--- /dev/null
+// skydome.cxx -- model sky with an upside down "bowl"
+// Written by Curtis Olson, started December 1997.
+// SSG-ified by Curtis Olson, February 2000.
+// Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+// $Id$
+# include <config.h>
+# include <windows.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <GL/glut.h>
+#include <simgear/xgl/xgl.h>
+#include <simgear/constants.h>
+#include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/fg_random.h>
+// #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx>
+// #include <FDM/flight.hxx>
+// #include <Main/views.hxx>
+// #include <Time/event.hxx>
+// #include <Time/fg_time.hxx>
+#include "skydome.hxx"
+#ifdef __MWERKS__
+# pragma global_optimizer off
+// in meters of course
+#define CENTER_ELEV 25000.0
+#define UPPER_RADIUS 50000.0
+#define UPPER_ELEV 20000.0
+#define MIDDLE_RADIUS 70000.0
+#define MIDDLE_ELEV 8000.0
+#define LOWER_RADIUS 80000.0
+#define LOWER_ELEV 0.0
+#define BOTTOM_RADIUS 50000.0
+#define BOTTOM_ELEV -2000.0
+// static float inner_vertex[12][3];
+// static float middle_vertex[12][3];
+// static float outer_vertex[12][3];
+// static float bottom_vertex[12][3];
+// static GLubyte upper_color[12][4];
+// static GLubyte middle_color[12][4];
+// static GLubyte lower_color[12][4];
+// Defined the shared sky object here
+FGSkyDome current_sky;
+// Constructor
+FGSkyDome::FGSkyDome( void ) {
+// Destructor
+FGSkyDome::~FGSkyDome( void ) {
+// initialize the sky object and connect it into our scene graph
+bool FGSkyDome::initialize( ) {
+ sgVec3 color;
+ float theta;
+ int i;
+ // create the scene graph for the dome
+ dome = new ssgRoot;
+ dome->setName( "Sky Dome" );
+ // set up the state
+ dome_state = new ssgSimpleState();
+ dome_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
+ dome_state->disable( GL_LIGHTING );
+ dome_state->disable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ dome_state->disable( GL_CULL_FACE );
+ dome_state->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
+ dome_state->enable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
+ dome_state->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
+ // initialize arrays
+ center_disk_vl = new ssgVertexArray( 14 );
+ center_disk_cl = new ssgColourArray( 14 );
+ upper_ring_vl = new ssgVertexArray( 26 );
+ upper_ring_cl = new ssgColourArray( 26 );
+ middle_ring_vl = new ssgVertexArray( 26 );
+ middle_ring_cl = new ssgColourArray( 26 );
+ lower_ring_vl = new ssgVertexArray( 26 );
+ lower_ring_cl = new ssgColourArray( 26 );
+ // initially seed to all blue
+ sgSetVec3( color, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ // generate the raw vertex data
+ sgVec3 center_vertex;
+ sgVec3 upper_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 middle_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 lower_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 bottom_vertex[12];
+ sgSetVec3( center_vertex, 0.0, 0.0, CENTER_ELEV );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ theta = (i * 30.0) * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ sgSetVec3( upper_vertex[i],
+ cos(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS,
+ sin(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( middle_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( lower_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( bottom_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS,
+ }
+ // generate the center disk vertex/color arrays
+ center_disk_vl->add( center_vertex );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ for ( i = 11; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ center_disk_vl->add( upper_vertex[i] );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ center_disk_vl->add( upper_vertex[11] );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ // generate the upper ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ upper_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[i] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ upper_ring_vl->add( upper_vertex[i] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ upper_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[0] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ upper_ring_vl->add( upper_vertex[0] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // generate middle ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ middle_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[i] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ middle_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[i] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ middle_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[0] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ middle_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[0] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // generate lower ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ lower_ring_vl->add( bottom_vertex[i] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ lower_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[i] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ lower_ring_vl->add( bottom_vertex[0] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ lower_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[0] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // force a repaint of the sky colors with ugly defaults
+ sgVec3 fog_color;
+ sgSetVec3( fog_color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ repaint( color, fog_color, 0.0 );
+ // build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected
+ // into the provide scene graph branch
+ dome_selector = new ssgSelector;
+ dome_transform = new ssgTransform;
+ ssgVtxTable *center_disk, *upper_ring, *middle_ring, *lower_ring;
+ center_disk = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,
+ center_disk_vl, NULL, NULL, center_disk_cl );
+ upper_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ upper_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, upper_ring_cl );
+ middle_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ middle_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, middle_ring_cl );
+ lower_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ lower_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, lower_ring_cl );
+ center_disk->setState( dome_state );
+ upper_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ middle_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ lower_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ dome_transform->addKid( center_disk );
+ dome_transform->addKid( upper_ring );
+ dome_transform->addKid( middle_ring );
+ dome_transform->addKid( lower_ring );
+ dome_selector->addKid( dome_transform );
+ dome_selector->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ dome->addKid( dome_selector );
+ return true;
+// repaint the sky colors based on current value of sun_angle, sky,
+// and fog colors. This updates the color arrays for ssgVtxTable.
