while (strpos($OUTPUT, '{!') > 0) {
// Prepare the content and eval() it...
$newContent = "";
- $eval = "\$newContent = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($OUTPUT))."\";";
+ $eval = "\$newContent = \"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($OUTPUT))."\";";
// Was that eval okay?
// Compile and run finished rendered HTML code
while (strpos($OUTPUT, '{!') > 0) {
- $eval = "\$OUTPUT = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($OUTPUT))."\";";
+ $eval = "\$OUTPUT = \"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($OUTPUT))."\";";
} // END - while
// Translate gender
$content['gender'] = TRANSLATE_GENDER($content['gender']);
} else {
- // DEPRECATED: Load data in direct variables
+ // @TODO Fine all templates which are using these direct variables and rewrite them.
+ // @TODO After this step is done, this else-block is history
list($gender, $surname, $family, $email) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
// Translate gender
$ret = "";
if ((strpos($tmpl_file, "\$") !== false) || (strpos($tmpl_file, '{--') !== false) || (strpos($tmpl_file, '--}') > 0)) {
// Okay, compile it!
- $tmpl_file = "\$ret=\"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($tmpl_file))."\";";
+ $tmpl_file = "\$ret=\"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($tmpl_file))."\";";
} else {
// Simply return loaded code
//* DEBUG: */ print __FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>):TO={$TO},SUBJECT={$SUBJECT}<br />\n";
// Compile subject line (for POINTS constant etc.)
- $eval = "\$SUBJECT = html_entity_decode(\"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($SUBJECT))."\");";
+ $eval = "\$SUBJECT = decodeEntities(\"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($SUBJECT))."\");";
// Set from header
// Compile "TO"
- $eval = "\$TO = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($TO))."\";";
+ $eval = "\$TO = \"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($TO))."\";";
// Compile "MSG"
- $eval = "\$MSG = \"".COMPILE_CODE(addslashes($MSG))."\";";
+ $eval = "\$MSG = \"".COMPILE_CODE(SQL_ESCAPE($MSG))."\";";
// Fix HTML parameter (default is no!)
$mail->WordWrap = 70;
} else {
- $mail->Body = html_entity_decode($msg);
+ $mail->Body = decodeEntities($msg);
$mail->AddAddress($to, "");
$mail->AddReplyTo(constant('WEBMASTER'), constant('MAIN_TITLE'));
} else {
// Use legacy mail() command
- @mail($to, $subject, html_entity_decode($msg), $from);
+ @mail($to, $subject, decodeEntities($msg), $from);
// Don't de-refer our own links!
if (substr($URL, 0, strlen(URL)) != URL) {
// De-refer this link
- $URL = "modules.php?module=loader&url=".urlencode(base64_encode(gzcompress($URL)));
+ $URL = "modules.php?module=loader&url=".encodeString(compileUriCode($URL));
} // END - if
// Return link
return $URL;
+// Translate Uni*-like gender to human-readable
function TRANSLATE_GENDER ($gender) {
- switch ($gender)
- {
- case "M": $ret = GENDER_M; break;
- case "F": $ret = GENDER_F; break;
- case "C": $ret = GENDER_C; break;
- default : $ret = $gender; break;
+ // Default
+ $ret = "!{$gender}!";
+ // Male/female or company?
+ switch ($gender) {
+ case "M": $ret = getMessage('GENDER_M'); break;
+ case "F": $ret = getMessage('GENDER_F'); break;
+ case "C": $ret = getMessage('GENDER_C'); break;
+ default:
+ // Log unknown gender
+ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown gender %s detected.", $gender));
+ break;
+ // Return translated gender
return $ret;
-function FRAMETESTER($URL) {
+function FRAMETESTER ($URL) {
// Prepare frametester URL
$frametesterUrl = sprintf("%s/modules.php?module=frametester&url=%s",
- urlencode(base64_encode(gzcompress(COMPILE_CODE($URL))))
+ encodeString(compileUriCode($URL))
return $frametesterUrl;
-function SELECTION_COUNT($array) {
+function SELECTION_COUNT ($array) {
$ret = 0;
if (is_array($array)) {
foreach ($array as $key => $sel) {
return "<IMG border=\"0\" alt=\"Code\" src=\"{!URL!}/mailid_top.php?uid=".$uid."&".$type."=".$DATA."&mode=img&code=".$code."\">";
-function TRANSLATE_STATUS($status) {
+function TRANSLATE_STATUS ($status) {
switch ($status)
- break;
- break;
case "LOCKED":
+ $ret = getMessage(sprintf("ACCOUNT_%s", $status));
case "":
case null:
+ $ret = getMessage('ACCOUNT_DELETED');
DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown status %s detected.", $status));
+ $ret = sprintf(getMessage('UNKNOWN_STATUS"'), $status);
+ // Return it
return $ret;
// Expiration in a nice output format
if (getConfig('auto_purge') == 0) {
// Will never expire!
