#include "airspeed_indicator.hxx"
#include <Main/fg_props.hxx>
#include <Main/util.hxx>
-#include <Environment/environment_mgr.hxx>
-#include <Environment/environment.hxx>
// A higher number means more responsive.
_mach_limit(node->getDoubleValue("mach-limit", 0.48)),
_alt_threshold(node->getDoubleValue("alt-threshold", 13200))
- _environmentManager = NULL;
AirspeedIndicator::~AirspeedIndicator ()
_total_pressure_node = fgGetNode(_total_pressure.c_str(), true);
_static_pressure_node = fgGetNode(_static_pressure.c_str(), true);
_density_node = fgGetNode("/environment/density-slugft3", true);
+ _sea_level_pressure_node = fgGetNode("/environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg", true);
+ _oat_celsius_node = fgGetNode("/environment/temperature-degc", true);
_speed_node = node->getChild("indicated-speed-kt", 0, true);
_tas_node = node->getChild("true-speed-kt", 0, true);
_mach_node = node->getChild("indicated-mach", 0, true);
_airspeed_limit = node->getChild("airspeed-limit-kt", 0, true);
_pressure_alt = fgGetNode(_pressure_alt_source.c_str(), true);
- _environmentManager = (FGEnvironmentMgr*) globals->get_subsystem("environment");
AirspeedIndicator::computeMach(double ias)
- if (!_environmentManager) {
- return;
- }
- FGEnvironment env(_environmentManager->getEnvironment());
// derived from http://williams.best.vwh.net/avform.htm#Mach
// names here are picked to be consistent with those formulae!
- double oatK = env.get_temperature_degc() + 273.15; // OAT in Kelvin
+ double oatK = _oat_celsius_node->getDoubleValue() + 273.15; // OAT in Kelvin
double CS = 38.967854 * sqrt(oatK); // speed-of-sound in knots at altitude
double CS_0 = 661.4786; // speed-of-sound in knots at sea-level
- double P_0 = env.get_pressure_sea_level_inhg();
+ double P_0 = _sea_level_pressure_node->getDoubleValue();
double P = _static_pressure_node->getDoubleValue();
double DP = P_0 * (pow(1 + 0.2*pow(ias/CS_0, 2), 3.5) - 1);
#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>
-// forward decls
-class FGEnvironmentMgr;
* Model an airspeed indicator tied to the pitot and static ports.
SGPropertyNode_ptr _pressure_alt;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _mach_node;
SGPropertyNode_ptr _tas_node;
- FGEnvironmentMgr* _environmentManager;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _sea_level_pressure_node;
+ SGPropertyNode_ptr _oat_celsius_node;