+// sun angle in degrees relative to verticle
+// 0 degrees = high noon
+// 90 degrees = sun rise/set
+// 180 degrees = darkest midnight
+bool FGSkyDome::repaint( sgVec3 sky_color, sgVec3 fog_color, double sun_angle ) {
+ double diff;
+ sgVec3 outer_param, outer_amt, outer_diff;
+ sgVec3 middle_param, middle_amt, middle_diff;
+ int i, j;
+ // Check for sunrise/sunset condition
+ if ( (sun_angle > 80.0) && (sun_angle < 100.0) ) {
+ // 0.0 - 0.4
+ sgSetVec3( outer_param,
+ (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 20.0,
+ (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 40.0,
+ -(10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 30.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( middle_param,
+ (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 40.0,
+ (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 80.0,
+ 0.0 );
+ sgScaleVec3( outer_diff, outer_param, 1.0 / 6.0 );
+ sgScaleVec3( middle_diff, middle_param, 1.0 / 6.0 );
+ } else {
+ sgSetVec3( outer_param, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( middle_param, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( outer_diff, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( middle_diff, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ }
+ // printf(" outer_red_param = %.2f outer_red_diff = %.2f\n",
+ // outer_red_param, outer_red_diff);
+ // calculate transition colors between sky and fog
+ sgCopyVec3( outer_amt, outer_param );
+ sgCopyVec3( middle_amt, middle_param );
+ //
+ // First, recalulate the basic colors
+ //
+ sgVec3 upper_color[12];
+ sgVec3 middle_color[12];
+ sgVec3 lower_color[12];
+ sgVec3 bottom_color[12];
+ for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ diff = sky_color[j] - fog_color[j];
+ // printf("sky = %.2f fog = %.2f diff = %.2f\n",
+ // l->sky_color[j], l->fog_color[j], diff);
+ upper_color[i][j] = sky_color[j] - diff * 0.3;
+ middle_color[i][j] = sky_color[j] - diff * 0.9 + middle_amt[j];
+ lower_color[i][j] = fog_color[j] + outer_amt[j];
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] < 0.1 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 0.1; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] < 0.1 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 0.1; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] < 0.1 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 0.1; }
+ }
+ // upper_color[i][3] = middle_color[i][3] = lower_color[i][3] =
+ // (GLubyte)(sky_color[3] * 1.0);
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] -= outer_diff[j];
+ middle_amt[j] -= middle_diff[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("upper_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, upper_color[i][0],
+ upper_color[i][1], upper_color[i][2], upper_color[i][3]);
+ printf("middle_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ middle_color[i][0], middle_color[i][1], middle_color[i][2],
+ middle_color[i][3]);
+ printf("lower_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ lower_color[i][0], lower_color[i][1], lower_color[i][2],
+ lower_color[i][3]);
+ */
+ }
+ sgSetVec3( outer_amt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( middle_amt, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ for ( i = 6; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ diff = sky_color[j] - fog_color[j];
+ // printf("sky = %.2f fog = %.2f diff = %.2f\n",
+ // sky_color[j], fog_color[j], diff);
+ upper_color[i][j] = sky_color[j] - diff * 0.3;
+ middle_color[i][j] = sky_color[j] - diff * 0.9 + middle_amt[j];
+ lower_color[i][j] = fog_color[j] + outer_amt[j];
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] < 0.1 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 0.1; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] < 0.1 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 0.1; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] > 1.0 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 1.0; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] < 35 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 35; }
+ }
+ // upper_color[i][3] = middle_color[i][3] = lower_color[i][3] =
+ // (GLubyte)(sky_color[3] * 1.0);
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] += outer_diff[j];
+ middle_amt[j] += middle_diff[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("upper_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, upper_color[i][0],
+ upper_color[i][1], upper_color[i][2], upper_color[i][3]);
+ printf("middle_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ middle_color[i][0], middle_color[i][1], middle_color[i][2],
+ middle_color[i][3]);
+ printf("lower_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ lower_color[i][0], lower_color[i][1], lower_color[i][2],
+ lower_color[i][3]);
+ */
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ sgCopyVec3( bottom_color[i], fog_color );
+ }
+ //
+ // Second, assign the basic colors to the object color arrays
+ //
+ float *slot;
+ int counter;
+ // update the center disk color arrays
+ counter = 0;
+ slot = center_disk_cl->get( counter++ );
+ // sgVec3 red;
