namespace canvas
class Group;
+ class Image;
class MouseEvent;
class Placement;
- PropertyBasedMgr("/canvas", "texture", &canvasFactory)
+ PropertyBasedMgr("/canvas/by-index", "texture", &canvasFactory)
-unsigned int CanvasMgr::getCanvasTexId(size_t index) const
+CanvasPtr CanvasMgr::getCanvas(size_t index) const
if( index >= _elements.size()
|| !_elements[index] )
- return 0;
+ return CanvasPtr();
+ return boost::static_pointer_cast<Canvas>(_elements[index]);
- return static_cast<Canvas*>(_elements[index].get())->getTexId();
+unsigned int CanvasMgr::getCanvasTexId(size_t index) const
+ CanvasPtr canvas = getCanvas(index);
+ if( canvas )
+ return canvas->getTexId();
+ else
+ return 0;
#ifndef CANVAS_MGR_H_
#define CANVAS_MGR_H_
+#include "canvas_fwd.hpp"
#include "property_based_mgr.hxx"
class CanvasMgr:
+ /**
+ * Get ::Canvas by index
+ *
+ * @param index Index of texture node in /canvas/by-index/
+ */
+ CanvasPtr getCanvas(size_t index) const;
* Get OpenGL texture name for given canvas
+ * @deprecated This was only meant to be used by the PUI CanvasWidget
+ * implementation as PUI can't handle osg::Texture objects.
+ * Use getCanvas(index)->getTexture() instead.
+ *
* @param Index of canvas
* @return OpenGL texture name
#include <osgDB/ReadFile>
+#include <Canvas/canvas.hxx>
+#include <Canvas/canvas_mgr.hxx>
#include <Canvas/property_helper.hxx>
#include <osg/Array>
#include <osg/Geometry>
#include <Main/globals.hxx>
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include <boost/algorithm/string/predicate.hpp>
+ * Callback to enable/disable rendering of canvas displayed inside windows or
+ * other canvases.
+ */
+class CullCallback:
+ public osg::Drawable::CullCallback
+ public:
+ CullCallback(Canvas::CameraCullCallback* camera_cull);
+ private:
+ Canvas::CameraCullCallback *_camera_cull;
+ virtual bool cull( osg::NodeVisitor* nv,
+ osg::Drawable* drawable,
+ osg::RenderInfo* renderInfo ) const;
+CullCallback::CullCallback(Canvas::CameraCullCallback* camera_cull):
+ _camera_cull( camera_cull )
+bool CullCallback::cull( osg::NodeVisitor* nv,
+ osg::Drawable* drawable,
+ osg::RenderInfo* renderInfo ) const
+ _camera_cull->enableRendering();
+ // TODO check if window/image should be culled
+ return false;
namespace canvas
Image::Image(SGPropertyNode_ptr node):
- _texture(new osg::Texture2D)
+ Element(node, COLOR_FILL | BOUNDING_BOX),
+ _texture(new osg::Texture2D),
+ _node_src_rect( node->getNode("source", 0, true) ),
+ _src_rect(0,0,0,0),
+ _region(0,0,0,0)
- _source_rect = node->getChild("source");
_geom = new osg::Geometry;
osg::StateSet *stateSet = _geom->getOrCreateStateSet();
stateSet->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _texture.get());
// allocate arrays for the image
- _vertices = new osg::Vec2Array;
+ _vertices = new osg::Vec3Array(4);
- _vertices->reserve(4);
- _texCoords = new osg::Vec2Array;
+ _texCoords = new osg::Vec2Array(4);
- _texCoords->reserve(4);
_geom->setTexCoordArray(0, _texCoords);
- _colors = new osg::Vec4Array;
+ _colors = new osg::Vec4Array(4);
osg::DrawArrays* prim = new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS);
- prim->set(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0, 1);
+ prim->set(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS, 0, 4);
- if( _attributes_dirty & SRC_RECT ) {
- _attributes_dirty &= ~SRC_RECT;
- int texWidth = _texture->getTextureWidth();
- int texHeight = _texture->getTextureHeight();
- double x0 = _source_rect->getDoubleValue("left"),
- x1 = _source_rect->getDoubleValue("right"),
- y0 = _source_rect->getDoubleValue("top"),
- y1 = _source_rect->getDoubleValue("bottom");
- double width = x1 - x0, height = y1 - y0;
- _vertices->clear();
- _vertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(0, 0));
- _vertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(width, 0));
- _vertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(width, height));
- _vertices->push_back(osg::Vec2(0, height));
+ if( _attributes_dirty & DEST_SIZE )
+ {
+ (*_vertices)[0].set(_region.l(), _region.t(), 0);
