public static function isFollowerByURL($url, $uid)
- $cid = self::getIdForURL($url, $uid, false);
+ $cid = self::getIdForURL($url, $uid);
if (empty($cid)) {
return false;
public static function isSharingByURL($url, $uid)
- $cid = self::getIdForURL($url, $uid, false);
+ $cid = self::getIdForURL($url, $uid);
if (empty($cid)) {
return false;
if (!DBA::isResult($self)) {
return false;
- return self::getIdForURL($self['url'], 0, false);
+ return self::getIdForURL($self['url']);
$ucid = $contact['id'];
} else {
$pcid = $contact['id'];
- $ucid = Contact::getIdForURL($contact['url'], $uid, false);
+ $ucid = Contact::getIdForURL($contact['url'], $uid);
return ['public' => $pcid, 'user' => $ucid];
return $menucondensed;
- /**
- * Have a look at all contact tables for a given profile url.
- * This function works as a replacement for probing the contact.
- *
- * @param string $url Contact URL
- * @param integer $cid Contact ID
- *
- * @return array Contact array in the "probe" structure
- */
- private static function getProbeDataFromDatabase($url, $cid = null)
- {
- // The link could be provided as http although we stored it as https
- $ssl_url = str_replace('http://', 'https://', $url);
- $fields = ['id', 'uid', 'url', 'addr', 'alias', 'notify', 'poll', 'name', 'nick',
- 'photo', 'keywords', 'location', 'about', 'network',
- 'priority', 'batch', 'request', 'confirm', 'poco'];
- if (!empty($cid)) {
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ['id' => $cid]);
- if (DBA::isResult($data)) {
- return $data;
- }
- }
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($url)]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($data)) {
- $condition = ['alias' => [$url, Strings::normaliseLink($url), $ssl_url]];
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition);
- }
- if (DBA::isResult($data)) {
- // For security reasons we don't fetch key data from our users
- $data["pubkey"] = '';
- return $data;
- }
- $fields = ['url', 'addr', 'alias', 'notify', 'name', 'nick',
- 'photo', 'keywords', 'location', 'about', 'network'];
- $condition = ['alias' => [$url, Strings::normaliseLink($url), $ssl_url]];
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition);
- if (DBA::isResult($data)) {
- $data["pubkey"] = '';
- $data["poll"] = '';
- $data["priority"] = 0;
- $data["batch"] = '';
- $data["request"] = '';
- $data["confirm"] = '';
- $data["poco"] = '';
- return $data;
- }
- $data = ActivityPub::probeProfile($url, false);
- if (!empty($data)) {
- return $data;
- }
- $fields = ['url', 'addr', 'alias', 'notify', 'poll', 'name', 'nick',
- 'photo', 'network', 'priority', 'batch', 'request', 'confirm'];
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('fcontact', $fields, ['url' => $url]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($data)) {
- $condition = ['alias' => [$url, Strings::normaliseLink($url), $ssl_url]];
- $data = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, $condition);
- }
- if (DBA::isResult($data)) {
- $data["pubkey"] = '';
- $data["keywords"] = '';
- $data["location"] = '';
- $data["about"] = '';
- $data["poco"] = '';
- return $data;
- }
- return [];
- }
* Fetch the contact id for a given URL and user
* @param string $url Contact URL
* @param integer $uid The user id for the contact (0 = public contact)
- * @param boolean $update true = always update, false = never update, null = update when not found or outdated
- * @param array $default Default value for creating the contact when every else fails
+ * @param boolean $update true = always update, false = never update, null = update when not found
+ * @param array $default Default value for creating the contact when everything else fails
* @return integer Contact ID
* @throws HTTPException\InternalServerErrorException
public static function getIdForURL($url, $uid = 0, $update = null, $default = [])
- Logger::info('Get contact data', ['url' => $url, 'user' => $uid]);
$contact_id = 0;
if ($url == '') {
+ Logger::notice('Empty url, quitting', ['url' => $url, 'user' => $uid, 'default' => $default]);
return 0;
- $contact = self::getByURL($url, false, ['id', 'avatar', 'updated', 'network'], $uid);
+ $contact = self::getByURL($url, false, ['id', 'network'], $uid);
if (!empty($contact)) {
$contact_id = $contact["id"];
- if (empty($default) && in_array($contact['network'], [Protocol::MAIL, Protocol::PHANTOM]) && ($uid == 0)) {
