#include <Network/net_fdm.hxx>
#include "UGear.hxx"
+#include "UGear_opengc.hxx"
// Network channels
-static netSocket fdm_sock, ctrls_sock;
+static netSocket fdm_sock, ctrls_sock, opengc_sock;
// ugear data
UGEARTrack track;
// Default ports
static int fdm_port = 5505;
static int ctrls_port = 5506;
+static int opengc_port = 6000;
// Default path
static string infile = "";
bool est_controls = false;
+float gps_status = -1.0;
// The function htond is defined this way due to the way some
// processors and OSes treat floating point values. Some will raise
// an exception whenever a "bad" floating point value is loaded into a
+static void ugear2opengc( gps *gpspacket, imu *imupacket, nav *navpacket,
+ servo *servopacket, health *healthpacket,
+ ogcFGData *ogc )
+ unsigned int i;
+ // Version sanity checking
+ ogc->version_id = OGC_VERSION;
+ // Aero parameters
+ ogc->longitude = navpacket->lon * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+ ogc->latitude = navpacket->lat * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS;
+ ogc->altitude = ogc->elevation = navpacket->alt + alt_offset;
+ ogc->heading = imupacket->psi * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // heading
+ ogc->bank = imupacket->phi * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // roll
+ ogc->pitch = imupacket->the * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // pitch;
+ ogc->phi_dot = 0.0;
+ ogc->theta_dot = 0.0;
+ ogc->psi_dot = 0.0;
+ ogc->alpha = 0.0;
+ ogc->beta = 0.0;
+ ogc->alpha_dot = 0.0;
+ ogc->beta_dot = 0.0;
+ ogc->left_aileron = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0);
+ ogc->right_aileron = ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0) - 1.0;
+ ogc->elevator = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[1] / 32768.0);
+ ogc->elevator_trim = 0.0;
+ ogc->rudder = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[3] / 32768.0);
+ ogc->flaps = 0.0;
+ ogc->flaps_cmd = 0.0;
+ ogc->wind = 0.0;
+ ogc->wind_dir = 0.0;
+ // estimate speed
+ // double az1, az2, dist;
+ // geo_inverse_wgs_84( fdm->altitude, last_lat, last_lon,
+ // fdm->latitude, fdm->longitude, &az1, &az2, &dist );
+ // last_lat = fdm->latitude;
+ // last_lon = fdm->longitude;
+ // double v_ms = dist / (frame_us / 1000000);
+ // double v_kts = v_ms * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600;
+ // kts_filter = (0.9 * kts_filter) + (0.1 * v_kts);
+ // printf("dist = %.5f kts est = %.2f\n", dist, kts_filter);
+ double vn = navpacket->vn;
+ double ve = navpacket->ve;
+ double vd = navpacket->vd;
+ if ( use_ground_track_hdg ) {
+ ogc->heading = (SGD_PI * 0.5 - atan2(vn, ve)) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ }
+ if ( ogc->heading < 0 ) { ogc->heading += 360.0; }
+ double mps = 0.0;
+ if ( use_ground_speed ) {
+ mps = sqrt( vn*vn + ve*ve + vd*vd );
+ } else {
+ mps = imupacket->Pt;
+ }
+ // double mph = mps * 3600 / 1609.3440;
+ double kts = mps * SG_MPS_TO_KT;
+ ogc->v_kcas = kts;
+ // printf("speed = %.2f mph %.2f kts\n", mph, kts );
+ static double Ps = 0.0, Ps_last = 0.0, t_last = 0.0;
+ Ps_last = Ps;
+ Ps = 0.92 * Ps + 0.08 * imupacket->Ps;
+ double climb = (Ps - Ps_last) / (imupacket->time - t_last);
+ t_last = imupacket->time;
+ static double climbf = 0.0;
+ climbf = 0.994 * climbf + 0.006 * climb;
+ ogc->vvi = climbf; // fps
+ static double Ps_error = 0.0;
+ static double Ps_count = 0;
+ const double span = 10000.0;
+ Ps_count += 1.0; if (Ps_count > (span-1.0)) { Ps_count = (span-1.0); }
+ double error = navpacket->alt - Ps;
+ Ps_error = (Ps_count/span) * Ps_error + ((span-Ps_count)/span) * error;
+ ogc->elevation = Ps + Ps_error;
+ printf("%.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.8f, %.8f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f, %.3f\n",
+ imupacket->time, imupacket->the, -navpacket->vd, climbf,
+ navpacket->lat, navpacket->lon, gpspacket->alt, navpacket->alt,
+ imupacket->Ps, Ps, Ps + Ps_error);
+ if ( est_controls ) {
