- numAI(0),
- set_by_comm_search(false) {
+ numAI(0)
+ set_by_comm[0] = false;
+ set_by_comm[1] = false;
// Initialise the ATC Dialogs
//cout << "Initing Transmissions..." << endl;
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, " ATC Transmissions");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, " ATC Transmissions");
current_transmissionlist = new FGTransmissionList;
SGPath p_transmission( globals->get_fg_root() );
p_transmission.append( "ATC/default.transmissions" );
current_transmissionlist->init( p_transmission );
//cout << "Done Transmissions" << endl;
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, " ATC Dialog System");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, " ATC Dialog System");
current_atcdialog = new FGATCDialog;
// DCL - testing
//current_atcdialog->add_entry( "EGNX", "Request vectoring for approach", "Request Vectors" );
//current_atcdialog->add_entry( "EGNX", "Mayday, Mayday", "Declare Emergency" );
- /*
- ATCData test;
- bool ok = current_commlist->FindByCode("KEMT", test, TOWER);
- if(ok) {
- cout << "KEMT tower frequency from test was " << test.freq << endl;
- } else {
- cout << "KEMT tower frequency not found :-(" << endl;
- }
- exit(-1);
- */
void FGATCMgr::update(double dt) {
//cout << "Updating " << (*atc_list_itr)->get_ident() << ' ' << (*atc_list_itr)->GetType() << '\n';
//cout << "Freq = " << (*atc_list_itr)->get_freq() << '\n';
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update(dt * atc_list.size());
//cout << "Done ATC update..." << endl;
// Search the tuned frequencies every now and then - this should be done with the event scheduler
static int i = 0;
if(i == 7) {
+ //cout << "About to AreaSearch()" << endl;
if(i == 15) {
//cout << "comm1 type = " << comm_type[0] << '\n';
+ //cout << "Leaving update..." << endl;
// Register the fact that the AI system wants to activate an airport
// Might need more sophistication in this in the future - eg registration by aircraft call-sign.
bool FGATCMgr::AIRegisterAirport(string ident) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "AI registered airport " << ident << " with the ATC system");
if(airport_atc_map.find(ident) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_AI = true;
+ airport_atc_map[ident]->numAI++;
} else {
FGAirport ap;
if(dclFindAirportID(ident, &ap)) {
+ //cout << "ident = " << ident << '\n';
AirportATC *a = new AirportATC;
// I'm not entirely sure that this AirportATC structure business is actually needed - it just duplicates what we can find out anyway!
a->lon = ap.longitude;
a->lat = ap.latitude;
a->elev = ap.elevation;
a->atis_freq = GetFrequency(ident, ATIS);
+ //cout << "ATIS freq = " << a->atis_freq << '\n';
a->atis_active = false;
a->tower_freq = GetFrequency(ident, TOWER);
+ //cout << "Tower freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n';
a->tower_active = false;
a->ground_freq = GetFrequency(ident, GROUND);
+ //cout << "Ground freq = " << a->ground_freq << '\n';
a->ground_active = false;
// TODO - some airports will have a tower/ground frequency but be inactive overnight.
a->set_by_AI = true;
- a->numAI++;
+ a->numAI = 1;
airport_atc_map[ident] = a;
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
-bool FGATCMgr::CommRegisterAirport(string ident) { // Later we'll differentiate between comm 1 and comm2
- // TODO - implement me!
+// Channel is zero based
+bool FGATCMgr::CommRegisterAirport(string ident, int chan) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "Comm channel " << chan << " registered airport " << ident);
+ if(airport_atc_map.find(ident) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
+ //cout << "IN MAP - flagging set by comm..." << endl;
+ if(chan == 0) {
+ airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_comm[0] = true;
+ } else if(chan == 1) {
+ airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_comm[1] = true;
+ } else {
+ // Just register both and accept the fact that this ATC will probably never get removed!
+ airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_comm[0] = true;
+ airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_comm[1] = true;
+ }
+ return(true);
+ } else {
+ //cout << "NOT IN MAP - creating new..." << endl;
+ FGAirport ap;
+ if(dclFindAirportID(ident, &ap)) {
+ AirportATC *a = new AirportATC;
+ // I'm not entirely sure that this AirportATC structure business is actually needed - it just duplicates what we can find out anyway!
+ a->lon = ap.longitude;
+ a->lat = ap.latitude;
+ a->elev = ap.elevation;
+ a->atis_freq = GetFrequency(ident, ATIS);
+ a->atis_active = false;
+ a->tower_freq = GetFrequency(ident, TOWER);
+ a->tower_active = false;
+ a->ground_freq = GetFrequency(ident, GROUND);
+ a->ground_active = false;
+ // TODO - some airports will have a tower/ground frequency but be inactive overnight.
+ a->set_by_AI = false;
+ a->numAI = 0;
+ if(chan == 0) {
+ a->set_by_comm[0] = true;
+ } else if(chan == 1) {
+ a->set_by_comm[1] = true;
+ } else {
+ // Just register both and accept the fact that this ATC will probably never get removed!
+ a->set_by_comm[0] = true;
+ a->set_by_comm[1] = true;
+ }
+ airport_atc_map[ident] = a;
+ return(true);
+ }
+ }
// Remove from list only if not needed by the AI system or the other comm channel
-// TODO - implement me!!
