--- /dev/null
+# """
+# Name: 'FlightGear Animation (.xml)'
+# Blender: 243
+# Group: 'Export'
+# Submenu: 'Generate textured lights' LIGHTS
+# Submenu: 'Rotation' ROTATE
+# Submenu: 'Range (LOD)' RANGE
+# Submenu: 'Translation from origin' TRANS0
+# Submenu: 'Translation from cursor' TRANSC
+# Tooltip: 'FlightGear Animation'
+# """
+# Put this file into ~/.blender/scripts. You'll then find
+# it in Blender under "File->Epxort->FlightGear Animation (*.xml)"
+# For the script to work properly, make sure a directory
+# ~/.blender/scripts/bpydata/config/ exists. To change the
+# script parameters, edit file fgfs_animation.cfg in that
+# dir, or in blender, switch to "Scripts Window" view, select
+# "Scripts->System->Scripts Config Editor" and there select
+# "Export->FlightGear Animation (*.xml". Don't forget to
+# "apply" the changes.
+__author__ = "Melchior FRANZ < mfranz # aon : at >"
+__url__ = "http://members.aon.at/mfranz/flightgear/"
+__version__ = "$Revision$ -- $Date$ -- (Public Domain)"
+__bpydoc__ = """\
+== Generate textured lights ==
+Adds linked "light objects" (square consisting of two triangles at
+origin) for each selected vertex, and creates FlightGear animation
+code that scales all faces according to view distance, moves them to
+the vertex location, turns the face towards the viewer and blends
+it with other (semi)transparent objects. All lights are turned off
+at daylight.
+== Translation from origin ==
+Generates "translate" animation for each selected vertex and for the
+cursor, if it is not at origin. This mode is thought for moving
+objects to their proper location after scaling them at origin, a
+technique that is used for lights.
+== Translation from cursor ==
+Same as above, except that movements from the cursor location are
+== Rotation ==
+Generates one "rotate" animation from two selected vertices
+(rotation axis), and the cursor (rotation center).
+== Range ==
+Generates "range" animation skeleton with list of all selected objects.
+# $Id$
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# fgfs_animation
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+# Copyright (C) 2005: Melchior FRANZ mfranz#aon:at
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+# modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
+# as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
+# of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------
+import sys
+import Blender
+from math import sqrt
+from Blender import Mathutils
+from Blender.Mathutils import Vector, VecMultMat
+REG_KEY = 'fgfs_animation'
+MODE = __script__['arg']
+ORIGIN = [0, 0, 0]
+FILENAME = Blender.Get("filename")
+(BASENAME, EXTNAME) = Blender.sys.splitext(FILENAME)
+DIRNAME = Blender.sys.dirname(BASENAME)
+FILENAME = Blender.sys.basename(BASENAME) + "-export.xml"
+ 'PATHNAME': "where exported data should be saved (current dir if empty)",
+ 'INDENT': "number of spaces per indentation level, or 0 for tabs",
+reg = Blender.Registry.GetKey(REG_KEY, True)
+if not reg:
+ Blender.Registry.SetKey(REG_KEY, {
+ 'INDENT': 0,
+ 'PATHNAME': "",
+ 'tooltips': TOOLTIPS,
+ }, True)
+class Error(Exception):
+ pass
+class BlenderSetup:
+ def __init__(self):
+ #Blender.Window.WaitCursor(1)
+ self.is_editmode = Blender.Window.EditMode()
+ if self.is_editmode:
+ Blender.Window.EditMode(0)
+ def __del__(self):
+ #Blender.Window.WaitCursor(0)
+ if self.is_editmode:
+ Blender.Window.EditMode(1)
+class XMLExporter:
+ def __init__(self, filename):
+ cursor = Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()
+ self.file = open(filename, "w")
+ self.write('<?xml version="1.0"?>\n')
+ self.write("<!-- project: %s -->\n" % Blender.Get("filename"))
+ self.write("<!-- cursor: %0.12f %0.12f %0.12f -->\n\n" % (cursor[0], cursor[1], cursor[2]))
+ self.write("<PropertyList>\n")
+ self.write("\t<path>%s.ac</path>\n\n" % BASENAME)
+ def __del__(self):
+ try:
