void SkySceneLoader::Draw( sgMat4 mat )
-{/* need this if you want to look at FG matrix
- if ( _ssgCurrentContext == NULL )
- {
- cout<< "ssg: No Current Context: Did you forgot to call ssgInit()?" ; char x; cin >> x;
- }
- ssgForceBasicState () ;
- */
- sgMat4 test, m, *pm, viewmat, cameraMatrix;
- pm = &m;
- sgSetVec4(mat[3], cam_pos[0], cam_pos[1], cam_pos[2], SG_ONE);
- // at this point the view matrix has the cloud camera position relative to cloud origin
- // now transform to screen coordinates
- sgTransposeNegateMat4 ( viewmat, mat ) ;
- sgCopyMat4 ( cameraMatrix, my_copy_of_ssgOpenGLAxisSwapMatrix ) ;
- sgPreMultMat4 ( cameraMatrix, viewmat ) ;
- //sgCopyMat4 ( test, cameraMatrix );
- //printf( "\nSkyworks ViewModel matrix\n" );
- //cout << test[0][0] << " " << test[1][0] << " " << test[2][0] << " " << test[3][0] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][1] << " " << test[1][1] << " " << test[2][1] << " " << test[3][1] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][2] << " " << test[1][2] << " " << test[2][2] << " " << test[3][2] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][3] << " " << test[1][3] << " " << test[2][3] << " " << test[3][3] << endl;
- // this is the cameraview matrix used by flightgear to render scene
- //_ssgCurrentContext->getModelviewMatrix( m );
- glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
- glLoadIdentity () ;
- glLoadMatrixf( (float *) cameraMatrix );
- //sgCopyMat4( test, m );
+ sgMat4 cameraMatrix;
- pCam->SetModelviewMatrix( (float *) cameraMatrix );
- //printf( "\nFG modelview matrix\n" );
- //cout << test[0][0] << " " << test[1][0] << " " << test[2][0] << " " << test[3][0] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][1] << " " << test[1][1] << " " << test[2][1] << " " << test[3][1] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][2] << " " << test[1][2] << " " << test[2][2] << " " << test[3][2] << endl;
- //cout << test[0][3] << " " << test[1][3] << " " << test[2][3] << " " << test[3][3] << endl;
+ // sgCopyMat4(cameraMatrix,mat);
+ // or just
+ ssgGetModelviewMatrix(cameraMatrix);
- SceneManager::InstancePtr()->Display(*pCam);
+ glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
+ glLoadIdentity () ;
+ glLoadMatrixf( (float *) cameraMatrix );
+ pCam->SetModelviewMatrix( (float *) cameraMatrix );
+ SceneManager::InstancePtr()->Display(*pCam);
- //pLight->Display(); // draw the light position to debug with sun position
- glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
- glLoadIdentity () ;
+ //pLight->Display(); // draw the light position to debug with sun position
+ glMatrixMode ( GL_MODELVIEW ) ;
+ glLoadIdentity () ;