* @category Settings
* @package Laconica
* @author Sarven Capadisli <csarven@controlyourself.ca>
+ * @author Zach Copley <zach@controlyourself.ca>
* @copyright 2008-2009 Control Yourself, Inc.
* @license http://www.fsf.org/licensing/licenses/agpl-3.0.html GNU Affero General Public License version 3.0
* @link http://laconi.ca/
$design = $this->defaultDesign();
- $labelSwatch = array('Background',
- 'Content',
- 'Sidebar',
- 'Text',
- 'Links');
- foreach($userSwatch as $propertyvalue => $value) {
- $foo = array_values($value);
- $this->elementStart('li');
- $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-'.$s), _($labelSwatch[$s]));
- $this->element('input', array('name' => 'swatch-'.$s, //prefer swatch[$s] ?
- 'type' => 'text',
- 'id' => 'swatch-'.$s,
- 'class' => 'swatch',
- 'maxlength' => '7',
- 'size' => '7',
- 'value' => $foo[0]));
- $this->elementEnd('li');
- $s++;
- }
+ $this->elementStart('li');
+ $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-5'), _('Background'));
+ $this->element('input', array('name' => 'design_background',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'id' => 'swatch-5',
+ 'class' => 'swatch',
+ 'maxlength' => '7',
+ 'size' => '7',
+ 'value' => $design->backgroundcolor));
+ $this->elementEnd('li');
+ $this->elementStart('li');
+ $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-1'), _('Content'));
+ $this->element('input', array('name' => 'design_content',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'id' => 'swatch-1',
+ 'class' => 'swatch',
+ 'maxlength' => '7',
+ 'size' => '7',
+ 'value' => $design->contentcolor));
+ $this->elementEnd('li');
+ $this->elementStart('li');
+ $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-2'), _('Sidebar'));
+ $this->element('input', array('name' => 'design_sidebar',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'id' => 'swatch-2',
+ 'class' => 'swatch',
+ 'maxlength' => '7',
+ 'size' => '7',
+ 'value' => $design->sidebarcolor));
+ $this->elementEnd('li');
- $this->elementEnd('ul');
- $this->elementEnd('fieldset');
+ $this->elementStart('li');
+ $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-3'), _('Text'));
+ $this->element('input', array('name' => 'design_text',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'id' => 'swatch-3',
+ 'class' => 'swatch',
+ 'maxlength' => '7',
+ 'size' => '7',
+ 'value' => $design->textcolor));
+ $this->elementEnd('li');
- $this->element('input', array('id' => 'settings_design_reset',
- 'type' => 'reset',
- 'value' => 'Reset',
- 'class' => 'submit form_action-primary',
- 'title' => _('Reset back to default')));
- $this->submit('save', _('Save'), 'submit form_action-secondary', 'save', _('Save design'));
+ $this->elementStart('li');
+ $this->element('label', array('for' => 'swatch-4'), _('Links'));
+ $this->element('input', array('name' => 'design_links',
+ 'type' => 'text',
+ 'id' => 'swatch-4',
+ 'class' => 'swatch',
+ 'maxlength' => '7',
+ 'size' => '7',
+ 'value' => $design->linkcolor));
- /*TODO: Check submitted form values:
- json_encode(form values)
- if submitted Swatch == DefaultSwatch, don't store in DB.
- else store in BD
- */
+ $this->elementEnd('li');
+ $this->elementEnd('ul');
+ $this->elementEnd('fieldset');
+ $this->element('input', array('id' => 'settings_design_reset',
+ 'type' => 'reset',
+ 'value' => 'Reset',
+ 'class' => 'submit form_action-primary',
+ 'title' => _('Reset back to default')));
+ $this->submit('save', _('Save'), 'submit form_action-secondary',
+ 'save', _('Save design'));
function handlePost()
- // TODO: implement this
- return;
+ // CSRF protection
+ $token = $this->trimmed('token');
+ if (!$token || $token != common_session_token()) {
+ $this->showForm(_('There was a problem with your session token. '.
+ 'Try again, please.'));
+ return;
+ }
+ if ($this->arg('save')) {
+ $this->saveDesign();
+ } else if ($this->arg('reset')) {
+ $this->resetDesign();
+ } else {
+ $this->showForm(_('Unexpected form submission.'));
+ }
$this->element('script', array('type' => 'text/javascript',
'src' => $farbtasticGo));
+ /**
+ * Get a default user design
+ *
+ * @return Design design
+ */
+ function defaultDesign()
+ {
+ $defaults = common_config('site', 'design');
+ $design = new Design();
+ $design->backgroundcolor = $defaults['backgroundcolor'];
+ $design->contentcolor = $defaults['contentcolor'];
+ $design->sidebarcolor = $defaults['sidebarcolor'];
+ $design->textcolor = $defaults['textcolor'];
+ $design->linkcolor = $defaults['linkcolor'];
+ $design->backgroundimage = $defaults['backgroundimage'];
+ return $design;
+ }
+ /**
+ * Save the user's design settings
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function saveDesign()
+ {
+ $user = common_current_user();
+ $this->showForm(_('Design preferences saved.'), true);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Reset design settings to previous saved value if any, or
+ * the defaults
+ *
+ * @return void
+ */
+ function resetDesign()
+ {
+ $this->showForm(_('Design preferences reset.'), true);
+ }