delete (GearRec*)_gears.get(i);
for(i=0; i<_surfs.size(); i++)
delete (Surface*)_surfs.get(i);
+ for(i=0; i<_contacts.size(); i++)
+ delete[] (float*)_contacts.get(i);
void Airplane::iterate(float dt)
s->pos[2] = 1;
+void Airplane::addContactPoint(float* pos)
+ float* cp = new float[3];
+ cp[0] = pos[0];
+ cp[1] = pos[1];
+ cp[2] = pos[2];
+ _contacts.add(cp);
float Airplane::compileWing(Wing* w)
+ // The tip of the wing is a contact point
+ float tip[3];
+ w->getTip(tip);
+ addContactPoint(tip);
+ if(w->isMirrored()) {
+ tip[1] *= -1;
+ addContactPoint(tip);
+ }
// Make sure it's initialized. The surfaces will pop out with
// total drag coefficients equal to their areas, which is what we
// want.
float Airplane::compileFuselage(Fuselage* f)
+ // The front and back are contact points
+ addContactPoint(f->front);
+ addContactPoint(f->back);
float wgt = 0;
float fwd[3];
Math::sub3(f->front, f->back, fwd);
+void Airplane::compileContactPoints()
+ // Figure it will compress by 20cm
+ float comp[3];
+ float DIST = 0.2;
+ comp[0] = 0; comp[1] = 0; comp[2] = DIST;
+ // Give it a spring constant such that at full compression it will
+ // hold up 10 times the planes mass. That's about right. Yeah.
+ float mass = _model.getBody()->getTotalMass();
+ float spring = (1/DIST) * 9.8 * 10 * mass;
+ float damp = 2 * Math::sqrt(spring * mass);
+ int i;
+ for(i=0; i<_contacts.size(); i++) {
+ float *cp = (float*)_contacts.get(i);
+ Gear* g = new Gear();
+ g->setPosition(cp);
+ g->setCompression(comp);
+ g->setSpring(spring);
+ g->setDamping(damp);
+ g->setBrake(1);
+ // I made these up
+ g->setStaticFriction(0.6);
+ g->setDynamicFriction(0.5);
+ _model.addGear(g);
+ }
void Airplane::compile()
double ground[3];
+ // Do this after solveGear, because it creates "gear" objects that
+ // we don't want to affect.
+ compileContactPoints();
// Drop the gear (use a really big dt)
setGearState(true, 1000000);
void applyDragFactor(float factor);
void applyLiftRatio(float factor);
float clamp(float val, float min, float max);
+ void addContactPoint(float* pos);
+ void compileContactPoints();
float normFactor(float f);
Model _model;
float _ballast;
Vector _gears;
+ Vector _contacts; // non-gear ground contact points
Vector _weights;
Vector _surfs; // NON-wing Surfaces
return span;
+void Wing::getTip(float* tip)
+ tip[0] = -Math::tan(_sweep);
+ tip[1] = Math::cos(_dihedral);
+ tip[2] = Math::sin(_dihedral);
+ Math::unit3(tip, tip);
+ Math::mul3(_length, tip, tip);
+ Math::add3(_base, tip, tip);
+bool Wing::isMirrored()
+ return _mirror;
void Wing::compile()
// Have we already been compiled?