} else {
// Create nice date string
$EXPIRATION = CREATE_FANCY_TIME(getConfig('auto_purge'));
if (FILE_READABLE($file)) {
// The local file does exists so we load it. :)
$tmpl_file = READ_FILE($file);
- $tmpl_file = addslashes($tmpl_file);
+ $tmpl_file = SQL_ESCAPE($tmpl_file);
// Run code
- $tmpl_file = "\$newContent = html_entity_decode(\"".COMPILE_CODE($tmpl_file)."\");";
+ $tmpl_file = "\$newContent = decodeEntities(\"".COMPILE_CODE($tmpl_file)."\");";
} elseif (!empty($template)) {
// Template file not found!
global $CSS, $footer;
// Compile out URI codes
+ $URL = compileUriCode($URL);
// Check if http(s):// is there
if ((substr($URL, 0, 7) != "http://") && (substr($URL, 0, 8) != "https://")) {
function TRANSLATE_YESNO($yn)
- switch ($yn)
- {
- case "Y": $yn = YES; break;
- case "N": $yn = NO; break;
- default : $yn = "??? (".$yn.")"; break;
+ // Default
+ $yn = "??? (".$yn.")";
+ switch ($yn) {
+ case "Y": $yn = getMessage('YES'); break;
+ case "N": $yn = getMessage('NO'); break;
+ default:
+ // Log unknown value
+ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Unknown value %s. Expected Y/N!", $yn));
+ break;
+ // Return it
return $yn;
// Deprecated : $length
// Optional : $DATA
-function GEN_RANDOM_CODE($length, $code, $uid, $DATA="") {
+function GEN_RANDOM_CODE ($length, $code, $uid, $DATA="") {
// Fix missing _MAX constant
if (!defined('_MAX')) define('_MAX', 15235);
$server = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].":".GET_USER_AGENT().":".getenv('SERVER_SOFTWARE').":".GET_REMOTE_ADDR().":".":".filemtime(constant('PATH')."inc/databases.php");
// Build key string
- $keys = SITE_KEY.":".DATE_KEY;
+ $keys = constant('SITE_KEY').":".constant('DATE_KEY');
if (getConfig('secret_key') != null) $keys .= ":".getConfig('secret_key');
if (getConfig('file_hash') != null) $keys .= ":".getConfig('file_hash');
$keys .= ":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", bigintval(getConfig('patch_ctime')));
$saltedHash = generateHash(($a % constant('_PRIME')).":".$server.":".$keys.":".$data.":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time()).":".$a, getConfig('master_salt'));
// Create number from hash
- $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, strlen(getConfig('master_salt')), 9)) / abs(_MAX - $a + sqrt(_ADD)) / pi();
+ $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, strlen(getConfig('master_salt')), 9)) / abs(constant('_MAX') - $a + sqrt(constant('_ADD'))) / pi();
} else {
// Generate hash with "hash of site key" from modula of number with the prime number and other data
$saltedHash = generateHash(($a % constant('_PRIME')).":".$server.":".$keys.":".$data.":".date("d-m-Y (l-F-T)", time()).":".$a, substr(sha1(SITE_KEY), 0, 8));
// Create number from hash
- $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, 8, 9)) / abs(_MAX - $a + sqrt(_ADD)) / pi();
+ $rcode = hexdec(substr($saltedHash, 8, 9)) / abs(constant('_MAX') - $a + sqrt(constant('_ADD'))) / pi();
// At least 10 numbers shall be secure enought!
