static GLubyte lower_color[12][4];
+// Defined the shared sky object here
+FGSky current_sky;
// Constructor
FGSky::FGSky( void ) {
// initialize the sky object and connect it into the scene graph
-bool FGSky::initialize() {
- sgVec3 vertex;
+bool FGSky::initialize( ssgRoot *root ) {
sgVec3 color;
float theta;
int i;
+ // set up the state
+ sky_state = new ssgSimpleState();
+ if ( current_options.get_shading() == 1 ) {
+ sky_state->setShadeModel( GL_SMOOTH );
+ } else {
+ sky_state->setShadeModel( GL_FLAT );
+ }
+ sky_state->disable( GL_DEPTH_TEST );
+ sky_state->enable( GL_LIGHTING );
+ sky_state->disable( GL_FOG );
+ sky_state->disable( GL_CULL_FACE );
+ sky_state->disable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
// initialize arrays
center_disk_vl = new ssgVertexArray( 14 );
center_disk_cl = new ssgColourArray( 14 );
lower_ring_vl->add( lower_vertex[0] );
lower_ring_cl->add( color );
- // force a repaint of the colors
- repaint();
+ // force a repaint of the sky colors with ugly defaults
+ sgVec3 fog_color;
+ sgSetVec3( fog_color, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 );
+ repaint( color, fog_color, 0.0 );
+ // build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected
+ // into the provide scene graph branch
+ sky_selector = new ssgSelector;
+ sky_transform = new ssgTransform;
+ ssgVtxTable *center_disk, *upper_ring, *middle_ring, *lower_ring;
+ center_disk = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,
+ center_disk_vl, NULL, NULL, center_disk_cl );
+ upper_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ upper_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, upper_ring_cl );
+ middle_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ middle_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, middle_ring_cl );
+ lower_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
+ lower_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, lower_ring_cl );
+ center_disk->setState( sky_state );
+ upper_ring->setState( sky_state );
+ middle_ring->setState( sky_state );
+ lower_ring->setState( sky_state );
+ sky_transform->addKid( center_disk );
+ sky_transform->addKid( upper_ring );
+ sky_transform->addKid( middle_ring );
+ sky_transform->addKid( lower_ring );
+ sky_selector->addKid( sky_transform );
+ sky_selector->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT );
+ root->addKid( sky_selector );
return true;
// repaint the sky colors based on current value of sun_angle, sky,
// and fog colors. This updates the color arrays for ssgVtxTable.
-bool FGSky::repaint() {
+// sun angle in degrees relative to verticle
+// 0 degrees = high noon
+// 90 degrees = sun rise/set
+// 180 degrees = darkest midnight
+bool FGSky::repaint( sgVec3 sky_color, sgVec3 fog_color, double sun_angle ) {
double diff;
sgVec3 outer_param, outer_amt, outer_diff;
sgVec3 middle_param, middle_amt, middle_diff;
-// build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected into
-// the provide scene graph root
-bool FGSky::build( ssgBranch *branch ) {
- sky_selector = new ssgSelector;
- sky_transform = new ssgTransform;
+// reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation
+// lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis
+// lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis
+// spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (and orients the
+// sunrise/set effects
+bool FGSky::reposition( sgVec3 p, double lon, double lat, double spin ) {
+ sgMat4 T, LON, LAT, SPIN;
+ sgVec3 axis;
- ssgVtxTable *center_disk, *upper_ring, *middle_ring, *lower_ring;
+ // Translate to view position
+ // Point3D zero_elev = current_view.get_cur_zero_elev();
+ // xglTranslatef( zero_elev.x(), zero_elev.y(), zero_elev.z() );
+ sgMakeTransMat4( T, p );
- center_disk = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN,
- center_disk_vl, NULL, NULL, center_disk_cl );
+ // printf(" Translated to %.2f %.2f %.2f\n",
+ // zero_elev.x, zero_elev.y, zero_elev.z );
- upper_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
- upper_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, upper_ring_cl );
+ // Rotate to proper orientation
+ // printf(" lon = %.2f lat = %.2f\n", FG_Longitude * RAD_TO_DEG,
+ // FG_Latitude * RAD_TO_DEG);
+ // xglRotatef( f->get_Longitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( LON, lon * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
- middle_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
- middle_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, middle_ring_cl );
+ // xglRotatef( 90.0 - f->get_Latitude() * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( LAT, 90.0 - lat * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
- lower_ring = new ssgVtxTable( GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP,
- lower_ring_vl, NULL, NULL, lower_ring_cl );
+ // xglRotatef( l->sun_rotation * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgSetVec3( axis, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );
+ sgMakeRotMat4( SPIN, spin * RAD_TO_DEG, axis );
+ sgCopyMat4( TRANSFORM, T );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, LON );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, LAT );
+ sgPreMultMat4( TRANSFORM, SPIN );
+ sgCoord skypos;
+ sgSetCoord( &skypos, TRANSFORM );
+ sky_transform->setTransform( &skypos );
+ return true;
class FGSky {
- double sun_angle; // sun angle in degrees relative to verticle
- // 0 degrees = high noon
- // 90 degrees = sun rise/set
- // 180 degrees = darkest midnight
- sgVec3 sky_color; // base sky color
- sgVec3 fog_color; // fog color
- sgVec3 origin; // coordinates of sky placement origin
- // I recommend (lon, lat, 0) relative to
- // your world coordinate scheme
- double lon, lat; // current lon and lat (for properly rotating
- // sky)
ssgSelector *sky_selector;
ssgTransform *sky_transform;
+ ssgSimpleState *sky_state;
ssgVertexArray *center_disk_vl;
ssgColourArray *center_disk_cl;
~FGSky( void );
// initialize the sky object and connect it into the scene graph
- bool initialize();
+ // as a kid to to the specified root
+ bool initialize( ssgRoot *branch );
// repaint the sky colors based on current value of sun_angle,
// sky, and fog colors. This updates the color arrays for
// ssgVtxTable.
- bool repaint();
- // build the ssg scene graph sub tree for the sky and connected
- // into the provide scene graph branch
- bool build( ssgBranch *branch );
+ // sun angle in degrees relative to verticle
+ // 0 degrees = high noon
+ // 90 degrees = sun rise/set
+ // 180 degrees = darkest midnight
+ bool repaint( sgVec3 sky_color, sgVec3 fog_color, double sun_angle );
+ // reposition the sky at the specified origin and orientation
+ // lon specifies a rotation about the Z axis
+ // lat specifies a rotation about the new Y axis
+ // spin specifies a rotation about the new Z axis (and orients the
+ // sunrise/set effects
+ bool reposition( sgVec3 p, double lon, double lat, double spin );
// enable the sky in the scene graph (default)
- bool enable() { sky_selector->select( 1 ); }
+ void enable() { sky_selector->select( 1 ); }
// disable the sky in the scene graph. The leaf node is still
// there, how ever it won't be traversed on the cullandrender
// phase.
- bool disable() { sky_selector->select( 0 ); }
- inline void set_sun_angle( double a ) { sun_angle = a; }
- inline void set_sky_color( sgVec3 color ) {
- sgCopyVec3(sky_color, color);
- }
- inline void set_fog_color( sgVec3 color ) {
- sgCopyVec3(fog_color, color);
- }
- inline void set_origin( sgVec3 p ) {
- sgCopyVec3(origin, p);
- }
- inline void set_lon( double l ) { lon = l; }
- inline void set_lat( double l ) { lat = l; }
+ void disable() { sky_selector->select( 0 ); }
+extern FGSky current_sky;
// (Re)generate the display list
void fgSkyInit();