDataType)
+ return 0;
+ const sg::HLADataType* alternativeDataType = dataType->getAlternativeDataType(index);
+ if (!alternativeDataType)
+ return 0;
+ // The relative property path should be in the semantics field name
+ std::string relativePath = dataType->getAlternativeSemantics(index);
+ sg::HLAPropertyReference* propertyReference = new sg::HLAPropertyReference(relativePath);
+ _propertyReferenceSet->insert(propertyReference);
+ return new sg::HLAPropertyDataElement(alternativeDataType, propertyReference);
+ }
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAPropertyReferenceSet> _propertyReferenceSet;
+class MPAttributeCallback : public sg::HLAObjectInstance::AttributeCallback {
+ MPAttributeCallback() :
+ _propertyReferenceSet(new sg::HLAPropertyReferenceSet),
+ _mpProperties(new sg::HLAVariantArrayDataElement)
+ {
+ _mpProperties->setAlternativeDataElementFactory(new MPPropertyVariantDataElementFactory(_propertyReferenceSet.get()));
+ }
+ virtual ~MPAttributeCallback()
+ { }
+ void setLocation(sg::HLAAbstractLocation* location)
+ { _location = location; }
+ sg::HLAAbstractLocation* getLocation()
+ { return _location.get(); }
+ const sg::HLAAbstractLocation* getLocation() const
+ { return _location.get(); }
+ void setModel(AbstractModel* model)
+ { _model = model; }
+ AbstractModel* getModel()
+ { return _model.get(); }
+ const AbstractModel* getModel() const
+ { return _model.get(); }
+ void setSimTime(AbstractSimTime* simTime)
+ { _simTime = simTime; }
+ AbstractSimTime* getSimTime()
+ { return _simTime.get(); }
+ const AbstractSimTime* getSimTime() const
+ { return _simTime.get(); }
+ sg::HLAVariantArrayDataElement* getMPProperties() const
+ { return _mpProperties.get(); }
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAPropertyReferenceSet> _propertyReferenceSet;
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAAbstractLocation> _location;
+ SGSharedPtr<AbstractSimTime> _simTime;
+ SGSharedPtr<AbstractModel> _model;
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAVariantArrayDataElement> _mpProperties;
+class MPOutAttributeCallback : public MPAttributeCallback {
+ virtual void updateAttributeValues(sg::HLAObjectInstance&, const sg::RTIData&)
+ {
+ _simTime->setTimeStamp(globals->get_sim_time_sec());
+ SGGeod position = ifce.getPosition();
+ // The quaternion rotating from the earth centered frame to the
+ // horizontal local frame
+ SGQuatd qEc2Hl = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(position);
+ SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromYawPitchRoll(ifce.get_Psi(), ifce.get_Theta(), ifce.get_Phi());
+ _location->setCartPosition(SGVec3d::fromGeod(position));
+ _location->setCartOrientation(qEc2Hl*hlOr);
+ // The angular velocitied in the body frame
+ double p = ifce.get_P_body();
+ double q = ifce.get_Q_body();
+ double r = ifce.get_R_body();
+ _location->setAngularBodyVelocity(SGVec3d(p, q, r));
+ // The body uvw velocities in the interface are wrt the wind instead
+ // of wrt the ec frame
+ double n = ifce.get_V_north();
+ double e = ifce.get_V_east();
+ double d = ifce.get_V_down();
+ _location->setLinearBodyVelocity(hlOr.transform(SGVec3d(n, e, d)));
+ if (_mpProperties.valid() && _mpProperties->getNumElements() == 0) {
+ if (_propertyReferenceSet.valid() && _propertyReferenceSet->getRootNode()) {
+ const sg::HLADataType* elementDataType = _mpProperties->getElementDataType();
+ const sg::HLAVariantDataType* variantDataType = elementDataType->toVariantDataType();
+ for (unsigned i = 0, count = 0; i < variantDataType->getNumAlternatives(); ++i) {
+ std::string name = variantDataType->getAlternativeSemantics(i);
+ SGPropertyNode* node = _propertyReferenceSet->getRootNode()->getNode(name);
+ if (!node)
+ continue;
+ _mpProperties->getOrCreateElement(count++)->setAlternativeIndex(i);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ FlightProperties ifce;
+class MPInAttributeCallback : public MPAttributeCallback {
+ virtual void reflectAttributeValues(sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance,
+ const sg::RTIIndexDataPairList&, const sg::RTIData&)
+ {
+ // Puh, damn ordering problems with properties startup and so on
+ if (_aiMultiplayer.valid()) {
+ FGExternalMotionData motionInfo;
+ motionInfo.time = _simTime->getTimeStamp();
+ motionInfo.lag = 0;
+ motionInfo.position = _location->getCartPosition();
+ motionInfo.orientation = toQuatf(_location->getCartOrientation());
+ motionInfo.linearVel = toVec3f(_location->getLinearBodyVelocity());
+ motionInfo.angularVel = toVec3f(_location->getAngularBodyVelocity());
+ motionInfo.linearAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ motionInfo.angularAccel = SGVec3f::zeros();
+ _aiMultiplayer->addMotionInfo(motionInfo, SGTimeStamp::now().getSeconds());
+ } else {
+ std::string modelPath = _model->getModelPath();
+ if (modelPath.empty())
+ return;
+ FGAIManager *aiMgr;
+ aiMgr = static_cast<FGAIManager*>(globals->get_subsystem("ai_model"));
+ if (!aiMgr)
+ return;
+ _aiMultiplayer = new FGAIMultiplayer;
+ _aiMultiplayer->setPath(modelPath.c_str());
+ aiMgr->attach(_aiMultiplayer.get());
+ _propertyReferenceSet->setRootNode(_aiMultiplayer->getPropertyRoot());
