# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
+"""Manage a mirror's index files.
+@type TRACKED_FILES: C{list} of C{string}
+@var TRACKED_FILES: the file names of files that contain index information
# Disable the FutureWarning from the apt module
import warnings
warnings.simplefilter("ignore", FutureWarning)
TRACKED_FILES = ['release', 'sources', 'packages']
class PackageFileList(DictMixin):
- """Manages a list of package files belonging to a backend.
+ """Manages a list of index files belonging to a mirror.
+ @type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files
@type packages: C{shelve dictionary}
- @ivar packages: the files stored for this backend
+ @ivar packages: the files tracked for this mirror
def __init__(self, cache_dir):
+ """Initialize the list by opening the dictionary."""
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
if not self.cache_dir.exists():
def open(self):
- """Open the persistent dictionary of files in this backend."""
+ """Open the persistent dictionary of files for this mirror."""
if self.packages is None:
self.packages = shelve.open(self.cache_dir.child('packages.db').path)
Called from the mirror manager when files get updated so we can update our
fake lists and sources.list.
+ @type cache_path: C{string}
+ @param cache_path: the location of the file within the mirror
+ @type file_path: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @param file_path: The location of the file in the file system
+ @rtype: C{boolean}
+ @return: whether the file is an index file
filename = cache_path.split('/')[-1]
if filename.lower() in TRACKED_FILES:
return False
def check_files(self):
- """Check all files in the database to make sure they exist."""
+ """Check all files in the database to remove any that don't exist."""
files = self.packages.keys()
for f in files:
log.msg("File in packages database has been deleted: "+f)
del self.packages[f]
- # Standard dictionary implementation so this class can be used like a dictionary.
+ #{ Dictionary interface details
def __getitem__(self, key): return self.packages[key]
def __setitem__(self, key, item): self.packages[key] = item
def __delitem__(self, key): del self.packages[key]
def keys(self): return self.packages.keys()
class AptPackages:
- """Uses python-apt to answer queries about packages.
- Makes a fake configuration for python-apt for each backend.
+ """Answers queries about packages available from a mirror.
+ Uses the python-apt tools to parse and provide information about the
+ files that are available on a single mirror.
+ @ivar DEFAULT_APT_CONFIG: the default configuration parameters to use for apt
+ @ivar essential_dirs: directories that must be created for apt to work
+ @ivar essential_files: files that must be created for apt to work
+ @type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files
+ @type unload_delay: C{int}
+ @ivar unload_delay: the time to wait before unloading the apt cache
+ @ivar apt_config: the configuration parameters to use for apt
+ @type packages: L{PackageFileList}
+ @ivar packages: the persistent storage of tracked apt index files
+ @type loaded: C{boolean}
+ @ivar loaded: whether the apt cache is currently loaded
+ @type loading: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
+ @ivar loading: if the cache is currently being loaded, this will be
+ called when it is loaded, otherwise it is None
+ @type unload_later: L{twisted.internet.interfaces.IDelayedCall}
+ @ivar unload_later: the delayed call to unload the apt cache
+ @type indexrecords: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar indexrecords: the hashes of index files for the mirror, keys are
+ mirror directories, values are dictionaries with keys the path to the
+ index file in the mirror directory and values are dictionaries with
+ keys the hash type and values the hash
+ @type cache: C{apt_pkg.GetCache()}
+ @ivar cache: the apt cache of the mirror
+ @type records: C{apt_pkg.GetPkgRecords()}
+ @ivar records: the apt package records for all binary packages in a mirror
+ @type srcrecords: C{apt_pkg.GetPkgSrcRecords}
+ @ivar srcrecords: the apt package records for all source packages in a mirror
def __init__(self, cache_dir, unload_delay):
"""Construct a new packages manager.
- @param cache_dir: cache directory from config file
+ @param cache_dir: directory to use to store files for this mirror
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.unload_delay = unload_delay
self.apt_config = deepcopy(self.DEFAULT_APT_CONFIG)
+ # Create the necessary files and directories for apt
for dir in self.essential_dirs:
path = self.cache_dir.preauthChild(dir)
if not path.exists():
def addRelease(self, cache_path, file_path):
- """Dirty hack until python-apt supports apt-pkg/indexrecords.h
+ """Add a Release file's info to the list of index files.
+ Dirty hack until python-apt supports apt-pkg/indexrecords.h
(see Bug #456141)
self.indexrecords[cache_path] = {}
read_packages = False
f = file_path.open('r')
+ # Use python-debian routines to parse the file for hashes
rel = deb822.Release(f, fields = ['MD5Sum', 'SHA1', 'SHA256'])
for hash_type in rel:
for file in rel[hash_type]:
def file_updated(self, cache_path, file_path):
- """A file in the backend has changed, manage it.
+ """A file in the mirror has changed or been added.
- If this affects us, unload our apt database
+ If this affects us, unload our apt database.
+ @see: L{PackageFileList.update_file}
if self.packages.update_file(cache_path, file_path):
def load(self):
- """Make sure the package is initialized and loaded."""
+ """Make sure the package cache is initialized and loaded."""
