#include "tilecache.hxx"
+// to test clipping speedup in fgTileMgrRender()
+#if defined ( USE_FAST_FOV_CLIP )
+ // #define TEST_FOV_CLIP
+ // #define TEST_ELEV
#define FG_LOCAL_X_Y 81 // max(o->tile_diameter) ** 2
#define FG_SQUARE( X ) ( (X) * (X) )
+#ifdef WIN32
+# define FG_MEM_COPY(to,from,n) memcpy(to, from, n)
+# define FG_MEM_COPY(to,from,n) bcopy(from, to, n)
// closest (potentially viewable) tiles, centered on current tile.
// This is an array of pointers to cache indexes.
// Calculate if point/radius is inside view frustum
static int viewable( fgPoint3d *cp, double radius ) {
+ int viewable = 1; // start by assuming it's viewable
+ double x1, y1;
+#if defined( USE_FAST_FOV_CLIP ) // views.hxx
+ MAT3vec eye;
+ double *mat;
+ double x, y, z;
+ x = cp->x;
+ y = cp->y;
+ z = cp->z;
+ mat = (double *)(current_view.WORLD_TO_EYE);
+ eye[0] = (x*mat[0] + y*mat[4] + z*mat[8] + mat[12]) * current_view.slope_x;
+ eye[1] = (x*mat[1] + y*mat[5] + z*mat[9] + mat[13]) * current_view.slope_y;
+ eye[2] = x*mat[2] + y*mat[6] + z*mat[10] + mat[14];
+ // Check near and far clip plane
+ if( ( eye[2] > radius ) ||
+ ( eye[2] + radius + current_weather.visibility < 0) )
+ {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ // check right and left clip plane (from eye perspective)
+ x1 = radius * current_view.fov_x_clip;
+ if( (eye[2] > -(eye[0]+x1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[0]-x1)) )
+ {
+ return(0);
+ }
+ // check bottom and top clip plane (from eye perspective)
+ y1 = radius * current_view.fov_y_clip;
+ if( (eye[2] > -(eye[1]+y1)) || (eye[2] > (eye[1]-y1)) )
+ {
+ return(0);
+ }
fgVIEW *v;
MAT3hvec world, eye;
- int viewable = 1; // start by assuming it's viewable
- double x0, x1, y1, slope;
+ double x0, slope;
v = ¤t_view;
+#endif // defined( USE_FAST_FOV_CLIP )
+// NEW
+// calculate distance from vertical tangent line at
+// current position to center of object.
+// this is equivalent to
+// dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(t->center), &(v->abs_view_pos),
+// v->local_up );
+// if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) {
+// the compiler should inline this for us
+static int
+inrange( const double radius, const fgPoint3d *center, const fgPoint3d *vp,
+ const MAT3vec up)
+ MAT3vec u, u1, v;
+ // double tmp;
+ // u = p - p0
+ u[0] = center->x - vp->x;
+ u[1] = center->y - vp->y;
+ u[2] = center->z - vp->z;
+ // calculate the projection, u1, of u along d.
+ // u1 = ( dot_prod(u, d) / dot_prod(d, d) ) * d;
+ MAT3_SCALE_VEC(u1, up,
+ (MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(u, up) / MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(up, up)) );
+ // v = u - u1 = vector from closest point on line, p1, to the
+ // original point, p.
+ MAT3_SUB_VEC(v, u, u1);
+ return( FG_SQUARE(radius) >= MAT3_DOT_PRODUCT(v, v));
// Determine scenery altitude. Normally this just happens when we
// render the scene, but we'd also like to be able to do this
// explicitely. lat & lon are in radians. abs_view_pos in meters.
