--- /dev/null
+from reqto import get
+from reqto import post
+from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
+from reqto import get
+from hashlib import sha256
+import sqlite3
+import json
+import sys
+with open("config.json") as f:
+ config = json.loads(f.read())
+blacklist = [
+ "activitypub-troll.cf",
+ "gab.best",
+ "4chan.icu",
+ "social.shrimpcam.pw",
+ "mastotroll.netz.org"
+headers = {
+ "user-agent": config["useragent"]
+conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
+c = conn.cursor()
+def get_hash(domain: str) -> str:
+ return sha256(domain.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
+def get_peers(domain: str) -> str:
+ try:
+ res = get(f"https://{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ return res.json()
+ except:
+ print("WARNING: Cannot fetch peers:", domain)
+ return None
+def get_type(instdomain: str) -> str:
+ try:
+ res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.1.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ if res.status_code == 404:
+ res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.0", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ if res.status_code == 404:
+ res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.0.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ if res.ok and "text/html" in res.headers["content-type"]:
+ res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.1", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ if res.ok:
+ if res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["akkoma", "rebased"]:
+ return "pleroma"
+ elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["hometown", "ecko"]:
+ return "mastodon"
+ elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["calckey", "groundpolis", "foundkey", "cherrypick"]:
+ return "misskey"
+ else:
+ return res.json()["software"]["name"]
+ elif res.status_code == 404:
+ res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/api/v1/instance", headers=headers, timeout=5)
+ if res.ok:
+ return "mastodon"
+ except:
+ return None
+def update_block_reason(reason: str, blocker: str, blocked: str, block_level: str):
+ # NOISY: print("--- Updating block reason:", reason, blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "UPDATE blocks SET reason = ? WHERE blocker = ? AND blocked = ? AND block_level = ? AND reason = ''",
+ (
+ reason,
+ blocker,
+ blocked,
+ block_level
+ ),
+ )
+ except:
+ print("ERROR: failed SQL query")
+ sys.exit(255)
+def update_last_seen(last_seen: int, blocker: str, blocked: str, block_level: str):
+ # NOISY: print("--- Updating last_seen:", last_seen, blocker, blocked, block_level)
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "UPDATE blocks SET last_seen = ? WHERE blocker = ? AND blocked = ? AND block_level = ?",
+ (
+ last_seen,
+ blocker,
+ blocked,
+ block_level
+ )
+ )
+ except:
+ print("ERROR: failed SQL query")
+ sys.exit(255)
+def block_instance(blocker: str, blocked: str, reason: str, block_level: str, first_added: int, last_seen: int):
+ print("--- New block:", blocker, blocked, reason, block_level, first_added, last_seen)
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO blocks SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?",
+ (
+ blocker,
+ blocked,
+ reason,
+ block_level,
+ first_added,
+ last_seen
+ ),
+ )
+ except:
+ print("ERROR: failed SQL query")
+ sys.exit(255)
+def add_instance(domain: str):
+ print("--- Adding new instance:", domain)
+ try:
+ c.execute(
+ "INSERT INTO instances SELECT ?, ?, ?",
+ (
+ domain,
+ get_hash(domain),
+ get_type(domain)
+ ),
+ )
+ except:
+ print("ERROR: failed SQL query")
+ sys.exit(255)
+def send_bot_post(instance: str, blocks: dict):
+ message = instance + " has blocked the following instances:\n\n"
+ truncated = False
+ if len(blocks) > 20:
+ truncated = True
+ blocks = blocks[0 : 19]
+ for block in blocks:
+ if block["reason"] == None or block["reason"] == '':
+ message = message + block["blocked"] + " with unspecified reason\n"
+ else:
+ if len(block["reason"]) > 420:
+ block["reason"] = block["reason"][0:419] + "[…]"
+ message = message + block["blocked"] + ' for "' + block["reason"].replace("@", "@\u200b") + '"\n'
+ if truncated:
+ message = message + "(the list has been truncated to the first 20 entries)"
+ botheaders = {**headers, **{"Authorization": "Bearer " + config["bot_token"]}}
+ req = post(f"{config['bot_instance']}/api/v1/statuses",
+ data={"status":message, "visibility":config['bot_visibility'], "content_type":"text/plain"},
+ headers=botheaders, timeout=10).json()
+ return True