+ // sgSetVec3( red, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, sky_color );
+ for ( i = 11; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ slot = center_disk_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, upper_color[i] );
+ }
+ slot = center_disk_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, upper_color[11] );
+ // generate the upper ring
+ counter = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ slot = upper_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, middle_color[i] );
+ slot = upper_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, upper_color[i] );
+ }
+ slot = upper_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, middle_color[0] );
+ slot = upper_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, upper_color[0] );
+ // generate middle ring
+ counter = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ slot = middle_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, lower_color[i] );
+ slot = middle_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, middle_color[i] );
+ }
+ slot = middle_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, lower_color[0] );
+ slot = middle_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, middle_color[0] );
+ // generate lower ring
+ counter = 0;
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ slot = lower_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, bottom_color[i] );
+ slot = lower_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, lower_color[i] );
+ }
+ slot = lower_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, bottom_color[0] );
+ slot = lower_ring_cl->get( counter++ );
+ sgCopyVec3( slot, lower_color[0] );
+ return true;
+// reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation
+// lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis
+// lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis
+// spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (and orients the
+// sunrise/set effects
+bool FGSkyDome::reposition( sgVec3 p, double lon, double lat, double spin ) {
+ sgMat4 T, LON, LAT, SPIN;
+ sgVec3 axis;
+ // Translate to view position
+ // Point3D zero_elev = current_view.get_cur_zero_elev();
+ // xglTranslatef( zero_elev.x(), zero_elev.y(), zero_elev.z() );
+ sgMakeTransMat4( T, p );
+ // printf(" Translated to %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ // zero_elev.x, zero_elev.y, zero_elev.z );
+ // Rotate to proper orientation
+ // printf(" lon = %.2f lat = %.2f\n", FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_DEG,
+ // FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_DEG);
+ // xglRotatef( f->get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( LON, lon * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
+ // xglRotatef( 90.0 - f->get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( LAT, 90.0 - lat * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
+ // xglRotatef( l->sun_rotation * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( SPIN, spin * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
+ sgCopyMat4( TRANSFORM, T );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, LON );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, LAT );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, SPIN );
+ sgCoord skypos;
+ sgSetCoord( &skypos, TRANSFORM );
+ dome_transform->setTransform( &skypos );
+ return true;
+// Draw the skydome
+bool FGSkyDome::draw() {
+ ssgCullAndDraw( dome );
+ return true;
+#if 0
+// depricated code from here to the end
+// Calculate the sky structure vertices
+void fgSkyVerticesInit() {
+ float theta;
+ int i;
+ FG_LOG(FG_ASTRO, FG_INFO, " Generating the sky dome vertices.");
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ theta = (i * 30.0) * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ inner_vertex[i][0] = cos(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS;
+ inner_vertex[i][1] = sin(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS;
+ inner_vertex[i][2] = UPPER_ELEV;
+ // printf(" %.2f %.2f\n", cos(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS,
+ // sin(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS);
+ middle_vertex[i][0] = cos((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS;
+ middle_vertex[i][1] = sin((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS;
+ middle_vertex[i][2] = MIDDLE_ELEV;
+ outer_vertex[i][0] = cos((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS;
+ outer_vertex[i][1] = sin((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS;
+ outer_vertex[i][2] = LOWER_ELEV;
+ bottom_vertex[i][0] = cos((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS;
+ bottom_vertex[i][1] = sin((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS;
+ bottom_vertex[i][2] = BOTTOM_ELEV;
+ }
+// (Re)calculate the sky colors at each vertex
+void fgSkyColorsInit() {
+ fgLIGHT *l;
+ double sun_angle, diff;
+ double outer_param[3], outer_amt[3], outer_diff[3];
+ double middle_param[3], middle_amt[3], middle_diff[3];
+ int i, j;
+ l = &cur_light_params;
+ " Generating the sky colors for each vertex." );
+ // setup for the possibility of sunset effects