+// Note that chan is zero based.
void FGATCMgr::CommRemoveFromList(const char* id, atc_type tp, int chan) {
- /*AirportATC a;
- if(GetAirportATCDetails((string)id, &a)) {
- if(a.set_by_AI) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "CommRemoveFromList called for airport " << id << " by channel " << chan);
+ if(airport_atc_map.find((string)id) != airport_atc_map.end()) {
+ AirportATC* a = airport_atc_map[(string)id];
+ //cout << "In CommRemoveFromList, a->ground_freq = " << a->ground_freq << endl;
+ if(a->set_by_AI) {
// Don't remove
- a.set_by_comm_search = false;
+ FGATC* aptr = GetATCPointer((string)id, tp);
+ switch(chan) {
+ case 0:
+ //cout << "chan 1\n";
+ a->set_by_comm[0] = false;
+ if(!a->set_by_comm[1]) {
+ //cout << "not set by comm2\n";
+ if(aptr != NULL) {
+ //cout << "Got pointer\n";
+ aptr->SetNoDisplay();
+ //cout << "Setting no display...\n";
+ } else {
+ //cout << "Not got pointer\n";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ a->set_by_comm[1] = false;
+ if(!a->set_by_comm[0]) {
+ if(aptr != NULL) {
+ aptr->SetNoDisplay();
+ //cout << "Setting no display...\n";
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
airport_atc_map[(string)id] = a;
} else {
- // remove
+ switch(chan) {
+ case 0:
+ a->set_by_comm[0] = false;
+ // Remove only if not also set by the other comm channel
+ if(!a->set_by_comm[1]) {
+ RemoveFromList(id, tp);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ a->set_by_comm[1] = false;
+ if(!a->set_by_comm[0]) {
+ RemoveFromList(id, tp);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
- }*/
- // Hack - need to implement this properly
- RemoveFromList(id, tp);
+ }
//Before removing it stop it transmitting!!
//cout << "OBLITERATING FROM LIST!!!\n";
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update(0.00833);
delete (*atc_list_itr);
atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
// Return a pointer to a given sort of ATC at a given airport and activate if necessary
// Returns NULL if service doesn't exist - calling function should check for this.
+// We really ought to make this private and call it from the CommRegisterAirport / AIRegisterAirport functions
+// - at the moment all these GetATC... functions exposed are just too complicated.
FGATC* FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer(string icao, atc_type type) {
if(airport_atc_map.find(icao) == airport_atc_map.end()) {
return NULL;
//cout << "a->elev = " << a->elev << '\n';
//cout << "a->tower_freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n';
switch(type) {
- case TOWER:
+ case TOWER:
if(a->tower_active) {
// Get the pointer from the list
return(FindInList(icao.c_str(), type));
} else {
- cout << "ERROR - tower that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found\n";
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - tower that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found");
- case APPROACH:
+ case APPROACH:
- case ATIS:
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ATIS station should not be requested from FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer");
+ case ATIS:
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ATIS station should not be requested from FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer");
- case GROUND:
+ case GROUND:
+ //cout << "IN CASE GROUND" << endl;
if(a->ground_active) {
// Get the pointer from the list
return(FindInList(icao.c_str(), type));
} else {
- cout << "ERROR - ground control that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found\n";
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ground control that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found");
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer");
// This was a switch-case statement but the compiler didn't like the new variable creation with it.
if(comm_type[chan] == ATIS) {
- FGATIS* a = new FGATIS;
- a->SetData(&data);
- comm_atc_ptr[chan] = a;
- a->SetDisplay();
- //a->set_refname((chan) ? "atis2" : "atis1"); // FIXME - that line is limited to 2 channels
- atc_list.push_back(a);
+ CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan);
+ FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], TOWER);
+ if(app != NULL) {
+ // The station is already in the ATC list
+ //cout << "In list - flagging SetDisplay..." << endl;
+ app->SetDisplay();
+ } else {
+ // Generate the station and put in the ATC list
+ //cout << "Not in list - generating..." << endl;
+ FGATIS* a = new FGATIS;
+ a->SetData(&data);
+ comm_atc_ptr[chan] = a;
+ a->SetDisplay();
+ //a->Init();
+ atc_list.push_back(a);
+ }
} else if (comm_type[chan] == TOWER) {
+ CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan);
+ //cout << "Done (TOWER)" << endl;
FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], TOWER);
if(app != NULL) {
// The station is already in the ATC list
+ //cout << "In list - flagging SetDisplay..." << endl;
} else {
// Generate the station and put in the ATC list
+ //cout << "Not in list - generating..." << endl;
FGTower* t = new FGTower;
comm_atc_ptr[chan] = t;
+ } else if (comm_type[chan] == GROUND) {
+ CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan);
+ //cout << "Done (GROUND)" << endl;
+ FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], GROUND);
+ if(app != NULL) {
+ // The station is already in the ATC list
+ app->SetDisplay();
+ } else {
+ // Generate the station and put in the ATC list
+ FGGround* g = new FGGround;
+ g->SetData(&data);
+ comm_atc_ptr[chan] = g;
+ g->SetDisplay();
+ g->Init();
+ atc_list.push_back(g);
+ }
} else if (comm_type[chan] == APPROACH) {
// We have to be a bit more carefull here since approaches are also searched by area
+ CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan);
+ //cout << "Done (APPROACH)" << endl;
FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], APPROACH);
if(app != NULL) {
// The station is already in the ATC list
// if approach has no planes left remove it from ATC list
if ( np == 0) {
- (*atc_list_itr)->Update();
+ (*atc_list_itr)->Update(0.00833);
delete (*atc_list_itr);
atc_list_itr = atc_list.erase(atc_list_itr);
break; // the other stations will be checked next time
// Flags to ensure the stations don't get wrongly deactivated
bool set_by_AI; // true when the AI manager has activated this station
unsigned int numAI; // Ref count of the number of AI planes registered
- bool set_by_comm_search; // true when the comm_search has activated this station
- // Do we need to distingiush comm1 and comm2?