local_up[1] = abs_view_pos->y;
local_up[2] = abs_view_pos->z;
- tile_diameter = current_options.get_tile_diameter();
// Find current translation offset
fgBucketFind(lon * RAD_TO_DEG, lat * RAD_TO_DEG, &p);
index = c->Exists(&p);
lon * RAD_TO_DEG, lat * RAD_TO_DEG,
p.lon, p.lat, p.x, p.y, fgBucketGenIndex(&p) );
- // traverse the potentially viewable tile list
- for ( i = 0; i < (tile_diameter * tile_diameter); i++ ) {
- index = tiles[i];
- // fgPrintf( FG_TERRAIN, FG_DEBUG, "Index = %d\n", index);
- t = c->GetTile(index);
- // calculate tile offset
- x = (t->offset.x = t->center.x - scenery.center.x);
- y = (t->offset.y = t->center.y - scenery.center.y);
- z = (t->offset.z = t->center.z - scenery.center.z);
+ // calculate tile offset
+ x = (t->offset.x = t->center.x - scenery.center.x);
+ y = (t->offset.y = t->center.y - scenery.center.y);
+ z = (t->offset.z = t->center.z - scenery.center.z);
- // calc current terrain elevation calculate distance from
- // vertical tangent line at current position to center of
- // tile.
+ // calc current terrain elevation calculate distance from
+ // vertical tangent line at current position to center of
+ // tile.
- /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
- point_line_dist_squared(&(t->offset), &(v->view_pos),
- v->local_up), t->bounding_radius); */
+ /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
+ point_line_dist_squared(&(t->offset), &(v->view_pos),
+ v->local_up), t->bounding_radius); */
- dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(t->center), abs_view_pos,
+ dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(t->center), abs_view_pos,
local_up );
- if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) {
- // traverse fragment list for tile
- current = t->fragment_list.begin();
- last = t->fragment_list.end();
- while ( current != last ) {
- frag_ptr = &(*current);
- current++;
- /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
- point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
- &abs_view_pos), local_up),
- frag_ptr->bounding_radius); */
- dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
- abs_view_pos, local_up);
- if ( dist <= FG_SQUARE(frag_ptr->bounding_radius) ) {
- if ( frag_ptr->intersect( abs_view_pos,
- &earth_center, 0, &result ) ) {
- // compute geocentric coordinates of tile center
- pp = fgCartToPolar3d(result);
- // convert to geodetic coordinates
- fgGeocToGeod(pp.lat, pp.radius, &lat_geod,
- &alt, &sea_level_r);
- // printf("alt = %.2f\n", alt);
- // exit since we found an intersection
- return(alt);
- }
+ if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) {
+ // traverse fragment list for tile
+ current = t->fragment_list.begin();
+ last = t->fragment_list.end();
+ while ( current != last ) {
+ frag_ptr = &(*current);
+ current++;
+ /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
+ point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
+ &abs_view_pos), local_up),
+ frag_ptr->bounding_radius); */
+ dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
+ abs_view_pos, local_up);
+ if ( dist <= FG_SQUARE(frag_ptr->bounding_radius) ) {
+ if ( frag_ptr->intersect( abs_view_pos,
+ &earth_center, 0, &result ) ) {
+ // compute geocentric coordinates of tile center
+ pp = fgCartToPolar3d(result);
+ // convert to geodetic coordinates
+ fgGeocToGeod(pp.lat, pp.radius, &lat_geod,
+ &alt, &sea_level_r);
+ // printf("alt = %.2f\n", alt);
+ // exit since we found an intersection
+ return(alt);
+// NEW for legibility
+// update this tile's geometry for current view
