--- /dev/null
+"""Store statistics for the Khashmir DHT."""
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+from copy import deepcopy
+class StatsLogger:
+ """Store the statistics for the Khashmir DHT.
+ @ivar _StatsTemplate: a template for returning all the statistics
+ @type config: C{dictionary}
+ @ivar config: the configuration parameters for the DHT
+ @ivar startTime: the time the program was started
+ @ivar reachable: whether we can be contacted by other nodes
+ @type table: L{ktable.KTable}
+ @ivar table: the routing table for the DHT
+ @ivar lastTableUpdate: the last time an update of the table stats was done
+ @ivar nodes: the number of nodes connected
+ @ivar users: the estimated number of total users in the DHT
+ @type store: L{db.DB}
+ @ivar store: the database for the DHT
+ @ivar lastDBUpdate: the last time an update of the database stats was done
+ @ivar keys: the number of distinct keys in the database
+ @ivar values: the number of values in the database
+ @ivar downPackets: the number of packets received
+ @ivar upPackets: the number of packets sent
+ @ivar downBytes: the number of bytes received
+ @ivar upBytes: the number of bytes sent
+ @ivar actions: a dictionary of the actions and their statistics, keys are
+ the action name, values are a list of 5 elements for the number of
+ times the action was sent, responded to, failed, received, and
+ generated an error
+ """
+ _StatsTemplate = [{'name': 'uptime',
+ 'group': 'General',
+ 'desc': 'Up time',
+ 'tip': 'The elapsed time since the program started',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'reachable',
+ 'group': 'General',
+ 'desc': 'Reachable',
+ 'tip': 'Whether other nodes can contact us (not NATted or firewalled)',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'nodes',
+ 'group': 'Routing Table',
+ 'desc': 'Number of nodes',
+ 'tip': 'The number of nodes we are connected to',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'users',
+ 'group': 'Routing Table',
+ 'desc': 'Total number of users',
+ 'tip': 'The estimated total number of users in the DHT',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'keys',
+ 'group': 'Database',
+ 'desc': 'Keys',
+ 'tip': 'The number of distinct keys in the database',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'values',
+ 'group': 'Database',
+ 'desc': 'Values',
+ 'tip': 'The total number of values in the database',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'downPackets',
+ 'group': 'Transport',
+ 'desc': 'Downloaded packets',
+ 'tip': 'The number of received packets',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'upPackets',
+ 'group': 'Transport',
+ 'desc': 'Uploaded packets',
+ 'tip': 'The number of sent packets',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'downBytes',
+ 'group': 'Transport',
+ 'desc': 'Downloaded bytes',
+ 'tip': 'The number of bytes received by the DHT',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'upBytes',
+ 'group': 'Transport',
+ 'desc': 'Uploaded bytes',
+ 'tip': 'The number of bytes sent by the DHT',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ {'name': 'actions',
+ 'group': 'Actions',
+ 'desc': 'Actions',
+ 'tip': 'The number of requests for each action',
+ 'value': None,
+ },
+ ]
+ def __init__(self, table, store, config):
+ """Initialize the statistics.
+ @type table: L{ktable.KTable}
+ @param table: the routing table for the DHT
+ @type store: L{db.DB}
+ @param store: the database for the DHT
+ @type config: C{dictionary}
+ @param config: the configuration parameters for the DHT
+ """
+ # General
+ self.config = config
+ self.startTime = datetime.now()
+ self.reachable = False
+ # Routing Table
+ self.table = table
+ self.lastTableUpdate = datetime.now()
+ self.nodes = 0
+ self.users = 0
+ # Database
+ self.store = store
+ self.lastDBUpdate = datetime.now()
+ self.keys = 0
+ self.values = 0
+ # Transport
+ self.downPackets = 0
+ self.upPackets = 0
+ self.downBytes = 0L
+ self.upBytes = 0L
+ self.actions = {}
+ def tableStats(self):
+ """Collect some statistics about the routing table.
+ @rtype: (C{int}, C{int})
+ @return: the number of contacts in the routing table, and the estimated
+ number of nodes in the entire DHT
+ """
+ if datetime.now() - self.lastTableUpdate > timedelta(seconds = 15):
+ self.lastTableUpdate = datetime.now()
+ self.nodes = reduce(lambda a, b: a + len(b.l), self.table.buckets, 0)
+ self.users = self.config['K'] * (2**(len(self.table.buckets) - 1))
+ return (self.nodes, self.users)
+ def dbStats(self):
+ """Collect some statistics about the database.
+ @rtype: (C{int}, C{int})
+ @return: the number of keys and values in the database
+ """
+ if datetime.now() - self.lastDBUpdate > timedelta(minutes = 1):
+ self.lastDBUpdate = datetime.now()
+ self.keys, self.values = self.store.keyStats()
+ return (self.keys, self.values)
+ def gather(self):
+ """Gather all the statistics for the DHT.
+ @rtype: C{list} of C{dictionary}
+ @return: each dictionary has keys describing the statistic:
+ name, group, desc, tip, and value
+ """
+ self.tableStats()
+ self.dbStats()
+ stats = self._StatsTemplate[:]
+ for stat in stats:
+ val = getattr(self, stat['name'], None)
+ if stat['name'] == 'uptime':
+ stat['value'] = dattime.now() - self.startTime
+ elif stat['name'] == 'actions':
+ stat['value'] = deepcopy(actions)
+ elif val is not None:
+ stat['value'] = val
+ return stats
+ #{ Called by the transport
+ def sentAction(self, action):
+ """Record that an action was attempted.
+ @param action: the name of the action
+ """
+ act = self.actions.setdefault(action, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ act[0] += 1
+ def responseAction(self, response, action):
+ """Record that a response to an action was received.
+ @param response: the response
+ @param action: the name of the action
+ @return: the response (for use in deferreds)
+ """
+ act = self.actions.setdefault(action, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ act[1] += 1
+ return response
+ def failedAction(self, response, action):
+ """Record that a failed response to an action was received.
+ @param response: the response
+ @param action: the name of the action
+ @return: the response (for use in deferreds)
+ """
+ act = self.actions.setdefault(action, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ act[2] += 1
+ return response
+ def receivedAction(self, action):
+ """Record that an action was received.
+ @param action: the name of the action
+ """
+ self.reachable = True
+ act = self.actions.setdefault(action, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ act[3] += 1
+ def errorAction(self, action):
+ """Record that a received action resulted in an error.
+ @param action: the name of the action
+ """
+ act = self.actions.setdefault(action, [0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
+ act[4] += 1
+ def sentBytes(self, bytes):
+ """Record that a single packet of some bytes was sent.
+ @param bytes: the number of bytes in the packet
+ """
+ self.upPackets += 1
+ self.upBytes += bytes
+ def receivedBytes(self, bytes):
+ """Record that a single packet of some bytes was received.
+ @param bytes: the number of bytes in the packet
+ """
+ self.downPackets += 1
+ self.downBytes += bytes