+ static float est_elev = 0.0;
+ static float est_aileron = 0.0;
+ static float est_rudder = 0.0;
+ est_elev = 0.99 * est_elev + 0.01 * (imupacket->q * 4);
+ est_aileron = 0.95 * est_aileron + 0.05 * (imupacket->p * 5);
+ est_rudder = 0.95 * est_rudder + 0.05 * (imupacket->r * 2);
+ ogc->elevator = -est_elev;
+ ogc->left_aileron = est_aileron;
+ ogc->right_aileron = -est_aileron;
+ ogc->rudder = est_rudder;
+ } else {
+ ogc->elevator = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[1] / 32768.0);
+ ogc->left_aileron = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0);
+ ogc->right_aileron = ((double)servopacket->chn[0] / 32768.0) - 1.0;
+ ogc->rudder = 1.0 - ((double)servopacket->chn[3] / 32768.0);
+ }
+ // additional "abused" data fields
+ double fd_bank = 0.0;
+ double fd_pitch = 0.0;
+ ogc->egt[0] = ogc->bank + fd_bank; // flight director target roll
+ ogc->egt[1] = -ogc->pitch * 2 + fd_pitch; // flight director target pitch
+ ogc->egt[2] = ogc->heading + 15; // target heading bug
+ ogc->egt[3] = -ogc->vvi; // target VVI bug
+ ogc->epr[0] = ogc->altitude + 100; // target altitude bug
+ ogc->epr[1] = ogc->v_kcas + 5; // target speed bug
+ ogc->epr[2] = gps_status; // gps status box
static void send_data( gps *gpspacket, imu *imupacket, nav *navpacket,
servo *servopacket, health *healthpacket ) {
int len;
+ int ogcsize = sizeof( ogcFGData );
int fdmsize = sizeof( FGNetFDM );
int ctrlsize = sizeof( FGNetCtrls );
// cout << "Running main loop" << endl;
+ ogcFGData fgogc;
FGNetFDM fgfdm;
FGNetCtrls fgctrls;
ugear2fg( gpspacket, imupacket, navpacket, servopacket, healthpacket,
&fgfdm, &fgctrls );
+ ugear2opengc( gpspacket, imupacket, navpacket, servopacket, healthpacket,
+ &fgogc );
+ len = opengc_sock.send(&fgogc, ogcsize, 0);
len = fdm_sock.send(&fgfdm, fdmsize, 0);
// len = ctrls_sock.send(&fgctrls, ctrlsize, 0);
cout << "\t[ --hertz <hertz> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --host <hostname> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --broadcast ]" << endl;
+ cout << "\t[ --opengc-port <opengc output port #> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --fdm-port <fdm output port #> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --ctrls-port <ctrls output port #> ]" << endl;
cout << "\t[ --groundtrack-heading ]" << endl;
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--broadcast" ) == 0 ) {
do_broadcast = true;
+ } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--opengc-port" ) == 0 ) {
+ ++i;
+ if ( i < argc ) {
+ opengc_port = atoi( argv[i] );
+ } else {
+ usage( argv[0] );
+ exit( -1 );
+ }
} else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--fdm-port" ) == 0 ) {
if ( i < argc ) {
netInit( &argc,argv ); // We must call this before any other net stuff
+ if ( ! opengc_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket
+ cout << "error opening opengc output socket" << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
if ( ! fdm_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket
cout << "error opening fdm output socket" << endl;
return -1;
cout << "open net channels" << endl;
+ opengc_sock.setBlocking( false );
fdm_sock.setBlocking( false );
ctrls_sock.setBlocking( false );
cout << "blocking false" << endl;
if ( do_broadcast ) {
+ opengc_sock.setBroadcast( true );
fdm_sock.setBroadcast( true );
ctrls_sock.setBroadcast( true );
+ if ( opengc_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), opengc_port ) == -1 ) {
+ perror("connect");
+ cout << "error connecting to outgoing opengc port: " << out_host
+ << ":" << opengc_port << endl;
+ return -1;
+ }
+ cout << "connected outgoing opengc socket" << endl;
if ( fdm_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), fdm_port ) == -1 ) {
cout << "error connecting to outgoing fdm port: " << out_host
+ if ( (fabs(gpspacket.lat) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(gpspacket.lon) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(gpspacket.alt) < 0.0001) )