+ # Reset the pending unload call
if self.unload_later and self.unload_later.active():
self.unload_later = reactor.callLater(self.unload_delay, self.unload)
+ # Make sure it's not already being loaded
if self.loading is None:
log.msg('Loading the packages cache')
self.loading = threads.deferToThread(self._load)
return loadResult
def _load(self):
- """Regenerates the fake configuration and load the packages cache."""
+ """Regenerates the fake configuration and loads the packages caches."""
if self.loaded: return True
+ # Modify the default configuration to create the fake one.
deb_src_added = False
self.indexrecords = {}
+ # Create an entry in sources.list for each needed index file
for f in self.packages:
# we should probably clear old entries from self.packages and
# take into account the recorded mtime as optimization
self.unload_later = None
if self.loaded:
log.msg('Unloading the packages cache')
+ # This should save memory
del self.cache
del self.records
del self.srcrecords
def findHash(self, path):
"""Find the hash for a given path in this mirror.
- Returns a deferred so it can make sure the cache is loaded first.
+ @type path: C{string}
+ @param path: the path within the mirror of the file to lookup
+ @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
+ @return: a deferred so it can make sure the cache is loaded first
d = defer.Deferred()
return d
def _findHash_error(self, failure, path, d):
- """An error occurred while trying to find a hash."""
+ """An error occurred, return an empty hash."""
log.msg('An error occurred while looking up a hash for: %s' % path)
+ return failure
def _findHash(self, loadResult, path, d):
- """Really find the hash for a path.
+ """Search the records for the hash of a path.
- Have to pass the returned loadResult on in case other calls to this
- function are pending.
+ @type loadResult: C{boolean}
+ @param loadResult: whether apt's cache was successfully loaded
+ @type path: C{string}
+ @param path: the path within the mirror of the file to lookup
+ @type d: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
+ @param d: the deferred to callback with the result
if not loadResult:
return loadResult
+ h = HashObject()
# First look for the path in the cache of index files
for release in self.indexrecords:
if path.startswith(release[:-7]):
for indexFile in self.indexrecords[release]:
if release[:-7] + indexFile == path:
- h = HashObject()
return loadResult
for verFile in version.FileList:
if self.records.Lookup(verFile):
if '/' + self.records.FileName == path:
- h = HashObject()
h.setFromPkgRecord(self.records, size)
return loadResult
if self.srcrecords.Lookup(package):
for f in self.srcrecords.Files:
if path == '/' + f[2]:
- h = HashObject()
return loadResult
- d.callback(HashObject())
+ d.callback(h)
+ # Have to pass the returned loadResult on in case other calls to this function are pending.
return loadResult
class TestAptPackages(unittest.TestCase):
releaseFile = ''
def setUp(self):
+ """Initializes the cache with files found in the traditional apt location."""
self.client = AptPackages(FilePath('/tmp/.apt-dht'), 300)
+ # Find the largest index files that are for 'main'
self.packagesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "_main_.*Packages$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
self.sourcesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "_main_.*Sources$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
+ # Find the Release file corresponding to the found Packages file
for f in os.walk('/var/lib/apt/lists').next()[2]:
if f[-7:] == "Release" and self.packagesFile.startswith(f[:-7]):
self.releaseFile = f
+ # Add all the found files to the PackageFileList
FilePath('/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile))
FilePath('/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile))
def test_pkg_hash(self):
+ """Tests loading the binary package records cache."""
"Hashes don't match: %s != %s" % (self.client.records.SHA1Hash, pkg_hash))
def test_src_hash(self):
+ """Tests loading the source package records cache."""
self.failUnless(f[0] in src_hashes, "Couldn't find %s in: %r" % (f[0], src_hashes))
def test_index_hash(self):
+ """Tests loading the cache of index file information."""
indexhash = self.client.indexrecords[self.releaseFile[self.releaseFile.find('_dists_'):].replace('_','/')]['main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2']['SHA1'][0]
"%s hashes don't match: %s != %s" % (path, found_hash.hexexpected(), true_hash))
def test_findIndexHash(self):
+ """Tests finding the hash of a single index file."""
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
return lastDefer
def test_findPkgHash(self):
+ """Tests finding the hash of a single binary package."""
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
pkg_hash = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
return lastDefer
def test_findSrcHash(self):
+ """Tests finding the hash of a single source package."""
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
src_dir = '/' + os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
return lastDefer
def test_multipleFindHash(self):
+ """Tests finding the hash of an index file, binary package, source package, and another index file."""
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
+ # Lookup a Packages.bz2 file
idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
' | grep -E " main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2$"'
d = self.client.findHash(idx_path)
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, idx_path, idx_hash)
+ # Lookup the binary 'dpkg' package
pkg_hash = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.packagesFile +
' | grep -E "^SHA1:" | head -n 1' +
d = self.client.findHash(pkg_path)
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, pkg_path, pkg_hash)
+ # Lookup the source 'dpkg' package
src_dir = '/' + os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile +
' | grep -E "^Directory:" | head -n 1' +
d = self.client.findHash(src_dir + '/' + src_paths[i])
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, src_dir + '/' + src_paths[i], src_hashes[i])
+ # Lookup a Sources.bz2 file
idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
' | grep -E " main/source/Sources.bz2$"'