// Done building code
return $return;
// Does only allow numbers
function bigintval($num, $castValue = true) {
// Filter all numbers out
// @TODO Remove this if() block if all is working fine
if ("".$ret."" != "".$num."") {
// Log the values
- debug_report_bug();
+ debug_report_bug("{$ret}<>{$num}");
} // END - if
// Return result
return $ret;
// Insert the code in $img_code into jpeg or PNG image
-function GENERATE_IMAGE($img_code, $header=true) {
+function GENERATE_IMAGE ($img_code, $header=true) {
if ((strlen($img_code) > 6) || (empty($img_code)) || (getConfig('code_length') == 0)) {
// Stop execution of function here because of over-sized code length
} elseif (!$header) {
// Return in an HTML code code
- return "<IMG src=\"{!URL!}/img.php?code=".$img_code."\">\n";
+ return "<img src=\"{!URL!}/img.php?code=".$img_code."\" alt=\"Image\" />\n";
// Load image
} else {
// Exit function here
+ DEBUG_LOG(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("File for image type %s not found.", getConfig('img_type')));
foreach($data as $k => $v) {
if ($v > 0) {
// Value is greater than 0 "eval" data to return string
- $eval = "\$ret .= \", \".\$v.\" \"._".strtoupper($k).";";
+ $eval = "\$ret .= \", \".\$v.\" {--_".strtoupper($k)."--}\";";
} // END - if
$ret = substr($ret, 2);
} else {
// Zero seconds
- $ret = "0 "._SECONDS;
+ $ret = "0 {--_SECONDS--}";
// Return fancy time string
// Extract host from script name
function EXTRACT_HOST (&$script) {
// Use default SERVER_URL by default... ;) So?
- $url = SERVER_URL;
+ $url = constant('SERVER_URL');
// Is this URL valid?
if (substr($script, 0, 7) == "http://") {
// Generate GET request header
$request = "GET /" . trim($script) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
- $request .= "Referer: " . URL . "/admin.php\r\n";
- $request .= "User-Agent: " . TITLE . "/" . FULL_VERSION . "\r\n";
+ $request .= "Referer: " . constant('URL') . "/admin.php\r\n";
+ $request .= "User-Agent: " . constant('TITLE') . "/" . constant('FULL_VERSION') . "\r\n";
$request .= "Content-Type: text/plain\r\n";
$request .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
$request .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n";
// Generate POST request header
$request = "POST /" . trim($script) . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: " . $host . "\r\n";
- $request .= "Referer: " . URL . "/admin.php\r\n";
- $request .= "User-Agent: " . TITLE . "/" . FULL_VERSION . "\r\n";
+ $request .= "Referer: " . constant('URL') . "/admin.php\r\n";
+ $request .= "User-Agent: " . constant('TITLE') . "/" . constant('FULL_VERSION') . "\r\n";
$request .= "Content-type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded\r\n";
$request .= "Content-length: " . strlen($data) . "\r\n";
$request .= "Cache-Control: no-cache\r\n";
// Return check result
return eregi($regex, $email);
// Function taken from user comments on www.php.net / function eregi()
function VALIDATE_URL ($URL, $compile=true) {
// Trim URL a little
//* DEBUG: */ echo $URL."<br />";
// Compile some chars out...
- if ($compile) $URL = COMPILE_CODE($URL, false, false, false);
+ if ($compile) $URL = compileUriCode($URL, false, false, false);
//* DEBUG: */ echo $URL."<br />";
// Check for the extension filter
// If not installed, perform a simple test. Just make it sure there is always a http:// or
// https:// in front of the URLs
- return (((substr($URL, 0, 7) == "http://") || (substr($URL, 0, 8) == "https://")) && (strlen($URL) >= 12));
+ return isUrlValid($URL);
function MEMBER_ACTION_LINKS ($uid, $status = "") {
// Define all main targets
// Return string
return $OUT;
// Function for backward-compatiblity
-function ADD_CATEGORY_table ($MODE, $return=false) {
+// @TODO Can this function be deprecated?