+ objectInstance.requestAttributeUpdate();
+ }
+ }
+ void setDie()
+ {
+ if (!_aiMultiplayer.valid())
+ return;
+ _aiMultiplayer->setDie(true);
+ _aiMultiplayer = 0;
+ }
+ SGSharedPtr<FGAIMultiplayer> _aiMultiplayer;
+class MpClassCallback : public sg::HLAObjectClass::InstanceCallback {
+ MpClassCallback()
+ { }
+ virtual ~MpClassCallback()
+ { }
+ virtual void discoverInstance(const sg::HLAObjectClass& objectClass, sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance, const sg::RTIData& tag)
+ {
+ MPInAttributeCallback* attributeCallback = new MPInAttributeCallback;
+ objectInstance.setAttributeCallback(attributeCallback);
+ attachDataElements(objectInstance, *attributeCallback, false);
+ objectInstance.requestAttributeUpdate();
+ }
+ virtual void removeInstance(const sg::HLAObjectClass& objectClass, sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance, const sg::RTIData& tag)
+ {
+ MPInAttributeCallback* attributeCallback;
+ attributeCallback = dynamic_cast<MPInAttributeCallback*>(objectInstance.getAttributeCallback().get());
+ if (!attributeCallback) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_WARN, "HLA: expected to have a different attribute callback in remove instance.");
+ return;
+ }
+ attributeCallback->setDie();
+ }
+ virtual void registerInstance(const sg::HLAObjectClass& objectClass, sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance)
+ {
+ MPOutAttributeCallback* attributeCallback = new MPOutAttributeCallback;
+ objectInstance.setAttributeCallback(attributeCallback);
+ attachDataElements(objectInstance, *attributeCallback, true);
+ attributeCallback->_propertyReferenceSet->setRootNode(fgGetNode("/", true));
+ }
+ virtual void deleteInstance(const sg::HLAObjectClass& objectClass, sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance)
+ {
+ }
+ void setLocationFactory(sg::HLALocationFactory* locationFactory)
+ { _locationFactory = locationFactory; }
+ sg::HLALocationFactory* getLocationFactory()
+ { return _locationFactory.get(); }
+ void setSimTimeFactory(SimTimeFactory* simTimeFactory)
+ { _simTimeFactory = simTimeFactory; }
+ SimTimeFactory* getSimTimeFactory()
+ { return _simTimeFactory.get(); }
+ void setModelFactory(ModelFactory* modelFactory)
+ { _modelFactory = modelFactory; }
+ ModelFactory* getModelFactory()
+ { return _modelFactory.get(); }
+ void setMPPropertiesIndexPathPair(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair)
+ { _mpPropertiesIndexPathPair = indexPathPair; }
+ const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& getMPPropertiesIndexPathPair() const
+ { return _mpPropertiesIndexPathPair; }
+ typedef std::map<sg::HLADataElement::Path, std::string> PathPropertyMap;
+ typedef std::map<unsigned, PathPropertyMap> AttributePathPropertyMap;
+ void setInputProperty(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair, const std::string& property)
+ {
+ _inputProperties[indexPathPair.first][indexPathPair.second] = property;
+ }
+ void setOutputProperty(const sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair& indexPathPair, const std::string& property)
+ {
+ _outputProperties[indexPathPair.first][indexPathPair.second] = property;
+ }
+ void attachDataElements(sg::HLAObjectInstance& objectInstance, MPAttributeCallback& attributeCallback, bool outgoing)
+ {
+ sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap attributePathElementMap;
+ if (_locationFactory.valid())
+ attributeCallback.setLocation(_locationFactory->createLocation(attributePathElementMap));
+ if (_modelFactory.valid())
+ attributeCallback.setModel(_modelFactory->createModel(attributePathElementMap, outgoing));
+ if (_simTimeFactory.valid())
+ attributeCallback.setSimTime(_simTimeFactory->createSimTime(attributePathElementMap));
+ attributePathElementMap[_mpPropertiesIndexPathPair.first][_mpPropertiesIndexPathPair.second] = attributeCallback.getMPProperties();
+ if (outgoing)
+ attachPropertyDataElements(*attributeCallback._propertyReferenceSet,
+ attributePathElementMap, _outputProperties);
+ else
+ attachPropertyDataElements(*attributeCallback._propertyReferenceSet,
+ attributePathElementMap, _inputProperties);
+ objectInstance.setAttributes(attributePathElementMap);
+ }
+ void attachPropertyDataElements(sg::HLAPropertyReferenceSet& propertyReferenceSet,
+ sg::HLAAttributePathElementMap& attributePathElementMap,
+ const AttributePathPropertyMap& attributePathPropertyMap)
+ {
+ for (AttributePathPropertyMap::const_iterator i = attributePathPropertyMap.begin();
+ i != attributePathPropertyMap.end(); ++i) {
+ for (PathPropertyMap::const_iterator j = i->second.begin();
+ j != i->second.end(); ++j) {
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAPropertyReference> propertyReference;
+ propertyReference = new sg::HLAPropertyReference(j->second);
+ propertyReferenceSet.insert(propertyReference);
+ attributePathElementMap[i->first][j->first] = new sg::HLAPropertyDataElement(propertyReference);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ AttributePathPropertyMap _inputProperties;
+ AttributePathPropertyMap _outputProperties;
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLALocationFactory> _locationFactory;
+ SGSharedPtr<SimTimeFactory> _simTimeFactory;
