//$body = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/share\]/ism","\n\n$2\n\n",$body);
// At first convert the text to html
- $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2, true);
+ $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2);
// Then convert it to plain text
//$msg = trim($b['title']." \n\n".html2plain($html, 0, true));
//$body = preg_replace("/\[share(.*?)\](.*?)\[\/share\]/ism","\n\n$2\n\n",$body);
// At first convert the text to html
- $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2, true);
+ $html = bbcode(api_clean_plain_items($body), false, false, 2);
// Then convert it to plain text
$msg = trim(html2plain($html, 0, true));