+ sun_angle = l->sun_angle * RAD_TO_DEG;
+ // fgPrintf( FG_ASTRO, FG_INFO,
+ // " Sun angle in degrees = %.2f\n", sun_angle);
+ if ( (sun_angle > 80.0) && (sun_angle < 100.0) ) {
+ // 0.0 - 0.4
+ outer_param[0] = (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 20.0;
+ outer_param[1] = (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 40.0;
+ outer_param[2] = -(10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 30.0;
+ // outer_param[2] = 0.0;
+ middle_param[0] = (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 40.0;
+ middle_param[1] = (10.0 - fabs(90.0 - sun_angle)) / 80.0;
+ middle_param[2] = 0.0;
+ outer_diff[0] = outer_param[0] / 6.0;
+ outer_diff[1] = outer_param[1] / 6.0;
+ outer_diff[2] = outer_param[2] / 6.0;
+ middle_diff[0] = middle_param[0] / 6.0;
+ middle_diff[1] = middle_param[1] / 6.0;
+ middle_diff[2] = middle_param[2] / 6.0;
+ } else {
+ outer_param[0] = outer_param[1] = outer_param[2] = 0.0;
+ middle_param[0] = middle_param[1] = middle_param[2] = 0.0;
+ outer_diff[0] = outer_diff[1] = outer_diff[2] = 0.0;
+ middle_diff[0] = middle_diff[1] = middle_diff[2] = 0.0;
+ }
+ // printf(" outer_red_param = %.2f outer_red_diff = %.2f\n",
+ // outer_red_param, outer_red_diff);
+ // calculate transition colors between sky and fog
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] = outer_param[j];
+ middle_amt[j] = middle_param[j];
+ }
+ for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++ ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ diff = l->sky_color[j] - l->fog_color[j];
+ // printf("sky = %.2f fog = %.2f diff = %.2f\n",
+ // l->sky_color[j], l->fog_color[j], diff);
+ upper_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[j] - diff * 0.3) * 255);
+ middle_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[j] - diff * 0.9
+ + middle_amt[j]) * 255);
+ lower_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->fog_color[j] + outer_amt[j])
+ * 255);
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] > 255 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] < 25 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 25; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] > 255 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] < 25 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 25; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] > 255 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] < 25 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 25; }
+ }
+ upper_color[i][3] = middle_color[i][3] = lower_color[i][3] =
+ (GLubyte)(l->sky_color[3] * 255);
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] -= outer_diff[j];
+ middle_amt[j] -= middle_diff[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("upper_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, upper_color[i][0],
+ upper_color[i][1], upper_color[i][2], upper_color[i][3]);
+ printf("middle_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ middle_color[i][0], middle_color[i][1], middle_color[i][2],
+ middle_color[i][3]);
+ printf("lower_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ lower_color[i][0], lower_color[i][1], lower_color[i][2],
+ lower_color[i][3]);
+ */
+ }
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] = 0.0;
+ middle_amt[j] = 0.0;
+ }
+ for ( i = 6; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ diff = l->sky_color[j] - l->fog_color[j];
+ // printf("sky = %.2f fog = %.2f diff = %.2f\n",
+ // l->sky_color[j], l->fog_color[j], diff);
+ upper_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[j] - diff * 0.3) * 255);
+ middle_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[j] - diff * 0.9
+ + middle_amt[j]) * 255);
+ lower_color[i][j] = (GLubyte)((l->fog_color[j] + outer_amt[j])
+ * 255);
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] > 255 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( upper_color[i][j] < 25 ) { upper_color[i][j] = 25; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] > 255 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( middle_color[i][j] < 25 ) { middle_color[i][j] = 25; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] > 255 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 255; }
+ if ( lower_color[i][j] < 35 ) { lower_color[i][j] = 35; }
+ }
+ upper_color[i][3] = middle_color[i][3] = lower_color[i][3] =
+ (GLubyte)(l->sky_color[3] * 255);
+ for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) {
+ outer_amt[j] += outer_diff[j];
+ middle_amt[j] += middle_diff[j];
+ }
+ /*
+ printf("upper_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i, upper_color[i][0],
+ upper_color[i][1], upper_color[i][2], upper_color[i][3]);
+ printf("middle_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ middle_color[i][0], middle_color[i][1], middle_color[i][2],
+ middle_color[i][3]);
+ printf("lower_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ lower_color[i][0], lower_color[i][1], lower_color[i][2],
+ lower_color[i][3]);
+ */
+ }
+// Initialize the sky structure and colors
+void fgSkyInit() {
+ FG_LOG( FG_ASTRO, FG_INFO, "Initializing the sky" );
+ fgSkyVerticesInit();