+ bool set_by_comm[2]; // true when the relevant comm_freq has activated this station
class FGATCMgr : public FGSubsystem
bool AIRegisterAirport(string ident);
// Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport
- bool CommRegisterAirport(string ident); // Later we'll differentiate between comm 1 and comm2
+ bool CommRegisterAirport(string ident, int chan);
#include STL_FSTREAM
#include "ground.hxx"
+#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCutils.hxx"
+#include "ATCdisplay.hxx"
+#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx"
FGGround::FGGround() {
display = false;
networkLoadOK = false;
+ ground_traffic.erase(ground_traffic.begin(), ground_traffic.end());
+ ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
FGGround::FGGround(string id) {
display = false;
networkLoadOK = false;
+ ground_traffic.erase(ground_traffic.begin(), ground_traffic.end());
+ ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
ident = id;
string taxiPath = "ATC/"; // FIXME - HARDWIRED FOR TESTING
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Trying to read taxiway data for " << ident << "...");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Trying to read taxiway data for " << ident << "...");
//cout << "Trying to read taxiway data for " << ident << "..." << endl;, ios::in);
if(!fin) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "Unable to open taxiway data input file " << path.c_str());
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Unable to open taxiway data input file " << path.c_str());
//cout << "Unable to open taxiway data input file " << path.c_str() << endl;
// Node, arc, or [End]?
//cout << "Read in ground network element type = " << buf << endl;
if(!strcmp(buf, "[End]")) { // TODO - maybe make this more robust to spelling errors by just looking for '['
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "Done reading " << path.c_str() << endl);
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Done reading " << path.c_str() << endl);
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "N")) {
// Node
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "H")) {
np->type = HOLD;
} else {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown node type in taxi network...\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown node type in taxi network...\n");
delete np;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "T")) {
ap->type = TAXIWAY;
} else {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc type in taxi network...\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc type in taxi network...\n");
delete ap;
} else if(!strcmp(buf, "N")) {
ap->directed = false;
} else {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc directed value in taxi network - should be Y/N !!!\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "**** ERROR ***** Unknown arc directed value in taxi network - should be Y/N !!!\n");
delete ap;
} else {
// Something has gone seriously pear-shaped
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "********* ERROR - unknown ground network element type... aborting read of " << path.c_str() << '\n');
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "********* ERROR - unknown ground network element type... aborting read of " << path.c_str() << '\n');
void FGGround::Init() {
display = false;
- // For now we'll hardwire the threshold end
+ //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+ // For now we'll hardwire the threshold end FIXME FIXME FIXME - use actual active rwy
Point3D P010(-118.037483, 34.081358, 296 * SG_FEET_TO_METER);
double hdg = 25.32;
ortho.Init(P010, hdg);
+ //!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
networkLoadOK = LoadNetwork();
-void FGGround::Update() {
+void FGGround::Update(double dt) {
// Each time step, what do we need to do?
// We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
// and process at least one of them.
// Lets take the example of a plane which has just contacted ground
// following landing - presumably requesting where to go?
// First we need to establish the position of the plane within the logical network.
- // Next we need to decide where its going.
+ // Next we need to decide where its going.
+ if(ground_traffic.size()) {
+ if(ground_traffic_itr == ground_traffic.end()) {
+ ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
+ }
+ //Process(*ground_traffic_itr);
+ GroundRec* g = *ground_traffic_itr;
+ if(g->taxiRequestOutstanding) {
+ double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
+ if(g->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
+ // TODO - move the mechanics of making up the transmission out of the main Update(...) routine.
+ string trns = "";
+ trns += g->plane.callsign;
+ trns += " taxi holding point runway "; // TODO - add the holding point name
+ // eg " taxi holding point G2 runway "
+ //trns += "
+ if(display) {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns, 0);
+ }
+ g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(1); // cleared to taxi
+ g->clearanceCounter = 0.0;
+ g->taxiRequestOutstanding = false;
+ } else {
+ g->clearanceCounter += (dt * ground_traffic.size());
+ }
+ } else if(((FGAILocalTraffic*)(g->planePtr))->AtHoldShort()) { // That's a hack - eventually we should monitor actual position
+ // HACK ALERT - the automatic cast to AILocalTraffic has to go once we have other sorts working!!!!! FIXME TODO
+ // NOTE - we don't need to do the contact tower bit unless we have separate tower and ground
+ string trns = g->plane.callsign;
+ trns += " contact Tower ";
+ double f = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetFrequency(ident, TOWER);
+ char buf[10];
+ sprintf(buf, "%f", f);
+ trns += buf;
+ if(display) {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns, 0);
+ }
+ g->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(2); // contact tower
+ delete *ground_traffic_itr;
+ ground_traffic.erase(ground_traffic_itr);
+ ground_traffic_itr = ground_traffic.begin();
+ }
+ ++ground_traffic_itr;
+ }
// Return a random gate ID of an unused gate.
return NULL;
// Get a path from a point on a runway to a gate
// TODO !!
ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetPath(node* A, string rwyID) {
node* b = GetThresholdNode(rwyID);
if(b == NULL) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - unable to find path to runway theshold in ground.cxx\n");
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - unable to find path to runway theshold in ground.cxx\n");
ground_network_path_type emptyPath;
emptyPath.erase(emptyPath.begin(), emptyPath.end());
return GetShortestPath(A, b);
+// Get a path from a node to a runway hold short point
+// Bit of a hack this at the moment!
+ground_network_path_type FGGround::GetPathToHoldShort(node* A, string rwyID) {
+ ground_network_path_type path = GetPath(A, rwyID);
+ path.pop_back(); // That should be the threshold stripped of
+ path.pop_back(); // and that should be the arc from hold short to threshold
+ // This isn't robust though - TODO - implement properly!