+// The Compiler should inline this
+static void
+update_tile_geometry( fgTILE *t, GLdouble *MODEL_VIEW)
+ GLdouble *m;
+ double x, y, z;
+ // calculate tile offset
+ x = (t->offset.x = t->center.x - scenery.center.x);
+ y = (t->offset.y = t->center.y - scenery.center.y);
+ z = (t->offset.z = t->center.z - scenery.center.z);
+ m = t->model_view;
+ // Calculate the model_view transformation matrix for this tile
+ FG_MEM_COPY( m, MODEL_VIEW, 16*sizeof(GLdouble) );
+ // This is equivalent to doing a glTranslatef(x, y, z);
+ m[12] += (m[0]*x + m[4]*y + m[8] *z);
+ m[13] += (m[1]*x + m[5]*y + m[9] *z);
+ m[14] += (m[2]*x + m[6]*y + m[10]*z);
+ // m[15] += (m[3]*x + m[7]*y + m[11]*z);
+ // m[3] m7[] m[11] are 0.0 see LookAt() in views.cxx
+ // so m[15] is unchanged
// Render the local tiles
void fgTileMgrRender( void ) {
min_dist = 100000.0;
+ scenery.cur_elev = fgTileMgrCurElev( FG_Longitude, FG_Latitude,
+ &(v->abs_view_pos) );
// Pass 1
// traverse the potentially viewable tile list
for ( i = 0; i < (tile_diameter * tile_diameter); i++ ) {
m[14] = m[2] * x + m[6] * y + m[10] * z + m[14];
m[15] = m[3] * x + m[7] * y + m[11] * z + m[15];
- // temp ... calc current terrain elevation
- // calculate distance from vertical tangent line at
- // current position to center of tile.
- /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
- point_line_dist_squared(&(t->offset), &(v->view_pos),
- v->local_up), t->bounding_radius); */
- dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(t->center), &(v->abs_view_pos),
- v->local_up );
- if ( dist < FG_SQUARE(t->bounding_radius) ) {
- // traverse fragment list for tile
- current = t->fragment_list.begin();
- last = t->fragment_list.end();
- while ( current != last ) {
- frag_ptr = &(*current);
- current++;
- /* printf("distance squared = %.2f, bounding radius = %.2f\n",
- point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
- &(v->abs_view_pos), v->local_up),
- frag_ptr->bounding_radius); */
- dist = point_line_dist_squared( &(frag_ptr->center),
- &(v->abs_view_pos), v->local_up);
- if ( dist <= FG_SQUARE(frag_ptr->bounding_radius) ) {
- if ( frag_ptr->intersect( &(v->abs_view_pos),
- &earth_center, 0, &result ) ) {
- // compute geocentric coordinates of tile center
- pp = fgCartToPolar3d(result);
- // convert to geodetic coordinates
- fgGeocToGeod(pp.lat, pp.radius, &lat_geod,
- &alt, &sea_level_r);
- // printf("alt = %.2f\n", alt);
- scenery.cur_elev = alt;
- // exit this loop since we found an intersection
- break;
- }
- }
- }
+#if defined( TEST_FOV_CLIP )
+ if( viewable(&(t->offset), t->bounding_radius) !=
+ viewable2(&(t->offset), t->bounding_radius) )
+ {
+ printf("FOV PROBLEM\n");
+ exit(10);
+#endif // defined( TEST_FOV_CLIP )
// Course (tile based) culling
if ( viewable(&(t->offset), t->bounding_radius) ) {
frag_offset.y = frag_ptr->center.y - scenery.center.y;
frag_offset.z = frag_ptr->center.z - scenery.center.z;
+#if defined( TEST_FOV_CLIP )
+ radius = frag_ptr->bounding_radius*2;
+ if ( viewable(&frag_offset, radius) !=
+ viewable2(&frag_offset, radius) ) {
+ printf("FOV PROBLEM\n");
+ exit(10);
+ }
+#endif // defined( TEST_FOV_CLIP )
if ( viewable(&frag_offset, frag_ptr->bounding_radius*2) ) {
// add to transient per-material property fragment list
// frag_ptr->tile_offset.x = t->offset.x;
// $Log$
+// Revision 1.33 1998/09/08 15:05:10 curt
+// Optimization by Norman Vine.
// Revision 1.32 1998/08/25 16:52:44 curt
// material.cxx material.hxx obj.cxx obj.hxx texload.c texload.h moved to
// ../Objects