+def get_mastodon_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
+ blocks = {
+ "Suspended servers": [],
+ "Filtered media": [],
+ "Limited servers": [],
+ "Silenced servers": [],
+ }
+ translations = {
+ "Silenced instances": "Silenced servers",
+ "Suspended instances": "Suspended servers",
+ "Gesperrte Server": "Suspended servers",
+ "Gefilterte Medien": "Filtered media",
+ "Stummgeschaltete Server": "Silenced servers",
+ "停止済みのサーバー": "Suspended servers",
+ "メディアを拒否しているサーバー": "Filtered media",
+ "サイレンス済みのサーバー": "Silenced servers",
+ "שרתים מושעים": "Suspended servers",
+ "מדיה מסוננת": "Filtered media",
+ "שרתים מוגבלים": "Silenced servers",
+ "Serveurs suspendus": "Suspended servers",
+ "Médias filtrés": "Filtered media",
+ "Serveurs limités": "Silenced servers",
+ }
+ try:
+ doc = BeautifulSoup(
+ get(f"https://{domain}/about/more", headers=headers, timeout=5).text,
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ except:
+ print("ERROR: Cannot fetch from domain:", domain)
+ return {}
+ for header in doc.find_all("h3"):
+ header_text = header.text
+ if header_text in translations:
+ header_text = translations[header_text]
+ if header_text in blocks:
+ # replaced find_next_siblings with find_all_next to account for instances that e.g. hide lists in dropdown menu
+ for line in header.find_all_next("table")[0].find_all("tr")[1:]:
+ blocks[header_text].append(
+ {
+ "domain": line.find("span").text,
+ "hash": line.find("span")["title"][9:],
+ "reason": line.find_all("td")[1].text.strip(),
+ }
+ )
+ return {
+ "reject": blocks["Suspended servers"],
+ "media_removal": blocks["Filtered media"],
+ "followers_only": blocks["Limited servers"]
+ + blocks["Silenced servers"],
+ }
+def get_friendica_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
+ blocks = []
+ try:
+ doc = BeautifulSoup(
+ get(f"https://{domain}/friendica", headers=headers, timeout=5).text,
+ "html.parser",
+ )
+ except:
+ return {}
+ blocklist = doc.find(id="about_blocklist")
+ # Prevents exceptions:
+ if blocklist is None:
+ print("Instance has no block list:", domain)
+ return {}
+ for line in blocklist.find("table").find_all("tr")[1:]:
+ blocks.append(
+ {
+ "domain": line.find_all("td")[0].text.strip(),
+ "reason": line.find_all("td")[1].text.strip()
+ }
+ )
+ return {
+ "reject": blocks
+ }
+def get_misskey_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
+ blocks = {
+ "suspended": [],
+ "blocked": []
+ }
+ try:
+ counter = 0
+ step = 99
+ while True:
+ # iterating through all "suspended" (follow-only in its terminology) instances page-by-page, since that troonware doesn't support sending them all at once
+ try:
+ if counter == 0:
+ doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=json.dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"suspended":True,"limit":step}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
+ if doc == []: raise
+ else:
+ doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=json.dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"suspended":True,"limit":step,"offset":counter-1}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
+ if doc == []: raise
+ for instance in doc:
+ # just in case
+ if instance["isSuspended"]:
+ blocks["suspended"].append(
+ {
+ "domain": instance["host"],
+ # no reason field, nothing
+ "reason": ""
+ }
+ )
+ counter = counter + step
+ except:
+ counter = 0
+ break
+ while True:
+ # same shit, different asshole ("blocked" aka full suspend)
+ try:
+ if counter == 0:
+ doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=json.dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"blocked":True,"limit":step}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
+ if doc == []: raise
+ else:
+ doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=json.dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"blocked":True,"limit":step,"offset":counter-1}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
+ if doc == []: raise
+ for instance in doc:
+ if instance["isBlocked"]:
+ blocks["blocked"].append(
+ {
+ "domain": instance["host"],
+ "reason": ""
+ }
+ )
+ counter = counter + step
+ except:
+ counter = 0
+ break
+ return {
+ "reject": blocks["blocked"],
+ "followers_only": blocks["suspended"]
+ }
+ except:
+ return {}
+def tidyup(domain: str) -> str:
+ # some retards put their blocks in variable case
+ domain = domain.lower()
+ # other retards put the port
+ domain = re.sub("\:\d+$", "", domain)
+ # bigger retards put the schema in their blocklist, sometimes even without slashes
+ domain = re.sub("^https?\:(\/*)", "", domain)
+ # and trailing slash
