_kln89->DrawText("-:--", 2, 11, 0);
} else { // if(3 == _subPage)
+ //
// Switch the cursor off if scan-pull is out on this page.
+ //
if(fgGetBool("/instrumentation/kln89/scan-pull")) { _kln89->_mode = KLN89_MODE_DISP; }
- // The moving map page the core KLN89 class draws this.
+ //
+ // Draw the moving map if valid.
+ // We call the core KLN89 class to do this.
+ //
if(_kln89->_mapOrientation == 2 && _kln89->_groundSpeed_kts < 2) {
// Don't draw it if in track up mode and groundspeed < 2kts, as per real-life unit.
} else {
- // Now draw any annotation over it.
+ //
+ // Now that the map has been drawn, add the annotation (scale, etc).
+ //
int scale = KLN89MapScales[_kln89->_mapScaleUnits][_kln89->_mapScaleIndex];
string scle_str = GPSitoa(scale);
if(crsr) {
- // And do part of the field 1 update, since NAV 4 is a special case for the last line.
+ //
+ // Do part of the field 1 update, since NAV 4 is a special case for the last line.
+ //
_kln89->DrawChar('>', 1, 0, 0);
if(crsr && _uLinePos == 1) _kln89->Underline(1, 1, 0, 5);
if(!(crsr && _uLinePos == 1 && _kln89->_blink)) {