/* determinating the source/sending host */
if (uname(&myname) == 0) strcpy(src_host , myname.nodename);
printf("MCP: I'm running on HOST : %s ", src_host);
- if (host_info = gethostbyname( src_host)) {
+ if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( src_host)) != NULL ) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
strcpy((char *) fgd_mcp_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr));
FGFS_host = src_host;
/* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */
if (verbose == 2) printf(" Resolving default DEAMON: %s ->", fgd_host);
- if (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host)) {
+ if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host)) != NULL ) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
strcpy((char *) fgd_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr));
if (verbose == 2) {
/* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */
net_r = 0;
if (verbose == 2) printf(" Resolving default DEAMON: %s ->", fgd_host_check);
- if (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host_check)) {
+ if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host_check)) != NULL ) {
bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length);
strcpy((char *) fgd_ip_check, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr));
fgd_ip = fgd_ip_check;