+ self.write("</PropertyList>\n")
+ self.file.close()
+ except AttributeError: # opening in __init__ failed
+ pass
+ def write(self, s):
+ global INDENT
+ if INDENT <= 0:
+ self.file.write(s)
+ else:
+ self.file.write(s.expandtabs(INDENT))
+ def comment(self, s, e = "", a = ""):
+ self.write(a + "<!-- " + s + " -->\n" + e)
+ def translate(self, name, va, vb):
+ x = vb[0] - va[0]
+ y = vb[1] - va[1]
+ z = vb[2] - va[2]
+ length = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>translate</type>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <offset-m>%s</offset-m>
+ <axis>
+ <x>%s</x>
+ <y>%s</y>
+ <z>%s</z>
+ </axis>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name, Round(length), Round(x), Round(y), Round(z)))
+ def rotate(self, name, center, va, vb):
+ x = Round(vb[0] - va[0])
+ y = Round(vb[1] - va[1])
+ z = Round(vb[2] - va[2])
+ self.write("\t<!-- Vertex 0: %f %f %f -->\n" % (va[0], va[1], va[2]))
+ self.write("\t<!-- Vertex 1: %f %f %f -->\n" % (vb[0], vb[1], vb[2]))
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>rotate</type>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <property>null</property>
+ <!--min-deg>0</min-deg-->
+ <!--max-deg>360</max-deg-->
+ <!--factor>1</factor-->
+ <center>
+ <x-m>%s</x-m>
+ <y-m>%s</y-m>
+ <z-m>%s</z-m>
+ </center>
+ <axis>
+ <x>%s</x>
+ <y>%s</y>
+ <z>%s</z>
+ </axis>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name, Round(center[0]), Round(center[1]), Round(center[2]), x, y, z))
+ def billboard(self, name, spherical = "true"):
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>billboard</type>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <spherical type="bool">%s</spherical>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name, spherical))
+ def group(self, name, objects):
+ self.write("\t<animation>\n");
+ self.write("\t\t<name>%s</name>\n" % name);
+ for o in objects:
+ self.write("\t\t<object-name>%s</object-name>\n" % o.name)
+ self.write("\t</animation>\n\n");
+ def alphatest(self, name, factor = 0.001):
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>alpha-test</type>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <alpha-factor>%s</alpha-factor>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name, factor))
+ def sunselect(self, name, angle = 1.57):
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>select</type>
+ <name>%s</name>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <condition>
+ <greater-than>
+ <property>/sim/time/sun-angle-rad</property>
+ <value>%s</value>
+ </greater-than>
+ </condition>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name + "Night", name, angle))
+ def distscale(self, name, base):
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>dist-scale</type>
+ <object-name>%s</object-name>
+ <interpolation>
+ <entry>
+ <ind>0</ind>
+ <dep alias="../../../../%sparams/light-near"/>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <ind>500</ind>
+ <dep alias="../../../../%sparams/light-med"/>
+ </entry>
+ <entry>
+ <ind>16000</ind>
+ <dep alias="../../../../%sparams/light-far"/>
+ </entry>
+ </interpolation>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % (name, base, base, base))
+ def range(self, objects):
+ self.write("\t<animation>\n")
+ self.write("\t\t<type>range</type>\n")
+ for o in objects:
+ self.write("\t\t<object-name>%s</object-name>\n" % o.name)
+ self.write("""\
+ <min-m>0</min-m>
+ <!--
+ <max-property>/sim/rendering/static-lod/detailed</max-property>
+ <min-property>/sim/rendering/static-lod/detailed</min-property>
+ <max-property>/sim/rendering/static-lod/rough</max-property>
+ <min-property>/sim/rendering/static-lod/rough</min-property>
+ -->
+ <max-property>/sim/rendering/static-lod/bare</max-property>\n""")
+ self.write("\t</animation>\n\n")
+ def lightrange(self, dist = 25000):
+ s = """\
+ <animation>
+ <type>range</type>
+ <min-m>0</min-m>
