- * Checks, if one of the user defined channels matches with the given search text
- * @todo Combine all the full text statements in a single search text to improve the performance.
- * Add a "valid" field for the channel that is set when the full text statement doesn't contain errors.
+ * Checks, if one of the user defined channels matches with the given search text or languages
* @param string $searchtext
* @param string $language
- * @param array $tags
- * @param int $media_type
* @return boolean
- public function match(string $searchtext, string $language, array $tags, int $media_type): bool
+ public function match(string $searchtext, string $language): bool
$users = $this->db->selectToArray('user', ['uid'], $this->getUserCondition());
if (empty($users)) {
$uids = array_column($users, 'uid');
- $condition = ['uid' => $uids];
- $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($condition, ["`languages` != ? AND `include-tags` = ? AND `full-text-search` = ? AND circle = ?", '', '', '', 0]);
+ $usercondition = ['uid' => $uids];
+ $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($usercondition, ["`languages` != ? AND `include-tags` = ? AND `full-text-search` = ? AND `circle` = ?", '', '', '', 0]);
foreach ($this->select($condition) as $channel) {
if (!empty($channel->languages) && in_array($language, $channel->languages)) {
return true;
- return !empty($this->getMatches($searchtext, $language, $tags, $media_type, 0, 0, $uids, false));
+ $search = '';
+ $condition = DBA::mergeConditions($usercondition, ["`full-text-search` != ? AND `circle` = ? AND `valid`", '', 0]);
+ foreach ($this->select($condition) as $channel) {
+ $search .= '(' . $channel->fullTextSearch . ') ';
+ }
+ $this->db->insert('check-full-text-search', ['pid' => getmypid(), 'searchtext' => $searchtext], Database::INSERT_UPDATE);
+ $result = $this->inFulltext($search);
+ $this->db->delete('check-full-text-search', ['pid' => getmypid()]);
+ return $result;
$searchtext = self::getSearchTextForItem($parent);
if (!$store) {
- $tags = array_column(Tag::getByURIId($item['parent-uri-id'], [Tag::HASHTAG]), 'name');
$language = !empty($parent['language']) ? (array_key_first(json_decode($parent['language'], true)) ?? '') : '';
- $store = DI::userDefinedChannel()->match($searchtext, $language, $tags, $mediatype);
+ $store = DI::userDefinedChannel()->match($searchtext, $language);
$engagement = [
$searchtext = Engagement::getSearchTextForActivity($content, $authorid, $messageTags, $receivers);
$languages = Item::getLanguageArray($content, 1, 0, $authorid);
$language = !empty($languages) ? array_key_first($languages) : '';
- return DI::userDefinedChannel()->match($searchtext, $language, $messageTags, 0);
+ return DI::userDefinedChannel()->match($searchtext, $language);