+ SGSharedPtr<ModelFactory> _modelFactory;
+ sg::HLADataElement::IndexPathPair _mpPropertiesIndexPathPair;
+FGHLA::FGHLA(const std::vector<std::string>& tokens)
+ if (1 < tokens.size() && !tokens[1].empty())
+ set_direction(tokens[1]);
+ else
+ set_direction("bi");
+ int rate = 60;
+ if (2 < tokens.size() && !tokens[2].empty()) {
+ std::stringstream ss(tokens[2]);
+ ss >> rate;
+ }
+ set_hz(rate);
+ if (3 < tokens.size() && !tokens[3].empty())
+ _federate = tokens[3];
+ else
+ _federate = fgGetString("/sim/user/callsign");
+ if (4 < tokens.size() && !tokens[4].empty())
+ _federation = tokens[4];
+ else
+ _federation = "FlightGear";
+ if (5 < tokens.size() && !tokens[5].empty())
+ _objectModelConfig = tokens[5];
+ else
+ _objectModelConfig = "mp-aircraft.xml";
+ if (is_enabled()) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "This shouldn't happen, but the channel "
+ "is already in use, ignoring");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_federation.empty()) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "No federation to join given to "
+ "the HLA module");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (_federate.empty()) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "No federate name given to the HLA module");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!SGPath(_objectModelConfig).exists()) {
+ SGPath path(globals->get_fg_root());
+ path.append("HLA");
+ path.append(_objectModelConfig);
+ if (path.exists())
+ _objectModelConfig = path.str();
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Federate object model configuration \""
+ << _objectModelConfig << "\" does not exist.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ XMLConfigReader configReader;
+ try {
+ readXML(_objectModelConfig, configReader);
+ } catch (const sg_throwable& e) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Could not open HLA configuration file: "
+ << e.getMessage());
+ return false;
+ } catch (...) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Could not open HLA configuration file");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Flightgears hla configuration
+ std::string objectModel = configReader.getFederateObjectModel();
+ if (objectModel.empty()) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "No federate object model given to "
+ "the HLA module");
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!SGPath(objectModel).exists()) {
+ SGPath path(SGPath(_objectModelConfig).dir());
+ path.append(objectModel);
+ if (path.exists())
+ objectModel = path.str();
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Federate object model file \""
+ << objectModel << "\" does not exist.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ // We need that to communicate to the rti
+ switch (configReader.getRTIVersion()) {
+ case RTI13:
+ _hlaFederate = new simgear::HLA13Federate;
+ break;
+ case RTI1516:
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA version RTI1516 not yet(!?) supported.");
+ return false;
+ case RTI1516E:
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA version RTI1516E not yet(!?) supported.");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Try to create a new federation execution
+ _hlaFederate->createFederationExecution(_federation, objectModel);
+ // Try to join
+ if (!_hlaFederate->join(_federate, _federation)) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Could not join federation");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // bool publish = get_direction() & SG_IO_OUT;
+ // bool subscribe = get_direction() & SG_IO_IN;
+ sg::HLAFederate::ObjectModelFactory objectModelFactory;
+ if (!_hlaFederate->readObjectModelTemplate(objectModel, objectModelFactory)) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Could not read omt file \"" << objectModel << "\"!");
+ return false;
+ }
+ // This should be configured form a file
+ XMLConfigReader::ObjectClassConfigList::const_iterator i;
+ for (i = configReader.getObjectClassConfigList().begin();
+ i != configReader.getObjectClassConfigList().end(); ++i) {
+ if (i->_type != "Multiplayer") {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Ignoring unknown object class type \"" << i->_type << "\"!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ /// The object class for HLA aircraft
+ SGSharedPtr<simgear::HLAObjectClass> objectClass;
+ // Register the object class that we need for this simple hla implementation
+ std::string aircraftClassName = i->_name;
+ objectClass = _hlaFederate->getObjectClass(aircraftClassName);
+ if (!objectClass.valid()) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Could not find " << aircraftClassName << " object class!");
+ continue;
+ }
+ SGSharedPtr<MpClassCallback> mpClassCallback = new MpClassCallback;
+ if (i->_positionConfig._type == "cartesian") {
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLACartesianLocationFactory> locationFactory;
+ locationFactory = new sg::HLACartesianLocationFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_positionConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_positionConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "position-x")