+ return(path);
// A shortest path algorithm from memory (ie. I can't find the bl&*dy book again!)
// I'm sure there must be enchancements that we can make to this, such as biasing the
// order in which the nodes are searched out from in favour of those geographically
//cout << "pathsCreated = " << pathsCreated << '\n';
if(pathsCreated > 0) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, "WARNING - Possible memory leak in FGGround::GetShortestPath\n\
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "WARNING - Possible memory leak in FGGround::GetShortestPath\n\
Please report to\n");
// Return a list of exits from a given runway
// It is up to the calling function to check for non-zero size of returned array before use
-node_array_type FGGround::GetExits(int rwyID) {
- return(runways[rwyID].exits);
+node_array_type FGGround::GetExits(string rwyID) {
+ // FIXME - get a 07L or similar in here and we're stuffed!!!
+ return(runways[atoi(rwyID.c_str())].exits);
+void FGGround::RequestDeparture(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee) {
+ // For now we'll just automatically clear all planes to the runway hold.
+ // This communication needs to be delayed 20 sec or so from receiving the request.
+ // Even if display=false we still need to start the timer in case display=true when communication starts.
+ // We also need to bear in mind we also might have other outstanding communications, although for now we'll punt that issue!
+ // FIXME - sort the above!
+ // HACK - assume that anything requesting departure is new for now - FIXME LATER
+ GroundRec* g = new GroundRec;
+ g->plane = plane;
+ g->planePtr = requestee;
+ g->taxiRequestOutstanding = true;
+ g->clearanceCounter = 0;
+ g->cleared = false;
+ g->incoming = false;
+ // TODO - need to handle the next 3 as well
+ //Point3D current_pos;
+ //node* destination;
+ //node* last_clearance;
+ ground_traffic.push_back(g);
#if 0
#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include "ATC.hxx"
+//#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
+#include "AIEntity.hxx"
+//#include "AILocalTraffic.hxx" // RunwayDetails - this is a temporary hack
// Eventually we will also want some encoding of real-life preferred runways
// This will get us up and running for single runway airports though.
typedef vector < Rwy > runway_array_type;
typedef runway_array_type::iterator runway_array_iterator;
typedef runway_array_type::const_iterator runway_array_const_iterator;
// Planes active within the ground network.
-// somewhere in the ATC/AI system we are going to have defined something like
-// typedef struct plane_rec
-// list <PlaneRec> plane_rec_list_type
// A more specialist plane rec to include ground information
-typedef struct ground_rec {
- plane_rec plane;
- point current_pos;
- node destination;
- node last_clearance;
+struct GroundRec {
+ FGAIEntity* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
+ PlaneRec plane;
+ Point3D current_pos;
+ node* destination;
+ node* last_clearance;
+ bool taxiRequestOutstanding; // Plane has requested taxi and we haven't responded yet
+ double clearanceCounter; // Hack for communication timing - counter since clearance requested in seconds
bool cleared; // set true when the plane has been cleared to somewhere
bool incoming; //true for arrivals, false for departures
// status?
// Almost certainly need to add more here
-typedef list<ground_rec*> ground_rec_list;
+typedef list < GroundRec* > ground_rec_list;
typedef ground_rec_list::iterator ground_rec_list_itr;
typedef ground_rec_list::const_iterator ground_rec_list_const_itr;
+// Hack
+// perhaps we could use an FGRunway instead of this
+struct GRunwayDetails {
+ Point3D threshold_pos;
+ Point3D end1ortho; // ortho projection end1 (the threshold ATM)
+ Point3D end2ortho; // ortho projection end2 (the take off end in the current hardwired scheme)
+ double mag_hdg;
+ double mag_var;
+ double hdg; // true runway heading
+ double length; // In *METERS*
+ int ID; // 1 -> 36
+ string rwyID;
+ // Do we really need *both* the last two??
// FGGround
void Init();
- void Update();
+ void Update(double dt);
inline string get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
inline atc_type GetType() { return GROUND; }
inline void SetDisplay() {display = true;}
inline void SetNoDisplay() {display = false;}
- // Its possible that NewArrival and NewDeparture should simply be rolled into Request.
// Contact ground control on arrival, assumed to request any gate
//void NewArrival(plane_rec plane);
// Contact ground control on departure, assumed to request currently active runway.
- //void NewDeparture(plane_rec plane);
+ void RequestDeparture(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee);
// Contact ground control when the calling routine doesn't know if arrival
// or departure is appropriate.
// Runway stuff - this might change in the future.
// Get a list of exits from a given runway
// It is up to the calling function to check for non-zero size of returned array before use
- node_array_type GetExits(int rwyID);
+ node_array_type GetExits(string rwyID);
// Get a path from one node to another
ground_network_path_type GetPath(node* A, node* B);
// Get a path from a node to a runway threshold
ground_network_path_type GetPath(node* A, string rwyID);
+ // Get a path from a node to a runway hold short point
+ // Bit of a hack this at the moment!
+ ground_network_path_type GetPathToHoldShort(node* A, string rwyID);
+ // Tower stuff
// Need a data structure to hold details of the various active planes
// Need a data structure to hold details of the logical network
// Find the shortest route through the logical network between two points.
//FindShortestRoute(point a, point b);
- // Project a point in WGS84 lat/lon onto the local gnomonic.
- //ConvertWGS84ToXY(sgVec3 wgs84, point xy);
// Assign a gate or parking location to a new arrival
//AssignGate(ground_rec &g);
// Returns NULL if unsuccessful.
node* GetThresholdNode(string rwyID);
- // A shortest path algorithm sort of from memory (I can't find the bl&*dy book again!)