+ <max-m>%s</max-m>
+ </animation>\n\n"""
+ self.write(s % dist)
+def Round(f, digits = 6):
+ r = round(f, digits)
+ if r == int(r):
+ return str(int(r))
+ else:
+ return str(r)
+def serial(i, max = 0):
+ if max == 1:
+ return ""
+ if max < 10:
+ return "%d" % i
+ if max < 100:
+ return "%02d" % i
+ if max < 1000:
+ return "%03d" % i
+ if max < 10000:
+ return "%04d" % i
+ return "%d" % i
+def needsObjects(objects, n):
+ def error(e):
+ raise Error("wrong number of selected mesh objects: please select " + e)
+ if n < 0 and len(objects) < -n:
+ if n == -1:
+ error("at least one object")
+ else:
+ error("at least %d objects" % -n)
+ elif n > 0 and len(objects) != n:
+ if n == 1:
+ error("exactly one object")
+ else:
+ error("exactly %d objects" % n)
+def checkName(name):
+ """ check if name is already in use """
+ try:
+ Blender.Object.Get(name)
+ raise Error("can't generate object '" + name + "'; name already in use")
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
+ except ValueError:
+ pass
+def selectedVertices(object):
+ verts = []
+ mat = object.getMatrix('worldspace')
+ for v in object.getData().verts:
+ if not v.sel:
+ continue
+ vec = Vector([v[0], v[1], v[2]])
+ vec.resize4D()
+ vec *= mat
+ v[0], v[1], v[2] = vec[0], vec[1], vec[2]
+ verts.append(v)
+ return verts
+def createLightMesh(name, size = 1):
+ mesh = Blender.NMesh.New(name + "mesh")
+ mesh.mode = Blender.NMesh.Modes.NOVNORMALSFLIP
+ mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(-size, 0, -size))
+ mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(size, 0, -size))
+ mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(size, 0, size))
+ mesh.verts.append(Blender.NMesh.Vert(-size, 0, size))
+ face1 = Blender.NMesh.Face()
+ face1.v.append(mesh.verts[0])
+ face1.v.append(mesh.verts[1])
+ face1.v.append(mesh.verts[2])
+ mesh.faces.append(face1)
+ face2 = Blender.NMesh.Face()
+ face2.v.append(mesh.verts[0])
+ face2.v.append(mesh.verts[2])
+ face2.v.append(mesh.verts[3])
+ mesh.faces.append(face2)
+ mat = Blender.Material.New(name + "mat")
+ mat.setRGBCol(1, 1, 1)
+ mat.setMirCol(1, 1, 1)
+ mat.setAlpha(1)
+ mat.setEmit(1)
+ mat.setSpecCol(0, 0, 0)
+ mat.setSpec(0)
+ mat.setAmb(0)
+ mesh.setMaterials([mat])
+ return mesh
+def createLight(mesh, name):
+ object = Blender.Object.New("Mesh", name)
+ object.link(mesh)
+ Blender.Scene.getCurrent().link(object)
+ return object
+# modes ===========================================================================================
+class mode:
+ def __init__(self, xml = None):
+ self.cursor = Blender.Window.GetCursorPos()
+ self.objects = [o for o in Blender.Object.GetSelected() if o.getType() == 'Mesh']
+ if xml != None:
+ BlenderSetup()
+ self.test()
+ self.execute(xml)
+ def test(self):
+ pass
+class translationFromOrigin(mode):
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ if self.cursor != ORIGIN:
+ xml.translate("BlenderCursor", ORIGIN, self.cursor)
+ needsObjects(self.objects, 1)
+ object = self.objects[0]
+ verts = selectedVertices(object)
+ if len(verts):
+ xml.comment('[%s] translate from origin: "%s"' % (BASENAME, object.name), '\n')
+ for i, v in enumerate(verts):
+ xml.translate("X%d" % i, ORIGIN, v)
+class translationFromCursor(mode):
+ def test(self):
+ needsObjects(self.objects, 1)
+ self.object = self.objects[0]
+ self.verts = selectedVertices(self.object)
+ if not len(self.verts):
+ raise Error("no vertex selected")
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ xml.comment('[%s] translate from cursor: "%s"' % (BASENAME, self.object.name), '\n')
+ for i, v in enumerate(self.verts):
+ xml.translate("X%d" % i, self.cursor, v)
+class rotation(mode):
+ def test(self):
+ needsObjects(self.objects, 1)
+ self.object = self.objects[0]
+ self.verts = selectedVertices(self.object)
+ if len(self.verts) != 2:
+ raise Error("you have to select two vertices that define the rotation axis!")
