public static function autoLoad ($className) {
// Try to include this class
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] className=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $className);
} // END - if
+ // Keep it in class for later usage
+ $this->ignoreList = $ignoreList;
- * Directories which this class loader ignores by default while
- * scanning the whole directory structure starting from given base
- * path.
+ * Ignore .htaccess by default as it is for protection of directories
+ * on Apache servers.
- array_push($ignoreList, '.');
- array_push($ignoreList, '..');
array_push($ignoreList, '.htaccess');
- // Keep it in class for later usage
- $this->ignoreList = $ignoreList;
- * Set base directory which holds all our classes, we should use an
- * absolute path here so is_dir(), is_file() and so on will always
+ * Set base directory which holds all our classes, an absolute path
+ * should be used here so is_dir(), is_file() and so on will always
* find the correct files and dirs.
$basePath2 = realpath($basePath);
// If the basePath is FALSE it is invalid
if ($basePath2 === FALSE) {
- /* @todo: Do not die here. */
- exit(__METHOD__ . ':Cannot read ' . $basePath . ' !' . PHP_EOL);
+ /* @TODO: Do not exit here. */
+ exit(__METHOD__ . ': Cannot read ' . $basePath . ' !' . PHP_EOL);
} else {
// Set base path
$basePath = $basePath2;
// Get a new iterator
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "<strong>Base path: {$basePath}</strong><br />\n";
- $iterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($basePath));
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] basePath=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $basePath);
+ $iteratorInstance = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($basePath), RecursiveIteratorIterator::CHILD_FIRST);
+ // Load all entries
+ while ($iteratorInstance->valid()) {
+ // Get current entry
+ $currentEntry = $iteratorInstance->current();
- foreach ($iterator as $entry) {
// Get filename from iterator
- $fileName = $entry->getFileName();
+ $fileName = $currentEntry->getFileName();
+ // Get the "FQFN" (path and file name)
+ $fqfn = $currentEntry->getRealPath();
- // Get the FQFN and add it to our class list
- $fqfn = $entry->getRealPath();
+ // Current entry must be a file, not smaller than 100 bytes and not on ignore list
+ if ((!$currentEntry->isFile()) || (in_array($fileName, $this->ignoreList)) || (filesize($fqfn) < 100)) {
+ // Advance to next entry
+ $iteratorInstance->next();
+ // Skip non-file entries
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] SKIP: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
+ continue;
+ } // END - if
// Is this file wanted?
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "FOUND:{$fileName}<br />\n";
- if ((!in_array($fileName, $this->ignoreList)) && (filesize($fqfn) > 100) && (substr($fileName, 0, strlen($this->prefix)) == $this->prefix) && (substr($fileName, -strlen($this->suffix), strlen($this->suffix)) == $this->suffix)) {
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "ADD: {$fileName}<br />\n";
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] FOUND: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
+ if ((substr($fileName, 0, strlen($this->prefix)) == $this->prefix) && (substr($fileName, -strlen($this->suffix), strlen($this->suffix)) == $this->suffix)) {
// Add it to the list
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] ADD: %s,fqfn=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName, $fqfn);
$this->classes[$fileName] = $fqfn;
- } // END - if
- } // END - foreach
+ } else {
+ // Not added
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] NOT ADDED: %s,fqfn=%s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName, $fqfn);
+ }
+ // Advance to next entry
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] NEXT: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
+ $iteratorInstance->next();
+ } // END - while
* missing classes or interfaces. So if you use class_exists() this method
* does not interrupt your program.
- * @param $className The class we shall load
+ * @param $className The class that shall be loaded
* @return void
public function includeClass ($className) {
$fileName = $this->prefix . $className . $this->suffix;
// Now look it up in our index
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "ISSET: ".$fileName." - Start<br />\n";
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] ISSET: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
if ((isset($this->classes[$fileName])) && (!in_array($this->classes[$fileName], $this->loadedClasses))) {
// File is found and not loaded so load it only once
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "LOAD: ".$fileName." - Start<br />\n";
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] LOAD: %s - START' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
- //* DEBUG: */ echo "LOAD: ".$fileName." - End<br />\n";
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] LOAD: %s - END' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
- // Count this include
+ // Count this loaded class/interface/exception
- // Mark this class as loaded
+ // Mark this class as loaded for other purposes than loading it.
array_push($this->loadedClasses, $this->classes[$fileName]);
- // Remove it from classes list
+ // Remove it from classes list so it won't be found twice.
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] UNSET: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
// Developer mode excludes caching (better debugging)
if (!defined('DEVELOPER')) {
// Reset cache
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] classesCached=FALSE' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__);
$this->classesCached = FALSE;
} // END - if
- } // END - if
+ } else {
+ // Not found
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] 404: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
+ }
// Remove it from the list
+ //* NOISY-DEBUG: */ printf('[%s:%d] UNSET: %s' . PHP_EOL, __METHOD__, __LINE__, $fileName);
} // END - if
} // END - foreach