+ // A shortest path algorithm from memory (I can't find the bl&*dy book again!)
ground_network_path_type GetShortestPath(node* A, node* B);
+ // Planes
+ ground_rec_list ground_traffic;
+ ground_rec_list_itr ground_traffic_itr;
#endif // _FG_GROUND_HXX
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
+#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
#include "tower.hxx"
#include "ATCdisplay.hxx"
#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
+#include "ATCutils.hxx"
+#include "commlist.hxx"
// TowerPlaneRec
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec() :
+ plane.callsign = "UNKNOWN";
-TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(string ID) :
+TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(PlaneRec p) :
- id = ID;
+ plane = p;
TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(Point3D pt) :
+ plane.callsign = "UNKNOWN";
pos = pt;
-TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(string ID, Point3D pt) :
+TowerPlaneRec::TowerPlaneRec(PlaneRec p, Point3D pt) :
- id = ID;
+ plane = p;
pos = pt;
FGTower::FGTower() {
ATCmgr = globals->get_ATC_mgr();
+ // Init the property nodes - TODO - need to make sure we're getting surface winds.
+ wind_from_hdg = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-from-heading-deg", true);
+ wind_speed_knots = fgGetNode("/environment/wind-speed-kts", true);
+ holdListItr = holdList.begin();
+ appListItr = appList.begin();
+ depListItr = depList.begin();
+ rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
+ circuitListItr = circuitList.begin();
+ trafficListItr = trafficList.begin();
FGTower::~FGTower() {
void FGTower::Init() {
display = false;
+ // Pointers to user's position
+ user_lon_node = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true);
+ user_lat_node = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true);
+ user_elev_node = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true);
// Need some way to initialise rwyOccupied flag correctly if the user is on the runway and to know its the user.
// I'll punt the startup issue for now though!!!
rwyOccupied = false;
// Setup the ground control at this airport
AirportATC a;
+ //cout << "Tower ident = " << ident << '\n';
if(ATCmgr->GetAirportATCDetails(ident, &a)) {
if(a.ground_freq) { // Ground control
ground = (FGGround*)ATCmgr->GetATCPointer(ident, GROUND);
separateGround = true;
if(ground == NULL) {
// Something has gone wrong :-(
- cout << "ERROR - ground has frequency but can't get ground pointer :-(\n";
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "ERROR - ground has frequency but can't get ground pointer :-(");
ground = new FGGround(ident);
separateGround = false;
} else {
- cout << "Unable to find airport details for " << ident << " in FGTower::Init()\n";
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Unable to find airport details for " << ident << " in FGTower::Init()");
// Initialise ground anyway to avoid segfault later
ground = new FGGround(ident);
separateGround = false;
+ // Get the airport elevation
+ aptElev = dclGetAirportElev(ident.c_str()) * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ DoRwyDetails();
+ // FIXME - this currently assumes use of the active rwy by the user.
+ rwyOccupied = OnAnyRunway(Point3D(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0));
+ if(rwyOccupied) {
+ // Assume the user is started at the threshold ready to take-off
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
+ t->plane.callsign = "Charlie Foxtrot Sierra"; // C-FGFS !!! - fixme - this is a bit hardwired
+ t->opType = OUTBOUND; // How do we determine if the user actually wants to do circuits?
+ t->isUser = true;
+ t->planePtr = NULL;
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ rwyList.push_back(t);
+ }
-void FGTower::Update() {
+void FGTower::Update(double dt) {
+ //cout << "T" << flush;
// Each time step, what do we need to do?
// We need to go through the list of outstanding requests and acknowedgements
// and process at least one of them.
// sortConficts() !!!
+ // Do one plane from the hold list
+ if(holdList.size()) {
+ //cout << "A" << endl;
+ //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
+ if(holdListItr == holdList.end()) {
+ holdListItr = holdList.begin();
+ }
+ //cout << "*holdListItr = " << *holdListItr << endl;
+ //Process(*holdListItr);
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = *holdListItr;
+ //cout << "t = " << t << endl;
+ if(t->holdShortReported) {
+ //cout << "B" << endl;
+ double responseTime = 10.0; // seconds - this should get more sophisticated at some point
+ if(t->clearanceCounter > responseTime) {
+ //cout << "C" << endl;
+ if(t->nextOnRwy) {
+ //cout << "D" << endl;
+ if(rwyOccupied) {
+ //cout << "E" << endl;
+ // Do nothing for now - consider acknowloging hold short eventually
+ } else {
+ // Lets Roll !!!!
+ string trns = t->plane.callsign;
+ //if(departed plane < some threshold in time away) {
+ if(0) { // FIXME
+ trns += " line up";
+ t->clearedToLineUp = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(3); // cleared to line-up
+ //} else if(arriving plane < some threshold away) {
+ } else if(0) { // FIXME
+ trns += " cleared immediate take-off";
+ // TODO - add traffic is... ?
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off - TODO differentiate between immediate and normal take-off
+ } else {
+ trns += " cleared for take-off";
+ // TODO - add traffic is... ?
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = true;
+ t->planePtr->RegisterTransmission(4); // cleared to take-off
+ }
+ if(display) {
+ globals->get_ATC_display()->RegisterSingleMessage(trns, 0);
+ }
+ t->holdShortReported = false;
+ t->clearanceCounter = 0;
+ rwyList.push_back(t);
+ rwyOccupied = true;
+ holdList.erase(holdListItr);
+ holdListItr = holdList.begin();
+ }
+ } else {
+ // possibly tell him to hold and what position he is?
+ }
+ } else {
+ t->clearanceCounter += (dt * holdList.size());
+ }
+ }
+ ++holdListItr;
+ }
+ // Do the runway list - we'll do the whole runway list since it's important and there'll never be many planes on the rwy at once!!
