return Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('content/image_grid.tpl'), [
- 'rows' => $rows,
+ '$rows' => $rows,
+ '$column_size' => $column_size,
if (count($images) > 1) {
$media = self::makeImageGrid($images);
} elseif (count($images) == 1) {
+ if (!empty($images[0]['attachment']['preview-height'])) {
+ $allocated_height = (100 * $images[0]['attachment']['preview-height'] / $images[0]['attachment']['preview-width']) . '%';
+ } else {
+ $allocated_height = (100 * $images[0]['attachment']['height'] / $images[0]['attachment']['width']) . '%';
+ }
$media = Renderer::replaceMacros(Renderer::getMarkupTemplate('content/image.tpl'), [
'$image' => $images[0],
+ '$allocated_height' => $allocated_height,
* Please note: The space is effectively allocated using padding-bottom using the image ratio as a value.
* In the image grid, this ratio isn't known in advance so no value is set in the stylesheet.
-.imagegrid-row figure {
+figure.img-allocated-height {
position: relative;
background: center / auto rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05) url(/images/icons/image.png) no-repeat;
-.imagegrid-row figure img{
+figure.img-allocated-height img{
position: absolute;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
+ width: 100%;
* Image grid settings END
+{{* $image.widthRatio is only set in the context of Model\Item->makeImageGrid *}}
+<figure class="img-allocated-height" style="width: {{if $image.widthRatio}}{{$image.widthRatio}}%{{else}}auto{{/if}}; padding-bottom: {{$allocated_height}}">
{{if $image.preview}}
-<a data-fancybox="{{$image.uri_id}}" href="{{$image.attachment.url}}">
- <img src="{{$image.preview}}" alt="{{$image.attachment.description}}" title="{{$image.attachment.description}}">
+ <a data-fancybox="{{$image.uri_id}}" href="{{$image.attachment.url}}">
+ <img src="{{$image.preview}}" alt="{{$image.attachment.description}}" title="{{$image.attachment.description}}">
+ </a>
-<img src="{{$image.src}}" alt="{{$image.attachment.description}}" title="{{$image.attachment.description}}">
+ <img src="{{$image.src}}" alt="{{$image.attachment.description}}" title="{{$image.attachment.description}}">
<div class="imagegrid-row" style="height: {{$images[0].commonHeightRatio}}%">
{{foreach $images as $image}}
{{* The absolute pixel value in the calc() should be mirrored from the .imagegrid-row column-gap value *}}
- <figure style="width: {{$image.widthRatio}}%; padding-bottom: calc({{$image.heightRatio * $image.widthRatio / 100}}% - 5px / 2)">
- {{include file="content/image.tpl" image=$image}}
- </figure>
+ {{include file="content/image.tpl" image=$image allocated_height="calc(`$image.heightRatio * $image.widthRatio / 100`% - 5px / `$column_size`)"}}
border-color: $link_color;
-.imagegrid-row figure {
+figure.img-allocated-height {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);
border-color: $link_color;
-.imagegrid-row figure {
+figure.img-allocated-height {
background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05);