// Auto-start referal rallyes
function autostartReferalRallyes ($result) {
- // Global data array for loadEmailTemplate()
- global $DATA;
- $DATA = array();
// Load all rallyes (usally we have only one rallye active per time!
list($id, $title, $start, $end, $notify, $min_users, $min_prices) = SQL_FETCHROW($result);
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` SET `notified`='Y' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
array(bigintval($id)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
- // Transfer all neccessary data to the $DATA array
- $DATA['userid_cnt'] = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED','user_data','userid','status',true);
- $DATA['start'] = generateDateTime($start, 2);
- $DATA['end'] = generateDateTime($end , 2);
- $DATA['now_t'] = generateDateTime(time(), 2);
- $DATA['title'] = $title;
- $DATA['id'] = $id; // id for the rallye details link
+ // Transfer all neccessary data to the $content array
+ $content['userid_cnt'] = countSumTotalData('CONFIRMED','user_data','userid','status',true);
+ $content['start'] = generateDateTime($start, 2);
+ $content['end'] = generateDateTime($end , 2);
+ $content['now_t'] = generateDateTime(time(), 2);
+ $content['title'] = $title;
+ $content['id'] = $id; // id for the rallye details link
// Determine min_users and min_prices
- $DATA['min_users'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumUsers($min_users);
- $DATA['min_prices'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumPrices($min_prices);
+ $content['min_users'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumUsers($min_users);
+ $content['min_prices'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumPrices($min_prices);
// Load prices
- $prices = addReferalRallyePrices($id);
+ $content['prices'] = addReferalRallyePrices($id);
// Query all users
$result_user = SQL_QUERY("SELECT `userid` FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_user_data` WHERE `status`='CONFIRMED' ORDER BY `userid` ASC", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Let's begin with the userids...
- while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_user)) {
+ while ($content = merge_array($content, SQL_FETCHARRAY($result_user))) {
$un = false;
// Get refs by userid
if (empty($cpoints)) $cpoints = '0.00000';
// Add info line
- SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` (rallye_id, userid, refs, curr_points)
-VALUES ('%s','%s','%s','%s')",
- array(bigintval($id), bigintval($content['userid']), bigintval($cnt), $cpoints), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ SQL_QUERY_ESC("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` (`rallye_id`, `userid`, `refs`, `curr_points`)
+VALUES (%s, %s, %s, %s)",
+ array(
+ bigintval($id),
+ bigintval($content['userid']),
+ bigintval($cnt),
+ $cpoints
+ ), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
$un = true;
} // END - if
// Ignored but for the template required refs (made before start of rallye)
- $DATA['refs'] = $cnt;
+ $content['refs'] = $cnt;
// Shall I notify this member?
if (($notify == 'Y') && ($un)) {
// Load email template and send it to the user
- $message = loadEmailTemplate('member_rallye_notify', array('prices' => $prices), $content['userid']);
+ $message = loadEmailTemplate('member_rallye_notify', $content, $content['userid']);
sendEmail($content['userid'], sprintf(getMessage('RALLYE_MEMBER_NOTIFY'), $title), $message);
} // END - if
} // END - while
// And load only limited users
- u.userid, u.refs, u.curr_points FROM `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` AS u
+ u.userid, u.refs, u.curr_points, rd.min_users, rd.min_prices
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_users` AS u
`{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_refsystem` AS r
+ `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` AS rd
+ u.rallye_id=rd.id
u.rallye_id=%s AND r.counter > 0
// Load users
$DATA = array(
- 'userid' => array(),
+ 'userid' => array(),
'ref' => array(),
'cpoints' => array()
if (empty($refpoints)) $refpoints = '0';
// Init userid for list
- $_userid = '---';
+ $userid = '---';
// List only users with at least one ref!
//* DEBUG: */ print("*".$cnt.'/'.$content['userid'].'/'.$content['curr_points'].'/'.$refpoints."*<br />");
- if (($cnt > 0) && ($refpoints > $content['curr_points'])) { $_userid = $content['userid']; } else { $cnt = ''; }
+ if (($cnt > 0) && ($refpoints > $content['curr_points'])) { $userid = $content['userid']; } else { $cnt = ''; }
// Save values to array
- $DATA['userid'][] = $_userid;
- $DATA['ref'][] = $cnt;
- $DATA['cpoints'][] = $content['curr_points'];
+ $DATA['userid'][] = $userid;
+ $DATA['ref'][] = $cnt;
+ $DATA['cpoints'][] = $content['curr_points'];
+ $DATA['min_users'] = $content['min_users'];
+ $DATA['min_prices'] = $content['min_prices'];
} // END - while
// Free memory
$SW = 3 - $SW;
} // END - for
+ // Translate min_prices/users
+ $DATA['min_prices'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumPrices($content['min_prices']);
+ $DATA['min_users'] = determineReferalRallyeMinimumUsers($content['min_users']);
// Add footer
$OUT .= loadTemplate('guest_rallye_footer', true);
// Expire rallye
SQL_QUERY_ESC("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_rallye_data` SET `expired`='Y' WHERE `id`=%s LIMIT 1",
- array(bigintval($id)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
+ array(bigintval($id)), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
// Run array through (by userid is the most important 2nd-level-array)
foreach($prices['userid'] as $key => $userid) {
// Select template depending on notfication is switch on / off
if ($notify == 'Y') {
- $templ = "admin_rallye_expired";
+ $templ = 'admin_rallye_expired';
} elseif (is_array($users['userid'])) {
- $templ = "admin_rallye_expired_no";
+ $templ = 'admin_rallye_expired_no';
$cnt = getReferalRallyeUserDataFromArray($users);