+ domain = re.sub("\/$", "", domain)
+ # and the @
+ domain = re.sub("^\@", "", domain)
+ # the biggest retards of them all try to block individual users
+ domain = re.sub("(.+)\@", "", domain)
+ return domain
from reqto import get
from reqto import post
from hashlib import sha256
-import sqlite3
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from json import dumps
from json import loads
import re
from time import time
import itertools
-with open("config.json") as f:
- config = loads(f.read())
-headers = {
- "user-agent": config["useragent"]
-def update_block_reason(reason: str, blocker: str, blocked: str, block_level: str):
- # NOISY: print("--- Updating block reason:", reason, blocker, blocked, block_level)
- c.execute(
- "UPDATE blocks SET reason = ? WHERE blocker = ? AND blocked = ? AND block_level = ? AND reason = ''",
- (
- reason,
- blocker,
- blocked,
- block_level
- ),
- )
-def update_last_seen(last_seen: int, blocker: str, blocked: str, block_level: str):
- # NOISY: print("--- Updating last_seen:", last_seen, blocker, blocked, block_level)
- c.execute(
- "UPDATE blocks SET last_seen = ? WHERE blocker = ? AND blocked = ? AND block_level = ?",
- (
- last_seen,
- blocker,
- blocked,
- block_level
- )
- )
-def block_instance(blocker: str, blocked: str, reason: str, block_level: str, first_added: int, last_seen: int):
- print("--- New block:", blocker, blocked, reason, block_level, first_added, last_seen)
- c.execute(
- "INSERT INTO blocks SELECT ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?",
- (
- blocker,
- blocked,
- reason,
- block_level,
- first_added,
- last_seen
- ),
- )
-def add_instance (domain: str):
- print("--- Adding new instance:", domain)
- c.execute(
- "INSERT INTO instances SELECT ?, ?, ?",
- (
- blocked,
- get_hash(blocked),
- get_type(blocked)
- ),
- )
-def send_bot_post(instance: str, blocks: dict):
- message = instance + " has blocked the following instances:\n\n"
- truncated = False
- if len(blocks) > 20:
- truncated = True
- blocks = blocks[0 : 19]
- for block in blocks:
- if block["reason"] == None or block["reason"] == '':
- message = message + block["blocked"] + " with unspecified reason\n"
- else:
- if len(block["reason"]) > 420:
- block["reason"] = block["reason"][0:419] + "[…]"
- message = message + block["blocked"] + ' for "' + block["reason"].replace("@", "@\u200b") + '"\n'
- if truncated:
- message = message + "(the list has been truncated to the first 20 entries)"
- botheaders = {**headers, **{"Authorization": "Bearer " + config["bot_token"]}}
- req = post(f"{config['bot_instance']}/api/v1/statuses",
- data={"status":message, "visibility":config['bot_visibility'], "content_type":"text/plain"},
- headers=botheaders, timeout=10).json()
- return True
-def get_mastodon_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
- blocks = {
- "Suspended servers": [],
- "Filtered media": [],
- "Limited servers": [],
- "Silenced servers": [],
- }
- translations = {
- "Silenced instances": "Silenced servers",
- "Suspended instances": "Suspended servers",
- "Gesperrte Server": "Suspended servers",
- "Gefilterte Medien": "Filtered media",
- "Stummgeschaltete Server": "Silenced servers",
- "停止済みのサーバー": "Suspended servers",
- "メディアを拒否しているサーバー": "Filtered media",
- "サイレンス済みのサーバー": "Silenced servers",
- "שרתים מושעים": "Suspended servers",
- "מדיה מסוננת": "Filtered media",
- "שרתים מוגבלים": "Silenced servers",
- "Serveurs suspendus": "Suspended servers",
- "Médias filtrés": "Filtered media",
- "Serveurs limités": "Silenced servers",
- }
- try:
- doc = BeautifulSoup(
- get(f"https://{domain}/about/more", headers=headers, timeout=5).text,
- "html.parser",
- )
- except:
- return {}
- for header in doc.find_all("h3"):
- header_text = header.text
- if header_text in translations:
- header_text = translations[header_text]
- if header_text in blocks:
- # replaced find_next_siblings with find_all_next to account for instances that e.g. hide lists in dropdown menu
- for line in header.find_all_next("table")[0].find_all("tr")[1:]:
- blocks[header_text].append(
- {
- "domain": line.find("span").text,
- "hash": line.find("span")["title"][9:],
- "reason": line.find_all("td")[1].text.strip(),
- }
- )
- return {
- "reject": blocks["Suspended servers"],
- "media_removal": blocks["Filtered media"],
- "followers_only": blocks["Limited servers"]
- + blocks["Silenced servers"],
- }
-def get_friendica_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
- blocks = []
- try:
- doc = BeautifulSoup(
- get(f"https://{domain}/friendica", headers=headers, timeout=5).text,
- "html.parser",
- )
