#include "UFO.hxx"
-FGUFO::FGUFO( double dt ) {
+const double throttle_damp = 0.05;
+const double aileron_damp = 0.01;
+const double elevator_damp = 0.01;
+FGUFO::FGUFO( double dt )
+ : Throttle(0.0),
+ Aileron(0.0),
+ Elevator(0.0)
set_delta_t( dt );
double time_step = get_delta_t() * multiloop;
// read the throttle
- double Throttle = globals->get_controls()->get_throttle( 0 );
+ double th = globals->get_controls()->get_throttle( 0 );
+ if (globals->get_controls()->get_brake(0)) {
+ th = -th;
+ }
+ Throttle = th * throttle_damp + Throttle * (1 - throttle_damp);
// read the state of the control surfaces
- double Aileron = globals->get_controls()->get_aileron();
- double Elevator = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator();
+ Aileron = globals->get_controls()->get_aileron() * aileron_damp
+ + Aileron * (1 - aileron_damp);
+ Elevator = globals->get_controls()->get_elevator() * elevator_damp
+ + Elevator * (1 - elevator_damp);
// the velocity of the aircraft
double velocity = Throttle * 2000; // meters/sec
// update (lon/lat) position
double lat2, lon2, az2;
- if ( speed > SG_EPSILON ) {
+ if ( fabs(speed) > SG_EPSILON ) {
geo_direct_wgs_84 ( get_Altitude(),
get_Latitude() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES,
get_Longitude() * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES,