* Needs to be in all Files and every File needs "svn propset *
* svn:keywords Date Revision" (autoprobset!) at least!!!!!! *
* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *
+ * @TODO AbisZED: Which charset? *
* @TODO Ad-Magnet: Layer(klick?). Layerviews.Skybannerklick/-view, *
* @TODO Ad-Magnet: Banner-View, Textlink-Klick/-View. Page-Peel *
* @TODO ADCocktail: Traffic, BIDausKAS??? *
`network_type_handle` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`network_type_api_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
`network_type_click_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
-`network_type_banner_url` VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL DEFAULT '',
+`network_type_banner_url` VARCHAR(255) NULL DEFAULT NULL,
UNIQUE `provider_type` (`network_id`,`network_type_handle`),
PRIMARY KEY (`network_type_id`)
) TYPE={?_TABLE_TYPE?} COMMENT='Types provideable by networks'");
// Sponsor networks
addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_data` (`network_short_name`, `network_title`, `network_reflink`, `network_data_seperator`, `network_row_seperator`, `network_request_type`, `network_charset`) VALUES
-('yoomedia', 'Yoo!Media Solutions', 'http://www.yoomedia.de?ref=1715', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('a3h', 'A3H', 'http://www.a3h.de?ref=1447', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
+('abiszed','AbisZED-Netz','http://abiszed-netz.de/index.php?ref=557', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('ad-magnet', 'AD-Magnet', 'http://www.ad-magnet.de/index.php?ref=495', '|', '|', 'GET', 'ISO-8859-1'),
('adcocktail', 'ADCocktail', 'http://www.adcocktail.com/?rid=2596', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('ads4', 'Ads4.de', 'http://www.ads4.de/?werber=Quix0r', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('alster', 'Alster-Marketing', 'http://www.alstermarketing.de?ref=1851', '|', '|', 'GET', 'ISO-8859-16'),
('bonus', 'BonusSponsor', 'http://www.bonussponsor.de?ref=1286', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
('fusion', 'Fusion-Ads', 'http://www.fusion-ads.de/?ref=84', '|', '|', 'GET', 'UTF-8'),
+('make-euros', 'Make-Euros.de', 'http://www.make-euros.de?ref=1184', '|', '|', 'GET', 'ISO-8859-1'),
('power-promo', 'Power-Promo', 'http://www.power-promo.de?ref=1231', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252'),
-('make-euros', 'Make-Euros.de', 'http://www.make-euros.de?ref=1184', '|', '|', 'GET', 'ISO-8859-1')");
- // Network type handlers - Yoo!Media
+('yoomedia', 'Yoo!Media Solutions', 'http://www.yoomedia.de?ref=1715', '|', '|', 'GET', 'WINDOWS-1252')");
// Network type handlers - A3H
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`,`network_type_handle`,`network_type_api_url`,`network_type_click_url`,`network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+(1, 1, 'banner', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_banner.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/bannerklf.php?id=%CID%', 'http://www.a3h.de/banner.php?id=%CID%'),
+(2, 1, 'textlink', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/ out_textlink.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/textlinkklick.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(3, 1, 'surfbar', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_sbanner.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/bannerklf.php?id=%CID%', 'http://www.a3h.de/banner.php?id=%CID%'),
+(4, 1, 'focredbanner', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_fbanner.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/bannerklf.php?id=%CID%', 'http://www.a3h.de/banner.php?id=%CID%'),
+(5, 1, 'textmail', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_paidmail.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/emailf.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(6, 1, 'layer', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_layer.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/layer.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(7, 1, 'popup', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_popup.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/popup.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(8, 1, 'popdown', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_popdown.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/popdown.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(9, 1, 'lead', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_lead.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/lead.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(10, 1, 'sale', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_sale.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/sale.php?id=%CID%', NULL),
+(11, 1, 'htmlmail', 'http://www.a3h.de/interface/out_paidmail.php', 'http://www.a3h.de/emailf.php?id=%CID%', NULL)");
+ // Network type handlers - AbisZED-Netz
// Network type handlers - Ad-Magnet
// Network type handlers - AdCocktail
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+(13, 4, 'focredbanner', 'http://www.adcocktail.com/sc/kas/kas_fk.php', 'http://fk.adcocktail.com/fk_k.php?uid=%ID%&wid=%CID%&wsid=%SID%', 'http://fk.adcocktail.com/fk_v.php?uid=%ID%&wid=%CID%&wsid=%SID%'),
+(12, 4, 'textmail', 'http://www.adcocktail.com/sc/kas/kas_pm.php', 'http://pm.adcocktail.com/pm.php?uid=%ID%&wid=%CID%&wsid=%SID%', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Ads4
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+(14, 5, 'focredbanner', 'http://www.ads4.de/interface/interface.php', 'http://www.ads4.de/forced_click.php?fb_id=%CID%&sid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4.de/forced_view.php?fb_id=%CID%&sid=%SID%'),
+(16, 5, 'htmlmail', 'http://www.ads4.de/interface/interface.php', 'http://www.ads4.de/paidmail_click.php?pm=%CID%&%sid=%SID%', NULL),
+(15, 5, 'textmail', 'http://www.ads4.de/interface/interface.php', 'http://www.ads4.de/paidmail_click.php?pm=%CID%&%sid=%SID%', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Ads4Webbis
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types` (`network_type_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_handle`, `network_type_api_url`, `network_type_click_url`, `network_type_banner_url`) VALUES
+(20, 6, 'banner_click', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/klickbanner.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/viewbanner.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%'),