+ (*_vertices)[1].set(_region.r(), _region.t(), 0);
+ (*_vertices)[2].set(_region.r(), _region.b(), 0);
+ (*_vertices)[3].set(_region.l(), _region.b(), 0);
- double u0 = x0 / texWidth,
- u1 = x1 / texWidth,
- v0 = y0 / texHeight,
- v1 = y1 / texHeight;
- _texCoords->clear();
- _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(u0, v0));
- _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(u1, v0));
- _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(u1, v1));
- _texCoords->push_back(osg::Vec2(u0, v1));
+ _attributes_dirty &= ~DEST_SIZE;
+ _geom->dirtyBound();
+ }
+ if( _attributes_dirty & SRC_RECT )
+ {
+ double u0 = _src_rect.l(),
+ u1 = _src_rect.r(),
+ v0 = _src_rect.b(),
+ v1 = _src_rect.t();
+ if( !_node_src_rect->getBoolValue("normalized", true) )
+ {
+ osg::Texture2D *texture = !_canvas.expired()
+ ? _canvas.lock()->getTexture()
+ : _texture.get();
+ int texWidth = texture->getTextureWidth();
+ int texHeight = texture->getTextureHeight();
+ u0 /= texWidth;
+ u1 /= texWidth;
+ v0 /= texHeight;
+ v1 /= texHeight;
+ }
+ (*_texCoords)[0].set(u0, v0);
+ (*_texCoords)[1].set(u1, v0);
+ (*_texCoords)[2].set(u1, v1);
+ (*_texCoords)[3].set(u0, v1);
+ _attributes_dirty &= ~SRC_RECT;
- void Image::childChanged(SGPropertyNode* child)
+ void Image::setCanvas(CanvasPtr canvas)
- const std::string& name = child->getNameString();
- if (_source_rect == child)
+ _canvas = canvas;
+ _geom->getOrCreateStateSet()
+ ->setTextureAttribute(0, canvas ? canvas->getTexture() : 0);
+ _geom->setCullCallback(
+ canvas ? new CullCallback(canvas->getCameraCullCallback()) : 0
+ );
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ CanvasWeakPtr Image::getCanvas() const
+ {
+ return _canvas;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Image::setImage(osg::Image *img)
+ {
+ // remove canvas...
+ setCanvas( CanvasPtr() );
+ _texture->setImage(img);
+ _geom->getOrCreateStateSet()
+ ->setTextureAttributeAndModes(0, _texture);
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Rect<float>& Image::getRegion() const
+ {
+ return _region;
+ }
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Image::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *node)
+ {
+ if( node->getParent() == _node_src_rect )
+ {
_attributes_dirty |= SRC_RECT;
- else if (name == "file") {
- SGPath tpath = globals->resolve_ressource_path(child->getStringValue());
- if (tpath.isNull() || !tpath.exists()) {
- SG_LOG(SG_GL, SG_ALERT, "canvas::Image: No such image: " << child->getStringValue());
- } else {
- _texture->setImage(osgDB::readImageFile(tpath.c_str()));
- _attributes_dirty |= SRC_RECT;
- }
- }
+ if( node->getNameString() == "left" )
+ _src_rect.setLeft( node->getFloatValue() );
+ else if( node->getNameString() == "right" )
+ _src_rect.setRight( node->getFloatValue() );
+ else if( node->getNameString() == "top" )
+ _src_rect.setTop( node->getFloatValue() );
+ else if( node->getNameString() == "bottom" )
+ _src_rect.setBottom( node->getFloatValue() );
+ }
+ else
+ Element::valueChanged(node);
- void Image::colorChanged(const osg::Vec4& color)
+ void Image::childChanged(SGPropertyNode* child)
- _colors->clear();
- for (int i=0; i<4; ++i) {
- _colors->push_back(color);
+ const std::string& name = child->getNameString();
+ if( name == "x" )
+ {
+ _region.setX( child->getFloatValue() );
+ _attributes_dirty |= DEST_SIZE;
+ }
+ else if( name == "y" )
+ {
+ _region.setY( child->getFloatValue() );
+ _attributes_dirty |= DEST_SIZE;
+ }
+ else if( name == "size" )
+ {
+ if( child->getIndex() == 0 )
+ _region.setWidth( child->getFloatValue() );
+ else
+ _region.setHeight( child->getFloatValue() );
+ _attributes_dirty |= DEST_SIZE;
+ }
+ else if( name == "file" )
+ {
+ static const std::string CANVAS_PROTOCOL = "canvas://";
+ const std::string& path = child->getStringValue();
+ if( boost::starts_with(path, CANVAS_PROTOCOL) )
+ {
+ CanvasMgr* canvas_mgr =
+ dynamic_cast<CanvasMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("Canvas"));
+ if( !canvas_mgr )
