<node TEXT="The requested buildings/vehicles must be found in reality"/>
+<node TEXT="Slightly moved graphics (GIF)">
+<node TEXT="Water surface"/>
+<node TEXT="Sky texture"/>
<node TEXT="Fully XHTML 1.0">
-<node TEXT="Latest Internet standart"/>
+<node TEXT="Latest Internet standard"/>
<node TEXT="Older browsers will make lesser trouble"/>
+<node TEXT="Should validate with the W3C HTML Validator">
+<node LINK="http://validator.w3.org" TEXT="http://validator.w3.org">
+<icon BUILTIN="attach"/>
<node TEXT="Design is CSS-based">
<font NAME="SansSerif" SIZE="12"/>
<node TEXT="Themes are possible"/>
-<node TEXT="Nice AJAX features"/>
+<node TEXT="Nice AJAX features">
+<icon BUILTIN="idea"/>
+<icon BUILTIN="desktop_new"/>
+<node TEXT="News on the front page (home)">
+<node TEXT="The news source can be choosen from different">
+<node TEXT="Previously typed and stored in database"/>
+<node TEXT="Local XML files">
+<node TEXT="Hint: Created by external generator">
+<font NAME="SansSerif" SIZE="12"/>
+<node TEXT="Remote XMLs like RSS feeds"/>
+<node TEXT="The typer can choose a category">
+<node TEXT="New categories can be suggested by the typer"/>
+<node TEXT="An admin can create new categories"/>
+<node TEXT="Comments are allowable">
+<node TEXT="Logged-in users"/>
+<node TEXT="Guests as well">
+<icon BUILTIN="clanbomber"/>
+<node TEXT="Secured with CAPTCHA">
+<icon BUILTIN="messagebox_warning"/>
<node TEXT="How does a shipping company work?" POSITION="left">
<font NAME="SansSerif" BOLD="true" SIZE="14"/>