+ oppositeDirection = 0;
void FGTaxiSegment::setStart(FGTaxiNodeVector *nodes)
altitude = alt;
+int FGTrafficRecord::crosses(FGGroundNetwork *net, FGTrafficRecord &other)
+ if (checkPositionAndIntentions(other) || (other.checkPositionAndIntentions(*this)))
+ return -1;
+ intVecIterator i, j;
+ int currentTargetNode = 0, otherTargetNode = 0;
+ if (currentPos > 0)
+ currentTargetNode = net->findSegment(currentPos )->getEnd()->getIndex(); // OKAY,...
+ if (other.currentPos > 0)
+ otherTargetNode = net->findSegment(other.currentPos)->getEnd()->getIndex(); // OKAY,...
+ if ((currentTargetNode == otherTargetNode) && currentTargetNode > 0)
+ return currentTargetNode;
+ if (intentions.size())
+ {
+ for (i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (currentTargetNode == net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex())
+ {
+ cerr << "Current crosses at " << currentTargetNode <<endl;
+ return currentTargetNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (other.intentions.size())
+ {
+ for (i = other.intentions.begin(); i != other.intentions.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (otherTargetNode == net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex())
+ {
+ cerr << "Other crosses at " << currentTargetNode <<endl;
+ return otherTargetNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (intentions.size() && other.intentions.size())
+ {
+ for (i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++)
+ {
+ for (j = other.intentions.begin(); j != other.intentions.end(); j++)
+ {
+ //cerr << "finding segment " << *i << " and " << *j << endl;
+ currentTargetNode = net->findSegment(*i)->getEnd()->getIndex();
+ otherTargetNode = net->findSegment(*j)->getEnd()->getIndex();
+ if (currentTargetNode == otherTargetNode)
+ {
+ //cerr << "Routes will cross at " << currentTargetNode << endl;
+ return currentTargetNode;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return -1;
+bool FGTrafficRecord::isOpposing (FGGroundNetwork *net, FGTrafficRecord &other, int node)
+ // Check if current segment is the reverse segment for the other aircraft
+ FGTaxiSegment *opp;
+ //cerr << "Current segment " << currentPos << endl;
+ if ((currentPos > 0) && (other.currentPos > 0))
+ {
+ opp = net->findSegment(currentPos)->opposite();
+ if (opp) {
+ if (opp->getIndex() == other.currentPos)
+ return true;
+ }
+ for (intVecIterator i = intentions.begin(); i != intentions.end(); i++)
+ {
+ for (intVecIterator j = intentions.begin(); j != intentions.end(); j++)
+ {
+ // cerr << "Current segment 1 " << (*i) << endl;
+ if (opp = net->findSegment(*i)->opposite())
+ {
+ if (opp->getIndex() ==
+ net->findSegment(*j)->getIndex())
+ {
+ cerr << "Nodes " << net->findSegment(*i)->getIndex()
+ << " and " << net->findSegment(*j)->getIndex()
+ << " are opposites " << endl;
+ if (net->findSegment(*i)->getStart()->getIndex() == node) {
+ {
+ cerr << "Found the node" << endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
* FGGroundNetwork()
totalDistance = 0;
maxDistance = 0;
currTraffic = activeTraffic.begin();
void FGGroundNetwork::addSegment(const FGTaxiSegment &seg)
hasNetwork = true;
int index = 1;
+ sort(nodes.begin(), nodes.end());
+ sort(segments.begin(), segments.end());
FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator i = segments.begin();
while(i != segments.end()) {
//cerr << "initializing node " << i->getIndex() << endl;
i->setEnd (&nodes);
- i->setIndex(index++);
+ i->setIndex(index);
//cerr << "Track distance = " << i->getLength() << endl;
//cerr << "Track ends at" << i->getEnd()->getIndex() << endl;
+ index++;
+ }
+ i = segments.begin();
+ while(i != segments.end()) {
+ FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator j = i->getEnd()->getBeginRoute();
+ while (j != i->getEnd()->getEndRoute())
+ {
+ if ((*j)->getEnd()->getIndex() == i->getStart()->getIndex())
