list<string> wire_objects; // List of wire object names
list<string> catapult_objects; // List of catapult object names
double radius; // used by ship ojects, in feet
+ double x_offset; // used by ship ojects, in meters
+ double y_offset; // used by ship ojects, in meters
+ double z_offset; // used by ship ojects, in meters
} FGAIModelEntity;
void setLongitude( double longitude );
void setBank( double bank );
void setRadius ( double radius );
+ void setXoffset( double x_offset );
+ void setYoffset( double y_offset );
+ void setZoffset( double z_offset );
void* getID();
void setDie( bool die );
double vs; // vertical speed, feet per minute
double turn_radius_ft; // turn radius ft at 15 kts rudder angle 15 degrees
+ // these describe the flols
+ Point3D flolspos; // WGS84 lat & lon in degrees, elev above sea-level in meters
+ double flols_x_offset; // longitudinal distance, in meters
+ double flols_y_offset; // lateral distance, in meters
+ double flols_z_offset; // height, in meters
double ft_per_deg_lon;
double ft_per_deg_lat;
turn_radius_ft = radius;
+inline void FGAIBase::setXoffset( double x_offset ) {
+ flols_x_offset = x_offset;
+inline void FGAIBase::setYoffset( double y_offset ) {
+ flols_y_offset = y_offset;
+inline void FGAIBase::setZoffset( double z_offset ) {
+ flols_z_offset = z_offset;
inline void FGAIBase::setHeading( double heading ) {
hdg = tgt_heading = heading;
inline void* FGAIBase::getID() { return this; }
#endif // _FG_AIBASE_HXX
#include <string>
#include <vector>
+#include <simgear/math/point3d.hxx>
+#include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <Main/util.hxx>
+#include <Main/viewer.hxx>
#include "AICarrier.hxx"
void FGAICarrier::update(double dt) {
+ UpdateFlols(dt);
// Update the velocity information stored in those nodes.
return true;
+void FGAICarrier::bind() {
+ FGAIBase::bind();
+ props->tie("controls/flols/source-lights",
+ SGRawValuePointer<int>(&source));
+ props->tie("controls/flols/distance-m",
+ SGRawValuePointer<double>(&dist));
+ props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/cut-lights", false);
+ props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/wave-off-lights", false);
+ props->setBoolValue("controls/flols/cond-datum-lights", true);
+ }
+void FGAICarrier::unbind() {
+ FGAIBase::unbind();
+ props->untie("controls/flols/source-lights");
void FGAICarrier::mark_nohot(ssgEntity* e) {
if (e->isAKindOf(ssgTypeBranch())) {
ssgBranch* br = (ssgBranch*)e;
"AICarrier: Found a cat not modelled with exactly one line!");
- // Now some special code to make shure the cat points in the right
+ // Now some special code to make sure the cat points in the right
// direction. The 0 index must be the backward end, the 1 index
// the forward end.
// Forward is positive x-direction in our 3D model, also the model
return found;
+void FGAICarrier::UpdateFlols( double dt) {
+/* cout << "x_offset " << flols_x_offset
+ << " y_offset " << flols_y_offset
+ << " z_offset " << flols_z_offset << endl;
+ cout << "roll " << roll
+ << " heading " << hdg
+ << " pitch " << pitch << endl;
+ cout << "carrier lon " << pos[0]
+ << " lat " << pos[1]
+ << " alt " << pos[2] << endl;*/
+// set the Flols intitial position to the carrier position
+ flolspos = pos;
+/* cout << "flols lon " << flolspos[0]
+ << " lat " << flolspos[1]
+ << " alt " << flolspos[2] << endl;*/
+// set the offsets in metres
+/* cout << "flols_x_offset " << flols_x_offset << endl
+ << "flols_y_offset " << flols_y_offset << endl
+ << "flols_z_offset " << flols_z_offset << endl;*/
+ in[0] = flols_x_offset;
+ in[1] = flols_y_offset;
+ in[2] = flols_z_offset;
+// pre-process the trig functions
+ cosRx = cos(roll * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ sinRx = sin(roll * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ cosRy = cos(pitch * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ sinRy = sin(pitch * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ cosRz = cos(hdg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+ sinRz = sin(hdg * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS);
+// set up the transform matrix
+ trans[0][0] = cosRy * cosRz;
+ trans[0][1] = -1 * cosRx * sinRz + sinRx * sinRy * cosRz ;
+ trans[0][2] = sinRx * sinRz + cosRx * sinRy * cosRz;
+ trans[1][0] = cosRy * sinRz;
+ trans[1][1] = cosRx * cosRz + sinRx * sinRy * sinRz;
+ trans[1][2] = -1 * sinRx * cosRx + cosRx * sinRy * sinRz;
+ trans[2][0] = -1 * sinRy;
+ trans[2][1] = sinRx * cosRy;
+ trans[2][2] = cosRx * cosRy;
+// multiply the input and transform matrices