+ if(rwyOccupied) {
+ if(!rwyList.size()) {
+ rwyOccupied = false;
+ } else {
+ rwyListItr = rwyList.begin();
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = *rwyListItr;
+ if(t->isUser) {
+ bool on_rwy = OnActiveRunway(Point3D(user_lon_node->getDoubleValue(), user_lat_node->getDoubleValue(), 0.0));
+ // TODO - how do we find the position when it's not the user?
+ if(!on_rwy) {
+ rwyList.pop_front();
+ delete t;
+ }
+ } // else TODO figure out what to do when it's not the user
+ }
+ }
if(!separateGround) {
} else {
- ground->Update();
+ ground->Update(dt);
+ }
+ //cout << "R " << flush;
+// Figure out which runways are active.
+// For now we'll just be simple and do one active runway - eventually this will get much more complex
+// This is a private function - public interface to the results of this is through GetActiveRunway
+void FGTower::DoRwyDetails() {
+ //cout << "GetRwyDetails called" << endl;
+ // Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway
+ SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() );
+ path.append( "Airports" );
+ path.append( "runways.mk4" );
+ FGRunways runways( path.c_str() );
+ //wind
+ double hdg = wind_from_hdg->getDoubleValue();
+ double speed = wind_speed_knots->getDoubleValue();
+ hdg = (speed == 0.0 ? 270.0 : hdg);
+ //cout << "Heading = " << hdg << '\n';
+ FGRunway runway;
+ bool rwyGood =, int(hdg), &runway);
+ if(rwyGood) {
+ activeRwy = runway.rwy_no;
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, "Active runway for airport " << ident << " is " << activeRwy);
+ // Get the threshold position
+ double other_way = runway.heading - 180.0;
+ while(other_way <= 0.0) {
+ other_way += 360.0;
+ }
+ // move to the +l end/center of the runway
+ //cout << "Runway center is at " << runway.lon << ", " << << '\n';
+ Point3D origin = Point3D(runway.lon,, aptElev);
+ Point3D ref = origin;
+ double tshlon, tshlat, tshr;
+ double tolon, tolat, tor;
+ rwy.length = runway.length * SG_FEET_TO_METER;
+ geo_direct_wgs_84 ( aptElev,, ref.lon(), other_way,
+ rwy.length / 2.0 - 25.0, &tshlat, &tshlon, &tshr );
+ geo_direct_wgs_84 ( aptElev,, ref.lon(), runway.heading,
+ rwy.length / 2.0 - 25.0, &tolat, &tolon, &tor );
+ // Note - 25 meters in from the runway end is a bit of a hack to put the plane ahead of the user.
+ // now copy what we need out of runway into rwy
+ rwy.threshold_pos = Point3D(tshlon, tshlat, aptElev);
+ Point3D takeoff_end = Point3D(tolon, tolat, aptElev);
+ //cout << "Threshold position = " << tshlon << ", " << tshlat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
+ //cout << "Takeoff position = " << tolon << ", " << tolat << ", " << aptElev << '\n';
+ rwy.hdg = runway.heading;
+ // Set the projection for the local area based on this active runway
+ ortho.Init(rwy.threshold_pos, rwy.hdg);
+ rwy.end1ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(rwy.threshold_pos); // should come out as zero
+ rwy.end2ortho = ortho.ConvertToLocal(takeoff_end);
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "Help - can't get good runway in FGTower!!");
+ activeRwy = "NN";
+ }
+// Figure out if a given position lies on the active runway
+// Might have to change when we consider more than one active rwy.
+bool FGTower::OnActiveRunway(Point3D pt) {
+ SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() );
+ path.append( "Airports" );
+ path.append( "runways.mk4" );
+ FGRunways runways( path.c_str() );
+ FGRunway runway;
+ bool rwyGood =, activeRwy, &runway);
+ if(!rwyGood) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Unable to find runway " << activeRwy << " for airport ID " << ident << " in FGTower");
+ }
+ return(OnRunway(pt, &runway) ? true : false);
+// Figure out if a given position lies on any runway or not
+bool FGTower::OnAnyRunway(Point3D pt) {
+ ATCData ad;
+ double dist = current_commlist->FindClosest(lon, lat, elev, ad, TOWER, 10.0);
+ if(dist < 0.0) {
+ return(false);
+ // Based on the airport-id, go through all the runways and check for a point in them
+ SGPath spath( globals->get_fg_root() );
+ spath.append( "Airports" );
+ spath.append( "runways.mk4" );
+ FGRunways runways( spath.c_str() );
+ // TODO - do we actually need to search for the airport - surely we already know our ident and
+ // can just search runways of our airport???
+ //cout << "Airport ident is " << ad.ident << '\n';
+ FGRunway runway;
+ bool rwyGood =, &runway);
+ if(!rwyGood) {
+ SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Unable to find any runways for airport ID " << ad.ident << " in FGTower");
+ }
+ bool on = false;
+ while( == ad.ident) {
+ on = OnRunway(pt, &runway);
+ //cout << "Runway " << runway.rwy_no << ": On = " << (on ? "true\n" : "false\n");
+ if(on) return(true);
+ }
+ return(on);
// Calculate the eta of each plane to the threshold.
// For ground traffic this is the fastest they can get there.
