#include "xmlauto.hxx"
-FGPIDController::FGPIDController( SGPropertyNode *node, bool old ):
- proportional( false ),
- factor( 0.0 ),
- offset_prop( NULL ),
- offset_value( 0.0 ),
- integral( false ),
- gain( 0.0 ),
- int_sum( 0.0 ),
- one_eighty( false ),
- clamp( false ),
- debug( false ),
- y_n( 0.0 ),
- r_n( 0.0 ),
- Kp( 0.0 ),
- alpha( 0.1 ),
- beta( 1.0 ),
- gamma( 0.0 ),
- Ti( 0.0 ),
- Td( 0.0 ),
- u_min( 0.0 ),
- u_max( 0.0 ),
- ep_n_1( 0.0 ),
- edf_n_1( 0.0 ),
- edf_n_2( 0.0 ),
- u_n_1( 0.0 )
- int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < node->nChildren(); ++i ) {
- SGPropertyNode *child = node->getChild(i);
- string cname = child->getName();
- string cval = child->getStringValue();
- if ( cname == "name" ) {
- name = cval;
- } else if ( cname == "enable" ) {
- // cout << "parsing enable" << endl;
- SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- // cout << "prop = " << prop->getStringValue() << endl;
- enable_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
- } else {
- // cout << "no prop child" << endl;
- }
- SGPropertyNode *val = child->getChild( "value" );
- if ( val != NULL ) {
- enable_value = val->getStringValue();
- }
- } else if ( cname == "debug" ) {
- debug = child->getBoolValue();
- } else if ( cname == "input" ) {
- SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- input_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
- }
- } else if ( cname == "reference" ) {
- SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- r_n_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
- } else {
- prop = child->getChild( "value" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- r_n_value = prop->getDoubleValue();
- }
- }
- } else if ( cname == "output" ) {
- int i = 0;
- SGPropertyNode *prop;
- while ( (prop = child->getChild("prop", i)) != NULL ) {
- SGPropertyNode *tmp = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
- output_list.push_back( tmp );
- i++;
- }
- prop = child->getChild( "clamp" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- clamp = true;
- SGPropertyNode *tmp;
- tmp = prop->getChild( "min" );
- if ( tmp != NULL ) {
- u_min = tmp->getDoubleValue();
- // cout << "min = " << u_min << endl;
- }
- tmp = prop->getChild( "max" );
- if ( tmp != NULL ) {
- u_max = tmp->getDoubleValue();
- // cout << "max = " << u_max << endl;
- }
- }
- } else if ( cname == "proportional" ) {
- proportional = true;
- SGPropertyNode *prop;
- prop = child->getChild( "pre" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- prop = prop->getChild( "one-eighty" );
- if ( prop != NULL && prop->getBoolValue() ) {
- one_eighty = true;
- }
- }
- prop = child->getChild( "factor" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- factor = prop->getDoubleValue();
- }
- prop = child->getChild( "offset" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- SGPropertyNode *sub = prop->getChild( "prop" );
- if ( sub != NULL ) {
- offset_prop = fgGetNode( sub->getStringValue(), true );
- // cout << "offset prop = " << sub->getStringValue() << endl;
- } else {
- sub = prop->getChild( "value" );
- if ( sub != NULL ) {
- offset_value = sub->getDoubleValue();
- // cout << "offset value = " << offset_value << endl;
- }
- }
- }
- } else if ( cname == "integral" ) {
- integral = true;
- SGPropertyNode *prop;
- prop = child->getChild( "gain" );
- if ( prop != NULL ) {
- gain = prop->getDoubleValue();
- }
- } else {
- SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_WARN, "Error in autopilot config logic" );
- }
- }
FGPIDController::FGPIDController( SGPropertyNode *node ):
- proportional( false ),
- factor( 0.0 ),
- offset_prop( NULL ),
- offset_value( 0.0 ),
- integral( false ),
- gain( 0.0 ),
- int_sum( 0.0 ),
- one_eighty( false ),
- clamp( false ),
debug( false ),
y_n( 0.0 ),
r_n( 0.0 ),
-void FGPIDController::update_old( double dt ) {