+ locationFactory->setPositionIndexPathPair(0, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "position-y")
+ locationFactory->setPositionIndexPathPair(1, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "position-z")
+ locationFactory->setPositionIndexPathPair(2, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "orientation-sin-angle-axis-x")
+ locationFactory->setOrientationIndexPathPair(0, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "orientation-sin-angle-axis-y")
+ locationFactory->setOrientationIndexPathPair(1, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "orientation-sin-angle-axis-z")
+ locationFactory->setOrientationIndexPathPair(2, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "angular-velocity-x")
+ locationFactory->setAngularVelocityIndexPathPair(0, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "angular-velocity-y")
+ locationFactory->setAngularVelocityIndexPathPair(1, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "angular-velocity-z")
+ locationFactory->setAngularVelocityIndexPathPair(2, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "linear-velocity-x")
+ locationFactory->setLinearVelocityIndexPathPair(0, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "linear-velocity-y")
+ locationFactory->setLinearVelocityIndexPathPair(1, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "linear-velocity-z")
+ locationFactory->setLinearVelocityIndexPathPair(2, objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown position configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\"for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setLocationFactory(locationFactory.get());
+ } else if (i->_positionConfig._type == "geodetic") {
+ SGSharedPtr<sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory> locationFactory;
+ locationFactory = new sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_positionConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_positionConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "latitude-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::LatitudeDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "latitude-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::LatitudeRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "longitude-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::LongitudeDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "longitude-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::LongitudeRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "elevation-m")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::ElevationM,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "elevation-m")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::ElevationFt,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "heading-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::HeadingDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "heading-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::HeadingRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "pitch-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::PitchDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "pitch-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::PitchRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "roll-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::RollDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "roll-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::RollRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "ground-track-deg")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::GroundTrackDeg,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "ground-track-rad")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::GroundTrackRad,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "ground-speed-kt")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::GroundSpeedKnots,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "ground-speed-ft-per-sec")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::GroundSpeedFtPerSec,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "ground-speed-m-per-sec")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::GroundSpeedMPerSec,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "vertical-speed-ft-per-sec")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::VerticalSpeedFtPerSec,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "vertical-speed-ft-per-min")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::VerticalSpeedFtPerMin,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "vertical-speed-m-per-sec")
+ locationFactory->setIndexPathPair(sg::HLAGeodeticLocationFactory::VerticalSpeedMPerSec,
+ objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown position configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setLocationFactory(locationFactory.get());
+ }
+ if (i->_modelConfig._type == "native") {
+ SGSharedPtr<AttributeModelFactory> attributeModelFactory;
+ attributeModelFactory = new AttributeModelFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_modelConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_modelConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "model-path")
