./api.php:68:// @TODO Do stuff here
./autoreg.php:62:// @TODO Add processing of request here
-./beg.php:175: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
+./beg.php:173: // @TODO Opps, what is missing here???
./cron.php:62:// @TODO Do stuff here
./inc/classes/cachesystem.class.php:516: // @TODO Add support for more types which break in last else-block
./inc/config-functions.php:150: // @TODO Make this all better... :-/
./inc/libs/doubler_functions.php:44:// @TODO Lame description
./inc/libs/doubler_functions.php:96: // @TODO Can't this be moved into EL?
./inc/libs/forced_functions.php:457:// @TODO Can't we use our new expression language instead of this ugly code?
-./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:126: // @TODO Rewrite these blocks to filter
+./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:123: // @TODO Rewrite these blocks to filter
./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:47: // @TODO Rewrite this to a dynamic include or so
-./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:96: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
+./inc/libs/mailid_functions.php:93: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/libs/network_functions.php:1182: // @TODO Implement this function, don't forget to set HTTP status back to '200 OK' if everything went fine
./inc/libs/order_functions.php:46: // @TODO Move this array into a filter
./inc/libs/rallye_functions.php:771:// @TODO This function does not load min_users, min_prices, please encapsulate loading rallye data with e.g. getRallyeDataFromId()
./inc/modules/member/what-beg.php:63:// @TODO No more needed? define('__BEG_USERID_TIMEOUT', createFancyTime(getBegUseridTimeout()));
./inc/modules/member/what-logout.php:17: * @TODO Rewrite the code to a filter *
./inc/modules/member/what-logout.php:52: // @TODO Move this in a filter, e.g. member_logout
+./inc/modules/member/what-mydata.php:82: // @TODO Move this to a function (for better EL code)
./inc/modules/member/what-order.php:463: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-payout.php:208: // @TODO Rewrite this to a filter
./inc/modules/member/what-points.php:61:// @TODO Should we rewrite this to a filter?
// Set nickname / userid for template
$content['userid'] = getRequestElement('userid');
$content['clicks'] = (getUserData('beg_clicks') + 1);
- $content['header_banner'] = loadTemplate('beg_header_banner', TRUE);
- $content['footer_banner'] = loadTemplate('beg_footer_banner', TRUE);
$content['points'] = $points;
} // END - if
// Include header
-// Load birthday header template (for your banners, e.g.?)
-$content['header'] = loadTemplate('birthday_header', TRUE);
-// Load birthday footer template (for your banners, e.g.?)
-$content['footer'] = loadTemplate('birthday_footer', TRUE);
// Load final template and output it
loadTemplate('birthday_confirm', FALSE, $content);
} // END - if
// Output error messages
- $content['login_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $loginMessage);
+ $content['login_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $loginMessage);
$content['password1_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $password1Message);
$content['password2_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $password2Message);
- $content['error_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $errorMessage);
+ $content['error_message'] = loadTemplate('admin_login_msg', TRUE, $errorMessage);
} // END - if
// Output message in seperate template
// Add list to constant for the template
$content['rows'] = $OUT;
- // Include add template
- $content['add_form'] = loadTemplate('admin_add_country', TRUE);
// Load main template
loadTemplate('admin_list_country', FALSE, $content);
// Remove entries here...
foreach (postRequestElement('id') as $id => $sel) {
// Remove entry
array(bigintval($id)), __FILE__, __LINE__);
} else {
// Load all payment types
- $result = SQL_QUERY("SELECT
+ $result = SQL_QUERY('SELECT
- `pay_name` ASC",
+ `pay_name` ASC',
__FILE__, __LINE__);
// Are there some payment types setup?
// Free memory
- // Add new payment types here
- $content['add_out'] = loadTemplate('admin_add_sponsor_paytype', TRUE);
// Load final template
loadTemplate('admin_sponsor_paytypes', FALSE, $content);
// Handle description...
if ((empty($content['descr'])) && (!empty($content['template']))) {
// Use description from template
- $content['descr'] = loadTemplate('rallye_' . $content['template'], TRUE);
+ $content['descr'] = '{%template,LoadTemplate=rallye_' . $content['template'] . '%}';
} // END - if
// Set start and end time
$content['start_time'] = generateDateTime($content['start_time'], 1);
$content['end_time'] = generateDateTime($content['end_time'] , 1);
- // Determine min_users
- $content['min_users'] = determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers($content['min_users']);
- // Determine min prices (now in function)
- $content['min_prices'] = determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices($content['min_prices']);
if ($expired === TRUE) {
$content['prices'] = addReferralRallyeWinners('guest', $content['id']);
$content['top_users'] = '<div align="center" class="big">' . $content['extras'] . '</div>';
$content['refid_content'] = loadTemplate('guest_register_refid', TRUE);
- // You may want to modify the register_header.tpl.xx file and not this script when you add your scripts etc. :-)
- $content['header_content'] = loadTemplate('register_header', TRUE);
// ZIP codes are numerical values
$content['zip'] = '';
if ((isPostRequestElementSet('zip')) && (postRequestElement('zip') > 0)) {
$content['change'] = loadTemplate('member_mydata_button', TRUE);
- $content['birth_day'] = padLeftZero($content['birth_day']);
- $content['birth_month'] = padLeftZero($content['birth_month']);
+ // @TODO Move this to a function (for better EL code)
switch (getLanguage()) {
- case 'de': $content['dob'] = $content['birth_day'] . '.' . $content['birth_month'] . '.' . $content['birth_year']; break;
- default : $content['dob'] = $content['birth_month'] . '-' . $content['birth_day'] . '-' . $content['birth_year']; break;
+ case 'de': $content['dob'] = '{%pipe,padLeftZero=' . $content['birth_day'] . '%}.{%pipe,padLeftZero=' . $content['birth_month'] . '%}.' . $content['birth_year']; break;
+ default : $content['dob'] = '{%pipe,padLeftZero=' . $content['birth_month'] . '%}-{%pipe,padLeftZero=' . $content['birth_day'] . '%}-' . $content['birth_year']; break;
} // END - switch
if (isExtensionActive('country')) {
// Handle description...
