+++ /dev/null
-<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"/>
- textarea { width: 100% }
- .no { background: #ffdddd; }
- label { border-bottom: 1px solid #888; }
-$FRIENDIKA_PATH = dirname(dirname(__FILE__));
-/* find languages */
-$d = dir($FRIENDIKA_PATH."/view");
-while (false !== ($entry = $d->read())) {
- if (is_file($d->path."/".$entry."/strings.php")){
- $LANGS[] = $entry;
- }
-class A{
- var $strings = Array();
-function loadstrings($lang = NULL){
- if (is_null($lang)) {
- $path = $FRIENDIKA_PATH."/util/strings.php";
- } else {
- $path = $FRIENDIKA_PATH."/view/$lang/strings.php";
- }
- $a = new A();
- include_once($path);
- return $a->strings;
-function savestrings($lang, $strings){
- $path = $FRIENDIKA_PATH."/view/$lang/strings.php";
- $f = fopen($path,"w");
- fwrite($f, "<"); fwrite($f, "?php\n");
- foreach($strings as $k=>$v){
- $k=str_replace("'","\'", $k);
- $k=str_replace("\\\\'","\'", $k);
- $k=str_replace("\n","\\n", $k);
- $k=str_replace("\r","\\r", $k);
- $v=str_replace("'","\'", $v);
- $v=str_replace("\\\\'","\'", $v);
- $v=str_replace("\n","\\n", $v);
- $v=str_replace("\r","\\r", $v);
- fwrite( $f, '$a->strings[\''.$k.'\'] = \''. $v .'\';'."\n" );
- #echo '$a->strings[\''.$k.'\'] = \''. $v .'\''."\n" ;
- }
- fwrite($f, "?"); fwrite($f, ">\n");
- fclose($f);
-function hexstr($hexstr) {
- $hexstr = str_replace(' ', '', $hexstr);
- $hexstr = str_replace('\x', '', $hexstr);
- $retstr = pack('H*', $hexstr);
- return $retstr;
-function strhex($string) {
- $hexstr = unpack('H*', $string);
- return array_shift($hexstr);
-echo "<h1>Translator</h1>";
-echo "<small>Utility to translate <code>string.php</code> file.";
-echo " Need write permission to language file you want to modify</small>";
-echo "<p>Installed languages:";
-foreach($LANGS as $l){
- echo "<a href='?lang=$l'>$l</a>, ";
-echo "</p>";
-$strings['en'] = loadstrings();
-if (isset($_GET['lang'])){
- $lang = $_GET['lang'];
- $strings[$lang] = loadstrings($lang);
- $n1 = count($strings['en']);
- $n2 = count($strings[$lang]);
- echo "<pre>";
- echo "Translate en to $lang<br>";
- //echo "Translated $n2 over $n1 strings<br>";
- echo "</pre><hr/>";
- if (isset($_POST['save'])){
- echo "saving...";
- foreach ($_POST as $k=>$v){
- if ($k!="save" && $k!="from"){
- $k=hexstr($k);
- $strings[$lang][$k] = $v;
- }
- }
- savestrings($lang, $strings[$lang]);
- echo "ok.<br>";
- }
- if (!isset($_POST['from'])){
- $from=0;
- } else {
- $from = $_POST['from'];
- if ($_POST['save']=="Next")
- $from += 10;
- if ($_POST['save']=="Prev")
- $from -= 10;
- }
- $count = count($strings['en']);
- $len = 10;
- if ($from+$len>$count) $len=$count-$from;
- $thestrings = array_slice($strings['en'], $from, $len, true);
- echo "<form method='POST'>";
- if ($from>0)
- echo "<input type='submit' name='save' id='save' value='Prev'/>";
- echo "<input type='submit' name='reload' id='reload' value='Reload'/>";
- if ($from+$len<$count)
- echo "<input type='submit' name='save' id='save' value='Next'/>";
- foreach($thestrings as $k=>$v){
- $id = strhex($k);
- $translation = $strings[$lang][$k];
- $v=str_replace("\n","\\n", $v);
- $v=str_replace("\r","\\r", $v);
- $translation=str_replace("\n","\\n", $translation);
- $translation=str_replace("\r","\\r", $translation);
- $istranslate = $translation != '' ? 'yes':'no';
- echo "<dl class='$istranslate'>";
- echo "<dt><pre><label for='$id'>".htmlspecialchars($v)."</label></pre></dt>";
- echo "<dd><textarea id='$id' name='$id'>$translation</textarea></dd>";
- echo "</dl>";
- }
- echo "<input type='hidden' name='from' value='$from'/>";
- if ($from>0)
- echo "<input type='submit' name='save' id='save' value='Prev'/>";
- echo "<input type='submit' name='reload' id='reload' value='Reload'/>";
- if ($from+$len<$count)
- echo "<input type='submit' name='save' id='save' value='Next'/>";
- echo "</form>";