+ attributeModelFactory->setModelIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown model configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setModelFactory(attributeModelFactory.get());
+ } else if (i->_modelConfig._type == "map") {
+ SGSharedPtr<AttributeMapModelFactory> attributeModelFactory;
+ attributeModelFactory = new AttributeMapModelFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_modelConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_modelConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "external")
+ attributeModelFactory->setModelIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown model configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ std::list<std::pair<std::string, std::string> >::const_iterator k;
+ for (k = i->_modelConfig._modelMap.begin();
+ k != i->_modelConfig._modelMap.end(); ++k) {
+ if (k->second.empty())
+ attributeModelFactory->setExternalDefault(k->first);
+ else
+ attributeModelFactory->addExternalModelPathPair(k->first, k->second);
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setModelFactory(attributeModelFactory.get());
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown model configuration type \""
+ << i->_modelConfig._type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ if (i->_simTimeConfig._type == "attribute") {
+ SGSharedPtr<AttributeSimTimeFactory> attributeSimTimeFactory;
+ attributeSimTimeFactory = new AttributeSimTimeFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_simTimeConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_simTimeConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "local-simtime")
+ attributeSimTimeFactory->setSimTimeIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown simtime configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setSimTimeFactory(attributeSimTimeFactory.get());
+ } else if (i->_simTimeConfig._type == "attribute-sec-msec") {
+ SGSharedPtr<MSecAttributeSimTimeFactory> attributeSimTimeFactory;
+ attributeSimTimeFactory = new MSecAttributeSimTimeFactory;
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_simTimeConfig._dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_simTimeConfig._dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "local-simtime-sec")
+ attributeSimTimeFactory->setSecIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else if (j->_type == "local-simtime-msec")
+ attributeSimTimeFactory->setMSecIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name));
+ else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown simtime configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ mpClassCallback->setSimTimeFactory(attributeSimTimeFactory.get());
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown simtime configuration type \""
+ << i->_simTimeConfig._type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ if (!i->_mpPropertiesConfig._name.empty()) {
+ mpClassCallback->setMPPropertiesIndexPathPair(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(i->_mpPropertiesConfig._name));
+ }
+ // The free configurabel property - dataElement mapping
+ XMLConfigReader::DataElementList::const_iterator j;
+ for (j = i->_dataElementList.begin();
+ j != i->_dataElementList.end(); ++j) {
+ if (j->_type == "property") {
+ if (!j->_inProperty.empty())
+ mpClassCallback->setInputProperty(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name), j->_inProperty);
+ if (!j->_outProperty.empty())
+ mpClassCallback->setOutputProperty(objectClass->getIndexPathPair(j->_name), j->_outProperty);
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "HLA: Unknown dataElement configuration type \""
+ << j->_type << "\" for object class \"" << aircraftClassName << "\". Ignoring!");
+ }
+ }
+ objectClass->setInstanceCallback(mpClassCallback);
+ if (i->_type == "Multiplayer")
+ _localAircraftClass = objectClass;
+ }
+ set_enabled(true);
+ return is_enabled();
+ // First push our own data so that others can recieve ...
+ if (get_direction() & SG_IO_OUT) {
+ if (fgGetBool("/sim/fdm-initialized", false) && _localAircraftClass.valid()) {
+ if (!_localAircraftInstance.valid()) {
+ _localAircraftInstance = new sg::HLAObjectInstance(_localAircraftClass.get());
+ _localAircraftInstance->registerInstance();
+ }
+ _localAircraftInstance->updateAttributeValues(sg::RTIData("tag"));
+ }
+ }
+ // Then get news from others ...
+ if (get_direction() & SG_IO_IN) {
+ // I hoped that the tick call itself would do that job with the timestamps, but this way it works
+ SGTimeStamp timestamp = SGTimeStamp::now();
+ timestamp += SGTimeStamp::fromSec(0.01);
+ do {
+ if (!_hlaFederate->tick(0.0, 0.0))
+ break;
+ } while (SGTimeStamp::now() <= timestamp);
+ }
+ return true;
+ if (get_direction() & SG_IO_OUT) {
+ // Remove the local object from the rti
+ _localAircraftInstance->deleteInstance(simgear::RTIData("gone"));
+ _localAircraftInstance = 0;
+ }
+ // Leave the federation
+ _hlaFederate->resign();
+ // Try to destroy the federation execution. Only works if no federate is joined
+ _hlaFederate->destroyFederationExecution(_federation);
+ // throw away the HLAFederate
+ _hlaFederate = 0;
+ set_enabled(false);
+ return true;