struct GetModelLODCoord {
- GetModelLODCoord(const osg::Matrix& transform) : _transform(transform) {}
- GetModelLODCoord(const GetModelLODCoord& rhs) : _transform(rhs._transform)
+ GetModelLODCoord() {}
+ GetModelLODCoord(const GetModelLODCoord& rhs)
osg::Vec3 operator() (const ModelLOD& mlod) const
- return mlod.first->getBound().center() * _transform;
+ return mlod.first->getBound().center();
- osg::Matrix _transform;
typedef QuadTreeBuilder<osg::LOD*, ModelLOD, MakeQuadLeaf, AddModelLOD,
if (!tile.read_bin(path))
return false;
+ SGVec3d center = tile.get_gbs_center2();
+ SGGeod geodPos = SGGeod::fromCart(center);
+ SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodPos)*SGQuatd::fromEulerDeg(0, 0, 180);
+ // rotate the tiles so that the bounding boxes get nearly axis aligned.
+ // this will help the collision tree's bounding boxes a bit ...
+ std::vector<SGVec3d> nodes = tile.get_wgs84_nodes();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < nodes.size(); ++i)
+ nodes[i] = hlOr.transform(nodes[i]);
+ tile.set_wgs84_nodes(nodes);
+ SGQuatf hlOrf(hlOr[0], hlOr[1], hlOr[2], hlOr[3]);
+ std::vector<SGVec3f> normals = tile.get_normals();
+ for (unsigned i = 0; i < normals.size(); ++i)
+ normals[i] = hlOrf.transform(normals[i]);
+ tile.set_normals(normals);
SGTileGeometryBin tileGeometryBin;
if (!tileGeometryBin.insertBinObj(tile, matlib))
return false;
- SGVec3d center = tile.get_gbs_center2();
- SGGeod geodPos = SGGeod::fromCart(center);
- SGQuatd hlOr = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodPos);
- SGVec3f up = toVec3f(hlOr.backTransform(SGVec3d(0, 0, -1)));
+ SGVec3f up(0, 0, 1);
GroundLightManager* lightManager = GroundLightManager::instance();
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Group> lightGroup = new SGOffsetTransform(0.94);
if (use_random_objects || use_random_vegetation) {
- // Simple matrix for used for flipping models that have been oriented
- // with the center of the tile but upside down.
- static const osg::Matrix flip(1, 0, 0, 0,
- 0, -1, 0, 0,
- 0, 0, -1, 0,
- 0, 0, 0, 1);
- // Determine an rotation matrix for the models to place them
- // perpendicular to the earth's surface. We use the same matrix,
- // based on the centre of the tile, as the small angular differences
- // between different points on the tile aren't worth worrying about
- // for random objects. We also need to flip the orientation 180 degrees
- osg::Matrix mAtt = flip * osg::Matrix::rotate(hlOr.osg());
- // The inverse goes from world coordinates to Z up tile coordinates.
- osg::Matrix world2Tile(osg::Matrix(hlOr.osg().conj()) * flip);
if (use_random_objects) {
// Create a matrix to place the object in the correct
// location, and then apply the rotation matrix created
// above, with an additional random heading rotation if appropriate.
- osg::Matrix transformMat(mAtt);
- transformMat.postMult(osg::Matrix::translate(obj.position.osg()));
+ osg::Matrix transformMat;
+ transformMat = osg::Matrix::translate(obj.position.osg());
if (obj.model->get_heading_type() == SGMatModel::HEADING_RANDOM) {
// Rotate the object around the z axis.
double hdg = mt_rand(&seed) * M_PI * 2;
models.push_back(ModelLOD(position, obj.lod));
- RandomObjectsQuadtree quadtree((GetModelLODCoord(world2Tile)),
- (AddModelLOD()));
+ RandomObjectsQuadtree quadtree((GetModelLODCoord()), (AddModelLOD()));
quadtree.buildQuadTree(models.begin(), models.end());
randomObjects = quadtree.getRoot();
randomObjects->setName("random objects");
if (tileGeometryBin.randomForest.getNumTrees() > 0) {
- randomForest = createForest(tileGeometryBin.randomForest, mAtt);
+ randomForest = createForest(tileGeometryBin.randomForest,
+ osg::Matrix::identity());
randomForest->setName("random trees");
// The toplevel transform for that tile.
osg::MatrixTransform* transform = new osg::MatrixTransform;
- transform->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::translate(center.osg()));
+ transform->setMatrix(osg::Matrix::rotate(hlOr.osg())*
+ osg::Matrix::translate(center.osg()));
if (lightGroup->getNumChildren() > 0) {
osg::LOD* lightLOD = new osg::LOD;