+ {
+ int start1 = i->getStart()->getIndex();
+ int end1 = i->getEnd() ->getIndex();
+ int start2 = (*j)->getStart()->getIndex();
+ int end2 = (*j)->getEnd()->getIndex();
+ int oppIndex = (*j)->getIndex();
+ cerr << "Oppossite of " << i->getIndex() << " (" << start1 << "," << end1 << ") "
+ << "happens to be " << oppIndex << " (" << start2 << "," << end2 << ") " << endl;
+ break;
+ }
+ j++;
+ }
+ i++;
FGTaxiNode *FGGroundNetwork::findNode(int idx)
- for (FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator
- itr = nodes.begin();
- itr != nodes.end(); itr++)
+{ /*
+ for (FGTaxiNodeVectorIterator
+ itr = nodes.begin();
+ itr != nodes.end(); itr++)
- if (itr->getIndex() == idx)
- return itr->getAddress();
- }
- return 0;
+ if (itr->getIndex() == idx)
+ return itr->getAddress();
+ }*/
+ if ((idx >= 0) && (idx < nodes.size()))
+ return nodes[idx].getAddress();
+ else
+ return 0;
FGTaxiSegment *FGGroundNetwork::findSegment(int idx)
for (FGTaxiSegmentVectorIterator
itr = segments.begin();
itr != segments.end(); itr++)
if (itr->getIndex() == idx)
return itr->getAddress();
+ }
+ */
+ if ((idx > 0) && (idx <= segments.size()))
+ return segments[idx-1].getAddress();
+ else
+ {
+ cerr << "Alert: trying to find invalid segment " << idx << endl;
+ return 0;
- return 0;
FGTaxiRoute FGGroundNetwork::findShortestRoute(int start, int end)
-void FGGroundNetwork::update(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt) {
+void FGGroundNetwork::update(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt,
+ double dt) {
TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
// Search search if the current id has an entry
// This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route
i->setPositionAndHeading(lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
current = i;
+ setDt(getDt() + dt);
+ // Update every three secs, but add some randomness
+ // to prevent all IA objects doing this in synchrony
+ //if (getDt() < (3.0) + (rand() % 10))
+ // return;
+ //else
+ // setDt(0);
+ checkSpeedAdjustment(id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
+ checkHoldPosition (id, lat, lon, heading, speed, alt);
+void FGGroundNetwork::checkSpeedAdjustment(int id, double lat,
+ double lon, double heading,
+ double speed, double alt)
// Scan for a speed adjustment change. Find the nearest aircraft that is in front
// and adjust speed when we get too close. Only do this when current position and/or
// intentions of the current aircraft match current taxiroute position of the proximate
- // aircraft.
+ // aircraft. For traffic that is on other routes we need to issue a "HOLD Position"
+ // instruction. See below for the hold position instruction.
+ TrafficVectorIterator current, closest;
+ TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
+ if (activeTraffic.size())
+ {
+ while ((i->getId() != id) && (i != activeTraffic.end()))
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ current = i;
double mindist = HUGE;
if (activeTraffic.size())
double course, dist, bearing, minbearing;
//TrafficVector iterator closest;
for (TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
i != activeTraffic.end(); i++)
i->getLatitude (),
i->getAltitude ());
other.CourseAndDistance(curr, &course, &dist);
- bearing = fabs(heading-course);
- if (bearing > 180)
- bearing = 360-bearing;
- if ((dist < mindist) && (bearing < 60.0))
- {
- mindist = dist;
- closest = i;
- minbearing = bearing;
- }
+ bearing = fabs(heading-course);
+ if (bearing > 180)
+ bearing = 360-bearing;
+ if ((dist < mindist) && (bearing < 60.0))
+ {
+ mindist = dist;
+ closest = i;
+ minbearing = bearing;
+ }
- //cerr << "Distance : " << dist << " bearing : " << bearing << " heading : " << heading
- // << " course : " << course << endl;
+ //cerr << "Distance : " << dist << " bearing : " << bearing << " heading : " << heading