- if (enable_prop != NULL && enable_prop->getStringValue() == enable_value) {
- if ( !enabled ) {
- // we have just been enabled, zero out int_sum
- int_sum = 0.0;
- }
- enabled = true;
- } else {
- enabled = false;
- }
- if ( enabled ) {
- if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << name << endl;
- double input = 0.0;
- if ( input_prop != NULL ) {
- input = input_prop->getDoubleValue();
- }
- double r_n = 0.0;
- if ( r_n_prop != NULL ) {
- r_n = r_n_prop->getDoubleValue();
- } else {
- r_n = r_n_value;
- }
- double error = r_n - input;
- if ( one_eighty ) {
- while ( error < -180.0 ) { error += 360.0; }
- while ( error > 180.0 ) { error -= 360.0; }
- }
- if ( debug ) cout << "input = " << input
- << " reference = " << r_n
- << " error = " << error
- << endl;
- double prop_comp = 0.0;
- double offset = 0.0;
- if ( offset_prop != NULL ) {
- offset = offset_prop->getDoubleValue();
- if ( debug ) cout << "offset = " << offset << endl;
- } else {
- offset = offset_value;
- }
- if ( proportional ) {
- prop_comp = error * factor + offset;
- }
- if ( integral ) {
- int_sum += error * gain * dt;
- } else {
- int_sum = 0.0;
- }
- if ( debug ) cout << "prop_comp = " << prop_comp
- << " int_sum = " << int_sum << endl;
- double output = prop_comp + int_sum;
- if ( clamp ) {
- if ( output < u_min ) {
- output = u_min;
- }
- if ( output > u_max ) {
- output = u_max;
- }
- }
- if ( debug ) cout << "output = " << output << endl;
- unsigned int i;
- for ( i = 0; i < output_list.size(); ++i ) {
- output_list[i]->setDoubleValue( output );
- }
- }
* Roy Vegard Ovesen:
+FGSimplePIController::FGSimplePIController( SGPropertyNode *node ):
+ proportional( false ),
+ factor( 0.0 ),
+ offset_prop( NULL ),
+ offset_value( 0.0 ),
+ integral( false ),
+ gain( 0.0 ),
+ int_sum( 0.0 ),
+ clamp( false ),
+ debug( false ),
+ y_n( 0.0 ),
+ r_n( 0.0 ),
+ u_min( 0.0 ),
+ u_max( 0.0 )
+ int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < node->nChildren(); ++i ) {
+ SGPropertyNode *child = node->getChild(i);
+ string cname = child->getName();
+ string cval = child->getStringValue();
+ if ( cname == "name" ) {
+ name = cval;
+ } else if ( cname == "enable" ) {
+ // cout << "parsing enable" << endl;
+ SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ // cout << "prop = " << prop->getStringValue() << endl;
+ enable_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
+ } else {
+ // cout << "no prop child" << endl;
+ }
+ SGPropertyNode *val = child->getChild( "value" );
+ if ( val != NULL ) {
+ enable_value = val->getStringValue();
+ }
+ } else if ( cname == "debug" ) {
+ debug = child->getBoolValue();
+ } else if ( cname == "input" ) {
+ SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ input_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
+ }
+ } else if ( cname == "reference" ) {
+ SGPropertyNode *prop = child->getChild( "prop" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ r_n_prop = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
+ } else {
+ prop = child->getChild( "value" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ r_n_value = prop->getDoubleValue();
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( cname == "output" ) {
+ int i = 0;
+ SGPropertyNode *prop;
+ while ( (prop = child->getChild("prop", i)) != NULL ) {
+ SGPropertyNode *tmp = fgGetNode( prop->getStringValue(), true );
+ output_list.push_back( tmp );
+ i++;
+ }
+ prop = child->getChild( "clamp" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ clamp = true;
+ SGPropertyNode *tmp;
+ tmp = prop->getChild( "min" );
+ if ( tmp != NULL ) {
+ u_min = tmp->getDoubleValue();
+ // cout << "min = " << u_min << endl;
+ }
+ tmp = prop->getChild( "max" );
+ if ( tmp != NULL ) {
+ u_max = tmp->getDoubleValue();
+ // cout << "max = " << u_max << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( cname == "proportional" ) {
+ proportional = true;
+ SGPropertyNode *prop;
