./inc/functions.php:2232: // @TODO Rename column data_type to e.g. mail_status
./inc/gen_sql_patches.php:95:// @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/install-functions.php:57: // @TODO DEACTIVATED: changeDataInLocalConfigurationFile('OUTPUT-MODE', "setConfigEntry('OUTPUT_MODE', '", "');", postRequestParameter('omode'), 0);
-./inc/language/de.php:1065: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
-./inc/language/de.php:1081: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1067: // @TODO Rewrite these two constants
+./inc/language/de.php:1083: // @TODO Rewrite these three constants
./inc/language/de.php:757:// @TODO Are these constants longer used?
./inc/language-functions.php:255: // @TODO These are all valid languages, again hard-coded
./inc/language-functions.php:44:// @TODO Rewrite all language constants to this function.
./inc/modules/member/what-rallyes.php:89: // @TODO Reactivate this: $content['admin'] = '<a href="{%url=modules.php?module=index&what=impressum&admin=' . $content['admin_id'] . '%}">' . $content['login'] . '</a>';
./inc/modules/member/what-reflinks.php:52:// @TODO Move this into a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-transfer.php:128: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
-./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:144: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
-./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:209: // @TODO This 'userid' cannot be saved because of encapsulated EL code
+./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:162: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
+./inc/modules/member/what-unconfirmed.php:227: // @TODO This 'userid' cannot be saved because of encapsulated EL code
./inc/modules/order.php:74: // @TODO Unused: 2,4
./inc/monthly/monthly_bonus.php:64: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/mysql-manager.php:1249: // @TODO Try to rewrite this to $content = SQL_FETCHARRAY()
'MEMBER_NO_MAILS_TO_CONFIRM' => "Keine Mails übrig zum Bestätigen.",
'MEMBER_SID' => "Mail-Id",
'CONFIRM_LINK' => "Bestätigungslink",
- 'CONFIRM_LINK2' => "Best.link",
+ 'CONFIRM_LINK2' => "Bestätigen",
'MAIL_ALREADY_CONFIRMED' => "Mail bereits vergütet oder Link ist nicht mehr gültig.",
'MAIL_STATS_404' => "Konnte Daten aus der Statistik-Tabelle nicht laden.",
'USER_404' => "Mitgliedsdaten nicht gefunden! Sind Sie noch angemeldet?",
'MEMBER_RANDOM_REFID_CONFIRMED' => "Anzahl Mails bestätigt, damit Ihr Account per Zufall selektiert wird",
'MEMBER_YOUR_REFID_IS' => "Sie wurden geworben von",
- 'MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_ON' => "Sie haben diese Bonusmail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> bestätigt.",
+ 'MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_ON' => "Sie haben diese Bonusmail am|um <span class=\"data\">%s</span> bestätigt.",
'MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN' => "Es konnte nicht festgestellt werden, wann Sie die Bonus-Mail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> bestätigt hatten.",
+ 'MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_NEVER_CONFIRMED' => "Sie haben diese Bonusmail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> noch nicht bestätigt.",
'MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_ON' => "Sie haben diese Klick-Mail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> bestätigt.",
'MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN' => "Es konnte nicht festgestellt werden, wann Sie die Klick-Mail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> bestätigt hatten.",
+ 'MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_NEVER_CONFIRMED' => "Sie haben diese Klick-Mail <span class=\"data\">%s</span> noch nicht bestätigt.",
// @TODO Rewrite these two constants
'MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_DETAILS_TITLE' => "Details zur Klick-Mail <span class=\"data\">%s</span>:",
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_data);
// Translate some data
- $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], 2);
- $content['userid'] = getMemberId();
- $content['user_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
+ $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], '2');
+ $content['userid'] = getMemberId();
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
// Is ext-user active?
if (isExtensionActive('user')) {
- // Get timestamp from insert
- $content['user_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_ON=' . generateDateTime(getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('bonusid', $content['id']), '2') . '%}';
+ // Default is never confirmed
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_NEVER_CONFIRMED=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
+ // Get the timestamp from the mail
+ $confirmedStamp = getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('bonusid', $content['id']);
+ // Have confirmed it?
+ if ($confirmedStamp > 0) {
+ // Get timestamp from insert
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_BONUS_CONFIRMED_ON=' . generateDateTime($confirmedStamp, '2') . '%}';
+ } // END - if
} // END - if
// Display it depending on mail (data) type
$content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_data);
// Translate some data
- $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], '2');
- $content['userid'] = getMemberId();
- $content['user_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
+ $content['timestamp'] = generateDateTime($content['timestamp'], '2');
+ $content['userid'] = getMemberId();
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_UNKNOWN=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
// Is ext-user active?
if (isExtensionActive('user')) {
- // Get timestamp from insert
- $content['user_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_ON=' . generateDateTime(getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('mailid', $content['id']), '2') . '%}';
+ // Default is never confirmed
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_NEVER_CONFIRMED=' . $content['id'] . '%}';
+ // Get the timestamp from the mail
+ $confirmedStamp = getEpocheTimeFromUserStats('mailid', $content['id']);
+ // Have confirmed it?
+ if ($confirmedStamp > 0) {
+ // Get timestamp from insert
+ $content['user_mail_status'] = '{%message,MEMBER_MAIL_NORMAL_CONFIRMED_ON=' . generateDateTime($confirmedStamp, '2') . '%}';
+ } // END - if
} // END - if
// Display it depending on mail (data) type
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]
<td colspan="2" align="center" class="table_footer">
- <strong>$content[user_status]</strong>
+ $content[user_mail_status]