+ // regester fgSkyColorsInit() as an event to be run periodically
+ global_events.Register( "fgSkyColorsInit()", fgSkyColorsInit,
+ fgEVENT::FG_EVENT_READY, 30000);
+// Draw the Sky
+void fgSkyRender() {
+ FGInterface *f;
+ fgLIGHT *l;
+ GLubyte sky_color[4];
+ GLubyte upper_color[4];
+ GLubyte middle_color[4];
+ GLubyte lower_color[4];
+ double diff;
+ int i;
+ f = current_aircraft.fdm_state;
+ l = &cur_light_params;
+ // printf("Rendering the sky.\n");
+ // calculate the proper colors
+ for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
+ diff = l->sky_color[i] - l->adj_fog_color[i];
+ // printf("sky = %.2f fog = %.2f diff = %.2f\n",
+ // l->sky_color[j], l->adj_fog_color[j], diff);
+ upper_color[i] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[i] - diff * 0.3) * 255);
+ middle_color[i] = (GLubyte)((l->sky_color[i] - diff * 0.9) * 255);
+ lower_color[i] = (GLubyte)(l->adj_fog_color[i] * 255);
+ }
+ upper_color[3] = middle_color[3] = lower_color[3] =
+ (GLubyte)(l->adj_fog_color[3] * 255);
+ xglPushMatrix();
+ // Translate to view position
+ Point3D zero_elev = current_view.get_cur_zero_elev();
+ xglTranslatef( zero_elev.x(), zero_elev.y(), zero_elev.z() );
+ // printf(" Translated to %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ // zero_elev.x, zero_elev.y, zero_elev.z );
+ // Rotate to proper orientation
+ // printf(" lon = %.2f lat = %.2f\n", FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_DEG,
+ // FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_DEG);
+ xglRotatef( f->get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ xglRotatef( 90.0 - f->get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ xglRotatef( l->sun_rotation * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ // Draw inner/center section of sky*/
+ xglBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) {
+ sky_color[i] = (GLubyte)(l->sky_color[i] * 255);
+ }
+ xglColor4fv(l->sky_color);
+ xglVertex3f(0.0, 0.0, CENTER_ELEV);
+ for ( i = 11; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ xglColor4ubv( upper_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( inner_vertex[i] );
+ }
+ xglColor4ubv( upper_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( inner_vertex[11] );
+ xglEnd();
+ // Draw the middle ring
+ xglBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ xglColor4ubv( middle_color );
+ // printf("middle_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ // middle_color[i][0], middle_color[i][1], middle_color[i][2],
+ // middle_color[i][3]);
+ // xglColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ xglVertex3fv( middle_vertex[i] );
+ xglColor4ubv( upper_color );
+ // printf("upper_color[%d] = %.2f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", i,
+ // upper_color[i][0], upper_color[i][1], upper_color[i][2],
+ // upper_color[i][3]);
+ // xglColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ xglVertex3fv( inner_vertex[i] );
+ }
+ xglColor4ubv( middle_color );
+ // xglColor4f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ xglVertex3fv( middle_vertex[0] );
+ xglColor4ubv( upper_color );
+ // xglColor4f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0);
+ xglVertex3fv( inner_vertex[0] );
+ xglEnd();
+ // Draw the outer ring
+ xglBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ xglColor4ubv( lower_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( outer_vertex[i] );
+ xglColor4ubv( middle_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( middle_vertex[i] );
+ }
+ xglColor4ubv( lower_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( outer_vertex[0] );
+ xglColor4ubv( middle_color );
+ xglVertex3fv( middle_vertex[0] );
+ xglEnd();
+ // Draw the bottom skirt
+ xglBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP );
+ xglColor4ubv( lower_color );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ xglVertex3fv( bottom_vertex[i] );
+ xglVertex3fv( outer_vertex[i] );
+ }
+ xglVertex3fv( bottom_vertex[0] );
+ xglVertex3fv( outer_vertex[0] );
+ xglEnd();
+ xglPopMatrix();
--- /dev/null
+// skysun.hxx -- draw a sun object
+// Written by Durk Talsma. Originally started October 1997, for distribution
+// with the FlightGear project. Version 2 was written in August and
+// September 1998. This code is based upon algorithms and data kindly
+// provided by Mr. Paul Schlyter. (pausch@saaf.se).
+// Separated out rendering pieces and converted to ssg by Curt Olson,
+// March 2000
+// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
+// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
+// License, or (at your option) any later version.
+// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
+// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+// General Public License for more details.
+// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
+// $Id$
+// #ifdef __BORLANDC__
+// # define exception c_exception
+// #endif
+// #include <math.h>
+// #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx>
+// #include <Time/sunpos.hxx>
+// #include <Time/light.hxx>
+// #include <Main/options.hxx>
+#include "skysun.hxx"
+// Constructor
+FGSkySun::FGSkySun( void ) {
+// Destructor
