class FGAIManager;
class FGAIFlightPlan;
-class FGAIBase : public osg::Referenced {
+class FGAIBase : public SGReferenced {
enum object_type { otNull = 0, otAircraft, otShip, otCarrier, otBallistic,
std::string pnumber = scEntry->getStringValue("pennant-number");
std::string name = scEntry->getStringValue("name");
if (type == "carrier" && (pnumber == id || name == id)) {
- osg::ref_ptr<FGAICarrier> carrier = new FGAICarrier;
+ SGSharedPtr<FGAICarrier> carrier = new FGAICarrier;
if (carrier->getParkPosition(pid, geodPos, hdng, uvw)) {
// A list of pointers to AI objects
- typedef list <osg::ref_ptr<FGAIBase> > ai_list_type;
+ typedef list <SGSharedPtr<FGAIBase> > ai_list_type;
typedef ai_list_type::iterator ai_list_iterator;
typedef ai_list_type::const_iterator ai_list_const_iterator;
IC_struct IC;
// A list of pointers to AI objects
- typedef list <osg::ref_ptr<FGAIBase> > sm_list_type;
+ typedef list <SGSharedPtr<FGAIBase> > sm_list_type;
typedef sm_list_type::iterator sm_list_iterator;
typedef sm_list_type::const_iterator sm_list_const_iterator;
void ProcessChatMsg(const MsgBuf& Msg, const netAddress& SenderAddress);
/// maps from the callsign string to the FGAIMultiplayer
- typedef std::map<std::string, osg::ref_ptr<FGAIMultiplayer> > MultiPlayerMap;
+ typedef std::map<std::string, SGSharedPtr<FGAIMultiplayer> > MultiPlayerMap;
MultiPlayerMap mMultiPlayerMap;
netSocket* mSocket;