+ {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GL, SG_ALERT, "canvas::Image: Failed to get CanvasMgr");
+ return;
+ }
+ const SGPropertyNode* canvas_node =
+ canvas_mgr->getPropertyRoot()
+ ->getParent()
+ ->getNode( path.substr(CANVAS_PROTOCOL.size()) );
+ if( !canvas_node )
+ {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GL, SG_ALERT, "canvas::Image: No such canvas: " << path);
+ return;
+ }
+ // TODO add support for other means of addressing canvases (eg. by
+ // name)
+ CanvasPtr canvas = canvas_mgr->getCanvas( canvas_node->getIndex() );
+ if( !canvas )
+ {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GL, SG_ALERT, "canvas::Image: Invalid canvas: " << path);
+ return;
+ }
+ setCanvas(canvas);
- _colors->dirty();
+ else
+ {
+ SGPath tpath = globals->resolve_ressource_path(path);
+ if( tpath.isNull() || !tpath.exists() )
+ {
+ SG_LOG(SG_GL, SG_ALERT, "canvas::Image: No such image: " << path);
+ return;
+ }
+ setImage( osgDB::readImageFile(tpath.c_str()) );
+ }
+ }
- void Image::colorFillChanged(const osg::Vec4& /*color*/)
+ void Image::colorFillChanged(const osg::Vec4& color)
+ for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
+ (*_colors)[i] = color;
+ _colors->dirty();
} // namespace canvas
#include "element.hxx"
-#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
-#include <map>
-#include <vector>
+#include <Canvas/canvas_fwd.hpp>
+#include <Canvas/rect.hxx>
#include <osg/Texture2D>
public Element
+ /**
+ * @param node Property node containing settings for this image:
+ * rect/[left/right/top/bottom] Dimensions of source
+ * rect
+ * size[0-1] Dimensions of rectangle
+ * [x,y] Position of rectangle
+ */
Image(SGPropertyNode_ptr node);
virtual void update(double dt);
+ void setCanvas(CanvasPtr canvas);
+ CanvasWeakPtr getCanvas() const;
+ void setImage(osg::Image *img);
+ const Rect<float>& getRegion() const;
+ /**
+ * Callback for every changed child node
+ */
+ virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *node);
- enum TextAttributes
+ enum ImageAttributes
SRC_RECT = LAST_ATTRIBUTE << 1, // Source image rectangle
+ DEST_SIZE = SRC_RECT << 1 // Element size
- SGPropertyNode_ptr _source_rect,
- _dest_rect;
+ /**
+ * Callback for changed direct child nodes
+ */
virtual void childChanged(SGPropertyNode * child);
- virtual void colorChanged(const osg::Vec4& color);
virtual void colorFillChanged(const osg::Vec4& color);
void handleHit(float x, float y);
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture2D> _texture;
+ // TODO optionally forward events to canvas
+ CanvasWeakPtr _canvas;
osg::Geometry *_geom;
- osg::Vec2Array *_vertices;
+ osg::Vec3Array *_vertices;
osg::Vec2Array *_texCoords;
- osg::Vec4Array* _colors;
+ osg::Vec4Array* _colors;
+ SGPropertyNode *_node_src_rect;
+ Rect<float> _src_rect,
+ _region;
} // namespace canvas
if( _attributes_used & COLOR )
- linkColorNodes("color", _node, _color, osg::Vec4f(0,1,0,1));
+ linkColorNodes("color", _node, _color, osg::Vec4f(0,0,0,1));
if( _attributes_used & COLOR_FILL )
- linkColorNodes("color-fill", _node, _color_fill, osg::Vec4f(1,0,1,1));
+ linkColorNodes("color-fill", _node, _color_fill, osg::Vec4f(1,1,1,1));
#include <Viewer/CameraGroup.hxx>
#include <Viewer/renderer.hxx>
+#include <osg/BlendFunc>
#include <osgViewer/Viewer>
#include <osgGA/GUIEventHandler>
PropertyBasedMgr("/sim/gui/canvas", "window", &windowFactory),
_event_handler( new GUIEventHandler(this) ),
_transform( new osg::MatrixTransform ),
- _geode_windows( new osg::Geode ),
_width(_props, "size[0]"),
_height(_props, "size[1]"),
osg::Camera* camera =
flightgear::getGUICamera( flightgear::CameraGroup::getDefault() );
+ camera->addChild(_transform);
osg::Viewport* vp = camera->getViewport();
handleResize(vp->x(), vp->y(), vp->width(), vp->height());
- _transform->addChild(_geode_windows);
- camera->addChild(_transform);
boost::bind(&GUIMgr::addPlacement, this, _1, _2)
+ osg::StateSet* stateSet = _transform->getOrCreateStateSet();
+ stateSet->setDataVariance(osg::Object::STATIC);
+ stateSet->setRenderBinDetails(1000, "RenderBin");
+ // speed optimization?