- // Update public mail accounts via their user's accounts
- $fields = ['network', 'addr', 'name', 'nick', 'avatar', 'photo', 'thumb', 'micro'];
- $mailcontact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ["`addr` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` != 0", $url, Protocol::MAIL]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($mailcontact)) {
- $mailcontact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ["`nurl` = ? AND `network` = ? AND `uid` != 0", $url, Protocol::MAIL]);
- }
- if (DBA::isResult($mailcontact)) {
- DBA::update('contact', $mailcontact, ['id' => $contact_id]);
- }
- }
if (empty($update)) {
+ Logger::debug('Contact found', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid, 'update' => $update, 'cid' => $contact_id]);
return $contact_id;
} elseif ($uid != 0) {
- // Non-existing user-specific contact, exiting
+ Logger::debug('Contact does not exist for the user', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid, 'update' => $update]);
+ return 0;
+ } elseif (empty($default) && !is_null($update) && !$update) {
+ Logger::info('Contact not found, update not desired', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid, 'update' => $update]);
return 0;
- if (!$update && empty($default)) {
- // When we don't want to update, we look if we know this contact in any way
- $data = self::getProbeDataFromDatabase($url, $contact_id);
- $background_update = true;
- } elseif (!$update && !empty($default['network'])) {
- // If there are default values, take these
- $data = $default;
- $background_update = false;
- } else {
- $data = [];
- $background_update = false;
- }
+ $data = [];
- if ((empty($data) && is_null($update)) || $update) {
+ if (empty($default['network']) || $update) {
$data = Probe::uri($url, "", $uid);
- $probed = !empty($data['network']) && ($data['network'] != Protocol::PHANTOM);
- } else {
- $probed = false;
- }
- // Take the default values when probing failed
- if (!empty($default) && (empty($data['network']) || !in_array($data["network"], array_merge(Protocol::NATIVE_SUPPORT, [Protocol::PUMPIO])))) {
- $data = array_merge($data, $default);
+ // Take the default values when probing failed
+ if (!empty($default) && !in_array($data["network"], array_merge(Protocol::NATIVE_SUPPORT, [Protocol::PUMPIO]))) {
+ $data = array_merge($data, $default);
+ }
+ } elseif (!empty($default['network'])) {
+ $data = $default;
- if (empty($data['network']) || ($data['network'] == Protocol::PHANTOM)) {
- Logger::info('No valid network found', ['url' => $url, 'data' => $data, 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
- return 0;
- }
+ if (($uid == 0) && (empty($data['network']) || ($data['network'] == Protocol::PHANTOM))) {
+ // Fetch data for the public contact via the first found personal contact
+ /// @todo Check if this case can happen at all (possibly with mail accounts?)
+ $fields = ['name', 'nick', 'url', 'addr', 'alias', 'avatar', 'contact-type',
+ 'keywords', 'location', 'about', 'unsearchable', 'batch', 'notify', 'poll',
+ 'request', 'confirm', 'poco', 'subscribe', 'network', 'baseurl', 'gsid'];
+ $personal_contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ["`addr` = ? AND `uid` != 0", $url]);
+ if (!DBA::isResult($personal_contact)) {
+ $personal_contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', $fields, ["`nurl` = ? AND `uid` != 0", Strings::normaliseLink($url)]);
+ }
- if (!empty($data['baseurl'])) {
- $data['baseurl'] = GServer::cleanURL($data['baseurl']);
+ if (DBA::isResult($personal_contact)) {
+ Logger::info('Take contact data from personal contact', ['url' => $url, 'update' => $update, 'contact' => $personal_contact, 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
+ $data = $personal_contact;
+ $data['photo'] = $personal_contact['avatar'];
+ $data['account-type'] = $personal_contact['contact-type'];
+ $data['hide'] = $personal_contact['unsearchable'];
+ unset($data['avatar']);
+ unset($data['contact-type']);
+ unset($data['unsearchable']);
+ }
- if (!empty($data['baseurl']) && empty($data['gsid'])) {
- $data['gsid'] = GServer::getID($data['baseurl']);
+ if (empty($data['network']) || ($data['network'] == Protocol::PHANTOM)) {