+FGSkySun::~FGSkySun( void ) {
+// initialize the sun object and connect it into our scene graph root
+bool FGSkySun::initialize() {
+ sgVec3 color;
+ float theta;
+ int i;
+ // create the scene graph for the dome
+ skysun = new ssgRoot;
+ skysun->setName( "Sky Sun" );
+ // set up the state
+ sun_state = new ssgSimpleState();
+ sun_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
+ sun_state->disable( GL_LIGHTING );
+ sun_state->disable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ sun_state->disable( GL_CULL_FACE );
+ sun_state->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
+ sun_state->disable( GL_COLOR_MATERIAL );
+ sun_state->setColourMaterial( GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE );
+ // initially seed to all white
+ sgSetVec3( color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ // generate the raw vertex data
+ sgVec3 center_vertex;
+ sgVec3 upper_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 middle_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 lower_vertex[12];
+ sgVec3 bottom_vertex[12];
+ sgSetVec3( center_vertex, 0.0, 0.0, CENTER_ELEV );
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ theta = (i * 30.0) * DEG_TO_RAD;
+ sgSetVec3( upper_vertex[i],
+ cos(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS,
+ sin(theta) * UPPER_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( middle_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * MIDDLE_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( lower_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * LOWER_RADIUS,
+ sgSetVec3( bottom_vertex[i],
+ cos((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS,
+ sin((double)theta) * BOTTOM_RADIUS,
+ }
+ // generate the center disk vertex/color arrays
+ center_disk_vl->add( center_vertex );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ for ( i = 11; i >= 0; i-- ) {
+ center_disk_vl->add( upper_vertex[i] );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ center_disk_vl->add( upper_vertex[11] );
+ center_disk_cl->add( color );
+ // generate the upper ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ upper_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[i] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ upper_ring_vl->add( upper_vertex[i] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ upper_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[0] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ upper_ring_vl->add( upper_vertex[0] );
+ upper_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // generate middle ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ middle_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[i] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ middle_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[i] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ middle_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[0] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ middle_ring_vl->add( middle_vertex[0] );
+ middle_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // generate lower ring
+ for ( i = 0; i < 12; i++ ) {
+ lower_ring_vl->add( bottom_vertex[i] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ lower_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[i] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ }
+ lower_ring_vl->add( bottom_vertex[0] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ lower_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[0] );
+ lower_ring_cl->add( color );
+ // force a repaint of the sky colors with ugly defaults
+ sgVec3 fog_color;
+ sgSetVec3( fog_color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ repaint( color, fog_color, 0.0 );
+ // build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected
+ // into the provide scene graph branch
+ dome_selector = new ssgSelector;
+ dome_transform = new ssgTransform;
+ ssgVtxTable *center_disk, *upper_ring, *middle_ring, *lower_ring;
+ center_disk = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,
+ center_disk_vl, NULL, NULL, center_disk_cl );
+ upper_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ upper_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, upper_ring_cl );
+ middle_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ middle_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, middle_ring_cl );
+ lower_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ lower_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, lower_ring_cl );
+ center_disk->setState( dome_state );
+ upper_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ middle_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ lower_ring->setState( dome_state );
+ dome_transform->addKid( center_disk );
+ dome_transform->addKid( upper_ring );
+ dome_transform->addKid( middle_ring );
+ dome_transform->addKid( lower_ring );
+ dome_selector->addKid( dome_transform );
+ dome_selector->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ dome->addKid( dome_selector );
+ return true;
+#if 0
+ * Star::Star(FGTime *t)
+ * Public constructor for class Star
+ * Argument: The current time.