+ stateSet->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
+ stateSet->setAttribute(new osg::BlendFunc(
+ osg::BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA,
+ osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
+ );
+ stateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
+ stateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
+ stateSet->setMode(GL_FOG, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
+ stateSet->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
void GUIMgr::elementCreated(PropertyBasedElementPtr element)
- _geode_windows->addDrawable
+ _transform->addChild
- static_cast<canvas::Window*>(element.get())->getDrawable()
+ static_cast<canvas::Window*>(element.get())->getGroup()
osg::ref_ptr<GUIEventHandler> _event_handler;
osg::ref_ptr<osg::MatrixTransform> _transform;
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> _geode_windows;
simgear::PropertyObject<int> _width,
+const SGPropertyNode* PropertyBasedMgr::getPropertyRoot() const
+ return _props;
PropertyBasedMgr::PropertyBasedMgr( const std::string& path_root,
const std::string& name_elements,
virtual void elementCreated(PropertyBasedElementPtr element) {}
+ virtual const SGPropertyNode* getPropertyRoot() const;
typedef boost::function<PropertyBasedElementPtr(SGPropertyNode*)>
T width() const { return _x2 - _x1; }
T height() const { return _y2 - _y1; }
+ void setX(T x) { T w = width(); _x1 = x; _x2 = x + w; }
+ void setY(T y) { T h = height(); _y1 = y; _y2 = y + h; }
+ void setWidth(T w) { _x2 = _x1 + w; }
+ void setHeight(T h) { _y2 = _y1 + h; }
T l() const { return _x1; }
T r() const { return _x2; }
T t() const { return _y1; }
T b() const { return _y2; }
+ void setLeft(T l) { _x1 = l; }
+ void setRight(T r) { _x2 = r; }
+ void setTop(T t) { _y1 = t; }
+ void setBottom(T b) { _y2 = b; }
bool contains(T x, T y) const
return _x1 <= x && x <= _x2
#include "window.hxx"
#include <Canvas/canvas.hxx>
-#include <osg/BlendFunc>
-#include <osg/Geometry>
-#include <osg/Texture2D>
#include <osgGA/GUIEventHandler>
#include <boost/foreach.hpp>
- * Callback to enable/disable rendering of canvas displayed inside windows
- */
-class CullCallback:
- public osg::Drawable::CullCallback
- public:
- CullCallback(Canvas::CameraCullCallback* camera_cull);
- private:
- Canvas::CameraCullCallback *_camera_cull;
- virtual bool cull( osg::NodeVisitor* nv,
- osg::Drawable* drawable,
- osg::RenderInfo* renderInfo ) const;
-CullCallback::CullCallback(Canvas::CameraCullCallback* camera_cull):
- _camera_cull( camera_cull )
-bool CullCallback::cull( osg::NodeVisitor* nv,
- osg::Drawable* drawable,
- osg::RenderInfo* renderInfo ) const
- _camera_cull->enableRendering();
- return false;
namespace canvas
Window::Window(SGPropertyNode* node):
- _dirty(true),
- _geometry( new osg::Geometry ),
- _vertices( new osg::Vec3Array(4) ),
- _tex_coords( new osg::Vec2Array(4) ),
- _x(node, "x"),
- _y(node, "y"),
- _width(node, "size[0]"),
- _height(node, "size[1]")
+ _image(node)
- _x = 50;
- _y = 100;
- _width = 400;
- _height = 300;
- _geometry->setVertexArray(_vertices);
- _geometry->setTexCoordArray(0,_tex_coords);
- osg::Vec4Array* colors = new osg::Vec4Array(1);
- (*colors)[0].set(1.0f,1.0f,1.0,1.0f);
- _geometry->setColorArray(colors);
- _geometry->setColorBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_OVERALL);
- _geometry->addPrimitiveSet(
- new osg::DrawArrays(osg::PrimitiveSet::QUADS,0,4)
- );
- _geometry->setDataVariance(osg::Object::DYNAMIC);
- osg::StateSet* stateSet = _geometry->getOrCreateStateSet();
- stateSet->setRenderBinDetails(1000, "RenderBin");
- // speed optimization?