+ out[0] = in[0] * trans[0][0] + in[1] * trans[0][1] + in[2] * trans[0][2];
+ out[1] = in[0] * trans[1][0] + in[1] * trans[1][1] + in[2] * trans[1][2];
+ out[2] = in[0] * trans[2][0] + in[1] * trans[2][1] + in[2] * trans[2][2];
+// convert meters to ft to degrees of latitude
+ out[0] = (out[0] * 3.28083989501) /(366468.96 - 3717.12 * cos(flolspos[0] * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS));
+// convert meters to ft to degrees of longitude
+ out[1] = (out[1] * 3.28083989501)/(365228.16 * cos(flolspos[1] * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS));
+//print out the result
+/* cout << "lat adjust deg" << out[0]
+ << " lon adjust deg " << out[1]
+ << " alt adjust m " << out[2] << endl;*/
+// adjust Flols position
+ flolspos[0] += out[0];
+ flolspos[1] += out[1];
+ flolspos[2] += out[2];
+// convert flols position to cartesian co-ordinates
+ sgGeodToCart(flolspos[1] * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
+ flolspos[0] * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS,
+ flolspos[2] , flolsXYZ );
+/* cout << "flols X " << flolsXYZ[0]
+ << " Y " << flolsXYZ[1]
+ << " Z " << flolsXYZ[2] << endl;
+// check the conversion
+ sgCartToGeod(flolsXYZ, &lat, &lon, &alt);
+ cout << "flols check lon " << lon
+ << " lat " << lat
+ << " alt " << alt << endl; */
+//get the current position of the pilot's eyepoint (cartesian cordinates)
+ sgdCopyVec3( eyeXYZ, globals->get_current_view()->get_absolute_view_pos() );
+ /* cout << "Eye_X " << eyeXYZ[0]
+ << " Eye_Y " << eyeXYZ[1]
+ << " Eye_Z " << eyeXYZ[2] << endl; */
+ sgCartToGeod(eyeXYZ, &lat, &lon, &alt);
+ eyepos[0] = lon * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ eyepos[1] = lat * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES;
+ eyepos[2] = alt;
+/* cout << "eye lon " << eyepos[0]
+ << " eye lat " << eyepos[1]
+ << " eye alt " << eyepos[2] << endl; */
+//calculate the ditance from eye to flols
+ dist = sgdDistanceVec3( flolsXYZ, eyeXYZ );
+ //cout << "distance " << dist << endl;
+ if ( dist < 5000 ) {
+ // calculate height above FLOLS
+ double y = eyepos[2] - flolspos[2];
+ // calculate the angle from the flols to eye
+ // above the horizontal
+ double angle;
+ if ( dist != 0 ) {
+ angle = asin( y / dist );
+ } else {
+ angle = 0.0;
+ }
+ // cout << " height " << y << " angle " << angle ;
+// set the value of source
+ if ( angle <= 4.35 && angle > 4.01 )
+ { source = 1; }
+ else if ( angle <= 4.01 && angle > 3.670 )
+ { source = 2; }
+ else if ( angle <= 3.670 && angle > 3.330 )
+ { source = 3; }
+ else if ( angle <= 3.330 && angle > 2.990 )
+ { source = 4; }
+ else if ( angle <= 2.990 && angle > 2.650 )
+ { source = 5; }
+ else if ( angle <= 2.650 )
+ { source = 6; }
+ else
+ { source = 0; }
+// cout << " source " << source << endl;
+ }
+} // end updateflols
int FGAICarrierHardware::unique_id = 1;
int i;
SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() );
- //cout << "/Data/AI/" << filename << endl;
+ cout << "/Data/AI/" << filename << endl;
path.append( ("/Data/AI/" + filename + ".xml").c_str() );
SGPropertyNode root;
readProperties(path.str(), &root);
- //cout <<"path " << path.str() << endl;
+ cout <<"path " << path.str() << endl;
try {
readProperties(path.str(), &root);
} catch (const sg_exception &e) {
"Incorrect path specified for AI scenario: ");
- //cout << path.str() << endl;
+ cout << path.str() << endl;
SGPropertyNode * node = root.getNode("scenario");
for (i = 0; i < node->nChildren(); i++) {
- //cout << "Reading entity data entry " << i << endl;
+ cout << "Reading entity data entry " << i << endl;
SGPropertyNode * entry_node = node->getChild(i);
FGAIModelEntity* en = new FGAIModelEntity;
en->cd = entry_node->getDoubleValue("cd", 0.029);
en->mass = entry_node->getDoubleValue("mass", 0.007);
en->radius = entry_node->getDoubleValue("turn-radius-ft", 2000);
- /* en->name = entry_node->getStringValue("name", "");
- en->x_pivot = entry_node->getDoubleValue("x-pivot", 0.0);
- en->y_pivot = entry_node->getDoubleValue("y-pivot", 0.0);
- en->z_pivot = entry_node->getDoubleValue("z-pivot", 0.0); */
+ en->x_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("x-offset-m", 5.5);
+ en->y_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("y-offset-m", 1.0);
+ en->z_offset = entry_node->getDoubleValue("z-offset-m", 1.0);
+ /* en->name = entry_node->getStringValue("name", "");*/
en->wire_objects = getAllNodeVals("wire", entry_node);
en->catapult_objects = getAllNodeVals("catapult", entry_node);
en->solid_objects = getAllNodeVals("solid", entry_node);