+ * the hard coded orbital elements our sun are passed to
+ * CelestialBody::CelestialBody();
+ * note that the word sun is avoided, in order to prevent some compilation
+ * problems on sun systems
+ ************************************************************************/
+Star::Star(FGTime *t) :
+ CelestialBody (0.000000, 0.0000000000,
+ 0.0000, 0.00000,
+ 282.9404, 4.7093500E-5,
+ 1.0000000, 0.000000,
+ 0.016709, -1.151E-9,
+ 356.0470, 0.98560025850, t)
+ FG_LOG( FG_GENERAL, FG_INFO, "Initializing Sun Texture");
+#ifdef GL_VERSION_1_1
+ xglGenTextures(1, &sun_texid);
+ xglBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sun_texid);
+#elif GL_EXT_texture_object
+ xglGenTexturesEXT(1, &sun_texid);
+ xglBindTextureEXT(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sun_texid);
+# error port me
+ glPixelStorei(GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT, 1);
+ setTexture();
+ glTexImage2D( GL_TEXTURE_2D,
+ 0,
+ 256, 256,
+ 0,
+ sun_texbuf);
+ SunObject = gluNewQuadric();
+ if(SunObject == NULL)
+ {
+ printf("gluNewQuadric(SunObject) failed !\n");
+ exit(0);
+ }
+ //SunList = 0;
+ distance = 0.0;
+ //delete SunObject;
+ delete [] sun_texbuf;
+static int texWidth = 256; /* 64x64 is plenty */
+void Star::setTexture()
+ int texSize;
+ //void *textureBuf;
+ GLubyte *p;
+ int i,j;
+ double radius;
+ texSize = texWidth*texWidth;
+ sun_texbuf = new GLubyte[texSize*4];
+ if (!sun_texbuf)
+ return; // Ugly!
+ p = sun_texbuf;
+ radius = (double)(texWidth / 2);
+ for (i=0; i < texWidth; i++) {
+ for (j=0; j < texWidth; j++) {
+ double x, y, d;
+ *p = 0xff;
+ *(p+1) = 0xff;
+ *(p+2) = 0xff;
+ x = fabs((double)(i - (texWidth / 2)));
+ y = fabs((double)(j - (texWidth / 2)));
+ d = sqrt((x * x) + (y * y));
+ if (d < radius) {
+ double t = 1.0 - (d / radius); // t is 1.0 at center, 0.0 at edge */
+ // inverse square looks nice
+ *(p+3) = (int)((double) 0xff * (t*t));
+ } else {
+ *(p+3) = 0x00;
+ }
+ p += 4;
+ }
+ }
+ //gluBuild2DMipmaps(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 1, texWidth, texWidth,
+ // GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, textureBuf);
+ //free(textureBuf);
+ * void Jupiter::updatePosition(FGTime *t, Star *ourSun)
+ *
+ * calculates the current position of our sun.
