or addFatalMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, $F . ' (' . $L . '):' . mysql_error() . '<br />
Query string:<br />
' . $sqlString);
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__ . ': numRows=' . SQL_NUMROWS($result) . ',affected=' . SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() . "<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__ . ': numRows=' . SQL_NUMROWS($result) . ',affected=' . SQL_AFFECTEDROWS() . "<br />");
// Ending time
$querytimeAfter = array_sum(explode(' ', microtime()));
$ret = smartAddSlashes($str);
} elseif (function_exists('mysql_real_escape_string')) {
// The new and improved version
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>):str={$str}<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__FUNCTION__."(<font color=\"#0000aa\">".__LINE__."</font>):str={$str}<br />");
$ret = mysql_real_escape_string($str, SQL_GET_LINK());
} elseif (function_exists('mysql_escape_string')) {
// The obsolete function
// 123 4 4 3 3 4 4 32 23 4 4 3 3 4 4 321
if (((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 0) && (strpos($sql, 'ADD') !== false)) || ((SQL_NUMROWS($result) == 1) && (strpos($sql, 'DROP') !== false))) {
// Do the query
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
$result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false);
} // END - if
} elseif ((getConfig('_TABLE_TYPE') == 'InnoDB') && (strpos($sql, 'FULLTEXT') !== false)) {
while (strpos($columnName, ',') !== false) {
// Use last
$columnName = str_replace('`', '', $tableArray[count($tableArray) - $begin]);
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__.':'.$columnName."----------------".$begin."<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__.':'.$columnName."----------------".$begin."<br />");
// Remove brackes
$columnName = str_replace('(', '', str_replace(')', '', $columnName));
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__.':'.$columnName."----------------".$begin."<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__.':'.$columnName."----------------".$begin."<br />");
// Continue
$skip = false;
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Is it found?
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml("<pre>".print_r($content, true)."</pre>");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print("<pre>".print_r($content, true)."</pre>");
if (($content['Column_name'] == $columnName) || ($content['Key_name'] == $columnName)) {
// Skip this query!
//* DEBUG: */ logDebugMessage(__FUNCTION__, __LINE__, sprintf("Skiped: %s", $sql));
// Shall we run it?
if ($skip === false) {
// Send it to the SQL_QUERY() function
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
$result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false);
} // END - if
} else {
// Other ALTER TABLE query
- //* DEBUG: */ outputHtml(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
+ //* DEBUG: */ print(__LINE__.':'.$sql."<br />");
$result = SQL_QUERY($sql, $F, $L, false);
`type` ASC",
array($points), __FUNCTION__, __LINE__);
if (SQL_NUMROWS($result) > 0) {
- outputHtml("<br /><div align=\"center\">
-<div align=\"center\"><strong>{--PAYOUT_NOW--}:</strong></div><br />
// Now let's check
while ($content = SQL_FETCHARRAY($result)) {
// Compile the type
// Are these points enougth?
if ($points >= $content['min_points']) {
- // Ok we found one
- $P = translateComma($points * $content['rate'] - 0.5);
- outputHtml("<li>{--PAYOUT_IN--}: <strong><a href=\"{?URL?}/modules.php?module=login&what=payout&payout=".$content['id']."\">".$content['type']." ({--PAYOUT_MAX--} ".$P." ".$content['type'].")</a></strong></li>");
+ // Prepare content for template
+ $content['points'] = translateComma($points * $content['rate'] - 0.5);
+ // Load row template
+ $OUT .= loadTemplate('member_payout_li', true, $content);
} // END - if
} // END - while
- outputHtml("</ul></div>");
+ // Load main template
+ loadTemplate('member_payout_list', true, $OUT);
} else {
// No payout types setup so far
loadTemplate('admin_settings_saved', false, "<div class=\"guest_failed\">{--PAYOUT_NO_PAYOUT_TYPES--}</div");