+ {
+ printf("WARNING: LOST GPS!!!\n");
+ gps_status = -1.0;
+ } else {
+ gps_status = 1.0;
+ }
send_data( &gpspacket, &imupacket, &navpacket, &servopacket,
&healthpacket );
+ if ( (current_time > gps_time + 2) ||
+ (fabs(gpspacket.lat) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(gpspacket.lon) < 0.0001 &&
+ fabs(gpspacket.alt) < 0.0001) )
+ {
+ printf("WARNING: LOST GPS!!!\n");
+ gps_status = 1.0;
+ } else {
+ gps_status = -1.0;
+ }
if ( current_time >= last_time + (1/hertz) ) {
// if ( gpspacket.lat > -500 ) {
- printf( "%.2f %.6f %.6f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d\n",
+ int londeg = (int)navpacket.lon;
+ double lonmin = fabs(navpacket.lon - londeg);
+ int latdeg = (int)navpacket.lat;
+ double latmin = fabs(navpacket.lat - latdeg);
+ char londir = 'E'; if ( londeg < 0 ) londir = 'W';
+ char latdir = 'N'; if ( latdeg < 0 ) latdir = 'S';
+ londeg = abs(londeg);
+ latdeg = abs(latdeg);
+ printf( "%.2f %c%02d:%.4f %c%03d:%.4f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f %d\n",
- navpacket.lat, navpacket.lon, navpacket.alt,
+ latdir, latdeg, latmin, londir, londeg, lonmin,
+ navpacket.alt,
--- /dev/null
+// opengc_data.hxx -- Define structure of OpenGC/FG uint32_terface parameters
+// Version by J. Wojnaroski for uint32_terface to Open Glass Displays
+// Modified 02/12/01 - Update engine structure for multi-engine models
+// - Added data preamble to id msg types
+// Modified 01/23/02 - Converted portions of the Engine and Gear accesssors to properties
+// - Removed data from navigation functions. OpenGC provides own
+// This file defines the class/structure of the UDP packet that sends
+// the simulation data created by FlightGear to the glass displays. It
+// is required to "sync" the data types contained in the packet
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
+#ifndef __cplusplus
+# error This library requires C++
+const uint32_t OGC_VERSION = 4;
+typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+class ogcFGData {
+ // defines msg types and contents. The msg_content is used as a 'pouint32_ter' to
+ // a predefined set of msg strings
+ uint32_t version_id;
+ uint32_t msg_type;
+ uint32_t msg_content;
+ uint32_t reserved;
+ // position
+ double latitude;
+ double longitude;
+ double elevation;
+ double magvar;
+ // flight parameters
+ double pitch;
+ double bank;
+ double heading;
+ double altitude;
+ double altitude_agl; // this can also be the radar altimeter
+ double v_kcas;
+ double groundspeed;
+ double vvi;
+ double mach;
+ double v_keas; // equivalent airspeed in knots
+ // Data used by the FMC and autopilots
+ double phi_dot;
+ double theta_dot;
+ double psi_dot;
+ double alpha;
+ double alpha_dot;
+ double beta;
+ double beta_dot;
+ // Control surface positions
+ double left_aileron;
+ double right_aileron;
+ double aileron_trim;
+ double elevator;
+ double elevator_trim;
+ double rudder;
+ double rudder_trim;
+ double flaps;
+ double flaps_cmd;
+ // gear positions 0 = up and 1 = down The 747 has 5 wheel bogey assemblies
+ double gear_nose;
+ double gear_left;
+ double gear_right;
+ double gear_left_rear;
+ double gear_right_rear;
+ double parking_brake;
+ uint32_t wow_main; // logical and of main gear
+ uint32_t wow_nose;
+ // engine data
+ double rpm[4]; // this is for pistons, jets see below
+ double n1_turbine[4];
+ double epr[4];
+ double egt[4];
+ double n2_turbine[4];
+ double fuel_flow[4];
+ double man_pressure[4];
+ double oil_pressure[4];
+ double oil_temp[4];
+ double oil_quantity[4];
+ double hyd_pressure[4];
+ double throttle[4];
+ double mixture[4];
+ double prop_advance[4];
+ // fuel system
+ uint32_t num_tanks;
+ double fuel_tank[9];
+ // Pressures and temperatures
+ double static_temperature;
+ double total_temperature;
+ double static_pressure;
+ double total_pressure;
+ double dynamic_pressure;
+ // more environmental data
+ double wind;
+ double wind_dir;
+ double sea_level_pressure;
+#endif // _OPENGC_HXX