+ prop = child->getChild( "factor" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ factor = prop->getDoubleValue();
+ }
+ prop = child->getChild( "offset" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ SGPropertyNode *sub = prop->getChild( "prop" );
+ if ( sub != NULL ) {
+ offset_prop = fgGetNode( sub->getStringValue(), true );
+ // cout << "offset prop = " << sub->getStringValue() << endl;
+ } else {
+ sub = prop->getChild( "value" );
+ if ( sub != NULL ) {
+ offset_value = sub->getDoubleValue();
+ // cout << "offset value = " << offset_value << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } else if ( cname == "integral" ) {
+ integral = true;
+ SGPropertyNode *prop;
+ prop = child->getChild( "gain" );
+ if ( prop != NULL ) {
+ gain = prop->getDoubleValue();
+ }
+ } else {
+ SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_WARN, "Error in autopilot config logic" );
+ }
+ }
+void FGSimplePIController::update( double dt ) {
+ if (enable_prop != NULL && enable_prop->getStringValue() == enable_value) {
+ if ( !enabled ) {
+ // we have just been enabled, zero out int_sum
+ int_sum = 0.0;
+ }
+ enabled = true;
+ } else {
+ enabled = false;
+ }
+ if ( enabled ) {
+ if ( debug ) cout << "Updating " << name << endl;
+ double input = 0.0;
+ if ( input_prop != NULL ) {
+ input = input_prop->getDoubleValue();
+ }
+ double r_n = 0.0;
+ if ( r_n_prop != NULL ) {
+ r_n = r_n_prop->getDoubleValue();
+ } else {
+ r_n = r_n_value;
+ }
+ double error = r_n - input;
+ if ( debug ) cout << "input = " << input
+ << " reference = " << r_n
+ << " error = " << error
+ << endl;
+ double prop_comp = 0.0;
+ double offset = 0.0;
+ if ( offset_prop != NULL ) {
+ offset = offset_prop->getDoubleValue();
+ if ( debug ) cout << "offset = " << offset << endl;
+ } else {
+ offset = offset_value;
+ }
+ if ( proportional ) {
+ prop_comp = error * factor + offset;
+ }
+ if ( integral ) {
+ int_sum += error * gain * dt;
+ } else {
+ int_sum = 0.0;
+ }
+ if ( debug ) cout << "prop_comp = " << prop_comp
+ << " int_sum = " << int_sum << endl;
+ double output = prop_comp + int_sum;
+ if ( clamp ) {
+ if ( output < u_min ) {
+ output = u_min;
+ }
+ if ( output > u_max ) {
+ output = u_max;
+ }
+ }
+ if ( debug ) cout << "output = " << output << endl;
+ unsigned int i;
+ for ( i = 0; i < output_list.size(); ++i ) {
+ output_list[i]->setDoubleValue( output );
+ }
+ }
FGXMLAutopilot::FGXMLAutopilot() {
v_last = v;
- // Calculate heading bug error normalized to +/- 180.0
+ // Calculate heading bug error normalized to +/- 180.0 (based on
+ // DG indicated heading)
static SGPropertyNode *bug
= fgGetNode( "/autopilot/settings/heading-bug-deg", true );
static SGPropertyNode *ind_hdg
= fgGetNode( "/instrumentation/heading-indicator/indicated-heading-deg",
true );
- static SGPropertyNode *bug_error
+ static SGPropertyNode *ind_bug_error
= fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/heading-bug-error-deg", true );
double diff = bug->getDoubleValue() - ind_hdg->getDoubleValue();
if ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
if ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
- bug_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
+ ind_bug_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
+ // Calculate heading bug error normalized to +/- 180.0 (based on
+ // actual/nodrift magnetic-heading, i.e. a DG slaved to magnetic
+ // compass.)
+ static SGPropertyNode *mag_hdg
+ = fgGetNode( "/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true );
+ static SGPropertyNode *fdm_bug_error
+ = fgGetNode( "/autopilot/internal/fdm-heading-bug-error-deg", true );
+ diff = bug->getDoubleValue() - mag_hdg->getDoubleValue();
+ if ( diff < -180.0 ) { diff += 360.0; }
+ if ( diff > 180.0 ) { diff -= 360.0; }
+ fdm_bug_error->setDoubleValue( diff );
// Calculate true heading error normalized to +/- 180.0
static SGPropertyNode *target_true