> Warning: detected OpenGL error 'valeur non valide' after RenderBin::draw(,)
Fixed in the patch below. For some reason the shader didn't like index 16 being used...
The patch also fixes the chequer-board effect that was causing very sparse cloud cover.
+ const static unsigned int CLOUD_HEIGHT = 10;
const static unsigned int TEXTURE_INDEX_X = 11;
const static unsigned int TEXTURE_INDEX_Y = 12;
const static unsigned int WIDTH = 13;
const static unsigned int HEIGHT = 14;
const static unsigned int SHADE = 15;
- const static unsigned int CLOUD_HEIGHT = 16;
for (int x = 0; x < QUADTREE_SIZE; x++) {
for (int y = 0; y < QUADTREE_SIZE; y++) {
field_group[x][y]= new osg::Switch;
field_group[x][y]->setName("3D cloud group");
// Work out where to put this node in the quad tree
- int i = (int) (BRANCH_SIZE * ((float) x) / ((float) QUADTREE_SIZE));
- int j = (int) (BRANCH_SIZE * ((float) y) / ((float) QUADTREE_SIZE));
+ int i = x / leafs;
+ int j = y / leafs;
quad[i][j]->addChild(field_group[x][y].get(), 0.0f, 20000.0f);