+(19, 6, 'banner_view', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/bannerklick.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/bannerview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%'),
+(22, 6, 'button_view', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/buttonklick.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/buttonview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%'),
+(17, 6, 'focredbanner', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/forcedbannerklick.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/forcedbannerview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%'),
+(18, 6, 'forcedtextlink', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/forcedtextlinkklick.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL),
+(24, 6, 'popup', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/popup.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL),
+(21, 6, 'skybanner_view', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/skybannerklick.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/skybannerview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%'),
+(23, 6, 'textlink_view', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/textlinkview.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL),
+(25, 6, 'textmail', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/interface/', 'http://www.ads4webbis.de/codes/paidmail.php?id=%ID%&bid=%CID%&aid=%SID%', NULL)");
// Network type handlers - Ads4World
// Network type handlers - Fusion-Ads
- // Network type handlers - Power-Promo
// Network type handlers - Make-Euros
- // Request parameters per type handler - Yoo!Media
+ // Network type handlers - Power-Promo
+ // Network type handlers - Yoo!Media
// Request parameters per type handler - A3H
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_param_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+(1, 1, 1, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(2, 1, 1, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(3, 1, 1, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(4, 1, 1, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(5, 1, 1, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(6, 1, 1, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(7, 1, 1, 'type', 'typ', NULL),
+(8, 1, 1, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(9, 1, 1, 'size', 'size', NULL),
+(10, 1, 2, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(11, 1, 2, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(12, 1, 2, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(13, 1, 2, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(14, 1, 2, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(15, 1, 2, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(16, 1, 3, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(17, 1, 3, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(18, 1, 3, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(19, 1, 3, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(20, 1, 3, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(21, 1, 3, 'type', 'typ', NULL),
+(22, 1, 3, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(23, 1, 3, 'size', 'size', NULL),
+(24, 1, 4, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(25, 1, 4, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(26, 1, 4, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(27, 1, 4, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(28, 1, 4, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(29, 1, 4, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(30, 1, 4, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(31, 1, 4, 'size', 'size', NULL),
+(32, 1, 5, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(33, 1, 5, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(34, 1, 5, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(35, 1, 5, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(36, 1, 5, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(37, 1, 5, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(38, 1, 5, 'type', 'typ', 'text'),
+(39, 1, 5, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(40, 1, 11, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(41, 1, 11, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(42, 1, 11, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(43, 1, 11, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(44, 1, 11, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(45, 1, 11, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(46, 1, 11, 'type', 'typ', 'html'),
+(47, 1, 11, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(48, 1, 6, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(49, 1, 6, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(50, 1, 6, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(51, 1, 6, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(52, 1, 6, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(53, 1, 6, 'type', 'typ', NULL),
+(54, 1, 6, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(55, 1, 7, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(56, 1, 7, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(57, 1, 7, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(58, 1, 7, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(59, 1, 7, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(60, 1, 7, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(61, 1, 7, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(62, 1, 8, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(63, 1, 8, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(64, 1, 8, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(65, 1, 8, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(66, 1, 8, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(67, 1, 8, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(68, 1, 8, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(69, 1, 9, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(70, 1, 9, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(71, 1, 9, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(72, 1, 9, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(73, 1, 9, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(74, 1, 10, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(75, 1, 10, 'sid', 'sid', NULL),
