function handle_message($fname='php://stdin')
- list($from, $to, $msg) = $this->parse_message($fname);
+ list($from, $to, $msg, $attachments) = $this->parse_message($fname);
if (!$from || !$to || !$msg) {
$this->error(null, _('Could not parse message.'));
- common_log(LOG_INFO, "Mail from $from to $to: " .substr($msg, 0, 20));
+ common_log(LOG_INFO, "Mail from $from to $to with ".count($attachments) .' attachment(s): ' .substr($msg, 0, 20));
$user = $this->user_from($from);
if (!$user) {
$this->error($from, _('Not a registered user.'));
return true;
$msg = $this->cleanup_msg($msg);
- $err = $this->add_notice($user, $msg);
+ $msg = common_shorten_links($msg);
+ if (mb_strlen($msg) > 140) {
+ $this->error($from,_('That\'s too long. '.
+ 'Max notice size is 140 chars.'));
+ }
+ $fileRecords = array();
+ foreach($attachments as $attachment){
+ $mimetype = $this->getUploadedFileType($attachment);
+ $stream = stream_get_meta_data($attachment);
+ if (!$this->isRespectsQuota($user,filesize($stream['uri']))) {
+ die('error() should trigger an exception before reaching here.');
+ }
+ $filename = $this->saveFile($user, $attachment,$mimetype);
+ fclose($attachment);
+ if (empty($filename)) {
+ $this->error($from,_('Couldn\'t save file.'));
+ }
+ $fileRecord = $this->storeFile($filename, $mimetype);
+ $fileRecords[] = $fileRecord;
+ $fileurl = common_local_url('attachment',
+ array('attachment' => $fileRecord->id));
+ // not sure this is necessary -- Zach
+ $this->maybeAddRedir($fileRecord->id, $fileurl);
+ $short_fileurl = common_shorten_url($fileurl);
+ $msg .= ' ' . $short_fileurl;
+ if (mb_strlen($msg) > 140) {
+ $this->deleteFile($filename);
+ $this->error($from,_('Max notice size is 140 chars, including attachment URL.'));
+ }
+ // Also, not sure this is necessary -- Zach
+ $this->maybeAddRedir($fileRecord->id, $short_fileurl);
+ }
+ $err = $this->add_notice($user, $msg, $fileRecords);
if (is_string($err)) {
$this->error($from, $err);
return false;
+ function saveFile($user, $attachment, $mimetype) {
+ $filename = File::filename($user->getProfile(), "email", $mimetype);
+ $filepath = File::path($filename);
+ $stream = stream_get_meta_data($attachment);
+ if (copy($stream['uri'], $filepath) && chmod($filepath,0664)) {
+ return $filename;
+ } else {
+ $this->error(null,_('File could not be moved to destination directory.' . $stream['uri'] . ' ' . $filepath));
+ }
+ }
+ function storeFile($filename, $mimetype) {
+ $file = new File;
+ $file->filename = $filename;
+ $file->url = File::url($filename);
+ $filepath = File::path($filename);
+ $file->size = filesize($filepath);
+ $file->date = time();
+ $file->mimetype = $mimetype;
+ $file_id = $file->insert();
+ if (!$file_id) {
+ common_log_db_error($file, "INSERT", __FILE__);
+ $this->error(null,_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.'));
+ }
+ return $file;
+ }
+ function maybeAddRedir($file_id, $url)
+ {
+ $file_redir = File_redirection::staticGet('url', $url);
+ if (empty($file_redir)) {
+ $file_redir = new File_redirection;
+ $file_redir->url = $url;
+ $file_redir->file_id = $file_id;
+ $result = $file_redir->insert();
+ if (!$result) {
+ common_log_db_error($file_redir, "INSERT", __FILE__);
+ $this->error(null,_('There was a database error while saving your file. Please try again.'));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ function getUploadedFileType($fileHandle) {
+ require_once 'MIME/Type.php';
+ $cmd = &PEAR::getStaticProperty('MIME_Type', 'fileCmd');
+ $cmd = common_config('attachments', 'filecommand');
+ $stream = stream_get_meta_data($fileHandle);
+ $filetype = MIME_Type::autoDetect($stream['uri']);
+ if (in_array($filetype, common_config('attachments', 'supported'))) {
+ return $filetype;
+ }
+ $media = MIME_Type::getMedia($filetype);
+ if ('application' !== $media) {
+ $hint = sprintf(_(' Try using another %s format.'), $media);
+ } else {
+ $hint = '';
+ }
+ $this->error(null,sprintf(
+ _('%s is not a supported filetype on this server.'), $filetype) . $hint);
+ }
+ function isRespectsQuota($user,$fileSize) {
+ $file = new File;
+ $ret = $file->isRespectsQuota($user,$fileSize);
+ if (true === $ret) return true;
+ $this->error(null,$ret);
+ }
function error($from, $msg)
file_put_contents("php://stderr", $msg . "\n");
common_log($level, 'MailDaemon: '.$msg);
- function add_notice($user, $msg)
+ function add_notice($user, $msg, $fileRecords)
$notice = Notice::saveNew($user->id, $msg, 'mail');
if (is_string($notice)) {
$this->log(LOG_ERR, $notice);
return $notice;
+ foreach($fileRecords as $fileRecord){
+ $this->attachFile($notice, $fileRecord);
+ }
'Added notice ' . $notice->id . ' from user ' . $user->nickname);
return true;
+ function attachFile($notice, $filerec)
+ {
+ File_to_post::processNew($filerec->id, $notice->id);
+ $this->maybeAddRedir($filerec->id,
+ common_local_url('file', array('notice' => $notice->id)));
+ }
function parse_message($fname)
$contents = file_get_contents($fname);
$type = $parsed->ctype_primary . '/' . $parsed->ctype_secondary;
+ $attachments = array();
if ($parsed->ctype_primary == 'multipart') {
foreach ($parsed->parts as $part) {
if ($part->ctype_primary == 'text' &&
$part->ctype_secondary == 'plain') {
$msg = $part->body;
- break;
+ }else{
+ if ($part->body) {
+ $attachment = tmpfile();
+ fwrite($attachment, $part->body);
+ $attachments[] = $attachment;
+ }
} else if ($type == 'text/plain') {
} else {
- return array($from, $to, $msg);
+ return array($from, $to, $msg, $attachments);
function unsupported_type($type)