// For air traffic this is the middle approximation.
void FGTower::doThresholdETACalc() {
// For now we'll be very crude and hardwire expected speeds to C172-like values
- double app_ias = 100.0; // Speed during straight-in approach
- double circuit_ias = 80.0; // Speed around circuit
- double final_ias = 70.0; // Speed during final approach
+ // The speeds below are specified in knots IAS and then converted to m/s
+ double app_ias = 100.0 * 0.514444; // Speed during straight-in approach
+ double circuit_ias = 80.0 * 0.514444; // Speed around circuit
+ double final_ias = 70.0 * 0.514444; // Speed during final approach
tower_plane_rec_list_iterator twrItr;
+ // Sign convention - dist_out is -ve for approaching planes and +ve for departing planes
+ // dist_across is +ve in the pattern direction - ie a plane correctly on downwind will have a +ve dist_across
for(twrItr = trafficList.begin(); twrItr != trafficList.end(); twrItr++) {
+ TowerPlaneRec* tpr = *twrItr;
+ Point3D op = ortho.ConvertToLocal(tpr->pos);
+ double dist_out_m = op.y();
+ double dist_across_m = fabs(op.x()); // FIXME = the fabs is a hack to cope with the fact that we don't know the circuit direction yet
+ //cout << "Doing ETA calc for " << tpr->plane.callsign << '\n';
+ if(tpr->opType == CIRCUIT) {
+ // It's complicated - depends on if base leg is delayed or not
+ if(tpr->leg == TWR_LANDING_ROLL) {
+ tpr->eta = 0;
+ } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_FINAL) {
+ tpr->eta = fabs(dist_out_m) / final_ias;
+ } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_BASE) {
+ tpr->eta = (fabs(dist_out_m) / final_ias) + (dist_across_m / circuit_ias);
+ } else {
+ // Need to calculate where base leg is likely to be
+ // FIXME - for now I'll hardwire it to 1000m which is what AILocalTraffic uses!!!
+ // TODO - as a matter of design - AILocalTraffic should get the nominal no-traffic base turn distance from Tower, since in real life the published pattern might differ from airport to airport
+ double nominal_base_dist_out_m = -1000;
+ double current_base_dist_out_m = nominal_base_dist_out_m;
+ double nominal_dist_across_m = 1000; // Hardwired value from AILocalTraffic
+ double nominal_cross_dist_out_m = 1000; // Bit of a guess - AI plane turns to crosswind at 600ft agl.
+ tpr->eta = fabs(current_base_dist_out_m) / final_ias; // final
+ if(tpr->leg == TWR_DOWNWIND) {
+ tpr->eta += dist_across_m / circuit_ias;
+ tpr->eta += fabs(current_base_dist_out_m - dist_out_m) / circuit_ias;
+ } else if(tpr->leg == TWR_CROSSWIND) {
+ tpr->eta += nominal_dist_across_m / circuit_ias; // should we use the dist across of the previous plane if there is previous still on downwind?
+ tpr->eta += fabs(current_base_dist_out_m - nominal_cross_dist_out_m) / circuit_ias;
+ tpr->eta += (nominal_dist_across_m - dist_across_m) / circuit_ias;
+ } else {
+ // We've only just started - why not use a generic estimate?
+ }
+ }
+ } else if((tpr->opType == INBOUND) || (tpr->opType == STRAIGHT_IN)) {
+ // It's simpler!
+ } else {
+ // Must be outbound - ignore it!
+ }
+ //cout << "ETA = " << tpr->eta << '\n';
bool FGTower::doThresholdUseOrder() {
void FGTower::doCommunication() {
+void FGTower::ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation) {
+ // HACK - assume that anything contacting at hold short is new for now - FIXME LATER
+ TowerPlaneRec* t = new TowerPlaneRec;
+ t->plane = plane;
+ t->planePtr = requestee;
+ t->holdShortReported = true;
+ t->clearanceCounter = 0;
+ t->clearedToLineUp = false;
+ t->clearedToTakeOff = false;
+ t->opType = operation;
+ t->nextOnRwy = true;
+ //cout << "t = " << t << '\n';
+ holdList.push_back(t);
void FGTower::RequestLandingClearance(string ID) {
- cout << "Request Landing Clearance called...\n";
+ //cout << "Request Landing Clearance called...\n";
void FGTower::RequestDepartureClearance(string ID) {
- cout << "Request Departure Clearance called...\n";
+ //cout << "Request Departure Clearance called...\n";
//void FGTower::ReportFinal(string ID);
//void FGTower::ReportLongFinal(string ID);
//void FGTower::ReportInnerMarker(string ID);
//void FGTower::ReportGoingAround(string ID);
void FGTower::ReportRunwayVacated(string ID) {
- cout << "Report Runway Vacated Called...\n";
+ //cout << "Report Runway Vacated Called...\n";
#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/math/point3d.hxx>
#include <simgear/misc/sgstream.hxx>
-#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
+//#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
#include <plib/sg.h>
+//#include <Airports/runways.hxx>
#include STL_STRING
#include "ATC.hxx"
//#include "ATCmgr.hxx"
#include "ground.hxx"
+#include "ATCProjection.hxx"
//DCL - a complete guess for now.
// Umm - what's the difference between INBOUND and STRAIGHT_IN ?
+// Much simplified compared to AILocalTraffic
+enum TwrPatternLeg {
+// perhaps we could use an FGRunway instead of this
+struct RunwayDetails {
+ Point3D threshold_pos;
+ Point3D end1ortho; // ortho projection end1 (the threshold ATM)
+ Point3D end2ortho; // ortho projection end2 (the take off end in the current hardwired scheme)
+ //double mag_hdg;
+ //double mag_var;
+ double hdg; // true runway heading
+ double length; // In *METERS*
+ string rwyID;
// Structure for holding details of a plane under tower control.
