#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
+#include "environment_mgr.hxx"
#include "environment_ctrl.hxx"
+// Implementation of FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl.
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl ()
+ : _icao( strdup( fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") ) )
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::~FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl ()
+ if (_icao) {
+ free(_icao);
+ _icao = NULL;
+ }
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::init ()
+ if (_icao != NULL) {
+ free(_icao);
+ _icao = NULL;
+ }
+ read_table(_icao);
+ _base_wind_speed_node =
+ fgGetNode("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from", true);
+ _gust_wind_speed_node =
+ fgGetNode("/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt", true);
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/visibility-m",
+ fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/min-visibility-m"));
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/temperature-degc",
+ fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/temperature_degc"));
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/dewpoint-degc",
+ fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/dewpoint-degc"));
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/pressure-inhg",
+ fgGetDouble("/environment/metar/pressure-inhg"));
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::reinit ()
+ init();
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::read_table (const char *icao)
+ char s[128];
+ double d, dt;
+ int i;
+ if ((icao == NULL) && (_icao == NULL)) {
+ _icao = strdup( fgGetString("/sim/presets/airport-id") );
+ } else if (icao != NULL) {
+ if (_icao != NULL)
+ free(_icao);
+ _icao = strdup(icao);
+ }
+ SGMetar *m = new SGMetar(_icao);
+ d = m->getMinVisibility().getVisibility_m();
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : 10000;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/min-visibility-m", d);
+ dt = m->getMaxVisibility().getVisibility_m();
+ d = (dt != SGMetarNaN) ? dt : d;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/max-visibility-m", d);
+ SGMetarVisibility *dirvis = m->getDirVisibility();
+ for (i = 0; i < 8; i++, dirvis++) {
+ const char *min = "/environment/metar/visibility[%]/min-m";
+ const char *max = "/environment/metar/visibility[%]/max-m";
+ char s[128];
+ d = dirvis->getVisibility_m();
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : 10000;
+ snprintf(s, 128, min, i);
+ fgSetDouble(s, d);
+ snprintf(s, 128, max, i);
+ fgSetDouble(s, d);
+ }
+ i = m->getWindDir();
+ if ( i == -1 ) {
+ fgSetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from",
+ m->getWindRangeFrom() );
+ fgSetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-to",
+ m->getWindRangeTo() );
+ } else {
+ fgSetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-from", i);
+ fgSetInt("/environment/metar/base-wind-range-to", i);
+ }
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/base-wind-speed-kt",
+ m->getWindSpeed_kt() );
+ d = m->getGustSpeed_kt();
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : 0.0;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/gust-wind-speed-kt", d);
+ d = m->getTemperature_C();
+ if (d != SGMetarNaN) {
+ dt = m->getDewpoint_C();
+ dt = (dt != SGMetarNaN) ? dt : 0.0;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/dewpoint-degc", dt);
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/rel-humidity-norm",
+ m->getRelHumidity() );
+ }
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : 15.0;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/temperature_degc", d);
+ d = m->getPressure_inHg();
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : 30.0;
+ fgSetDouble("/environment/metar/pressure-inhg", d);
+ vector<SGMetarCloud> cv = m->getClouds();
+ vector<SGMetarCloud>::iterator cloud;
+ const char *cl = "/environment/clouds/layer[%i]";
+ for (i = 0, cloud = cv.begin(); cloud != cv.end(); cloud++, i++) {
+ const char *coverage_string[5] =
+ { "clear", "few", "scattered", "broken", "overcast" };
+ const double thickness[5] = { 0, 65, 600,750, 1000};
+ int q;
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/coverage", 128);
+ q = cloud->getCoverage();
+ q = (q != -1 ) ? q : 0;
+ fgSetString(s, coverage_string[q] );
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/elevation-ft", 128);
+ d = cloud->getAltitude_ft();
+ d = (d != SGMetarNaN) ? d : -9999;
+ fgSetDouble(s, d);
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/thickness-ft", 128);
+ fgSetDouble(s, thickness[q]);
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/span-m", 128);
+ fgSetDouble(s, 40000.0);
+ }
+ for (; i < FGEnvironmentMgr::MAX_CLOUD_LAYERS; i++) {
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/coverage", 128);
+ fgSetString(s, "clear");
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/elevation-ft", 128);
+ fgSetDouble(s, -9999);
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/thickness-ft", 128);
+ fgSetDouble(s, 0);
+ snprintf(s, 128, cl, i);
+ strncat(s, "/span-m", 128);
+ fgSetDouble(s, 40000.0);
+ }
+ delete m;
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::update (double delta_time_sec)
+ double base_wind_speed = _base_wind_speed_node->getDoubleValue();
+ double gust_wind_speed = _gust_wind_speed_node->getDoubleValue();
+ if (gust_wind_speed < base_wind_speed) {
+ gust_wind_speed = base_wind_speed;
+ _gust_wind_speed_node->setDoubleValue(gust_wind_speed);
+ }
+ if (base_wind_speed == gust_wind_speed) {
+ _current_wind_speed_kt = base_wind_speed;
+ } else {
+ int rn = rand() % 128;
+ int sign = (_delta_wind_speed_kt < 0 ? -1 : 1);
+ double gust = _current_wind_speed_kt - base_wind_speed;
+ double incr = gust / 50;
+ if (rn == 0)
+ _delta_wind_speed_kt = - _delta_wind_speed_kt;
+ else if (rn < 4)
+ _delta_wind_speed_kt -= incr * sign;
+ else if (rn < 16)
+ _delta_wind_speed_kt += incr * sign;
+ _current_wind_speed_kt += _delta_wind_speed_kt;
+ if (_current_wind_speed_kt < base_wind_speed) {
+ _current_wind_speed_kt = base_wind_speed;
+ _delta_wind_speed_kt = 0.01;
+ } else if (_current_wind_speed_kt > gust_wind_speed) {
+ _current_wind_speed_kt = gust_wind_speed;
+ _delta_wind_speed_kt = -0.01;
+ }
+ }
+ if (_environment != 0)
+ _environment->set_wind_speed_kt(_current_wind_speed_kt);
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::do_interpolate (vector<bucket *> &table,
+ double altitude_ft,
+ FGEnvironment * environment)
+FGMetarEnvironmentCtrl::bucket::operator< (const bucket &b) const
+ return (altitude_ft < b.altitude_ft);
// end of environment_ctrl.cxx