+"""Manage the multiple mirrors that may be requested.
+@var aptpkg_dir: the name of the directory to use for mirror files
from urlparse import urlparse
import os
"""Exception raised when there's a problem with the mirror."""
class MirrorManager:
- """Manages all requests for mirror objects."""
+ """Manages all requests for mirror information.
+ @type cache_dir: L{twisted.python.filepath.FilePath}
+ @ivar cache_dir: the directory to use for storing all files
+ @type unload_delay: C{int}
+ @ivar unload_delay: the time to wait before unloading the apt cache
+ @type apt_caches: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar apt_caches: the avaliable mirrors
+ """
def __init__(self, cache_dir, unload_delay):
self.cache_dir = cache_dir
self.apt_caches = {}
def extractPath(self, url):
+ """Break the full URI down into the site, base directory and path.
+ Site is the host and port of the mirror. Base directory is the
+ directory to the mirror location (usually just '/debian'). Path is
+ the remaining path to get to the file.
+ E.g. http://ftp.debian.org/debian/dists/sid/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
+ would return ('ftp.debian.org:80', '/debian',
+ '/dists/sid/binary-i386/Packages.bz2').
+ @param url: the URI of the file's location on the mirror
+ @rtype: (C{string}, C{string}, C{string})
+ @return: the site, base directory and path to the file
+ """
+ # Extract the host and port
parsed = urlparse(url)
host, port = splitHostPort(parsed[0], parsed[1])
site = host + ":" + str(port)
path = parsed[2]
+ # Try to find the base directory (most can be found this way)
i = max(path.rfind('/dists/'), path.rfind('/pool/'))
if i >= 0:
baseDir = path[:i]
# Uh oh, this is not good
log.msg("Couldn't find a good base directory for path: %s" % (site + path))
+ # Try to find an existing cache that starts with this one
+ # (fallback to using an empty base directory)
baseDir = ''
if site in self.apt_caches:
longest_match = 0
return site, baseDir, path
def init(self, site, baseDir):
+ """Make sure an L{AptPackages} exists for this mirror."""
if site not in self.apt_caches:
self.apt_caches[site] = {}
self.apt_caches[site][baseDir] = AptPackages(site_cache, self.unload_delay)
def updatedFile(self, url, file_path):
+ """A file in the mirror has changed or been added.
+ @see: L{AptPackages.PackageFileList.update_file}
+ """
site, baseDir, path = self.extractPath(url)
self.init(site, baseDir)
self.apt_caches[site][baseDir].file_updated(path, file_path)
def findHash(self, url):
+ """Find the hash for a given url.
+ @param url: the URI of the file's location on the mirror
+ @rtype: L{twisted.internet.defer.Deferred}
+ @return: a deferred that will fire with the returned L{Hash.HashObject}
+ """
site, baseDir, path = self.extractPath(url)
if site in self.apt_caches and baseDir in self.apt_caches[site]:
return self.apt_caches[site][baseDir].findHash(path)
self.client = MirrorManager(FilePath('/tmp/.apt-dht'), 300)
def test_extractPath(self):
+ """Test extracting the site and base directory from various mirrors."""
site, baseDir, path = self.client.extractPath('http://ftp.us.debian.org/debian/dists/unstable/Release')
self.failUnless(site == "ftp.us.debian.org:80", "no match: %s" % site)
self.failUnless(baseDir == "/debian", "no match: %s" % baseDir)
"%s hashes don't match: %s != %s" % (path, found_hash.hexexpected(), true_hash))
def test_findHash(self):
+ """Tests finding the hash of an index file, binary package, source package, and another index file."""
+ # Find the largest index files that are for 'main'
self.packagesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "_main_.*Packages$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
self.sourcesFile = os.popen('ls -Sr /var/lib/apt/lists/ | grep -E "_main_.*Sources$" | tail -n 1').read().rstrip('\n')
+ # Find the Release file corresponding to the found Packages file
for f in os.walk('/var/lib/apt/lists').next()[2]:
if f[-7:] == "Release" and self.packagesFile.startswith(f[:-7]):
self.releaseFile = f
+ # Add all the found files to the mirror
self.client.updatedFile('http://' + self.releaseFile.replace('_','/'),
FilePath('/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile))
self.client.updatedFile('http://' + self.releaseFile[:self.releaseFile.find('_dists_')+1].replace('_','/') +
lastDefer = defer.Deferred()
+ # Lookup a Packages.bz2 file
idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
' | grep -E " main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2$"'
d = self.client.findHash(idx_path)
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, idx_path, idx_hash)
+ # Lookup the binary 'dpkg' package
pkg_hash = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.packagesFile +
' | grep -E "^SHA1:" | head -n 1' +
d = self.client.findHash(pkg_path)
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, pkg_path, pkg_hash)
+ # Lookup the source 'dpkg' package
src_dir = os.popen('grep -A 30 -E "^Package: dpkg$" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.sourcesFile +
' | grep -E "^Directory:" | head -n 1' +
d = self.client.findHash(src_path)
d.addCallback(self.verifyHash, src_path, src_hashes[i])
+ # Lookup a Sources.bz2 file
idx_hash = os.popen('grep -A 3000 -E "^SHA1:" ' +
'/var/lib/apt/lists/' + self.releaseFile +
' | grep -E " main/source/Sources.bz2$"'