+ // << " course : " << course << endl;
// Only clear the heading adjustment at positive speeds, otherwise the waypoint following
// code wreaks havoc
// Getting close: Slow down to a bit less than the other aircraft
double maxAllowableDistance = (1.1*current->getRadius()) + (1.1*closest->getRadius());
- if (mindist > maxAllowableDistance)
+ if (mindist > maxAllowableDistance)
if (current->checkPositionAndIntentions(*closest))
- double newSpeed = (maxAllowableDistance-mindist);
- current->setSpeedAdjustment(newSpeed);
+ double newSpeed = (maxAllowableDistance-mindist);
+ current->setSpeedAdjustment(newSpeed);
double newSpeed;
if (mindist > 10) {
newSpeed = 0.01;
- current->setSpeedAdjustment(newSpeed);
+ current->setSpeedAdjustment(newSpeed);
} else {
newSpeed = -1 * (maxAllowableDistance-mindist);
- // if (mindist < 5) {
- // double bank_sense = 0;
- // current->setSpeedAdjustment(-0.1);
- // // Do a heading adjustment
- // double diff = fabs(heading - bearing);
- // if (diff > 180)
- // diff = fabs(diff - 360);
- // double sum = heading + diff;
- // if (sum > 360.0)
- // sum -= 360.0;
- // if (fabs(sum - bearing) < 1.0) {
- // bank_sense = -1.0; // turn left for evasive action
- // } else {
- // bank_sense = 1.0; // turn right for evasive action
- // }
- // double newHeading = heading + bank_sense;
- // if (newHeading < 0) newHeading += 360;
- // if (newHeading > 360) newHeading -= 360;
- // current->setHeadingAdjustment(newHeading);
- // //cerr << "Yikes: TOOOO close. backing up and turning to heading " << newHeading
- // // << endl;
- // cerr << "Troubleshooting: " << current->getId() << " Closest : " << closest->getId()
- // << endl;
- // }
+void FGGroundNetwork::checkHoldPosition(int id, double lat,
+ double lon, double heading,
+ double speed, double alt)
+ // Check for "Hold position instruction".
+ // The hold position should be issued under the following conditions:
+ // 1) For aircraft entering or crossing a runway with active traffic on it, or landing aircraft near it
+ // 2) For taxiing aircraft that use one taxiway in opposite directions
+ // 3) For crossing or merging taxiroutes.
+ TrafficVectorIterator current, closest;
+ TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
+ if (activeTraffic.size())
+ {
+ while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end())
+ {
+ i++;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return ;
+ }
+ current = i;
+ current->setHoldPosition(false);
+ double course, dist, bearing, minbearing;
+ for (i = activeTraffic.begin();
+ i != activeTraffic.end(); i++)
+ {
+ if (i != current)
+ {
+ int node = current->crosses(this, *i);
+ if (node != -1)
+ {
+ // Determine whether it's save to continue or not.
+ // If we have a crossing route, there are two possibilities:
+ // 1) This is an interestion
+ // 2) This is oncoming two-way traffic, using the same taxiway.
+ //cerr << "Hold check 1 : " << id << " has common node " << node << endl;
+ SGWayPoint nodePos(findNode(node)->getLongitude (),
+ findNode(node)->getLatitude (),
+ alt);
+ SGWayPoint curr (lon,
+ lat,
+ alt);
+ SGWayPoint other (i->getLongitude (),
+ i->getLatitude (),
+ i->getAltitude ());
+ //other.CourseAndDistance(curr, &course, &dist);
+ bool needsToWait;
+ if (current->isOpposing(this, *i, node))
+ {
+ needsToWait = true;
+ //cerr << "Hold check 2 : " << id << " has opposing segment " << endl;
+ // issue a "Hold Position" as soon as we're close to the offending node
+ // For now, I'm doing this as long as the other aircraft doesn't
+ // have a hold instruction as soon as we're within a reasonable
+ // distance from the offending node.
+ // This may be a bit of a conservative estimate though, as it may
+ // be well possible that both aircraft can both continue to taxi
+ // without crashing into each other.