// Not fixed yet - may include more stuff later.
class TowerPlaneRec {
- public:
- TowerPlaneRec(string ID);
+ TowerPlaneRec(PlaneRec p);
TowerPlaneRec(Point3D pt);
- TowerPlaneRec(string ID, Point3D pt);
+ TowerPlaneRec(PlaneRec p, Point3D pt);
+ FGAIEntity* planePtr; // This might move to the planeRec eventually
+ PlaneRec plane;
- string id;
Point3D pos;
- double eta; // minutes
- double dist_out; // miles from theshold
+ double eta; // seconds
+ double dist_out; // meters from theshold
bool clearedToLand;
- bool clearedToDepart;
+ bool clearedToLineUp;
+ bool clearedToTakeOff;
// ought to add time cleared to depart so we can nag if necessary
+ bool holdShortReported;
bool longFinalReported;
bool longFinalAcknowledged;
bool finalReported;
bool finalAcknowledged;
- bool onRwy;
- // enum type - light, medium, heavy etc - we need someway of approximating the aircraft type and performance.
+ bool onRwy; // is physically on the runway
+ bool nextOnRwy; // currently projected by tower to be the next on the runway
+ double clearanceCounter; // Hack for communication timing - counter since clearance requested in seconds
// Type of operation the plane is doing
tower_traffic_type opType;
+ // Whereabouts in circuit if doing circuits
+ TwrPatternLeg leg;
+ bool isUser; // true if this plane is the user
void Init();
- void Update();
+ void Update(double dt);
void RequestLandingClearance(string ID);
void RequestDepartureClearance(string ID);
void ReportInnerMarker(string ID);
void ReportGoingAround(string ID);
void ReportRunwayVacated(string ID);
+ void ReportReadyForDeparture(string ID);
+ // Contact tower when at a hold short for departure
+ void ContactAtHoldShort(PlaneRec plane, FGAIEntity* requestee, tower_traffic_type operation);
- inline void SetDisplay() {display = true;}
- inline void SetNoDisplay() {display = false;}
+ // Public interface to the active runway - this will get more complex
+ // in the future and consider multi-runway use, airplane weight etc.
+ inline string GetActiveRunway() { return activeRwy; }
+ inline RunwayDetails* GetActiveRunwayDetails() { return &rwy; }
+ inline void SetDisplay() { display = true; }
+ inline void SetNoDisplay() { display = false; }
inline string get_trans_ident() { return trans_ident; }
inline atc_type GetType() { return TOWER; }
- inline FGGround* GetGroundPtr() {return ground; }
+ inline FGGround* GetGroundPtr() { return ground; }
// This is purely for synactic convienience to avoid writing globals->get_ATC_mgr()-> all through the code!
+ // Figure out if a given position lies on the active runway
+ // Might have to change when we consider more than one active rwy.
+ bool OnActiveRunway(Point3D pt);
+ // Figure out if a given position lies on a runway or not
+ bool OnAnyRunway(Point3D pt);
// Calculate the eta of each plane to the threshold.
// For ground traffic this is the fastest they can get there.
bool display; // Flag to indicate whether we should be outputting to the ATC display.
bool displaying; // Flag to indicate whether we are outputting to the ATC display.
- bool rwyOccupied; // Active runway occupied flag. For now we'll disregard multiple runway and land-and-hold-short operations
+ // environment - need to make sure we're getting the surface winds and not winds aloft.
+ SGPropertyNode* wind_from_hdg; //degrees
+ SGPropertyNode* wind_speed_knots; //knots
+ double aptElev; // Airport elevation
+ string activeRwy; // Active runway number - For now we'll disregard multiple / alternate runway operation.
+ RunwayDetails rwy; // Assumed to be the active one for now.
+ bool rwyOccupied; // Active runway occupied flag. For now we'll disregard land-and-hold-short operations.
+ FGATCAlignedProjection ortho; // Orthogonal mapping of the local area with the active runway threshold at the origin
+ // Figure out which runways are active.
+ // For now we'll just be simple and do one active runway - eventually this will get much more complex
+ // This is a private function - public interface to the results of this is through GetActiveRunway
+ void DoRwyDetails();
// Need a data structure to hold details of the various active planes
// or possibly another data structure with the positions of the inactive planes.
// Need a data structure to hold outstanding communications from aircraft.
// Linked-list of planes on approach ordered with nearest first (timewise).
// Includes planes that have landed but not yet vacated runway.
// Somewhat analagous to the paper strips used (used to be used?) in real life.
+ // Doesn't include planes in circuit until they turn onto base/final?
tower_plane_rec_list_type appList;
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator appListItr;
- // List of departed planes
+ // List of departed planes (planes doing circuits go into circuitList not depList after departure)
tower_plane_rec_list_type depList;
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator depListItr;
+ // List of planes in the circuit (ordered by nearest to landing first)
+ tower_plane_rec_list_type circuitList;
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator circuitListItr;
// List of planes waiting to depart
tower_plane_rec_list_type holdList;
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator holdListItr;
// List of planes on rwy
tower_plane_rec_list_type rwyList;
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator rwyListItr;
- // Linked list of all planes due to use a given rwy arranged in projected order of rwy use
+ // List of all planes due to use a given rwy arranged in projected order of rwy use
tower_plane_rec_list_type trafficList; // TODO - needs to be expandable to more than one rwy
+ tower_plane_rec_list_iterator trafficListItr;
// Ground can be separate or handled by tower in real life.
// In the program we will always use a separate FGGround class, but we need to know
bool separateGround; // true if ground control is separate
FGGround* ground; // The ground control associated with this airport.
// for failure modeling
string trans_ident; // transmitted ident
bool tower_failed; // tower failed?
+ // Pointers to current users position
+ SGPropertyNode* user_lon_node;
+ SGPropertyNode* user_lat_node;
+ SGPropertyNode* user_elev_node;
friend istream& operator>> ( istream&, FGTower& );