--- /dev/null
+July 21, 1997
+Here is a quick outline of one way you can build FG for Win32 using a
+completely free development environment.
+1. Setup your development environment. The main Cygnus Gnu-Win32
+ page is at:
+ http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/
+ Download and install the Cygnus Gnu-Win32 compiler:
+ ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/gnu-win32/latest/cdk.exe
+ Be sure to read this package's README for post installation
+ configuration instructions:
+ http://www.cygnus.com/misc/gnu-win32/readme_toc.html
+2. Fetch the Flight Gear prototype code. It can be found at:
+ http://www.menet.umn.edu/~curt/fgfs/prototype/source/
+ Grab the latest .zip file.
+3. Unpack the FG prototype code. Run:
+ pkunzip -d <file>.zip
+ Be sure to use the -d option. This will create all the needed
+ subdirectories. Otherwise you will have one big mess!
+ You should now have directory called ``FlightGear'' with several
+ subdirectories.
+3. Install the OpenGL/GLUT headers. Cd to ``FlightGear\Src\Win32''.
+ There you will find a file called gl-hdrs.zip. Assuming you
+ installed the free Cygnus compiler in C:\gnuwin32\b18,, copy the
+ file ``gl-hdrs.zip'' to ``c:\gnuwin32\b18\include\":
+ copy gl-hdrs.zip c:\gnuwin32\b18\include\
+ Then go to the c:\gnuwin32\b18\include\ directory and run:
+ pkunzip -d gl-hdrs.zip
+ You can remove the gl-hdrs.zip file if you wish.
+4. Install the OpenGL dynamic link libraries. If you are running
+ an NT system you can skip this step. NT comes with the OpenGL
+ libraries. If you are running windows 95, you should grab the
+ OpenGL libraries from the Microsoft ftp server:
+ ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/Opengl95.exe
+ This is a self extracting compressed archive, so run this .exe to
+ extract the files. To install these permanently on your system,
+ you can copy them to your ``c:\windows\system\" directory.
+ Otherwise, you could just as easily copy them to the
+ ``FlightGear\Src\OpenGL'' directory or someplace that is in your
+ path.
+4. Edit the ``make.inc'' file. Go back to the main FlightGear source
+ directory. From where ever you extracted the FG code, cd to
+ ``FlightGear\Src''. Edit the file called ``make.inc''. Find the
+ part of the file that says: ``Uncomment one of the following
+ sections depending on your system''
+ Uncomment all the makefile defines in the ``Cygnus Win32''
+ section. Also, you should comment out any of the defines in the
+ other sections.
+5. Build the executable. From the same ``FlightGear\Src'' directory,
+ run the following command:
+ make
+ make is a build utility that comes with the Cygnus development
+ environment.
+ You will see a few warning messages from the compiler, but none of
+ these are serious.
+6. Try it out! cd to the FlightGear\Src\OpenGL directory and run the
+ simulator:
+ fg0
+7. I wrote this document from the top of my head so it is certain to
+ contain errors. Please send me email (curt@me.umn.edu) and let
+ me know what changes need to be made to this document and these
+ procedures to make them easier to understand and follow.