- except:
- return {}
- blocklist = doc.find(id="about_blocklist")
- # Prevents exceptions:
- if blocklist is None:
- print("Instance has no block list:", domain)
- return {}
- for line in blocklist.find("table").find_all("tr")[1:]:
- blocks.append(
- {
- "domain": line.find_all("td")[0].text.strip(),
- "reason": line.find_all("td")[1].text.strip()
- }
- )
- return {
- "reject": blocks
- }
-def get_misskey_blocks(domain: str) -> dict:
- blocks = {
- "suspended": [],
- "blocked": []
- }
- try:
- counter = 0
- step = 99
- while True:
- # iterating through all "suspended" (follow-only in its terminology) instances page-by-page, since that troonware doesn't support sending them all at once
- try:
- if counter == 0:
- doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"suspended":True,"limit":step}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
- if doc == []: raise
- else:
- doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"suspended":True,"limit":step,"offset":counter-1}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
- if doc == []: raise
- for instance in doc:
- # just in case
- if instance["isSuspended"]:
- blocks["suspended"].append(
- {
- "domain": instance["host"],
- # no reason field, nothing
- "reason": ""
- }
- )
- counter = counter + step
- except:
- counter = 0
- break
- while True:
- # same shit, different asshole ("blocked" aka full suspend)
- try:
- if counter == 0:
- doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"blocked":True,"limit":step}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
- if doc == []: raise
- else:
- doc = post(f"https://{domain}/api/federation/instances", data=dumps({"sort":"+caughtAt","host":None,"blocked":True,"limit":step,"offset":counter-1}), headers=headers, timeout=5).json()
- if doc == []: raise
- for instance in doc:
- if instance["isBlocked"]:
- blocks["blocked"].append(
- {
- "domain": instance["host"],
- "reason": ""
- }
- )
- counter = counter + step
- except:
- counter = 0
- break
- return {
- "reject": blocks["blocked"],
- "followers_only": blocks["suspended"]
- }
- except:
- return {}
-def get_hash(domain: str) -> str:
- return sha256(domain.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
-def get_type(domain: str) -> str:
- try:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/nodeinfo/2.1.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/nodeinfo/2.0", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/nodeinfo/2.0.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok and "text/html" in res.headers["content-type"]:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/nodeinfo/2.1", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok:
- if res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["akkoma", "rebased"]:
- return "pleroma"
- elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["hometown", "ecko"]:
- return "mastodon"
- elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["calckey", "groundpolis", "foundkey", "cherrypick"]:
- return "misskey"
- else:
- return res.json()["software"]["name"]
- elif res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/api/v1/instance", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok:
- return "mastodon"
- except:
- return None
-def tidyup(domain: str) -> str:
- # some retards put their blocks in variable case
- domain = domain.lower()
- # other retards put the port
- domain = re.sub("\:\d+$", "", domain)
- # bigger retards put the schema in their blocklist, sometimes even without slashes
- domain = re.sub("^https?\:(\/*)", "", domain)
- # and trailing slash
- domain = re.sub("\/$", "", domain)
- # and the @
- domain = re.sub("^\@", "", domain)
- # the biggest retards of them all try to block individual users
- domain = re.sub("(.+)\@", "", domain)
- return domain
-conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
-c = conn.cursor()
+from fba import c
+import fba
"SELECT domain, software FROM instances WHERE domain='tooting.intensifi.es'"
for blocker, software in c.fetchall():
blockdict = []
- blocker = tidyup(blocker)
+ blocker = fba.tidyup(blocker)
if software == "pleroma":
**{"quarantined_instances": federation["quarantined_instances"]}}
for blocked in blocks:
- blocked = tidyup(blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup(blocked)
if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty after tidyup():", blocker, block_level)
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup():", blocker, block_level)
if blocked.count("*") > 1:
update_last_seen(timestamp, blocker, blocked, block_level)
- conn.commit()
