#include "fgmetar.hxx"
#include "environment.hxx"
#include "atmosphere.hxx"
+#include "metarairportfilter.hxx"
#include <simgear/scene/sky/cloud.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
// 1. check the id given in the metar
FGAirport* a = FGAirport::findByIdent(m->getId());
// 2. if unknown, find closest airport with metar to current position
if( a == NULL ) {
- SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(_longitude_n->getDoubleValue(), _latitude_n->getDoubleValue());
- a = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, 10000.0, &_airportWithMetarFilter);
+ SGGeod pos = SGGeod::fromDeg(
+ fgGetDouble( "/position/longitude-deg", 0.0 ),
+ fgGetDouble( "/position/latitude-deg", 0.0 ) );
+ a = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, 10000.0, MetarAirportFilter::instance() );
// 3. otherwise use ground elevation
if( a != NULL ) {
_station_elevation = a->getElevation();
_station_longitude = towerPosition.getLongitudeDeg();
_station_id = a->ident();
} else {
- _station_elevation = 0.0;
- _station_latitude = 0.0;
- _station_longitude = 0.0;
+ _station_elevation = fgGetDouble("/position/ground-elev-m", 0.0 ) * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
+ _station_latitude = fgGetDouble( "/position/latitude-deg", 0.0 );
+ _station_longitude = fgGetDouble( "/position/longitude-deg", 0.0 );
_station_id = "XXXX";
-// station_elevation_ft = _ground_elevation_n->getDoubleValue() * SG_METER_TO_FEET;
-// _station_id = m->getId();