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ xml.comment('[%s] rotate "%s"' % (BASENAME, self.object.name), '\n')
+ if self.cursor == ORIGIN:
+ Blender.Draw.PupMenu("The cursor is still at origin!%t|"\
+ "But nevertheless, I pretend it is the rotation center.")
+ xml.rotate(self.object.name, self.cursor, self.verts[0], self.verts[1])
+class levelOfDetail(mode):
+ def test(self):
+ needsObjects(self.objects, -1)
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ xml.comment('[%s] level of detail' % BASENAME, '\n')
+ xml.range(self.objects)
+class interpolation(mode):
+ def test(self):
+ needsObjects(self.objects, -2)
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ print
+ for i, o in enumerate(self.objects):
+ print "%d: %s" % (i, o.name)
+ raise Error("this mode doesn't do anything useful yet")
+class texturedLights(mode):
+ def test(self):
+ needsObjects(self.objects, 1)
+ self.object = self.objects[0]
+ self.verts = selectedVertices(self.object)
+ if not len(self.verts):
+ raise Error("there are no vertices to put lights at")
+ self.lightname = self.object.name + "X"
+ checkName(self.lightname)
+ for i, v in enumerate(self.verts):
+ checkName(self.lightname + serial(i, len(self.verts)))
+ def execute(self, xml):
+ lightname = self.lightname
+ verts = self.verts
+ object = self.object
+ lightmesh = createLightMesh(lightname)
+ lights = []
+ for i, v in enumerate(verts):
+ lights.append(createLight(lightmesh, lightname + serial(i, len(verts))))
+ parent = object.getParent()
+ if parent != None:
+ parent.makeParent(lights)
+ for l in lights:
+ l.Layer = object.Layer
+ xml.lightrange()
+ xml.write("\t<%sparams>\n" % lightname)
+ xml.write("\t\t<light-near>%s</light-near>\n" % "0.4")
+ xml.write("\t\t<light-med>%s</light-med>\n" % "0.8")
+ xml.write("\t\t<light-far>%s</light-far>\n" % "10")
+ xml.write("\t</%sparams>\n\n" % lightname)
+ if len(lights) == 1:
+ xml.sunselect(lightname)
+ xml.alphatest(lightname)
+ else:
+ xml.group(lightname + "Group", lights)
+ xml.sunselect(lightname + "Group")
+ xml.alphatest(lightname + "Group")
+ for i, l in enumerate(lights):
+ xml.translate(l.name, ORIGIN, verts[i])
+ for l in lights:
+ xml.billboard(l.name)
+ for l in lights:
+ xml.distscale(l.name, lightname)
+ Blender.Redraw(-1)
+execute = {
+ 'LIGHTS' : texturedLights,
+ 'TRANS0' : translationFromOrigin,
+ 'TRANSC' : translationFromCursor,
+ 'ROTATE' : rotation,
+ 'RANGE' : levelOfDetail,
+ 'INTERPOL' : interpolation
+# main() ==========================================================================================
+def dofile(filename):
+ try:
+ xml = XMLExporter(filename)
+ execute[MODE](xml)
+ except Error, e:
+ xml.comment("ERROR: " + e.args[0], '\n')
+ raise Error(e.args[0])
+ except IOError, (errno, strerror):
+ raise Error(strerror)
+def main():
+ try:
+ reg = Blender.Registry.GetKey(REG_KEY, True)
+ if reg:
+ PATHNAME = reg['PATHNAME'] or ""
+ INDENT = reg['INDENT'] or 0
+ else:
+ INDENT = 0
+ print 'writing to "' + FILENAME + '"'
+ dofile(FILENAME)
+ except Error, e:
+ print "ERROR: " + e.args[0]
+ Blender.Draw.PupMenu("ERROR%t|" + e.args[0])
+if MODE:
+ main()