# undef NONE
// Local functions.
fgPanelVisible ()
- return ((current_panel != 0) &&
- (current_panel->getVisibility()) &&
- (globals->get_viewmgr()->get_current() == 0) &&
- (globals->get_current_view()->get_view_offset() == 0.0));
+ return (fgGetBool("/sim/virtual-cockpit") ||
+ ((current_panel != 0) &&
+ (current_panel->getVisibility()) &&
+ (globals->get_viewmgr()->get_current() == 0) &&
+ (globals->get_current_view()->get_view_offset() == 0.0)));
y_offset += y_adjust;
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- gluOrtho2D(winx, winx + winw, winy, winy + winh); /* right side up */
- // gluOrtho2D(winx + winw, winx, winy + winh, winy); /* up side down */
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPushMatrix();
- glLoadIdentity();
- glTranslated(x_offset, y_offset, 0);
- // Draw the background
+ if(fgGetBool("/sim/virtual-cockpit")) {
+ setupVirtualCockpit();
+ } else {
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ gluOrtho2D(winx, winx + winw, winy, winy + winh); /* right side up */
+ // gluOrtho2D(winx + winw, winx, winy + winh, winy); /* up side down */
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ glTranslated(x_offset, y_offset, 0);
+ }
+ // Draw the background
for ( ; current != end; current++) {
FGPanelInstrument * instr = *current;
- glLoadIdentity();
+ glPushMatrix();
glTranslated(x_offset, y_offset, 0);
glTranslated(instr->getXPos(), instr->getYPos(), 0);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }
+ if(fgGetBool("/sim/virtual-cockpit")) {
+ cleanupVirtualCockpit();
+ } else {
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPopMatrix();
- glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
- glPopMatrix();
- glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
- glPopMatrix();
+// Yanked from the YASim codebase. Should probably be replaced with
+// the 4x4 routine from plib, which is more appropriate here.
+static void invert33Matrix(float* m)
+ // Compute the inverse as the adjoint matrix times 1/(det M).
+ // A, B ... I are the cofactors of a b c
+ // d e f
+ // g h i
+ float a=m[0], b=m[1], c=m[2];
+ float d=m[3], e=m[4], f=m[5];
+ float g=m[6], h=m[7], i=m[8];
+ float A = (e*i - h*f);
+ float B = -(d*i - g*f);
+ float C = (d*h - g*e);
+ float D = -(b*i - h*c);
+ float E = (a*i - g*c);
+ float F = -(a*h - g*b);
+ float G = (b*f - e*c);
+ float H = -(a*f - d*c);
+ float I = (a*e - d*b);
+ float id = 1/(a*A + b*B + c*C);
+ m[0] = id*A; m[1] = id*D; m[2] = id*G;
+ m[3] = id*B; m[4] = id*E; m[5] = id*H;
+ m[6] = id*C; m[7] = id*F; m[8] = id*I;
+ int i;
+ FGViewer* view = globals->get_current_view();
+ // Corners for the panel quad. These numbers put a "standard"
+ // panel at 1m from the eye, with a horizontal size of 60 degrees,
+ // and with its center 5 degrees down. This will work well for
+ // most typical screen-space panel definitions. In principle,
+ // these should be settable per-panel, so that you can have lots
+ // of panel objects plastered about the cockpit in realistic
+ // positions and orientations.
+ float DY = .0875; // tan(5 degrees)
+ float a[] = { -0.5773503, -0.4330172 - DY, -1 }; // bottom left
+ float b[] = { 0.5773503, -0.4330172 - DY, -1 }; // bottom right
+ float c[] = { -0.5773503, 0.4330172 - DY, -1 }; // top left
+ // A standard projection, in meters, with especially close clip
+ // planes.
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ glLoadIdentity();
+ gluPerspective(view->get_v_fov(), 1/view->get_aspect_ratio(),
+ 0.01, 100);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ // Generate a "look at" matrix using OpenGL (!) coordinate
+ // conventions.
+ float lookat[3];
+ float pitch = view->get_view_tilt();
+ float rot = view->get_view_offset();
+ lookat[0] = -sin(rot);
+ lookat[1] = sin(pitch) / cos(pitch);
+ lookat[2] = -cos(rot);
+ if(fabs(lookat[1]) > 9999) lookat[1] = 9999; // FPU sanity
+ gluLookAt(0, 0, 0, lookat[0], lookat[1], lookat[2], 0, 1, 0);
+ // Translate the origin to the location of the panel quad
+ glTranslatef(a[0], a[1], a[2]);
+ // Generate a matrix to translate unit square coordinates from the
+ // panel to real world coordinates. Use a basis for the panel
+ // quad and invert. Note: this matrix is relatively expensive to
+ // compute, and is invariant. Consider precomputing and storing
+ // it. Also, consider using the plib vector math routines, so the
+ // reuse junkies don't yell at me. (Fine, I hard-coded a cross
+ // product. Just shoot me and be done with it.)
+ float u[3], v[3], w[3], m[9];
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) u[i] = b[i] - a[i]; // U = B - A
+ for(i=0; i<3; i++) v[i] = c[i] - a[i]; // V = C - A
+ w[0] = u[1]*v[2] - v[1]*u[2]; // W = U x V
+ w[1] = u[2]*v[0] - v[2]*u[0];
+ w[2] = u[0]*v[1] - v[0]*u[1];
+ for(int i=0; i<3; i++) { // |Ux Uy Uz|-1
+ m[i] = u[i]; // m =|Vx Vy Vz|
+ m[i+3] = v[i]; // |Wx Wy Wz|
+ m[i+6] = w[i];
+ }
+ invert33Matrix(m);
+ float glm[16]; // Expand to a 4x4 OpenGL matrix.
+ glm[0] = m[0]; glm[4] = m[1]; glm[8] = m[2]; glm[12] = 0;
+ glm[1] = m[3]; glm[5] = m[4]; glm[9] = m[5]; glm[13] = 0;
+ glm[2] = m[6]; glm[6] = m[7]; glm[10] = m[8]; glm[14] = 0;
+ glm[3] = 0; glm[7] = 0; glm[11] = 0; glm[15] = 1;
+ glMultMatrixf(glm);
+ // Finally, a scaling factor to convert the 1024x768 range the
+ // panel uses to a unit square mapped to the panel quad.
+ glScalef(1./1024, 1./768, 1);
+ // Scale to the appropriate vertical size. I'm not quite clear on
+ // this yet; an identical scaling is not appropriate for
+ // _width, for example. This should probably go away when panel
+ // coordinates get sanified for virtual cockpits.
+ glScalef(1, _height/768.0, 1);
+ // Now, turn off the Z buffer. The panel code doesn't need
+ // it, and we're using different clip planes anyway (meaning we
+ // can't share it without glDepthRange() hackery or much
+ // framebuffer bandwidth wasteage)
+ glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
+ glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST);
* Set the panel's visibility.
if (test()) {
for (int i = 0; i < (int)_layers.size(); i++) {
- glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, (i / 100.0) + 0.1);
+ if(!fgGetBool("/sim/virtual-cockpit"))
+ glTranslatef(0.0, 0.0, (i / 100.0) + 0.1);