- Networks are now sorted by short name (in what=list_networks and selection box)
- Fix for auto-purging members
- 'Der Werbepartner.cc added with basic data.
- TODOs.txt updated
templates/de/html/runtime_fatal_table.tpl -text
templates/de/html/select/.htaccess -text
templates/de/html/select/select_network_box.tpl -text
+templates/de/html/select/select_network_option.tpl -text
templates/de/html/show_bonus.tpl -text
templates/de/html/show_bonus_footer.tpl -text
templates/de/html/show_bonus_header.tpl -text
./beg.php:172: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
./birthday_confirm.php:93: // @TODO Try to rewrite the following unset()
+./inc/autopurge/purge-inact.php:56: // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
./inc/cache/config-local.php:125:// @TODO Rewrite the following three constants, somehow...
./inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php:467: // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block
./inc/config-functions.php:143: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:34: * @TODO paid4ad: Waiting for approval *
./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:35: * @TODO secash: Traffic *
./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:36: * @TODO ultraPROMO: Traffic *
-./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:89: // @TODO network_type_handle is an internal name and needs documentation
+./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:37: * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Has click/banner URL in API response *
+./inc/extensions/ext-network.php:90: // @TODO network_type_handle is an internal name and needs documentation
./inc/extensions/ext-newsletter.php:215: // @TODO Move these into configuration
./inc/extensions/ext-rallye.php:330: // @TODO Move this code into rallye_functions.php
./inc/extensions/ext-rallye.php:93: // @TODO Fix config_rallye_prices to list_rallye_prices
./inc/functions.php:2700:// @TODO Rewrite this function to use readFromFile() and writeToFile()
./inc/functions.php:3579:// @TODO Lame description for this function
./inc/functions.php:3601: // @TODO Move this in a filter
-./inc/functions.php:3719: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
+./inc/functions.php:3725: // @TODO This is still very static, rewrite it somehow
./inc/functions.php:473: // @TODO Do only use $content, not $DATA or raw variables
./inc/functions.php:543: // @TODO Extension 'msg' does not exist
./inc/functions.php:612:// @TODO Rewrite this to an extension 'smtp'
./inc/modules/admin/what-refbanner.php:144: // @TODO Rewritings: alt->alternate,cnt->counter,clx->clicks in template
./inc/modules/admin/what-unlock_emails.php:88: // @TODO Rewrite these if-blocks to a filter
./inc/modules/admin/what-unlock_sponsor.php:191: // @TODO Rewritings: remote->remote_addr, created->sponsor_created in template
-./inc/modules/admin/what-usage.php:87: // @TODO This code is double, see LOAD_TEMPLATE and loadEmailTemplate in functions.php
+./inc/modules/admin/what-usage.php:87: // @TODO This code is double, see loadTemplate() and loadEmailTemplate() in functions.php
./inc/modules/admin/what-usr_online.php:50: // @TODO Add a filter for sponsor
./inc/modules/guest/what-beg.php:59:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_UID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getConfig('beg_userid_timeout')));
./inc/modules/guest/what-confirm.php:112: // @TODO Try to rewrite the following unset()
// Init exclusion list
+ // @TODO Rewrite these if() blocks to a filter
if (getConfig('def_refid') > 0) {
$EXCLUDE_LIST = " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('def_refid');
if (isExtensionActive('doubler')) $EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.userid != ".getConfig('doubler_userid')."";
// Check for new holiday extension
- if (getExtensionVersion('holiday') >= '0.1.3') {
+ if (isExtensionInstalledAndNewer('holiday', '0.1.3')) {
// Include only users with no active holiday
$EXCLUDE_LIST .= " AND d.`holiday_active`='N'";
} // END - if
* @TODO paid4ad: Waiting for approval *
* @TODO secash: Traffic *
* @TODO ultraPROMO: Traffic *
+ * @TODO Der Werbepartner.cc: Has click/banner URL in API response *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
* Copyright (c) 2003 - 2009 by Roland Haeder *
* For more information visit: http://www.mxchange.org *
('megad', 'Mega-Ad', 'http://www.mega-ad.de/?ref=303', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('power-promo', 'Power-Promo', 'http://www.power-promo.de?ref=1231', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('secash', 'SeCash', 'http://www.secash.de?ref=758', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
+('werbepartnercc', 'Der Werbepartner.cc', 'http://www.werbepartner.cc/sponsor/?ref=696', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('yoomedia', 'Yoo!Media Solutions', 'http://www.yoomedia.de?ref=1715', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252')");
// Network type handlers - A3H
(99, 16, 'textlink_view', 'http://www.secash.de/interface/', 'http://www.secash.de/codes/textlinkview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL),
(101, 16, 'textmail', 'http://www.secash.de/interface/', 'http://www.secash.de/codes/paidmail.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL)");
+ // Network type handlers - Der Werbepartner.cc
// Network type handlers - Yoo!Media
// Request parameters per type handler - A3H
(685, 16, 101, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
(686, 16, 101, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL)");
+ // Request parameters per type handler - Der Werbepartner.cc
// Request parameters per type handler - Yoo!Media
// Fix empty defaults to NULL
// Generates a 'selection box' from given array
-function generateSelectionBoxFromArray ($options, $name, $optionValue, $optionContent) {
+function generateSelectionBoxFromArray ($options, $name, $optionValue, $optionContent='') {
// Start the output
$OUT = '<select name="' . $name . '" size="1" class="admin_select">
<option value="X" disabled="disabled">{--PLEASE_SELECT--}</option>';
// Walk through all options
foreach ($options as $option) {
// Add the <option> entry
- $OUT .= '<option value="' . $option[$optionValue] . '">' . $option[$optionContent] . '</option>';
+ if (empty($optionContent)) {
+ // ... from template
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('select_' . $name . '_option', true, $option);
+ } else {
+ // Direct HTML code
+ $OUT .= '<option value="' . $option[$optionValue] . '">' . $option[$optionContent] . '</option>';
+ }
} // END - foreach
// Finish selection box
// Query for all networks
- `network_id`, `network_title`
+ `network_id`, `network_short_name`, `network_title`
- `network_title` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ `network_short_name` ASC", __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
} // END - while
// Generate the selection box
- $content = generateSelectionBoxFromArray($rows, 'network', 'network_id', 'network_title');
+ $content = generateSelectionBoxFromArray($rows, 'network', 'network_id');
} else {
// Nothing selected
$content = loadTemplate('admin_settings_unsaved', false, getMessage('ADMIN_ENTRIES_404'));
- `network_title` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
+ `network_short_name` ASC', __FILE__, __LINE__);
// Do we have entries?
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
--- /dev/null
+<option value="$content[network_id]">$content[network_title] ($content[network_short_name])</option>