+(76, 1, 10, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(77, 1, 10, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(78, 1, 10, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL)");
+ // Request parameters per type handler - AbisZED-Netz
// Request parameters per type handler - Ad-Magnet
// Request parameters per type handler - AdCocktail
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_param_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+(81, 5, 14, 'currency', 'waehrung', NULL),
+(82, 5, 14, 'extra', 'mediatype', 'forced_banner'),
+(79, 5, 14, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(86, 5, 14, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(80, 5, 14, 'password', 'pwd', NULL),
+(84, 5, 14, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(85, 5, 14, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(83, 5, 14, 'reward', 'verg', NULL),
+(89, 5, 15, 'currency', 'waehrung', NULL),
+(90, 5, 15, 'extra', 'mediatype', 'textmails'),
+(87, 5, 15, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(94, 5, 15, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(88, 5, 15, 'password', 'pwd', NULL),
+(92, 5, 15, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(93, 5, 15, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(91, 5, 15, 'reward', 'verg', NULL),
+(97, 5, 16, 'currency', 'waehrung', NULL),
+(98, 5, 16, 'extra', 'mediatype', 'htmlmails'),
+(95, 5, 16, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(102, 5, 16, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(96, 5, 16, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(100, 5, 16, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(101, 5, 16, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(99, 5, 16, 'reward', 'verg', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4Webbis
+ addExtensionSql("INSERT INTO `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` (`network_param_id`, `network_id`, `network_type_id`, `request_param_key`, `request_param_value`, `request_param_default`) VALUES
+(109, 6, 17, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedbanner'),
+(110, 6, 17, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(111, 6, 17, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(113, 6, 17, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(112, 6, 17, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(114, 6, 17, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(115, 6, 18, 'extra', 'typ', 'forcedtextlink'),
+(116, 6, 18, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(117, 6, 18, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(119, 6, 18, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(118, 6, 18, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(120, 6, 18, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(121, 6, 19, 'extra', 'typ', 'bannerview'),
+(122, 6, 19, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(123, 6, 19, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(125, 6, 19, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(124, 6, 19, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(126, 6, 19, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(103, 6, 20, 'extra', 'typ', 'bannerklick'),
+(104, 6, 20, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(105, 6, 20, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(107, 6, 20, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(106, 6, 20, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(108, 6, 20, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(127, 6, 21, 'extra', 'typ', 'skybannerview'),
+(128, 6, 21, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(129, 6, 21, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(131, 6, 21, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(130, 6, 21, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(132, 6, 21, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(133, 6, 22, 'extra', 'typ', 'buttonview'),
+(134, 6, 22, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(135, 6, 22, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(137, 6, 22, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(136, 6, 22, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(138, 6, 22, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(139, 6, 23, 'extra', 'typ', 'textview'),
+(140, 6, 23, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(141, 6, 23, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(143, 6, 23, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(142, 6, 23, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(144, 6, 23, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(145, 6, 24, 'extra', 'typ', 'popup'),
+(146, 6, 24, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(151, 6, 24, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(147, 6, 24, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(149, 6, 24, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(148, 6, 24, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(150, 6, 24, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL),
+(152, 6, 25, 'extra', 'typ', 'paidmail'),
+(153, 6, 25, 'id', 'id', NULL),
+(158, 6, 25, 'min_stay', 'ma', NULL),
+(154, 6, 25, 'password', 'pw', NULL),
+(156, 6, 25, 'reload', 'reload', NULL),
+(155, 6, 25, 'remain', 'uebrig', NULL),
+(157, 6, 25, 'reward', 'verguetung', NULL)");
// Request parameters per type handler - Ads4World
// Request parameters per type handler - Affiliblatt
// Request parameters per type handler - Fusion-Ads
+ // Request parameters per type handler - Make-Euros
// Request parameters per type handler - Power-Promo
- // Request parameters per type handler - Make-Euros
+ // Request parameters per type handler - Yoo!Media
// Fix empty defaults to NULL
addExtensionSql("UPDATE `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params` SET `request_param_default`=NULL WHERE `request_param_default`=''");
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_types`');
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_request_params`');
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_type_codes`');
+ addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_codes`');
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_translations`');
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_array_translation`');
addExtensionSql('DROP TABLE IF EXISTS `{?_MYSQL_PREFIX?}_network_config`');