+ // Open filebrowser for elements with the class "image-select"
+ // The following part handles the filebrowser for field_fileinput.tpl
+ $("body").on("click", ".image-select", function(e){
+ // set a extra attribute to mark the clicked button
+ this.setAttribute("image-input", "select");
+ Dialog.doImageBrowser("input");
+ });
+ // Insert filebrowser images into the input field (field_fileinput.tpl)
+ $("body").on("fbrowser.image.input", function(e, filename, embedcode, id, img) {
+ // select the clicked button by it's attribute
+ var elm = $("[image-input='select']")
+ // select the input field which belongs to this button
+ var input = elm.parent(".input-group").children("input");
+ // remove the special indicator attribut from the button
+ elm.removeAttr("image-input");
+ // inserte the link from the image into the input field
+ input.val(img);
+ });
// overwrite Dialog.show from main js to load the filebrowser into a bs modal
--- /dev/null
+<div class="form-group field input file">
+ <label for="id_{{$field.0}}" id="label_{{$field.0}}">{{$field.1}}</label>
+ <div class="input-group" id="{{$field.0}}">
+ <input class="form-control file" name="{{$field.0}}" id="id_{{$field.0}}" type="text" value="{{$field.2}}">{{if $field.4}} <span class="required">{{$field.4}}</span> {{/if}}
+ <span class="input-group-addon image-select"><i class="fa fa-picture-o"></i></span>
+ </div>
+ <span id="help_{{$field.0}}" class="help-block">{{$field.3}}</span>
+ <div id="end_{{$field.0}}" class="field_end"></div>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="{{$baseurl}}/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jRange/jquery.range.css" type="text/css" media="screen" />
<script src="{{$baseurl}}/view/theme/quattro/jquery.tools.min.js"></script>
<script src="{{$baseurl}}/view/theme/frio/frameworks/jRange/jquery.range.js"></script>
+<script type="text/javascript" src="{{$baseurl}}/js/ajaxupload.js" ></script>
{{include file="field_select.tpl" field=$schema}}
-{{if $background_image}}{{include file="field_colorinput.tpl" field=$background_image}}{{/if}}
+{{if $background_image}}{{include file="field_fileinput.tpl" field=$background_image}}{{/if}}
<div id="frio_bg_image_options" style="display: none;">
{{foreach $bg_image_options as $options}}