static osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> layer_states2[SGCloudLayer::SG_MAX_CLOUD_COVERAGES];
static osg::ref_ptr<osg::TextureCubeMap> cubeMap;
static bool state_initialized = false;
-static bool bump_mapping = false;
-bool SGCloudLayer::enable_bump_mapping = false;
const std::string SGCloudLayer::SG_CLOUD_OVERCAST_STRING = "overcast";
const std::string SGCloudLayer::SG_CLOUD_BROKEN_STRING = "broken";
SG_LOG(SG_ASTRO, SG_INFO, "initializing cloud layers");
- osg::Texture::Extensions* extensions;
- extensions = osg::Texture::getExtensions(0, true);
- bump_mapping = extensions->isMultiTexturingSupported() &&
- (2 <= extensions->numTextureUnits()) &&
- SGIsOpenGLExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_env_combine") &&
- SGIsOpenGLExtensionSupported("GL_ARB_texture_env_dot3");
- osg::TextureCubeMap::Extensions* extensions2;
- extensions2 = osg::TextureCubeMap::getExtensions(0, true);
- bump_mapping = bump_mapping && extensions2->isCubeMapSupported();
// This bump mapping code was inspired by the tutorial available at
// and a NVidia white paper
osg::Switch* getNode() { return cloud_root.get(); }
- static bool enable_bump_mapping;
/** return the 3D layer cloud associated with this 2D layer */
SGCloudField *get_layer3D(void) { return layer3D; }