function MXCHANGE_OPEN ($script) {
+ //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
// Compile the script name
$script = COMPILE_CODE($script);
+ //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
// Use default SERVER_URL by default... ;) So?
$url = SERVER_URL;
if (ereg("/", $host)) $host = substr($host, 0, strpos($host, "/"));
// Generate relative URL
- $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 7));
+ //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
+ if (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 7) == "http://") {
+ // But only if http:// is in front!
+ $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 7));
+ } elseif (substr(strtolower($script), 0, 8) == "https://") {
+ // Does this work?!
+ $script = substr($script, (strlen($url) + 8));
+ }
+ //* DEBUG */ print("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
if (substr($script, 0, 1) == "/") $script = substr($script, 1);
// Open connection
+ //* DEBUG */ die("SCRIPT=".$script."<br />\n");
$fp = @fsockopen($host, 80, $errno, $errdesc, 30);
if (!$fp) {
// Failed!
// Some security stuff...
-if ((ereg(basename(__FILE__), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) || (!IS_ADMIN()))
+if ((ereg(basename(__FILE__), $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) || (!IS_ADMIN())) {
$INC = substr(dirname(__FILE__), 0, strpos(dirname(__FILE__), "/inc") + 4) . "/security.php";
// Add description as navigation point
ADD_DESCR("admin", basename(__FILE__));
// Get response from our server in an array
$response = MXCHANGE_OPEN("check-updates2.php");
-if (empty($response[0]) && empty($response[1]) && empty($response[2]))
+if (empty($response[0]) && empty($response[1]) && empty($response[2])) {
// Error!
$response = array("", "", "");
- else
+} else {
// Analyse header for response code
- if (ereg("200 OK", $response[0]))
- {
+ if (ereg("200 OK", $response[0])) {
// Found, kill header
$pos = 0;
- foreach($response as $k=>$v)
- {
+ foreach($response as $k => $v) {
$v = trim($v);
- if (empty($v))
- {
+ if (empty($v)) {
// Header ends here (+1)
$pos = $k + 1; break;
$response2 = array();
- for($i = $pos; $i < count($response); $i++)
- {
+ for($i = $pos; $i < count($response); $i++) {
$response2[] = trim($response[$i]);
$response = $response2; unset($response2);
'ctime' => array()
- if (($response[2] != "[EOF]") && ($ONLINE['version'] == FULL_VERSION))
- {
+ if (($response[2] != "[EOF]") && ($ONLINE['version'] == FULL_VERSION)) {
// We have found new patches (newer than FULL_VERSION)
$max = str_replace("\n", "", $response[sizeof($response) - 2]); $TOTAL_SIZE = "0";
// Maximum of available pacthes extracted (above). Now we can get all informations
- for ($idx = 0; $idx < $max; $idx++)
- {
+ for ($idx = 0; $idx < $max; $idx++) {
// List only newer patches
$TEST = substr(str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 2]), 0, strlen($_CONFIG['patch_level']));
// I have removed the addional test for the stored timemark in database or you cannot find
// new updates on my server when you haven't installed it before I upload a patch... :-(
- if (bigintval($TEST) > bigintval($_CONFIG['patch_level']))
- {
+ if (bigintval($TEST) > bigintval($_CONFIG['patch_level'])) {
// Copy every data from the response array
$PATCHES['fname'][] = str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 2]);
$PATCHES['fsize'][] = str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 3]);
$PATCHES['ctime'][] = str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 4]);
- switch (GET_LANGUAGE())
- {
+ switch (GET_LANGUAGE()) {
case "de": $PATCHES['descr'][] = str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 5]); break; // Load german description
default : $PATCHES['descr'][] = str_replace("\n", "", $response[$idx * 5 + 6]); break; // Load english description as default
$TOTAL_SIZE += $PATCHES['fsize'][$idx];
array_pk_sort($PATCHES, array("ctime", "fname"));
// All done here!
$ONLINE['code'] = "200 OK";
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
// 404 / 403 error from server
$ONLINE['code'] = $response[0];
-OPEN_TABLE("100%", "admin_content", "center");
// Is a newer version available?
-if (empty($ONLINE['version']))
+if (empty($ONLINE['version'])) {
// Disconnected?
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, "<FONT class=\"admin_failed\">".ADMIN_CANNOT_CHECK_VERSION." (".$ONLINE['code'].")</FONT>");
- elseif ($ONLINE['version'] != FULL_VERSION)
+} elseif ($ONLINE['version'] != FULL_VERSION) {
// New full-version available (all previous released patches are included in this version!)
define('__ONLINE_VERSION', $ONLINE['version']);
define('__ONLINE_CHANGE' , MAKE_DATETIME($ONLINE['changed'], "2"));
// Load template
- elseif (sizeof($PATCHES['fname']) > 0)
+} elseif (sizeof($PATCHES['fname']) > 0) {
// Some patches are available
$OUT = ""; $SW = "2";
- foreach ($PATCHES['fname'] as $idx=>$file)
- {
+ foreach ($PATCHES['fname'] as $idx => $file) {
$SIZE = TRANSLATE_COMMA(round($PATCHES['fsize'][$idx]/102.4)/10);
$content = array(
'sw' => $SW,
// Load main template
- else
+} else {
// You have the latest version!
LOAD_TEMPLATE("admin_settings_saved", false, NO_UPDATES_AVAILABLE);
require ("inc/config.php");
// Is the script installed?
-if (defined('mxchange_installed') && (mxchange_installed))
+if (defined('mxchange_installed') && (isBooleanConstantAndTrue('mxchange_installed'))) {
// Base URL for redirection
$URL = URL."/modules.php?module=index&what=sponsor_login&hash=";
- if (empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['hash']))
- {
+ if (empty($_GET['hash'])) {
// No refid and we add our refid (don't forget to set $def_refid!)
$URL = URL."/modules.php?module=index";
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
// We have an refid here. So we simply add it
- $URL .= $HTTP_GET_VARS['hash'];
+ $URL .= SQL_ESCAPE($_GET['hash']);
// Load the URL
// Redirection should be done here
- else
+} else {
// You have to configure first!
// Really all done here... ;-)
require ("inc/config.php");
// Redirect only to registration page when this script is installed
-if (defined('mxchange_installed') && (mxchange_installed))
+if (defined('mxchange_installed') && (isBooleanConstantAndTrue(mxchange_installed))) {
// Base URL for redirection
$URL = URL."/modules.php?module=index&what=sponsor_reg&refid=";
// Get referral ID from ref or refid variable
$ref = 0;
- if (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['ref'])) $ref = $HTTP_GET_VARS['ref'];
- elseif (!empty($HTTP_GET_VARS['refid'])) $ref = $HTTP_GET_VARS['refid'];
+ if (!empty($_GET['ref'])) $ref = bigintval($_GET['ref']);
+ elseif (!empty($_GET['refid'])) $ref = bigintval($_GET['refid']);
- if (!empty($ref))
- {
+ if (!empty($ref)) {
// We have an refid here. So we simply add it
$URL .= $ref;
- }
- else
- {
+ } else {
// No refid so we redirect to the index page
$URL = URL."/index.php";
// Redirection should be done here
- else
+} else {
// You have to configure first!
-// Really all done here... ;-)
+// Really all done here... ;-)