- stateSet->setMode(GL_CULL_FACE, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
- stateSet->setAttribute(new osg::BlendFunc(
- osg::BlendFunc::SRC_ALPHA,
- osg::BlendFunc::ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA)
- );
- stateSet->setMode(GL_BLEND, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
- stateSet->setMode(GL_LIGHTING, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
- stateSet->setMode(GL_FOG, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
- stateSet->setMode(GL_DEPTH_TEST, osg::StateAttribute::OFF);
- stateSet->setTextureMode(0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, osg::StateAttribute::ON);
+ // TODO probably better remove default position and size
+ node->setFloatValue("x", 50);
+ node->setFloatValue("y", 100);
+ node->setFloatValue("size[0]", 400);
+ node->setFloatValue("size[1]", 300);
+ node->setFloatValue("source/right", 1);
+ node->setFloatValue("source/bottom", 1);
+ node->setBoolValue("source/normalized", true);
- BOOST_FOREACH(osg::Node* parent, _geometry->getParents())
+ BOOST_FOREACH(osg::Group* parent, getGroup()->getParents())
- osg::Geode* geode = dynamic_cast<osg::Geode*>(parent);
- if( geode )
- geode->removeDrawable(_geometry);
+ parent->removeChild(getGroup());
void Window::update(double delta_time_sec)
- if( !_dirty )
- return;
- _dirty = false;
- _region.set(_x, _y, _width, _height);
- int z = 0; // TODO do we need to use z for depth ordering?
- (*_vertices)[0].set(_region.l(), _region.t(), z);
- (*_vertices)[1].set(_region.r(), _region.t(), z);
- (*_vertices)[2].set(_region.r(), _region.b(), z);
- (*_vertices)[3].set(_region.l(), _region.b(), z);
- float l = 0, t = 1, b = 0, r = 1;
- (*_tex_coords)[0].set(l,t);
- (*_tex_coords)[1].set(r,t);
- (*_tex_coords)[2].set(r,b);
- (*_tex_coords)[3].set(l,b);
+ _image.update(delta_time_sec);
+ }
- _geometry->dirtyDisplayList();
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void Window::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode * node)
+ {
+ _image.valueChanged(node);
- void Window::valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * node)
+ osg::Group* Window::getGroup()
- if( node->getParent() != _node )
- return;
+ return _image.getMatrixTransform();
+ }
- const std::string& name = node->getNameString();
- if( name == "x" || name == "y" || name == "size" )
- _dirty = true;
+ //----------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const Rect<float>& Window::getRegion() const
+ {
+ return _image.getRegion();
void Window::setCanvas(CanvasPtr canvas)
- _canvas = canvas;
- _geometry->getOrCreateStateSet()
- ->setTextureAttribute(0, canvas ? canvas->getTexture() : 0);
- _geometry->dirtyDisplayList();
- _geometry->setCullCallback(
- canvas ? new CullCallback(canvas->getCameraCullCallback()) : 0
- );
+ _image.setCanvas(canvas);
CanvasWeakPtr Window::getCanvas() const
- return _canvas;
+ return _image.getCanvas();
bool Window::handleMouseEvent(const MouseEvent& event)
- if( !_canvas.expired() )
- return _canvas.lock()->handleMouseEvent(event);
+ if( !getCanvas().expired() )
+ return getCanvas().lock()->handleMouseEvent(event);
return false;
#include "property_based_element.hxx"
-#include "rect.hxx"
+#include <Canvas/elements/CanvasImage.hxx>
#include <Canvas/MouseEvent.hxx>
#include <simgear/props/propertyObject.hxx>
virtual void update(double delta_time_sec);
virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * node);
- osg::Drawable* getDrawable() { return _geometry; }
- const Rect<int>& getRegion() const { return _region; }
+ osg::Group* getGroup();
+ const Rect<float>& getRegion() const;
void setCanvas(CanvasPtr canvas);
CanvasWeakPtr getCanvas() const;
- bool _dirty;
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> _geometry;
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> _vertices;
- osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> _tex_coords;
- simgear::PropertyObject<int> _x, _y,
- _width, _height;
- Rect<int> _region;
- CanvasWeakPtr _canvas;
+ Image _image;
} // namespace canvas
// Get the first unused canvas slot
- SGPropertyNode* canvas_root = fgGetNode("/canvas", true);
+ SGPropertyNode* canvas_root = fgGetNode("/canvas/by-index", true);
for(int index = 0;; ++index)
if( !canvas_root->getChild("texture", index) )