if ((empty($content['descr'])) && (!empty($content['template']))) {
// Use description from template
- $content['descr'] = loadTemplate('rallye_' . $content['template'], TRUE);
+ $content['descr'] = '{%template,LoadTemplate=rallye_' . $content['template'] . '%}';
} // END - if
- // Determine min_users/prices
- $content['min_users'] = determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers($content['min_users']);
- $content['min_prices'] = determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices($content['min_prices']);
// Set start and end time
$content['start_time'] = generateDateTime($content['start_time'], 1);
$content['end_time'] = generateDateTime($content['end_time'] , 1);
$content['nickname_content'] = loadTemplate('member_reflink_nickname', TRUE, $nick);
} else {
// Display link to nickname form
- $content['nickname_content'] = loadTemplate('member_reflink_no_nickname', TRUE);
+ $content['nickname_content'] = '{%template,LoadTemplate=member_reflink_no_nickname%}';
} // END - if
// Generate right-side output
$content['content'] = addSponsorContent(getWhat());
-// Load header template
-$content['header'] = loadTemplate('sponsor_header', TRUE);
-// Load footer template
-$content['footer'] = loadTemplate('sponsor_footer', TRUE);
// 'You are here' navigation
$content['you_are_here'] = addYouAreHereLink('sponsor', getWhat(), TRUE);
$content['message'] = '<span class="bad">{--BONUS_SHOW_WRONG_CALL--}</span>';
-// Load send_bonus header template (for your banners, e.g.?)
-$content['header'] = loadTemplate('show_bonus_header', TRUE);
-// Load show_bonus footer template (for your banners, e.g.?)
-$content['footer'] = loadTemplate('show_bonus_footer', TRUE);
// Load final template
loadTemplate('show_bonus', FALSE, $content);
Wichtige Hinweise:
-- $content[min_users]
-- $content[min_prices]
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Wichtige Hinweise:
- Es werden nur aktive User gewertet. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
-- $content[min_users]
-- $content[min_prices]
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Wichtige Hinweise:
- Es werden nur aktive User gewertet. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
-- $content[min_users]
-- $content[min_prices]
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Wichtige Hinweise:
- Es werden nur aktive User gewertet. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
-- $content[min_users]
-- $content[min_prices]
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
Wichtige Hinweise:
- Es werden nur aktive User gewertet. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen.
-- $content[min_users]
-- $content[min_prices]
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
+- {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,
<div align="center">
- $content[add_form]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=admin_add_country%}
<td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom right" colspan="3">
<strong>{--ADMIN_RALLYE_MIN_USERS_MINI--}:</strong><br />
- $content[min_users]
+ {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumUsers=$content[min_users]%}
<td align="center" class="{%template,ColorSwitch%} bottom" colspan="2">
<strong>{--ADMIN_RALLYE_MIN_PRICES_MINI--}:</strong><br />
- $content[min_prices]
+ {%pipe,determineReferralRallyeMinimumPrices=$content[min_prices]%}
<div class="para">
- $content[add_out]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=admin_add_sponsor_paytype%}
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="height: 100%">
<td height="10%" align="center">
- <div align="center">$content[header_banner]</div>
+ <div align="center">{%template,LoadTemplate=beg_header_banner%}</div>
<td height="10%" align="center">
- <div align="center">$content[footer_banner]</div>
+ <div align="center">{%template,LoadTemplate=beg_footer_banner%}</div>
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="height: 100%">
<td height="10%" align="center">
- $content[header]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=birthday_header%}
<td height="10%" align="center">
- $content[footer]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=birthday_footer%}
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="640" class="table dashed">
<td colspan="2" class="table_header bottom">
- $content[header_content]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=register_header%}
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="height: 100%">
<td height="10%" align="center">
- $content[header]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=show_bonus_header%}
<td height="10%" align="center">
- $content[footer]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=show_bonus_footer%}
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" class="sponsor_main" width="100%">
<td colspan="2" class="table_header" align="center" height="75">
- $content[header]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=sponsor_header%}
<td colspan="2" class="table_footer" align="center" height="75">
- $content[footer]
+ {%template,LoadTemplate=sponsor_footer%}