+function ADD_CATEGORY_TABLE ($MODE, $return=false) {
// Load it from the register extension
- return REGISTER_ADD_CATEGORY_table ($MODE, $return);
// Generate an email link
function CREATE_EMAIL_LINK ($email, $table = "admins") {
// Default email link (INSECURE! Spammer can read this by harvester programs)
+// Encode strings
+// @TODO Implement $compress
+function encodeString ($str, $compress=true) {
+ $str = urlencode(base64_encode(compileUriCode($str)));
+ return $str;
+// Decode strings encoded with encodeString()
+// @TODO Implement $decompress
+function decodeString ($str, $decompress=true) {
+ $str = compileUriCode(base64_decode(urldecode(compileUriCode($str))));
+ return $str;
+// Compile characters which are allowed in URLs
+function compileUriCode ($code, $simple=true) {
+ // Compile constants
+ if (!$simple) $code = str_replace("{--", '".', str_replace("--}", '."', $code));
+ // Compile QUOT and other non-HTML codes
+ $code = str_replace("{DOT}", ".",
+ str_replace("{SLASH}", "/",
+ str_replace("{QUOT}", "'",
+ str_replace("{DOLLAR}", "$",
+ str_replace("{OPEN_ANCHOR}", "(",
+ str_replace("{CLOSE_ANCHOR}", ")",
+ str_replace("{OPEN_SQR}", "[",
+ str_replace("{CLOSE_SQR}", "]",
+ str_replace("{PER}", "%",
+ $code
+ )))))))));
+ // Return compiled code
+ return $code;
+// Function taken from user comments on www.php.net / function eregi()
+function isUrlValid ($url) {
+ // Prepare URL
+ $url = strip_tags(str_replace("\\", "", compileUriCode(urldecode($url))));
+ // Allows http and https
+ $http = "(http|https)+(:\/\/)";
+ // Test domain
+ $domain1 = "([[:alnum:]]([-[:alnum:]])*\.)?([[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]\.]*[[:alnum:]])(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})?";
+ // Test double-domains (e.g. .de.vu)
+ $domain2 = "([-[:alnum:]])?(\.[[:alnum:]][-[:alnum:]\.]*[[:alnum:]])(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})(\.[[:alpha:]]{2,5})?";
+ // Test IP number
+ $ip = "([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})\.([[:digit:]]{1,3})";
+ // ... directory
+ $dir = "((/)+([-_\.[:alnum:]])+)*";
+ // ... page
+ $page = "/([-_[:alnum:]][-\._[:alnum:]]*\.[[:alnum:]]{2,5})?";
+ // ... and the string after and including question character
+ $getstring1 = "([\?/]([[:alnum:]][-\._%[:alnum:]]*(=)?([-\@\._:%[:alnum:]])+)(&([[:alnum:]]([-_%[:alnum:]])*(=)?([-\@\[\._:%[:alnum:]])+(\])*))*)?";
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/doc.html?var=value
+ $pattern['d1dpg1'] = $http.$domain1.$dir.$page.$getstring1;
+ $pattern['d2dpg1'] = $http.$domain2.$dir.$page.$getstring1;
+ $pattern['ipdpg1'] = $http.$ip.$dir.$page.$getstring1;
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/?var=value
+ $pattern['d1dg1'] = $http.$domain1.$dir."/".$getstring1;
+ $pattern['d2dg1'] = $http.$domain2.$dir."/".$getstring1;
+ $pattern['ipdg1'] = $http.$ip.$dir."/".$getstring1;
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir/page.ext
+ $pattern['d1dp'] = $http.$domain1.$dir.$page;
+ $pattern['d1dp'] = $http.$domain2.$dir.$page;
+ $pattern['ipdp'] = $http.$ip.$dir.$page;
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url/dir
+ $pattern['d1d'] = $http.$domain1.$dir;
+ $pattern['d2d'] = $http.$domain2.$dir;
+ $pattern['ipd'] = $http.$ip.$dir;
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url/?var=value
+ $pattern['d1g1'] = $http.$domain1."/".$getstring1;
+ $pattern['d2g1'] = $http.$domain2."/".$getstring1;
+ $pattern['ipg1'] = $http.$ip."/".$getstring1;
+ // Pattern for URLs like http://url?var=value
+ $pattern['d1g12'] = $http.$domain1.$getstring1;
+ $pattern['d2g12'] = $http.$domain2.$getstring1;
+ $pattern['ipg12'] = $http.$ip.$getstring1;
+ // Test all patterns
+ $reg = false;
+ foreach ($pattern as $key=>$pat) {
+ // Debug regex?
+ if (defined('DEBUG_REGEX')) {
+ $pat = str_replace("[:alnum:]", "0-9a-zA-Z", $pat);
+ $pat = str_replace("[:alpha:]", "a-zA-Z", $pat);
+ $pat = str_replace("[:digit:]", "0-9", $pat);
+ $pat = str_replace(".", "\.", $pat);
+ $pat = str_replace("@", "\@", $pat);
+ echo $key."= ".$pat."<br />";
+ }
+ // Check if expression matches
+ $reg = ($reg || preg_match(("^".$pat."^"), $url));
+ // Does it match?
+ if ($reg === true) break;
+ }
+ // Return true/false
+ return $reg;
+// Smartly adds slashes
+function smartAddSlashes ($unquoted) {
+ $unquoted = str_replace("\\", "", $unquoted);
+ return addslashes($unquoted);
+// Decode entities in a nicer way
+function decodeEntities ($str) {
+ // @TODO We may want to switch over to UTF-8 here!
+ $decodedString = html_entity_decode($str, ENT_NOQUOTES, "ISO-8859-15");
+ // Return decoded string
+ return $decodedString;