+ *************************************************************************/
+void Star::updatePosition(FGTime *t)
+ double
+ actTime, eccAnom,
+ xv, yv, v, r,
+ xe, ye, ze, ecl;
+ updateOrbElements(t);
+ actTime = fgCalcActTime(t);
+ ecl = DEG_TO_RAD * (23.4393 - 3.563E-7 * actTime); // Angle in Radians
+ eccAnom = fgCalcEccAnom(M, e); // Calculate the eccentric Anomaly (also known as solving Kepler's equation)
+ xv = cos(eccAnom) - e;
+ yv = sqrt (1.0 - e*e) * sin(eccAnom);
+ v = atan2 (yv, xv); // the sun's true anomaly
+ distance = r = sqrt (xv*xv + yv*yv); // and its distance
+ lonEcl = v + w; // the sun's true longitude
+ latEcl = 0;
+ // convert the sun's true longitude to ecliptic rectangular
+ // geocentric coordinates (xs, ys)
+ xs = r * cos (lonEcl);
+ ys = r * sin (lonEcl);
+ // convert ecliptic coordinates to equatorial rectangular
+ // geocentric coordinates
+ xe = xs;
+ ye = ys * cos (ecl);
+ ze = ys * sin (ecl);
+ // And finally, calculate right ascension and declination
+ rightAscension = atan2 (ye, xe);
+ declination = atan2 (ze, sqrt (xe*xe + ye*ye));
+void Star::newImage(void)
+ /*static float stars[3];
+ stars[0] = 0.0;
+ stars[1] = 0.0;
+ stars[2] = 1.0;*/
+ fgLIGHT *l = &cur_light_params;
+ float sun_angle = l->sun_angle;
+ if( sun_angle*RAD_TO_DEG < 100 ) { // else no need to draw sun
+ double x_2, x_4, x_8, x_10;
+ GLfloat ambient;
+ GLfloat amb[4];
+ int sun_size = 550;
+ // daily variation sun gets larger near horizon
+ /*if(sun_angle*RAD_TO_DEG > 84.0 && sun_angle*RAD_TO_DEG < 95)
+ {
+ double sun_grow = 9*fabs(94-sun_angle*RAD_TO_DEG);
+ sun_size = (int)(sun_size + sun_size * cos(sun_grow*DEG_TO_RAD));
+ }*/
+ x_2 = sun_angle * sun_angle;
+ x_4 = x_2 * x_2;
+ x_8 = x_4 * x_4;
+ x_10 = x_8 * x_2;
+ ambient = (float)(0.4 * pow (1.1, - x_10 / 30.0));
+ if (ambient < 0.3) ambient = 0.3;
+ if (ambient > 1.0) ambient = 1.0;
+ amb[0] = ((ambient * 6.0) - 1.0); // minimum value = 0.8
+ amb[1] = ((ambient * 11.0) - 3.0); // minimum value = 0.3
+ amb[2] = ((ambient * 12.0) - 3.6); // minimum value = 0.0
+ amb[3] = 1.00;
+ if (amb[0] > 1.0) amb[0] = 1.0;
+ if (amb[1] > 1.0) amb[1] = 1.0;
+ if (amb[2] > 1.0) amb[2] = 1.0;
+ xglColor3fv(amb);
+ glPushMatrix();
+ {
+ xglRotatef(((RAD_TO_DEG * rightAscension)- 90.0), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ xglRotatef((RAD_TO_DEG * declination), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ xglTranslatef(0,60000,0);
+ if (current_options.get_textures())
+ {
+ glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, sun_texid);
+ glBegin(GL_QUADS);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f(-5000, 0.0, -5000);
+ glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 0.0f); glVertex3f( 5000, 0.0, -5000);
+ glTexCoord2f(1.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f( 5000, 0.0, 5000);
+ glTexCoord2f(0.0f, 1.0f); glVertex3f(-5000, 0.0, 5000);
+ glEnd();
+ }
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+ glPushMatrix();
+ {
+ xglRotatef(((RAD_TO_DEG * rightAscension)- 90.0), 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
+ xglRotatef((RAD_TO_DEG * declination), 1.0, 0.0, 0.0);
+ xglColor4fv(amb);
+ xglTranslatef(0,60000,0);
+ gluSphere( SunObject, sun_size, 10, 10 );
+ }
+ glPopMatrix();
+ }