+ fba.conn.commit()
# Reasons
if "mrf_simple_info" in federation:
for block_level, info in (
else {})}
for blocked, reason in info.items():
- blocked = tidyup(blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup(blocked)
if blocked == "":
- print("WARNING: blocked is empty after tidyup():", blocker, block_level)
+ print("WARNING: blocked is empty after fba.tidyup():", blocker, block_level)
if blocked.count("*") > 1:
if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
entry["reason"] = reason["reason"]
- conn.commit()
+ fba.conn.commit()
except Exception as e:
print("error:", e, blocker)
elif software == "mastodon":
print("WARNING: Unknown severity:", block['severity'], block['domain'])
- json = get_mastodon_blocks(blocker)
+ json = fba.get_mastodon_blocks(blocker)
for block_level, blocks in json.items():
for instance in blocks:
blocked, blocked_hash, reason = instance.values()
- blocked = tidyup(blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup(blocked)
if blocked.count("*") <= 1:
if reason != '':
update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocked if blocked.count("*") <= 1 else blocked_hash, block_level)
- conn.commit()
+ fba.conn.commit()
except Exception as e:
print("error:", e, blocker)
elif software == "friendica" or software == "misskey":
if software == "friendica":
- json = get_friendica_blocks(blocker)
+ json = fba.get_friendica_blocks(blocker)
elif software == "misskey":
- json = get_misskey_blocks(blocker)
+ json = fba.get_misskey_blocks(blocker)
for block_level, blocks in json.items():
for instance in blocks:
blocked, reason = instance.values()
- blocked = tidyup(blocked)
+ blocked = fba.tidyup(blocked)
print("BEFORE-blocked:", blocked)
if blocked.count("*") > 0:
if reason != '':
update_block_reason(reason, blocker, blocked, block_level)
- conn.commit()
+ fba.conn.commit()
except Exception as e:
print("error:", e, blocker)
elif software == "gotosocial":
for entry in blockdict:
if entry["blocked"] == blocked:
entry["reason"] = reason
- conn.commit()
+ fba.conn.commit()
except Exception as e:
print("error:", e, blocker)
send_bot_post(blocker, blockdict)
blockdict = []
-from reqto import get
-from hashlib import sha256
import sqlite3
import sys
import json
-with open("config.json") as f:
- config = json.loads(f.read())
+from fba import c
+import fba
domain = sys.argv[1]
-blacklist = [
- "activitypub-troll.cf",
- "gab.best",
- "4chan.icu",
- "social.shrimpcam.pw",
- "mastotroll.netz.org"
-headers = {
- "user-agent": config["useragent"]
-def get_hash(domain: str) -> str:
- return sha256(domain.encode("utf-8")).hexdigest()
-def get_peers(domain: str) -> str:
- try:
- res = get(f"https://{domain}/api/v1/instance/peers", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- return res.json()
- except:
- print("WARNING: Cannot fetch peers:", domain)
- return None
-peerlist = get_peers(domain)
+peerlist = fba.get_peers(domain)
if (peerlist is None):
print("FATAL: CANNOT FETCH PEERS:", domain)
-def get_type(instdomain: str) -> str:
- try:
- res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.1.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.0", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.0.json", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok and "text/html" in res.headers["content-type"]:
- res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/nodeinfo/2.1", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok:
- if res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["akkoma", "rebased"]:
- return "pleroma"
- elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["hometown", "ecko"]:
- return "mastodon"
- elif res.json()["software"]["name"] in ["calckey", "groundpolis", "foundkey", "cherrypick"]:
- return "misskey"
- else:
- return res.json()["software"]["name"]
- elif res.status_code == 404:
- res = get(f"https://{instdomain}/api/v1/instance", headers=headers, timeout=5)
- if res.ok:
- return "mastodon"
- except:
- return None
-conn = sqlite3.connect("blocks.db")
-c = conn.cursor()
"SELECT domain FROM instances WHERE 1"
instance = instance.lower()
blacklisted = False
- for domain in blacklist:
+ for domain in fba.blacklist:
if domain in instance:
blacklisted = True
if blacklisted:
+ print("domain is blacklisted:", domain)
"SELECT domain FROM instances WHERE domain = ?", (instance,)
if c.fetchone() == None:
- c.execute(
- "INSERT INTO instances SELECT ?, ?, ?",
- (instance, get_hash(instance), get_type(instance)),
- )
- conn.commit()
+ fba.add_instance(instance)
+ fba.conn.commit()
except Exception as e:
print("error:", e, instance)