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ other.CourseAndDistance(nodePos, &course, &dist);
+ if (dist > 2.0*i->getRadius())
+ {
+ needsToWait = false;
+ //cerr << "Hold check 3 : " << id <<" Other aircraft approaching node is still far away. (" << dist << " nm). Can safely continue "
+ // << endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ needsToWait = true;
+ //cerr << "Hold check 4: " << id << " Would need to wait for other aircraft : distance = " << dist << " nm" << endl;
+ }
+ }
+ curr.CourseAndDistance(nodePos, &course, &dist);
+ if (!(i->hasHoldPosition()))
+ {
+ if ((dist < 2.5*current->getRadius()) &&
+ (needsToWait) &&
+ (!(current->getId() == i->getWaitsForId())) &&
+ (!(current->getSpeedAdjustment())))
+ {
+ current->setHoldPosition(true);
+ //cerr << "Hold check 5: " << id <<" Setting Hold Position: distance to node : " << dist << " nm"<< endl;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //cerr << "Hold check 6: " << id << " No need to hold yet: Distance to node : " << dist << " nm"<< endl;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
bool FGGroundNetwork::hasInstruction(int id)
TrafficVectorIterator i = activeTraffic.begin();
// Search search if the current id has an entry
// This might be faster using a map instead of a vector, but let's start by taking a safe route
- if (activeTraffic.size()) {
- while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) {
+ if (activeTraffic.size())
+ {
+ while ((i->getId() != id) && i != activeTraffic.end()) {
FGTaxiNode *getAddress() { return this;};
FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator getBeginRoute() { return next.begin(); };
FGTaxiSegmentPointerVectorIterator getEndRoute() { return next.end(); };
+ bool operator<(const FGTaxiNode &other) const { return index < other.index; };
typedef vector<FGTaxiNode> FGTaxiNodeVector;
FGTaxiNode *start;
FGTaxiNode *end;
int index;
+ FGTaxiSegment *oppositeDirection;
- FGTaxiSegment(FGTaxiNode *, FGTaxiNode *, int);
+ //FGTaxiSegment(FGTaxiNode *, FGTaxiNode *, int);
void setIndex (int val) { index = val; };
void setStartNodeRef (int val) { startNode = val; };
void setEndNodeRef (int val) { endNode = val; };
+ void setOpposite(FGTaxiSegment *opp) { oppositeDirection = opp; };
void setStart(FGTaxiNodeVector *nodes);
void setEnd (FGTaxiNodeVector *nodes);
void setTrackDistance();
FGTaxiNode * getEnd() { return end;};
+ FGTaxiNode * getStart() { return start; };
double getLength() { return length; };
int getIndex() { return index; };
FGTaxiSegment *getAddress() { return this;};
+ bool operator<(const FGTaxiSegment &other) const { return index < other.index; };
+ FGTaxiSegment *opposite() { return oppositeDirection; };
void setAlt (double val) { alt = val; };
+class FGGroundNetwork;
* class FGTrafficRecord
bool hasInstruction() { return instruction.hasInstruction(); };
void setPositionAndHeading(double lat, double lon, double hdg, double spd, double alt);
bool checkPositionAndIntentions(FGTrafficRecord &other);
+ int crosses (FGGroundNetwork *, FGTrafficRecord &other);
+ bool isOpposing (FGGroundNetwork *, FGTrafficRecord &other, int node);
+ bool getSpeedAdjustment() { return instruction.getChangeSpeed(); };
double getLatitude () { return latitude ; };
double getLongitude() { return longitude; };
void clearHeadingAdjustment() { instruction.setChangeHeading(false); };
bool hasHeadingAdjustment() { return instruction.getChangeHeading(); };
+ bool hasHoldPosition() { return instruction.getHoldPosition(); };
+ void setHoldPosition (bool inst) { instruction.setHoldPosition(inst); };
void setWaitsForId(int id) { waitsForId = id; };
double hdg, double spd, double alt, double radius) = 0;
virtual void signOff(int id) = 0;
virtual void update(int id, double lat, double lon,
- double heading, double speed, double alt) = 0;
+ double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt) = 0;
virtual bool hasInstruction(int id) = 0;
virtual FGATCInstruction getInstruction(int id) = 0;
double totalDistance, maxDistance;
void printRoutingError(string);
+ void checkSpeedAdjustment(int id, double lat, double lon,
+ double heading, double speed, double alt);
+ void checkHoldPosition(int id, double lat, double lon,
+ double heading, double speed, double alt);
virtual void announcePosition(int id, FGAIFlightPlan *intendedRoute, int currentRoute,
double lat, double lon, double hdg, double spd, double alt, double radius);
virtual void signOff(int id);
- virtual void update(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt);
+ virtual void update(int id, double lat, double lon, double heading, double speed, double alt, double dt);
virtual bool hasInstruction(int id);
virtual FGATCInstruction getInstruction(int id);