1. Label for the input box,
2. Current text for the box,
3. Help text for the input box.
+4. if set to "required" modern browser will check that this input box is filled when submitting the form,
### field_yesno.tpl
<div class="field textarea">
<label for="id_{{$field.0}}">{{$field.1}}</label>
- <textarea name="{{$field.0}}" id="id_{{$field.0}}" aria-describedby="{{$field.0}}_tip">{{$field.2}}</textarea>
+ <textarea name="{{$field.0}}" id="id_{{$field.0}}" aria-describedby="{{$field.0}}_tip"{{if $field.4 eq 'required'}} required{{/if}}>{{$field.2}}</textarea>
{{if $field.3}}
<span class="field_help" role="tooltip" id="{{$field.0}}_tip">{{$field.3 nofilter}}</span>