+ Logger::notice('No valid network found', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid, 'default' => $default, 'update' => $update, 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
+ return 0;
if (!$contact_id) {
if (!$contact_id) {
+ // We only insert the basic data. The rest will be done in "updateFromProbeArray"
$fields = [
'uid' => $uid,
- 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
'url' => $data['url'],
'nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($data['url']),
- 'addr' => $data['addr'] ?? '',
- 'alias' => $data['alias'] ?? '',
- 'notify' => $data['notify'] ?? '',
- 'poll' => $data['poll'] ?? '',
- 'name' => $data['name'] ?? '',
- 'nick' => $data['nick'] ?? '',
- 'keywords' => $data['keywords'] ?? '',
- 'location' => $data['location'] ?? '',
- 'about' => $data['about'] ?? '',
'network' => $data['network'],
- 'pubkey' => $data['pubkey'] ?? '',
+ 'created' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
'rel' => self::SHARING,
- 'priority' => $data['priority'] ?? 0,
- 'batch' => $data['batch'] ?? '',
- 'request' => $data['request'] ?? '',
- 'confirm' => $data['confirm'] ?? '',
- 'poco' => $data['poco'] ?? '',
- 'baseurl' => $data['baseurl'] ?? '',
- 'gsid' => $data['gsid'] ?? null,
- 'name-date' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
- 'uri-date' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
- 'avatar-date' => DateTimeFormat::utcNow(),
'writable' => 1,
'blocked' => 0,
'readonly' => 0,
'pending' => 0];
- if (($uid == 0) && $probed) {
- $fields['last-item'] = Probe::getLastUpdate($data);
- Logger::info('Fetched last item', ['url' => $url, 'probed_url' => $data['url'], 'last-item' => $fields['last-item'], 'callstack' => System::callstack(20)]);
- }
$condition = ['nurl' => Strings::normaliseLink($data["url"]), 'uid' => $uid, 'deleted' => false];
// Before inserting we do check if the entry does exist now.
+ DBA::lock('contact');
$contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], $condition, ['order' => ['id']]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) {
- Logger::info('Create new contact', $fields);
- self::insert($fields);
- // We intentionally aren't using lastInsertId here. There is a chance for duplicates.
- $contact = DBA::selectFirst('contact', ['id'], $condition, ['order' => ['id']]);
- if (!DBA::isResult($contact)) {
- Logger::info('Contact creation failed', $fields);
- // Shouldn't happen
- return 0;
- }
+ if (DBA::isResult($contact)) {
+ $contact_id = $contact['id'];
+ Logger::notice('Contact had been created (shortly) before', ['id' => $contact_id, 'url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid]);
} else {
- Logger::info('Contact had been created before', ['id' => $contact["id"], 'url' => $url, 'contact' => $fields]);
+ DBA::insert('contact', $fields);
+ $contact_id = DBA::lastInsertId();
+ if ($contact_id) {
+ Logger::info('Contact inserted', ['id' => $contact_id, 'url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid]);
+ }
+ }
+ DBA::unlock();
+ if (!$contact_id) {
+ Logger::info('Contact was not inserted', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid]);
+ return 0;
- $contact_id = $contact["id"];
- }
- if ($background_update && !$probed && in_array($data["network"], array_merge(Protocol::NATIVE_SUPPORT, [Protocol::PUMPIO]))) {
- // Update in the background when we fetched the data solely from the database
- Worker::add(PRIORITY_MEDIUM, "UpdateContact", $contact_id);
- } elseif (!empty($data['network'])) {
- self::updateFromProbeArray($contact_id, $data);
} else {
- Logger::info('Invalid data', ['url' => $url, 'data' => $data]);
+ Logger::info('Contact will be updated', ['url' => $url, 'uid' => $uid, 'update' => $update, 'cid' => $contact_id]);
+ self::updateFromProbeArray($contact_id, $data);
return $contact_id;
return $url ?: $contact_url; // Equivalent to: ($url != '') ? $url : $contact_url;
- $data = self::getProbeDataFromDatabase($contact_url);
- if (empty($data)) {
+ $contact = self::getByURL($contact_url, false);
+ if (empty($contact)) {
return $url ?: $contact_url; // Equivalent to: ($url != '') ? $url : $contact_url;
// Prevents endless loop in case only a non-public contact exists for the contact URL
- unset($data['uid']);
+ unset($contact['uid']);
- return self::magicLinkByContact($data, $url ?: $contact_url);
+ return self::magicLinkByContact($contact, $url ?: $contact_url);